Earth Must BE Stopped (The Assassin Guild, #1)

Saxon Andrew - 2018
    Fifty-colonies were founded hundreds of years ago, after Nordstrum Haladay discovered Phase Field technology. Millions of Colonists left Earth to escape the incessant wars, famine, and over-population plaguing the planet. Earth regressed to a primitive civilization after nuclear holocaust killed more than twelve-billion. They became little more than primitive farmers; blaming science and technology for the climactic nuclear war and abhorred all technology. The colonies were left to fend for themselves. Four-hundred-years after the war, the Colonies sent starships back to Earth to trade for the crops and forced an unfairly low price on the farmers. Earthlings came to detest the colonies and decided that technology might be needed for defense. Earth began evolving quickly and three-hundred-years, after the colony traders first arrived, Earth rivaled the colonies in advanced technology. However, Earth did not possess Phase Field Technology, and was held captive inside their Solar System for lack of stardrive technology. The colonies knew if Earth possessed a stardrive there would be reason to worry. The President of the Colonies’ Council has intel information that a scientist on Earth might be close to developing a working Phase Field Stardrive and felt that Earth must be stopped! The Assassins Guild was contracted to eliminate the scientist and all those working around him to prevent the discovery of a stardrive. The Assassins Guild kills millions of citizens in the colonies every year and receives billions in payment. This contract would be the most difficult ever accepted by the Guild. The assassins will take on the daunting task of blending in with Earth’s population, being forced to operate on a planet they are completely unfamiliar with while avoiding Earth’s formidable Security Forces. The top two ranked assassins are chosen for the contract and don’t know what lies ahead. The twists and turns in this full-length novel at 94,000 words will keep you guessing at what’s coming next as you keep turning the pages to find out. Excerpt: Earth Must Be Stopped Tal lowered his eyes, “The Council will be extremely unhappy if the Assassins Guild fails to carry out their contract.” The Guild Master’s face turned angry, “What are you saying? Is this a threat?” “No, Guild Master, I’ll accept the job on one condition?” “And what is that?” “I want the names of the guild members that paid you off to send us?” The Guild Master stared at Tal, and Tal continued, “You know you’d prefer to not have to look over your shoulder wondering if they’re angry if we survive. I’d be doing you a favor, Guild Master.” The Guild Master turned to Ka, “Are you in or out?” Tal turned to Ka, “He’s right, Ka. The reason he’s sending two-agents is because the security forces on Earth know that assassins usually work alone. If either of us tried to do this alone, Earth’s agents would be on us like white on rice. We know nothing about what we’ll be facing on Earth and scouting will be close to impossible. Going as a couple makes sense and increases the odds of success.” Ka stared at Tal and then turned back to the Guild Master, “I’m in, if you give him the names…” The Guild Master stared at her and she smiled, “before we leave.” “You won’t have time to do anything about it.” “Even so.” The Guild Master took out a business card from a desk drawer and wrote on the back of it.

Picking the Right Heart

Jade Winters - 2017
     But her search proves fruitless until she tracks down Jessica – the granddaughter of the elusive woman. An immediate attraction is sparked between the two women but Adriana’s life is already planned out for her and the last thing she needs is any more complications. As both women embark on a journey around the world, they uncover forbidden love, deep regret and are taught that true love should never be denied.

Partners - Book One

Melissa Good - 2013
    Seas cover most of the land areas except high elevations which exist as islands where the remaining humans have learned to make do with much less. People survive on what they can take from the sea and with foodstuffs supplemented from an orbiting set of space stations.Jess Drake is an agent for Interforce, a small and exclusive special forces organization that still possesses access to technology. Her job is to protect and serve the citizens of the American continent who are in conflict with those left on the European continent. The struggle for resources is brutal, and when a rogue agent nearly destroys everything, Interforce decides to trust no one. They send Jess a biologically-created agent who has been artificially devised and given knowledge using specialized brain programming techniques.Instead of the mindless automaton one might expect, Biological Alternative NM-Dev-1 proves to be human and attractive. Against all odds, Jess and the new agent are swept into a relationship neither expected. Can they survive in these strange circumstances? And will they even be able to stay alive in this bleak new world?

