
K.R. Griffiths - 2013
    Davids to maintain a low profile after his time spent as a city cop ended in disaster. The town is perfect for him: isolated. A tiny population. Virtually no crime.Until the night the strange canisters fall from the sky and the town priest starts killing people with his teeth. To Michael, the bloodbath looks like a murder case that the quiet town's two police officers can't possibly handle. But this isn't just a crime scene.And the priest is just the beginning...


Robert Paine - 2013
    It turned out to be the complete opposite...A camping trip in the mountains of Vermont is interrupted when a group of friends discover there has been a zombie outbreak. Having been disconnected from the world for the past week, and one of their group already bitten, the friends have to make their way down the mountain and find safety. Can the group cover miles of dark woods on foot while trying to avoid getting overtaken by the undead? What caused the outbreak? Are there any other survivors?Read on to find out...Warning: Volume 1 is a 11,000 word story that contains gritty action, bad language, violence, and the Undead. Read at your own risk.

The Last Survivors

T.W. Piperbrook - 2014
    Technology has been reduced to legend, monsters roam the forests, and fear reigns supreme. But that is just the beginning... The wind-borne spores are spreading, disfiguring men and twisting their minds, turning them into creatures that threaten to destroy the townships. Among the townsfolk, political and the religious, dissension is spreading. Through it all, a mother must protect her son...


Amanda Hocking - 2010
    This is the way the world ends - not with a bang or a whimper, but with zombies breaking down the back door.Nineteen-year-old Remy King is on a mission to get across the wasteland left of America, and nothing will stand in her way - not violent marauders, a spoiled rock star, or an army of flesh-eating zombies.

Get Off My Lawn

Perry Kivolowitz - 2013
    Together they fight to survive the apocalypse with a unique technologist's perspective. Zombies are massing in hordes numbering in the millions. The Government has an agenda. Ruth Ann has stone cold hunter's skills and Doug has a data center. Containing a number of twists and observations possibly not seen in the genre before, Get Off My L@wn takes you through more than 40 days post breakout and tells a complete story.We all know that one zombie's bellowing will attract others. What happens when this process continues indefinitely? How can a military mount an effective defense of humanity without nuclear weapons? Would you have to sign a waiver of liability in order to receive help from the Government?Where's the best place to form a refugee camp to house hundreds of thousands? How do you keep those people happy? What will happen to the nature of Congress as a result of the Zombie Apocalypse?All these questions and much much more are answered in this thoughtful book.Thank you to the many hundreds who downloaded my book during its first free promotion. Please consider writing a review of this, my first effort.

Last Stand

Michael Stephen Fuchs - 2019
    engagement from D-Day to Black Hawk Down. They are the lastAmerican boots on the ground in the entire Syrian civil war... on the last day before the Fall of human civilization. When they are tasked with stopping a unit of Spetsnaz operators from inserting under the chaos, an advanced Russian Navy frigate becomes the last place left on Earth for the Rangers to find refuge. Now, after six months held captive as scavenging mercenaries for Spetsnaz, to earn their freedom they will have to take on the most hazardous shore mission in the entire history of the ZA. Welcome to the Zulu Alpha Devastation. Devotion. Sacrifice. LAST STAND ARISENHope Never Dies.

The Zombie War Battle for Britain

Tom Holroyd - 2017
    No one knows the true figure of those who lost their lives in the long years of the war and tragically too many have lost their lives in the years of peace that have followed. Life expectancy is a shadow of what it was and many diseases and ailments that science thought it had eradicated have returned. Many of those who survived the war have since died, taking with them the stories and memories of the most devastating and important struggle that mankind has ever waged. This book is the record of those stories, an attempt to remember the actions of those who lived through this devastating conflict. From the first stages of the outbreak, to the chaos of the mass panic and finally to the death of the last Infected, it is a homage to those who saved our nation.


L.I. Albemont - 2012
    Almost overnight the town becomes a snowy tomb of the roaming, hungry infected. Stranded by the weather, hiding, a small group of survivors follows the progress of the disease as society around them and around the world begins to break down. Determined to escape, they find that the normal rules of civilization don’t apply anymore. Will they be able to adapt to this strange, hungry new world?

