Book picks similar to
Pink Madness by James Hillman


Scum America: The Stupid Factor (The Factors Series Book 1)

Scott McMurrey - 2020

Uplift: Secrets from the Sisterhood of Breast Cancer Survivors

Barbara Delinsky - 2001
    This updated edition features new material.

Magnetic Charisma: How to Build Instant Rapport, Be More Likable, and Make a Memorable Impression - Gain the It Factor

Patrick King - 2017
     If you (1) walk into a room and feel invisible, or (2) want to ensure you make a powerful personal impact – NEWSFLASH: you need better advice than “fake it ‘til you make it” or “just be yourself.” Confidently approach and excel in any social setting. Magnetic Charisma is a book that just might fundamentally change how you interact with others. Never before have you looked behind the curtain of so-called charismatic people and the subtle ways they act and think differently. You get the “how to” along with the “why” and a multitude of illustrative examples. We are always told that our interpersonal skills are the key to what we want in life, and it’s true. Let the actionable tips, questions, approaches, and replicable techniques in this book be your guide to growing your sense of personal magnetism and charm. Advice from an internationally-known, professional charisma coach. Patrick King is an internationally bestselling author and teaches charisma and social skills for a living. He’s also a late bloomer and former social recluse – he made the transformation, knows exactly what it takes, and can relate to you every step of the way – advice from someone who simply gets it. He has been featured in: GQ Magazine, Tedx, Forbes, Men’s Fitness, and the Huffington Post. The highly focused advice will teach you what matters in an interaction, from beginning to end, subtle to obvious, small to big. • How to wield your attention and focus for maximum impact. • How choosing and being a role model help your charisma quotient. • The subconscious body language signals that matter. • How to exude true empathy and warmth. Solve: small talk, interviews, networking events, and strangers. • How to demonstrate your value, confidence, and powerful presence. • How to tailor your communication and speak to individuals. • How to listen and validate effectively. • The top charisma mistakes people unknowingly commit. Charisma can be the difference between: a promotion and being terminated; a significant other and a mere friend; a smile and a dismissive frown. Charisma is the one skill that opens all the doors you want in life, and the benefits are endless. It is the lubricant, step ladder, and crowbar that will give you access to anywhere in the world. Your life will visibly improve in all respects - the benefits are countless and will show anywhere people are involved. • You will feel the power to literally shape the world around you. • You will build connections quickly. Start developing your IT factor by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page.

Backwoods Genius

Julia Scully - 2012
    After his death, the contents of his studio, including thousands of glass negatives, were sold off for five dollars. For years the fragile negatives sat forgotten and deteriorating in cardboard boxes in an open carport. How did it happen, then, that the most implausible of events took place? That Disfarmer’s haunting portraits were retrieved from oblivion, that today they sell for upwards of $12,000 each at posh New York art galleries; his photographs proclaimed works of art by prestigious critics and journals and exhibited around the world? The story of Disfarmer’s rise to fame is a colorful, improbable, and ultimately fascinating one that involves an unlikely assortment of individuals. Would any of this have happened if a young New York photographer hadn't been so in love with a pretty model that he was willing to give up his career for her; if a preacher’s son from Arkansas hadn't spent 30 years in the Army Corps of Engineers mapping the U.S. from an airplane; if a magazine editor hadn't felt a strange and powerful connection to the work? The cast of characters includes these, plus a restless and wealthy young Chicago aristocrat and even a grandson of FDR. It’s a compelling story which reveals how these diverse people were part of a chain of events whose far-reaching consequences none of them could have foreseen, least of all the strange and reclusive genius of Heber Springs. Until now, the whole story has not been told.

Eggs, Cookies, and Leeches: Memorable Writing from The

The New YorkerSasha Frere-Jones - 2005
    The authors include such best sellers as Malcolm Gladwell, Seymour Hersh, and Jonathan Franzen - and the subjects range from the lives of short-order cooks to the secrets of college admissions.In all, there are nine stories:ANNALS OF TECHNOLOGY"The Bakeoff" by Malcolm Gladwell: Project Delta aims to create the perfect cookie. (Originally published Sept. 5, 2005)COMMENT"Mired" by Hendrik Hertzberg: Evolution vs. creationism vs. intelligent design. (Originally published Aug. 22, 2005)ANNALS OF MEDICINE"Bloodsuckers" by John Colapinto: Leeches are good for you after all. (Originally published July 25, 2005)BOOKS"A Cloud of Dust" by John Updike: A review of E. L. Doctorow's new novel, The March. (Originally published Sept. 12, 2005)THE TALK OF THE TOWN:"Watergate Days" by Seymour Hersh: The veteran investigative reporter writes about the revelation of the identity of "Deep Throat" and his own reporting experiences. (Originally published June 13 & 20, 2005)IN THE KITCHEN"The Egg Men" by Burkhard Bilger: What it takes to be a short-order cook in Las Vegas. (Originally published Sept. 5, 2005)A CRITIC AT LARGE"Getting In" by Malcolm Gladwell: The social logic of Ivy League admissions. (Originally published Oct. 10, 2005)ANNALS OF ADOLESCENCE"The Retreat" by Jonathan Franzen: Memories of a church youth group. (Originally published June 6, 2005)POP MUSIC"The Gift and the Curse" by Sasha Frere-Jones: The "vexing brilliance" of Jack White and the latest release by The White Stripes. (Originally published June 13 & 20, 2005)The articles in this collection were selected by Audible in cooperation with the editorial staff of The New Yorker. Narration by William Dufris, Todd Mundt, and Christine Marshall.(P) and ©2005 The New YorkerListening Length: 4 hours and 32 minutes

