Evolve: 2 Minute Wisdom

Radhanath Swami - 2011
    Thus facilitating our desert like hearts to grow lotuses.”Evolve is based on various talks given by H.H. Radhanath Swami. This is neither an exact transcription nor an overly corrected version.

Wake Up! How starting your day at 5 a.m. will change your life

Eliott Reich - 2013
    This book will show you what successful early risers do once they are up and teach you step-by-step how you can become an early riser.

The Easy Way to Write Short Stories That Sell

Rob Parnell - 2013
    If you've ever felt that you had a story inside you - and wanted to know how to write and get it published, this book is for you. This book is intended for amateur and professional writers who may have lost their way. It guarantees inspiration, motivation, effective ways to counter 'writer's block' and provides you with easy, step by step instructions on how to write a short story that will sell.Rob Parnell is the respected author of 28 books on writing. Over the last eleven years Rob has taught over 100,000 students and subscribers from all over the world. His website, The Easy Way to Write, is considered one of the best writer's sites online.In The Easy Way to Write Short Stories That Sell, Rob Parnell explains how the first and best way to progress in a writing career is to master the art of short story writing. Here's what he says:"I don't know about you but at school they told us short story writing was harder than novel writing. For a full time writer this statement is nonsense - but it does show how short story writing is respected and even regarded with some degree of awe."The good news is that I can teach you the easy way to create a very publishable short story - and very quickly."My short story writing course has been downloaded more than any other of my resources - something like 90,000 times in the last ten years. I've completely revised its contents and included an up-to-date listing of all the short story markets currently available to the aspiring short story writer."Plus, to help and encourage new writers, I've added a link to another of my popular courses, The Easy Way to Achieve Writing Success. It's a free e-course available from a link at the end of The Easy Way to Write Short Stories That Sell.Here's what's included in this book:"A thorough examining of the art and craft of short story writing - and how to easily make money writing short stories for publication.PART ONE: MINDSET"We look at mental preparation and having the correct writer's mindset before we start. We examine time management, your self belief mechanisms, and goal setting. PART TWO: THE BASICS"Here we ponder the nature of inspiration and originality. How to come up with ideas, characters and subject matter for your stories. We also discuss more specific writing issues like genre, scope, style and how to deal with them.PART THREE: Construction Time"Here I introduce the 7-Step Story Generator, an easy way to come up with powerful short story ideas in less than ten minutes. In a whole new section I also show how to create instantly compelling characters."We delve in to character's agendas, their interactions, and the consequences of facing and overcoming obstacles. "Plus, how to use the 5-Point Plot Structure, and create compelling stories through the use of proper style and tone, the correct point of view, tense, and the all important twist at the end of your stories."For fan fiction and romance writers I explain the ‘1-2-3-Bang’ theory and other short story structures.PART FOUR: WRITING YOUR STORY"Here we examine the opening paragraph and its importance, professional techniques like fast writing, self-editing, formatting and polishing the final edit.

Write Short Kindle Books: A Self-Publishing Manifesto for Non-Fiction Authors (Indie Author Success #1)

Nathan Meunier - 2015
    Write books FASTER. Write BETTER books. Write MORE books. #1 Kindle Bestseller in Authorship, Writing Skills, and Business Writing - Jan. 2015! The Kindle self-publishing revolution is here! Are you in? Why spin your wheels struggling to write bulky, bloated books the traditional publishing way when you can turbo-charge your Kindle author platform with greater freedom, flexibility, and chances for success? This game-changing guide is for aspiring authors AND established publishing pros alike who want to shake-up their routine and embrace a powerful new approach to self-publishing non-fiction. Are you ready to Write Short Kindle Books? You'll learn: Why writing shorter Kindle books is the best approach for many non-fiction authors The benefits of boosting your volume with many shorter, high-quality books How to price your short ebooks for maximum success Ideal word counts for Kindle books How to break larger book ideas down into numerous smaller books How to brainstorm, outline, and write books faster and more efficiently How to save money on covers, editing, and Kindle book formatting Why building a team of Beta Readers is crucial How to bring your book from final draft to launch And much more! Click on "Look Inside" to Learn More!