Dead Tide

Stephen A. North - 2008
    BUT THERE ARE SURVIVORS. Nick Talaski is a hard-bitten, angry cop. Graham is a newly divorced cab driver. Bronte is a Gulf War veteran hunting his brother's killer. Janicea is a woman consumed by unflinching hate. Trish is a gentleman's club dancer. Morgan is a morgue janitor. THERE ARE NO CONTINGENCY PLANS FOR THIS. The dead have risen and the citizens of St. Petersburg and Pinellas Park are trapped. The survivors are scattered, and options are few. And not all monsters are created by a bite. Some still have a mind of their own...


Ricky Fleet - 2015
    Portsmouth, England. A global particle physics experiment releases a pulse of unknown energy with catastrophic results. Scientists in their laboratories search desperately for a solution to the broken fabric of existence, but they are already too late, the sanctity of the grave has been sundered. There is no virus or bacteria to combat, just chaos and horror as a million graveyards expel their tenants from eternal slumber. The world is unaware of the impending apocalypse, realisation only dawns with the appearance of the mouldering corpses who devour everything they encounter. Governments crumble and armies are scattered to the wind. Kurt Taylor, a self-employed plumber, witnesses the start of the horrifying outbreak. Desperate to reach his family before they fall victim to the ever growing horde of shambling corruption, he flees the scene, watching the unfolding cannibalism and destruction in his rear view mirror. In a society with few guns, how can people hope to survive the endless waves of zombies that seek to consume every living thing? With ingenuity, planning and everyday materials, the group forge their way and strike back at the Hellspawn legions. Rescues are mounted, but not all survivors are benevolent. The evil that is in all men has been given free rein in this new, dead world. With both the living and dead to contend with, is there any hope for the Taylor family?

Don of the Living Dead

Robert DeCoteau - 2011
    He must brave the savage streets to escape downtown Seattle in order to save his six-year-old son and his cruelly, vindictive ex-wife, but first he has to figure out how to escape the zombie standing outside the door of his bathroom stall.This tale is packed with dark humor, gratuitous gore, and extreme violence. It's a nonstop, action packed thrill ride. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll run screaming in terror!Come on people how many more cliches do you need? It's a book about zombies; buy it, love it, and recommend it to your friends.

Family Reunion

P. Mark DeBryan - 2015
    The last thing on his mind was the end of the world and having to defend himself from the savage by-products of a CDC-issued vaccine. With his wife and grown children on the other side of the country and no viable means to get to them, Ryan bands with his brother and niece. Together, they set out to locate family members who were en route to the reunion when the world collapsed. As they journey together, Ryan finds strength and hope to survive. But will it be enough to help his large extended family regroup? Most importantly, will he live long enough to return to his wife and children, and what will he find when he does?


Clayton Smith - 2014
    Unfortunately, that "normal" includes collapsing skyscrapers, bands of bloodthirsty maniacs, and a dwindling cache of survival supplies. After watching his family, friends, and most of the non-sadistic elements of society crumble around him, Patrick decides it's time to cross one last item off his bucket list. He’s going to Disney World. This hilarious, heartfelt, gut-wrenching odyssey through post-apocalyptic America is a pilgrimage peppered with peril, as fellow survivors Patrick and Ben encounter a slew of odd characters, from zombie politicians and deranged survivalists to a milky-eyed oracle who doesn't have a lot of good news. Plus, it looks like Patrick may be hiding the real reason for their mission to the Magic Kingdom...

Zero Day

Bobby Adair - 2013
    Disturbing news footage is flooding the cable news channels. People are worried. People are frightened. But Zed Zane is oblivious. Zed needs to borrow rent money from his parents. He gets up Sunday morning, drinks enough tequila to stifle his pride and heads to his mom’s house for a lunch of begging, again.But something is wrong. There's blood in the foyer. His mother's corpse is on the living room floor. Zed's stepdad, Dan is wild with crazy-eyed violence and attacks Zed when he comes into the house. They struggle into the kitchen. Dan's yellow teeth tear at Zed's arm but Zed grabs a knife and stabs Dan, thirty-seven times, or so the police later say.With infection burning in his blood, Zed is arrested for murder but the world is falling apart and he soon finds himself back on the street, fighting for his life among the infected who would kill him and the normal people, who fear him.

A Small World

R.S. Merritt - 2019
    In this first book stand with our heroes as the Zombies overrun the planet. Watch as normal people have to deal with extraordinary circumstances. How far will they go to protect their loved ones? The Apocalypse will cause some to stand a little taller and reach deep within themselves to be their best self. Others will collapse under the weight of it. Still others will seize on it to prey on their fellow man. Fast paced and written with an eye for detail. You'll really be able to see yourself with the characters in this story. Fighting the fight along with them. Experience Zombies!