Rebellion at Longbourn: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Victoria Kincaid - 2020
    Collins has taken possession of the Longbourn estate. Although Collins and his wife Charlotte have allowed the Bennet sisters and their mother to continue living at Longbourn, the situation is difficult. Viewing Elizabeth and her sisters as little more than unpaid servants, Collins also mistreats the tenants, spends the estate’s money with abandon, and rejects any suggestions about improving or modernizing Longbourn. After one particularly egregious incident, Elizabeth decides she must organize a covert resistance among her sisters and the tenants, secretly using more modern agricultural methods to help the estate thrive. Her scheme is just getting underway when Mr. Darcy appears in Meryton. Upon returning from a long international voyage, Darcy is forced to admit he cannot forget his love for Elizabeth. When he learns of the Bennet family’s plight, he hurries to Hertfordshire, hoping he can provide assistance. Sinking into poverty, Elizabeth is further out of Darcy’s reach than ever; still, he cannot help falling even more deeply in love. But what will he do when he discovers her covert rebellion against Longbourn’s rightful owner? Falling in love with Mr. Darcy was not part of Elizabeth’s plan, but it cannot be denied. Darcy struggles to separate his love for her from his abhorrence for deception. Will their feelings for each other help or hinder the Rebellion at Longbourn?

Leaving Longbourn: A Compilation of Five Short Stories

E.A. Batten - 2020
     Finding Elizabeth Abducted from her home just before her third birthday, Elizabeth is taken in by the Bennets. It is only with the arrival of a new tenant at Netherfield that her true identity is discovered. According to Mr Bennet, Elizabeth was found wandering in the gardens of Longbourn but will the truth of the matter ever be known? Her Grandmother’s Wisdom Elizabeth and Mary Bennet on holiday with their Aunt and Uncle Gardiner in Derbyshire. It is there that they first meet Fitzwilliam Darcy a year after his father’s passing. Four years later, Darcy is pleased to discover the young lady he had thought of often resides on the neighbouring estate to the one his friend Bingley has recently leased. Miss Bennet’s Adventure Following the marriage of Elizabeth and Darcy, Mary is invited to join her sister and new brother at Pemberley. There she meets again a certain colonel in His Majesty’s Army. Sequel to Her Grandmother’s Wisdom. Hurst Knows All What if Hurst was more aware of what was going on around him at Netherfield and shared his wife’s and sister’s liking for gossip. Storms over Hunsford The morning after the ill-fated proposal at Hunsford, Elizabeth is walking aimlessly in the grounds of Rosings Park as she reads Darcy’s letter. So caught up in reading and re-reading the missive, while chastising herself, she does not notice the approaching storm until it is too late.

Matching Mr. Darcy

Leenie Brown - 2020
    Some people adapt easily to new surroundings and find delight in meeting new people. Fitzwilliam Darcy is not one of them. Being put on display in a room full of strangers is enough to make him quite disagreeable. Therefore, when he attends the Meryton Assembly and his patience is pushed beyond what he can tolerate, Darcy replies harshly to his gregarious friend's insistence that he asks Miss Elizabeth Bennet to dance.Unfortunately for her, Elizabeth is within hearing distance of Darcy's refusal. Insulted and more than a little vexed, she is determined to have as little to do with him as she can and to push him towards his amiable friend's sister when being in one another's presence cannot be avoided.When Elizabeth calls Darcy out for his offensive words and intimates that he is ungentlemanly, he is more intrigued than provoked. He is also determined to prove the lady wrong and sets a course to do just that.While Darcy seeks opportunities to prove to Elizabeth that he is indeed a gentleman, Elizabeth attempts to be rid of him until his company becomes more desirable than that of a long-time friend and hopeful, though very unwanted, suitor.Jealousy is never pretty, and a spurned suitor is not always kind or wise. When secrets are revealed and explanations are wanting, it looks as if the burgeoning love between Elizabeth and Darcy is destined to be snuffed out almost before it has begun.Unless, of course, a meddling matchmaker can pull off a well-timed miracle.Matching Mr. Darcy is the first book in a new collection of Darcy and Elizabeth variations from Leenie Brown called Sweet Possibilities. If you like Hallmark-style romances set in the Regency era, then you'll enjoy this story where love triumphs over a poor first impression, injured pride, and a jealous lover.

