Of No Value: A Vietnam War Era Memoir

Derrick Wolf - 2017
     When Derrick Wolf and Kent Campbell were wounded in battle, they thought the war was over for them. And while the war may have been done with them, the army was not. Of No Value is an unvarnished depiction of the absurdity of war and army life in the early 1970s. From the pitiful treatment received at the army's hospitals to the completion of their service, they were scorned and insulted by the military. The contempt continued at home, this time at the hands of their fellow Americans, who spat and called them "baby killers." Of No Value is a memoir spanning the experiences of two soldiers from the time of their combat injuries to their discharge. It not only captures the ludicrous machinations of the military but also depicts the colorful counterculture life of the United States in the early 70s. Both Wolf and Campbell are Bronze Star and Purple Heart recipients. Wolf is also the author of Boys for Men, a best-selling Vietnam memoir.

A Mail Order Bride’s Hope

Faith Crawford - 2017
    Will love and strength conquer? Grace Owens has always longed for adventure. Being a restless spirit, the stories that came from the West fired her blood. So when her parish in Pittsburg brings a newspaper ad to her attention, her decision is made. She agrees to become a mail order bride and marry a man she has never met. Alonzo Forrester has everything he wants, except a wife and family. When Grace arrives on the train to be his, he thinks that everything will fall into place. But when tragedy strikes under the open skies of Montana, Grace finds herself thrown into caring for a farm and ailing husband with no experience in either. Can she muster the strength and courage to carry out the tasks ahead? Can Grace and Alonzo build a home and family together in this unforgiving land? Will they find love together? AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is a 65-page stand-alone story with an HEA, so no cliff-hangers.

SLOW DRiP: First in a series of heart-racing thrillers

Gary Polisano - 2019
    Clues and taunts left by the killer along with the knowledge held by the teenager cause the three characters to intersect in a dangerous game of cat and mouse.

A Bad Place To Be

John Hansen - 2015
    Their dream of owning a ranch in Idaho's Salmon River country kept them going during those tough times in the Army. The dream, however, is derailed when Seth is murdered in the Bear Creek gold fields. In his quest to obtain justice for his friend, Josh is plunged into a quagmire of corruption and wickedness. And then, to complicate matters even more, enter Sarah, an outcast prostitute looking for a ticket to respectability. Is she friend, lover or just someone looking for a free ride out of Bear Creek? Josh has to decide - assuming he lives that long. However, staying alive might be difficult, given the character of the sheriff and his cronies. Few people trust them to uphold the law, yet no one dares to challenge them. The simplest solution to this entire mess would be to walk away, but Josh's conscience won't allow that. Only time will tell if he is to take his stubborn loyalty to the grave.

Boone's Crew: A Mafia Romance Box Set

Sofia Westlake - 2019
    Not just any man, but a naked man with severe injuries all over her body. She should have driven on, should have left him there. But how could she leave a man to die that way? She took him home, aware that it could be the biggest mistake she’d ever made. She was already on the run, already trying to live as much off the grid as possible. What was she going to do with an injured man? What if he died in her bed? What would she do then? Teaching Lincoln Janet Spence—Summer—is the daughter of the local district attorney who plays at being a thief, doing all she can to humiliate her mother. That is until she gets caught by a local football hero who kidnaps her and plans a dark sort of revenge. Just her luck that Lincoln happens to choose that day to break into the football star’s house and recover items that will just pay off his gambling debts to the Gabbana family. Lincoln shows no interest in the tied up girl at first, but when he learns who she really is, how could he resist collecting this bit of leverage against a district attorney who ran on the campaign promise that she would rid Tampa of Lincoln and his faction of criminals? Cason's Girl Cason Durst was once carefree and popular, the kind of college kid who thinks he knows everything. And then he was arrested and met Lincoln Steele. Lincoln saved him, fixed his problems, and offered him a job. Now Cason keeps to himself, learning all he can from the men who formed Boone’s crew. He’s learned that making friends, falling in love, all those things he once took for granted, are dangerous to him now. He’s learned to keep to himself. In fact, he’s become kind of awkward. Shy, even. Therefore, he’s the last one anyone could have expected Lincoln to send out on a mission to romance a pretty girl. Let It Raine Kara Tripp walks into Jett’s office one afternoon, begging him to forgive the debt of her lover, Harry. She’s willing to do anything, a fact that’s underscored when she begins to undress right there in his office. Jett has had a lot of offers over the years, and he’s never had the patience for it. But when he hears that Kara just happens to be a therapist who works with autistic children, he can’t pass up the opportunity to see if her skills can help improve Raine’s behavior. Jett and Kara make a deal in which she goes to work for him and Raine for six months, and he will forgive Harry’s debt. And it works, for four months, it works perfectly. But then a mole pops up in Boone’s Crew, and Jett finds himself questioning everything, and everyone, around him. Boone's End Titus betrayed his crew. In his world, betrayal was a crime punishable by death. He has two choices: embrace the very enemy that threatens to rip his world apart, or turn himself in to the very men who would like nothing more than to put a bullet in his brain. It’s not a simple choice. Titus has to decide where his loyalties really lay, and figure out who he can trust before it’s too late and an innocent pays for his mistakes. Jude Volz lost her brother to violence, and her father went to jail when she needed him the most. Determined to make someone pay, she trusted the wrong man, and now she’s caught up in something she can’t control. Locked in a car with a traitor, she has no choice but to trust Titus, to open up to him, and hope that together they can find a way out of an impossible situation. But now they’re running not just from his crew, but from hers as well.