Six Earlier Days

David Levithan - 2012
    A must never get too attached, must never be noticed, must never interfere.  The novel Every Day starts on Day 5994 of A’s life. In this digital-only collection Six Earlier Days, Levithan gives readers a glimpse at a handful of the other 5993 stories yet to be told that inform how A navigates the complexities of a life lived anew each day.  In Every Day, readers discover if you can truly love someone who is destined to change every day. In Six Earlier Days, readers will discover a little bit more about how A became that someone. Fans of Levithan’s books such as Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist, co-written with Rachel Cohn, and Will Grayson, Will Grayson, co-written with John Green, will not want to miss A’s adventures in Every Day and Six Earlier Days.


Stephanie Ahn - 2018
    But who has time to dwell on the past when you're trying to make rent in New York? Things are mostly clean and simple, until her next odd job is brought to her by a representative of a powerful corporate family—a family she once had close personal ties to. As she unwillingly digs through six years' worth of personal baggage, she's also got to contend with an inhuman admirer shadowing her in the street. But hey, maybe it'll be worth it for the beautiful women she gets to kiss...(Warning: Contains elements of BDSM)

Shadows of Aggar

Chris Anne Wolfe - 1991
    Her mission: Rescue a downed pilot and spy from Aggar's badlands. But Aggar is not part of the Terran empire and before Aggar's Council will allow the journey, Diana must be bonded to a Shadowmate. That's when things get interesting. Shadows are exceptional guides, field companions and fighters. However, Elana is also something more -- she's gifted with the magic of the Blue Sight, a sixth sense that allows her to read and manipulate intentions through the shifting colors of an individual's amarin. She's also been gifted with dreams. Dreams of a certain Amazon. Aided by friends and flying eitteh, haunted by Changelings, madmen and laser guns, Diana and Elana cross the vast and varied lands that are Aggar. In their race against time to prevent an all-out intergalactic war, the two women become erotically entangled. But all too soon they discover that when the stakes are this high, nothing is ever easy and choices are never simple.


Ann Roberts - 2007
    What happens when two strong willed women meet and are forced to find common ground?Respected sociology professor Diane Cole has written the book on love. Every matter of the heart is neatly explained, and Diane’s life spins in a smooth circle. At her fortieth birthday party a beautiful young stranger named Ronnie Frost surprises her with a kiss, and the predictable story that is Diane’s life is complicated further when Ronnie appears in one of her classes.Diane finds her views on love challenged by her own heart, as she fights the attraction she feels for a woman half her age, a woman who is brilliant in every way.

The Wild Adventure of Jasper Renn

Kady Cross - 2013
    So when the group's mechanical genius Emily is abducted, he'll plunge into England's darkest places to rescue her….But his old flame Wildcat is turning London town upside down to find her missing sister, and Jasper finds the attraction between himself and the fierce beauty as tempting and dangerous as ever. Their trail leads deep into the city's most unusual circus. Soon, Jasper will find his loyalties—and future—tested more than he could ever imagine….And don't miss Jasper's continuing exploits in The Girl with the Iron Touch by Kady Cross, available now from Harlequin TEEN.

Life Before Legend

Marie Lu - 2012
    As twelve-year-olds struggling to survive in two very different worlds within the Republic’s stronghold, June was starting her first day of school at Drake University as the youngest cadet ever admitted, and Day was fighting for food on the streets of the Lake sector. LIFE BEFORE LEGEND contains two original stories written by Marie Lu that give readers a sneak peek into the lives of their favorite characters in a thrilling new context.