Floating Feathers: A Doctor's Harrowing Experience as a Patient Within Conventional Medicine --- and an Impassioned Call for the Future of Care in America

Ross I.S. Zbar - 2020
    Ross I.S. Zbar spent his career as a plastic surgeon, in the US as well as abroad in developing countries, mending disease- and trauma-related deformities--and he was never hesitant to make his voice heard as an advocate for better patient care.Then, on a warm December day in 2018, Ross suffered a trauma that nearly took his life, putting him into the hands of his profession in a way he never anticipated. While his life was ultimately saved, his journey to wellness within the conventional medical establishment--from three weeks in the ICU to in-patient rehab--was nothing short of nightmarish. Frequently sedated and physically restrained, he was inundated with mental, emotional, and sensory evidence of an industry gone haywire, experiencing clearly from the patient side what he had only touched on as an advocate.Vowing to be an even stronger voice for change, Ross used the power of his mind to recover faster than any of his doctors predicted. Floating Feathers not only recounts his compelling story but elucidates a thoughtful and authoritative critical call to the members of his beloved profession for a massive overhaul."We possess the technology and the brilliant minds to motivate this level of sweeping change so desperately required," he says. "We simply need to champion it as a non-negotiable priority."This profoundly personal yet overarchingly relative book endeavors to be a vital first step toward that goal.

The Art of Psychological Warfare: 51 Principles of Conflict Resolution, Negotiation, Strategy, Office Politics, Career Building, Self Help, & Motivation for Success & Happiness in Business & Life

Mark B. Warring - 2015
    The August 26, 2015 reviewer is correct in that there are some typos and at least one misuse of speech in this first edition and they will be corrected if there is enough interest for me to publish a corrected and expanded second edition. The reviewer suggests you read Mr. Greene's book instead, and while his books are excellent, I view his voice and message as distinctly different than mine.Furthermore, the reviewer admits he did not take the time to fully read my book, which would've only taken him about an hour to do, but still feels he can appropriately label it as "paranoia" with "the author... constantly looking over his shoulder, watching for the boogeyman." Emulating Mr. Greene's poetic and heightened writing style, he states "Where this book is flawed and reeks of amateur, Greene's book is slick and authoritative."I don't think my book is for everyone, because not everyone is willing to honestly evaluate how the self interest of others can, at times, collide with their own self interest. If you want a book with no grammatical errors, that is politically correct, and will not challenge your thinking in any way, then this book is not for you. If, on the other hand, you find the subject matter interesting based on the description below and are open minded enough to have your views challenged, then give this book a try. At present I have lowered the price from $2.99 USD to 99 cents in hopes of generating more interest in the book, and hopefully more balanced reviews.If you know anything about Amazon sales rank and pricing, then you know that very little revenue has been generated from this book. I didn't write and publish this for the money. I did it to challenge you. I humbly invite you to take this journey with me. You've got nothing to lose. Sincerely, Mark B. WarringThis book is not a joke. Psychological warfare is happening all around you regardless of whether you admit or not. Why continue to be an unknowing victim? Why continue to hopelessly wish that the world becomes fair? Why not understand the methods others are using against you so that you can know what your options are to defend yourself? You can be a good person with a strong sense of self while engaging in psychological warfare. And you don't have to lose your mind in the process.This brief book of approximately 10,000 words is about the way the world really works and what you can do about it. It is not a book about being nice to people and actively listening to them. Those books have their place, and I'm not necessarily knocking them, but this book won't waste your time with politically correct tactics that you're already smart, studied, and savvy enough to know about.This is a book about confronting your private thoughts about inevitable conflicts. Some of this book may completely shock you and cause you to confront reality for what it truly is. Think of this book as Lao Tzu meeting Sun Tzu meeting Machiavelli meeting Napoleon Hill and formulating a practical treatise for our time.No matter how little or how much money or power you have, you'll be attacked and exploited. But in the wake of conflict and stress, you can be happy and self expressed, as this is ultimately a book about enjoying life's highest victories. Please join me on this journey. Buy this book now and start reading it. I don't think you'll regret it.