A Last Goodbye

Dee Yates - 2018
    In time they're joined by rugged farmhand Tom, come to lend some muscle to Ellen's ageing father, who has begun to find sheep farming hard to manage alone. Almost inevitably romance grows between Ellen and the new arrival but once married however, Ellen discovers that Tom has a brutish side to his character. As war in Europe spreads, she begins to dream of him leaving for the trenches as a way for her to escape.Even with Tom fighting abroad however, the family can not hide from the realities of war as a group of POWs are brought to their valley to build a reservoir. And amongst the men, sworn enemies and shunned by all the locals, Ellen finds a gentler heart that she finds difficult to resist...


William Kelso - 2013
    At the battle of Mons Graupius the Roman army led by Governor Agricola destroys the Caledonian confederation that has formed to oppose the Roman invasion.In the aftermath of the battle a Caledonian boy reveals a secret that has the potential to change Roman strategy in the north forever.Marcus, an auxiliary Roman cavalry soldier is ordered to investigate andpromptly disappears into the remote trackless wastes of the north.In Rome his estranged father and retired Legionary, Corbulo sets out to find his only son and bring him home. So starts an adventure that will take Corbulo to the remotest parts of Caledonia and plunge him into the low intensity conflict that is raging between the scattered Caledonian war bands and the Roman forts and garrisons of Agricola's occupying army. Corbulo will need all his wits, courage and experience to fend off hostile and proud Barbarian warriors, a gang of murderous mercenaries and the lure of a dazzling prize."


David Pilling - 2016
    The March lands between England and Scotland are a place of terror, where outlaw bands and broken men rob, pillage and murder in open defiance of the law. Here, deadly blood-feud is a way of life. Families of robbers, known as Border Reivers, live via blackmail and terrorism. No man sleeps safe in his bed, and the sound of hoofbeats on the tops is a herald of death. Richie Reade, known as Richie O’the Bow, finds himself dragged into this dark and bloody world. One night his village is raided by a gang of Armstrongs, the most dreaded of the reiver families. After he slays two of the gang, Richie is declared a dead man walking: the Armstrongs and their allies will not rest until they have his head. Betrayed by the law, Richie is forced to flee into the wilderness. He and his fellow outlaws begin to forge a reputation as Richie’s Bairns, killing the Armstrongs wherever they find them. Meanwhile the Border is threatened by war. The rebellious northern earls plan to depose the Protestant Queen of England, Elizabeth I, and replace her with the Catholic Mary Stewart. Many of the reiver families rise to join the rebellion, and the earls march south under the Banner of the Five Wounds. Civil war threatens to break out in England, even as fresh murder and conspiracy raise havoc in Scotland. With the north in turmoil, and the Border in a state of bloody flux, Richie and his outlaws do what they can to survive. As his fame grows, Richie finds himself drawn inexorably into the war for England’s soul. When the final battle looms, above the rushing waters of the Hell Beck, he must choose his fate. Reiver is the latest novella by David Pilling, author of the Caesar’s Sword trilogy, Leader of Battles, The White Hawk and Soldier of Fortune.

Laird of the Game

Lori Leigh - 2006
    She's an American tourist who just happened to stumble into a Celtic Warrior Reality Game. Melissa is certain she has stepped through the magical mist of Scotland - to go back in time. He captures her heart from the first moment they look at each other. For Alexander's six brothers, it's a game of deception as they convince Melissa she is in the 18th century. Along with two hundred and fifty warriors, they battle against the challenging Prince. It's a game of wits, and it's anyone's guess who will win. Alexander, their greatest warrior is smitten, and they are honor bound to keep his secrets.

Whispers from the Cove

Jeanne Hardt - 2017
     Her beautiful home in Cades Cove, Tennessee, lies deep in the Smoky Mountains. For decades, her family has farmed and lived peacefully, until the soldiers came and made every day a struggle to survive. Whether they wear gray or blue, the men in uniform arrive unexpectedly and take whatever they want. Not only do they steal food and livestock, but some believe they can help themselves to anything they desire. Lily now has something to fear. Caleb Henry is running from his own battles, bleeding and broken. He seeks refuge in the cove and literally runs into Lily. Because he’s injured, she shows compassion and sneaks him into her cabin, trusting her folks to tend him. But there’s more to Caleb than they see on the surface. His arrival changes their lives, and what happens going forward can never be undone.