Ky Tyrand - 2016
    Imagine if you had the ability to change your appearance at will. To alter the color of your hair, eyes, lips, and nails; maybe even your skin? Perhaps give yourself a tan, freckles, or a tattoo. And then swap it again, all in the blink of an eye.What if you could change your clothes to anything you wanted – that dress you saw in the window; those boots you just couldn’t afford – all with a simple thought?Suppose your senses were perfect. Better than perfect. You could see and hear and smell more acutely than you ever thought possible. On occasion, you could even glimpse into the future.You were stronger. Healthier.You were a Princess. An heir to a Kingdom in a beautiful land.What if the most powerful warriors in the land wanted you dead, and would stop at nothing to kill you?In Princess of the Gods: Descendant, a peaceful Kingdom is turned upside down when a teenage Princess discovers her true lineage: She comes from an ancient bloodline that traces straight back to the Old Gods.But this makes her a threat to the New Gods.After an attack on her home destroys the world she knows, every moment of her life becomes a fight for survival.Armed with a pair of energy weapons powerful enough to cut into solid stone – and the ability to change her clothing and appearance with a simple thought – the girl fights back, knowing that it's the only way she’ll ever be able to save her Kingdom.But will her energy blades and superhuman powers be enough to save her from the forces that want her dead?

Stone Walls

Kate Sweeney - 2012
    She had everything—fame, endorsements, and any woman she wanted. All was good until a tragic accident put everything in perspective. Tyler was forced to do some serious soul searching, and she was never forced to do anything.RN Rachel Whitaker was no stranger to disastrous circumstances. She left England because of them, hoping to hide in obscurity behind the stone wall she had quietly constructed brick by brick, but taking care of the convalescing arrogant skier was not helping.They annoy each other, help each other, and fight each other on a daily basis and hopefully, find love—before they kill each other.


Lauren Oliver - 2013
    When she and the baby are taken in by a band of rebels, Raven finds herself an outsider within a tight-knit group. The only other newcomer is an untrustworthy boy known as the Thief until he finally earns himself a new name: Tack.Now she and Tack are inseparable, committed to each other, the fledgling rebellion, and a future together. But as they both take center stage in the fight, Raven must decide whether the dangers of the revolution are worth risking her dreams of a peaceful life with Tack.As her story hurtles back and forth between past and present, Raven transforms from a scared girl newly arrived in the Wilds to the tough leader who helps Lena save former Deliria-Free poster boy Julian Fineman from a death sentence. Whatever the original mission may have been, Raven abides by a conviction that she believes to her core: You always return for the people you love.By turns surprising, revelatory, and poignant, Raven’s story enriches the Delirium world and resonates with a voice that is as vulnerable as it is strong.

Grapes and Gravity

Viola Grace - 2007
    Being chosen is one of them. Tara, a crashed pilot, has spent months being waved in front of the arena fighters as a pleasure option. There have been no takers.The day that a fighter looks at her and promises to make her his, Tara’s life freezes. She watches him fight and wants him to win, but is terrified of the consequences if he does.Galeno has no interest in the arena. His sole interest is in the soft female sitting on the podium. She is his and it will be a short time before she knows it.This was originally published as part of the Violet Visions Anthology by eXtasy Books

Alien Explorer’s Mate (Alien Mate Agency #1)

Elin Wyn - 2020
    And when I applied for the job, I really, really needed a change, but maybe I should have paid a little more attention.Because I didn't expect to be whisked across the universe, into the arms of a huge teal and purple alien.Who thinks I'm his mate.Oops?Alien Explorer's Mate is a stand alone science fiction romance set in the Starlight Matchmaking world, filled with adventure, romance and one fluffy purple kitten.

Tarnished Knight

Bec McMaster - 2013
    The only thing that threatens to shatter his hard-won control is Esme, his closest friend and the only woman he's ever wanted. If the stubborn beauty ever realized precisely what was going through his mind, their friendship would be ruined.For six months, Esme has waited for Rip to recover and take her as his thrall, not daring to hope for more. Too afraid to put her heart on the line, she is devastated when Rip reveals that he never had any intentions of making her his.But when a savage gang of Slashers start causing havoc in Whitechapel, Rip and Esme have no choice. They must face up to the depth of the passion that burns between them and forge a new relationship…or risk losing each other forever.