30 DAYS: Change your habits, Change your life

Marc Reklau - 2019
    All you have to do is stop waiting and start acting!Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get everything easily while others don't? Are you tired of waiting for your life to change? How long are you willing to wait till your circumstances change magically?30 Days is a simple, fast-paced book where you will learn what it takes to create the life you want.In this book, international bestselling author Marc Reklau introduces the readers to some proventips, tricks and exercises that can improve their life beyond imagination! All it takes is followingthem constantly and persistently.More good news: You can start by creating new habits and working towards your goals consistently,doing things that bring you closer to your goals every single day. This book shows you how tomake it possible. You can do it! You deserve it!Thirty days does make a difference and you CAN really create a happier, healthier and wealthierlife. All you have to do is stop waiting and start acting!

Make Money As A Freelance Writer: 7 Simple Steps to Start Your Freelance Writing Business and Earn Your First $1,000

Sally Miller - 2016
    Don't worry, you're not alone. Heck, you might have already read a book or two on this exact topic - there are a few out there. So why would we write another one? Because rarely will you find a book that shows you the exact steps to accomplish a specific goal. And one that's enjoyable to read to boot! No fluff, no information you don't need just to fill up space. In Make Money as a Freelance Writer, Gina Horkey and Sally Miller give you the exact steps you need to start a freelance writing business from scratch. Nothing more, nothing less. Best of all, you'll discover how to land your first paying client - even if you're starting from zero. And by following the seven steps listed in this book, you can be earning $1,000 as a freelance writer in as little as 30 days. Not bad considering the price of the book, right? Completing the action steps listed in Make Money as a Freelance Writer will help you to: * Choose your top niche(s). * Acquire your first few samples. * Create your freelance writing portfolio. * Start sourcing writing work. * Send your first several pitches. * Land your first client. * And earn your first $1,000! Reading this book (and doing the work) will save you time, money and your sanity. Don't keep trying to figure this whole freelance writing thing out on your own. Or read everything on the internet covering the subject without taking action, because you're so confused and overwhelmed by the vast amount of information that exists. These seven steps haven't just worked for us. These steps have worked for thousands of other freelance writers in our community. So read the book, join the ranks and start earning as a freelance writer today. Are you ready to turn your writing hobby into some cold, hard cash? These steps can work if you're a stay-at-home mom looking to add a little extra income to your household budget. Or if you're a college student in need of a part-time job to pay the rent. Or maybe you dream of escaping your nine-to-five. You want financial freedom and a more meaningful life. These steps help you accomplish that too! Whatever your reasons, Make Money as a Freelance Writer shows you how to start a freelance writing business from nothing and earn your first $1,000 as quickly as possible. So what are you waiting for? Click the BUY NOW button at the top of this page and start taking specific actions to make your dream of getting paid to write a reality!

The Courage To Start: A Guide To Running for Your Life

John "The Penguin" Bingham - 2013
    The miracle is that I had the courage to start."Take your first step toward fitness and a happier, healthier life.Has the idea of running crossed your mind, but you haven't acted on it because you don't think you have the body of a runner? Have you thought about running but quit before you started because you knew that you would be breathless at the end of your driveway? Well, put aside those fears because you can do it. John Bingham, author of the popular Runner's World column "The Penguin Chronicles," transformed himself from an overweight couch potato who smoked into a runner who has completed eleven marathons and hundreds of road races.Forget about the image of a perfect body in skintight clothes, and don't worry about how fast or how far you go. Bingham shows how anyone can embrace running as a life-enhancing activity -- rather than as a competition you will never win. In an entertaining blend of his own success story and practical advice, Bingham provides reasonable guidelines for establishing a program of achievable goals; offers tips on clothing, running shoes, and other equipment; and explains how anyone can prepare for and run distances ranging from a few miles to marathons.After all, in running and in life, the difference between success and failure sometimes comes down to a single step. Waddle on, friends.