Scalper: Inside the World of a Professional Ticket Broker

Clancy Martin - 2011

Allen Carr's Easy Way to Enjoy Flying

Allen Carr - 2000
    This title intends to remove the root of the fear, not just the symptoms and is packed with tips to help you on your next flight.

Wittgenstein: On Human Nature (The Great Philosophers Series)

P.M.S. Hacker - 1985
    Hacker leads us into a world of philosophical investigation in which to smell a rat is ever so much easier than to trap it. Wittgenstein defined humans as language-using creatures. The role of philosophy is to ask questions which reveal the limits and nature of language. Taking the expression, description and observation of pain as examples, Hacker explores the ingenuity with which Wittgenstein identified the rules and set the limits of language. (less)

How To Stop Enabling Your Adult Children: Practical steps to use boundaries and get your power back as you stop enabling (Empowering Change Book 1)

Melody Devonish - 2014
     This book will start you on your journey to stop enabling. If you just can’t maintain boundaries with your adult child/children, and you find yourself constantly taken advantage of, then this book is for you. Discover the wealth of shared experience that can exist in a parent/adult child relationship that is not dominated by unrealistic expectations, manipulations and resentment. The goal is to empower you, as you understand the enabling cycle and then learn some very practical tools to help you stop. The enabling cycle can be challenged, and change will happen. Getting your power back in your life, and feeling the freedom of being in control of your decisions is an amazingly freeing process. It does however take work, and that is where this very practical book can get you started. You may find that your needs are constantly disregarded, while your adult child expects you to continually be there to pick up the pieces and rescue them again and again. It is time to learn HOW TO put firm boundaries in place in a calm and dignified manner. This book will help you see what lies are keeping you in your current stressful and unfulfilled situation. You will learn how to start the journey towards sharing a mutually fulfilling mature relationship with your adult child. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn Understanding the Enabler or Rescuer How the Enabling Cycle Continues and Grows Boundaries Are Your Friend! Dignified Assertiveness The Importance of Individuation It’s Not Cruel To Say ‘No’! Changing Your Thinking (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) Practical Steps For Putting Your New Thinking and Boundaries Into Action Take action right away to start your empowering journey today by downloading this book, "How To Stop Enabling Your Adult Children", for a limited time discount of only $0.99! Tags: enabling adult children, rescuing, relationships, parenting, boundaries, enabling, individuation, cognitive behavioural therapy, CBT, self-talk, healthy boundaries

The Third Gift: My Dance with the Devil (and Her Mother)

J.D. McCabe - 2020

Living from a Place of Surrender: The Untethered Soul in Action

Michael A. Singer - 2019
    Singer has realized an important truth: “In trying to achieve happiness by ‘getting what you want,’ you’re actually limiting your happiness. You end up struggling with life instead of experiencing it. True happiness comes only when your inner energy is free to flow.” Living from a Place of Surrender was created to help you welcome that unhampered flow in your own life.In this eight-session program adapted from Singer’s online course of the same name, you’ll learn about your relationship both to the world unfolding around you and to the thoughts and emotions arising within you. You will come into touch with the real “you”—the indwelling consciousness that is witnessing it all. And you’ll see firsthand why the most effective personal growth technique is to use life to remove your inner blockages, not compensate for them.

What Your Husband Isn't Telling You: A Guided Tour of a Man's Body, Soul, and Spirit

David Murrow - 2012
    What's going on inside his man-brain? What secrets is he keeping? What is he afraid of? Why is he so obsessed with (fill-in-the-blank)? Why do men see things so differently? And what about his spiritual life (or lack of it)?David Murrow leads women on a groundbreaking tour of a man's heart, mind, and soul. More than just a book about what men think, it explores the deep forces that determine what they say, do, and believe--secrets most men do not give voice to. Readers will be surprised, fascinated, and encouraged by what they find.

Banksy's Bristol: Home Sweet Home

Steve Wright - 2007
    The images were taken when Banksy joined Bristol's radical football team The Easton Cowboys on a tour of Mexico to play football against the Zapatista freedom fighters. The new edition also contains sections on the Banksy vs Bristol Museum show, Exit Through The Gift Shop, The Tesco Value Petrol Bomb, an interview with John Nation and more. The book is a celebration of Banksy's street art in his home city of Bristol and places him in the context of 3D, John Nation from the Barton Hill Youth Club, Inkie, Nick Walker and the other artists and musicians who were instrumental in linking Bristol to the original New York hip-hop scene. It is the most revealing account of Banksy's formative years and contains more than one hundred images of his Bristol art, as well as pictures of Banksy at work, many of which have never been published before. Steve Wright, traces Banksy's roots back to the rave culture of the Nineties and draws a rounded picture of an artist who is most famous for being anonymous.