Lola Silverman - 2017
    5 books and NO cliffies! Boiling Point Every time the Army Corps of Engineers goes into a town to do a project, they send someone like me in to assess the possible reaction of the locals. From the first minute I tried to talk to these people it was like hitting my head against a wall! Then there’s resort owner Chase Kingston of course. The guy looks like an underwear model wandering around in the wilderness. He hunts snakes and works part time as a fishing guide and he’s completely the wrong kind of man for someone like me. But if he can help me get the people in this town to cooperate, I’m willing to spend a little extra time with him. It’s not like that would be a hardship. Absolute Zero One of the things I like best about the military is the complete lack of gray area. Things are black and white. I like absolutes and I like order. So when I get stuck on this job in Wilson Hollow I figure I’ll use my brand of law and order to make this project a fast success. Of course that was before I met Reese Coburn. The woman seems to take great pleasure in irritating the crap out of me and questioning my every decision. Center of Gravity I’m not entirely sure that anyone has luck as bad as Kelsey Kingston’s. The woman has been trapped on her brother’s resort for years while she waits for him to buy her out. She’s had a tough time finding a job because there aren’t that many businesses in a small town, and now she’s been fired from her job and accused of murder.I know Kelsey didn’t kill that man and I aim to prove it. Pendulum The army has been accused of murder and so they’ve brought in their own investigator. Lieutenant Buck Colson is the most arrogant man I’ve ever met! Unfortunately he’s also the best looking, which is totally distracting when I’m working so hard not to notice him. He’s on my turf, he’s poking around, and he’s starting to reveal some things that have been wrong in Wilson Hollow for a long, long time. Melting Point Alison Thomason was the one who got away. That much has always been true for me. I never really understood what happened when we were kids, but then we were from very different families. Now I’m back in Wilson Hollow on army business and Alison is doing everything she can to poke at me. I wonder if she realizes that we’re on the same team.


L.J. Martin - 2002
    Just as he arrives in the Judith country of Montana, he’s arrested for robbing the Bozeman stage and killing a shotgun guard. Desperate to reach his long-lost brother in Helena, and knowing he doesn’t stand a chance with this version of the law, Sam breaks loose – and rides hard and deep into the mountains.

Faith of a Highlander: A Scottish Time Travel Romance (Arch Through Time Book 16)

Katy Baker - 2021

Bonds of Courage

Sandy Hill - 2012
    Within an hour, the family is torn asunder. While her husband is away, Indians seize her and their sons, carrying them to an unknown fate. Only her teenage daughter escapes. Alone in the world, young Jane fights to make her way, while her father searches frantically for her. Amidst the turmoil of the Revolutionary War, the family struggles to reunite. Soon even greater tragedy erupts. Book club discussion questions included. Also by Sandy Hill: "Tangled Threads," set in a 1890s cotton mill village. The novel tells the story of two strong women whose lives intersect through the years in both painful and joyful ways.

The Mystery of Garabandal: Fantasy or Fraud? Ghost or God?

L.R. Walker - 2013
    Eyes fixed on a mysterious point in the air, they were mesmerized by something which was invisible to everyone else. What the girls said they saw--and heard--sent shock waves that are still reverberating today. The messages the four girls claimed to receive revealed a picture of a Catholic church in crisis and a world that faced an earth-shattering future that would unfold in their lifetime. The girls’ pronouncements about coming trouble in the church and world were met with fierce skepticism from the first. Some charged the girls with being possessed by demons (based on the girls’ strange physical poses and apparent levitation), and others claimed the girls were putting on an act (revealing their true colors when they chose ordinary married lives instead of the convent). There was also a third body of critics: those who believed that a group of girls on the cusp of adolescence in a remote and insular society conjured up a psychodrama which, fueled by the spotlight and mounting frenzy, gained a frightening life of its own. There was one other possibility--that the strange events in Garabandal, Spain actually did occur, and the girls received an apocalyptic warning for both the church and the modern world. The warning to the world included a prediction that a newly militant Russia would rise again. The prophecies of Garabandal also foretell a World-Wide Warning and a Global Miracle, whose purpose is to convince a world reeling from one catastrophe to the next that God exists. But the Warning and Miracle, dramatic as they sound, are not even the most unsettling of the messages. One night, the young girls dissolved into screams. During this so-called “Night of the Screams,” the girls say they were shown a tragic chastisement that would befall the entire world if the Warning and Miracle failed to trigger global change. As disquieting as those messages were, the most shocking message at Garabandal was for the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church. Why were the messages of Garabandal so effectively suppressed? Did it have to do with the fact that the messages presciently warned of coming scandal and turmoil in the Roman Catholic Church itself? Did a portal open between worlds on a Spanish mountaintop in that summer of 1961? And if so, who opened the door--an angel of God or an angel of darkness? Did a young girl's flight of fancy one summer night spin wildly out of control? Or was it a visitation from God? Now that the “girls” at the center of this drama are 60-year-old women, should their claims be discredited or re-examined? Are the apparitions bogus or fast-approaching their fulfillment? If the events are false, Garabandal is a fascinating and perhaps tragic human interest story with several explanations. If the events and warnings are true--then what do we do? By the end of this book, readers can judge whether the visions of four young seers on a mountaintop in Spain were historical fact, a devilish fraud, or the creative confusion of four girls who would spend the rest of their lives trying to escape a human tragicomedy that they themselves had produced.