Quick Cheats for Writing With Dragon: Hidden Tricks to Help You Dictate Your Book, Work Anywhere and Set Your Words Free with Speech Recognition (Dictation Mastery for PC and Mac)

Scott Baker - 2016
    No confusion. Just solid, fail-safe tips for writers to take their dictation to the next level. From the author of "The Writer's Guide to Training Your Dragon", this mini-guide will help you choose the right microphone, transcribe on-the-go with Dragon and put you on the path to sky-high word counts. You will also learn little-known tricks, such as:- Dictating into programs Dragon doesn't support - such as Scrivener;- Preventing a crash from taking your dictated text with it;- Creating a "Quiet Profile" for when you need to dictate without disturbing others;- Using the same profile on multiple computers - and keeping it updated;- Running your desktop Dragon app on an iPad or Android tablet - anywhere, anytime.Designed to get you up-and-running with this powerful software in no time, "Quick Cheats for Writing with Dragon" may make you want to never look at a keyboard again!

There Are No Sad Dogs in Heaven: Finding Comfort After the Loss of a Pet

Sonya Fitzpatrick - 2013
    For many they’re as close as children; for some they may be our only children. And while most of us can expect that our children will outlive us, sadly, our pets almost never do.Losing a pet can be as difficult as losing any other family member; we grieve, we miss them, and, mostly, we want closure, to know that our furry, feathered, or scaled friends are okay, wherever they are.For years, animal communicator Sonya Fitzpatrick has helped pet owners cope with the loss of their beloved companions. Many of them ask the same questions: Is my pet happy? Why did this happen? Is it okay to get another pet? Using her personal experiences as well as the stories of the families she’s worked with, Sonya sheds some light on the questions that every grieving pet owner has, and assures the reader that there are, in fact, no sad dogs (or cats or birds or turtles or horses or cows) in heaven.

Spirit Guides: Spirit Guides For Beginners: The Complete Guide To Contacting Your Spirit Guide And Communicating With The Spirit World (Spirit Guides, Spirits, Channelling, Auras, Meditation)

Mia Rose - 2014
    Most people go through their lives with only a limited awareness, if any, of this wider existence. The occasional glimpse from the corner of your eye of somebody or something which isn't actually “there”. Sudden, unexpected coincidences, which may be beneficial or otherwise. Sounds that may or may not be real, a door which opens unexpectedly and can't quite be explained away by the breeze. All of these are “signs” of the unseen, or half-seen, presence of the other planes of existence. Some people are born with an innate ability to sense the spirit world far more clearly than others. These people may come from a long line of clairvoyants, mediums and psychics, while in some cases these skills seem to spring from nowhere. It is often highly evolved souls who possesses these skills and many of them will tell you that working with the spirit world can be a great pleasure and blessing, while at times it can be onerous and very burdensome. This book was created for the absolute beginner looking to explore the spirit world but has limited experience or knowledge.Here Is A Sneak Peak Of What You'll Learn… Shamans In The Eyes Of Our Ancestors First And Safe Steps To Meeting Your Guides What To Expect With Your Encounters Meeting Positive Spirits Dealing With Potential Negative Presences (And What To Do About It) Building Spiritual Relationships And Much Much More! Get this book for a limited time offer of $2.99!Tags: Spirit Guides, Shamans, Spirits, Spirit World, Angels, Channelling, Mediumship, Shamans

Key Takeaways & Analysis of Michael A. Singer's The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself

The Unthered Soul - 2015
    By tapping into traditions of meditation and mindfulness, Singer shows how the development of consciousness can enable us all to dwell in the present moment and let go of painful thoughts and memories that keep us from achieving happiness and self-realization. PLEASE NOTE: This is key takeaways and analysis of the book and NOT the original book.  Inside this WiseMinds Key Takeaways & Analysis of The Untethered Soul  • Key Ideas from the Book • Analysis of Key Ideas • and much more! ###Keywords: Four Agreements, Gifts of Imperfection, Letting Go, Outrageous Openness, Book of Awakening, Three Pillars

Maximize Your Mental Power

David J. Schwartz - 1965
    He shows readers how to break bad habits such as selling themselves short and blaming others. He also shows how to learn to move out of the past into the future and learn to accept and enjoy full responsibility for one’s life and actions.Schwartz has written a classic in the league of THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill. He shows readers how to:Influence people• Achieve goals faster• Feel happy and fulfilled


Ellyse Perry - 2019
    Ellyse Perry is among the all-time cricket greats, and the only player, female or male, to represent Australia in both cricket and football World Cups, making her international debut in both sports at the age of 16.PERSPECTIVE is about sitting back from the world you're involved in and evaluating what it means to you. What are the important things that you know make experiences special? What are the things that motivate you? What are the things that give you joy? The things that challenge you but, ultimately, make you a better person? Most importantly, who are the people whose unwavering help and support you couldn't go without?From the lessons of a high-performance athlete's career to appreciating the small things in life, this inspiring illustrated book features stories and reflections from Ellyse's childhood and career on the themes of dreaming, belief, work, resilience, appreciation, opportunity, balance and perseverance - and their importance in everything we do. This empowering book is a unique view from one of Australia's most admired sports stars about what it is to be an elite athlete.

The Mental Game of Writing: How to Overcome Obstacles, Stay Creative and Productive, and Free Your Mind for Success

James Scott Bell - 2016
    For writers, the mind fuels the imagination and creates stories. But for authors who are productive and resilient, and see a good return on their efforts, there is another factor at work. They are winning the mental game of writing. Successful writers have the ability to inspire themselves to produce consistently, improve systematically, overcome obstacles and keep up a positive mental attitude. In this book, #1 bestselling writing teacher James Scott Bell takes you through the mental landscape of the successful author. He shows you not only how to stay on your game, but how to improve it. He gives you insights, strategies and techniques for blasting through walls and jumping over hurdles, setting you free to concentrate on what you love most – writing. You'll learn how to define true success, formulate goals and plans, find courage and commitment to write, unleash your creativity and write with joy. You'll also be given steps to handle challenges like stress, burnout, envy, expectations and the trap of comparison. In short, you'll learn to get all your mental jets going full blast so your writing can reach new heights! "I need three things before I tackle a new novel: Diet Coke, a laptop, and my dog-eared copies of James Scott Bell's books on writing craft." - #1 NYT Times Bestselling Author Kami Garcia

Survive to Thrive: Journey of Dr. Rajesh Soin

Vinit K. Bansal - 2021
    Rajesh Soin is the epitome of Indian-American success. He is an inspiring figure, much honored and much-touted when it comes to entrepreneurial vision and success. He is well-known as the founder of Modern Technologies Corporation (MTC), a billion-dollar company, which he started with a capital of $1700.He grew up in straitened circumstances. In his childhood, he faced a devastating tragedy. He arrived in America with only 75 cents in his pocket and no place to stay. When he started college, he had to subsist on $30 for a whole month, and in grad school, he got robbed at gunpoint.When he started his company, there was a time when all his credit cards were maxed out to make payroll, and his finances were in dire straits. At a point in his professional life, he was so down that he felt like he was done for.But Dr. Soin fought all this and emerged a winner in life. Today, he has multiple companies in his portfolio, an enviable net worth, and investments all around the globe. He is a brand in himself, having many schools, colleges, and hospitals named after him, and being the recipient of so many business and philanthropic awards. But every success has its price. Everybody tends to see the shining part, overlooking the darker side, which has so much sweat, blood, hard work, perseverance, insecurities, and failures. In this book, we have covered Dr. Soin’s journey from ordinariness to extraordinariness. How does he see the world? What is his vision? What are his aspirations? You will get all the answers in this book, and in this process, you may find a new perspective on life too.