Mr Darcy's New Neighbour: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Marie Green - 2021
    Whilst there she is surprised to meet Mr Darcy, Colonel Fitzwilliam and Mr Wickham.Elizabeth is about to be astounded time and again by the events that play out in Liverpool. Events which see her undertake a night time adventure with two men she had no idea were in fact cousins!While staying at Gracechurch Street in London she had been invited by Lady Matlock to a soiree at Matlock Gardens. It was there that she was left in no doubt, by her Ladyship, that she was not a suitable wife for her son Colonel Fitzwilliam, who Elizabeth had only recently met. Too poor, was the insinuation and certainly not born high enough.After being duped by Wickham and astonished by what she overheard Mr Darcy say to his cousin, Elizabeth was delighted when within less than a week, her life changed immeasurably. A change which would find her living, albeit temporarily, only five miles from Pemberley.This is a gentle, lightly amusing tale of the developing love between Darcy and Elizabeth, with all its ups and downs.

A Chance Encounter : A Pride and Prejudice Variation

S. Neha - 2021
    Her carriage has met with an accident! Of course, Darcy comes to the rescue despite the recent, scathing rejection of his hand and heart. Circumstances force them to seek refuge in a nearby farmhouse, posing as man and wife! Why was Elizabeth travelling to London in a strange carriage, days before her visit to the metropolis was scheduled? Why did their hostess at the farmhouse welcome them with a shooting rifle. And with the acrimony and hurt of the proposal still raw, how would our dear couple navigate this chance encounter! This light-hearted story answers all these questions and more!

Artifice and Attraction: A Darcy and Elizabeth Pride and Prejudice Variation

Maddie Rowden - 2017
    Darcy is in need of a wife. Business keeps him in London, but Georgiana must go to Pemberley for the sake of her health. He cannot trust her care to the servants. He knows his duty - he must seek a wife. A ball at Almack’s is the place to seek a wife of good breeding and wealth. So Mr. Darcy must force himself to attend. Miss Elizabeth Bennet is pleasing to look at. Miss Elizabeth Bennet is lively, playful and intelligent. Miss Elizabeth Bennet is wearing exquisite, costly gowns. Miss Elizabeth Bennet has a voucher to Almack’s, so she must be from a highly suitable family. Mr. Darcy knows his position in life is such that no lady will refuse his offer of marriage, even when he makes it clear that the arrangement does not include affection. Nothing can possibly go wrong. Artifice and Attraction is a sweet and clean Regency Romance novel of over 89,000 words

Mr. Darcy's Household: A Pride and Prejudice Novella Variation

Lyr Newton - 2021
    He has brought her home to Derbyshire, where he hopes she can heal the wounds of her soul and regain her spirit.But some things are beyond his control, as he discovers when a disease is brought to Lambton by two men, recently returned from the war. Miss Darcy, as well as many of the small town’s families and Pemberley’s tenants, is affected.Darcy’s household, although perfectly trained and highly efficient, is in great need of help. But, despite Mr. Darcy’s willingness to pay a large amount of money for someone to aid Mrs. Reynolds, his housekeeper, for a few months, he can find nobody who meets his high expectations and exacting requirements. Matters take a turn for the worse when the housekeeper also falls ill and is kept to her bed. Mrs. Reynolds writes to the daughter of her old friend, now Mrs. Madeleine Gardiner, about the situation, with no other hope than to unburden her heart.However, Mrs. Gardiner is hosting her lovely and spirited niece, Miss Elizabeth Bennet. The Bennet family is in precarious financial circumstances due to Mr. Bennet’s poor estate management and his disinterest in anything other than books.Willing to help her family by earning an amount of money that could cover Longbourn’s expenses for a few years, Elizabeth accepts the temporary position and she is taken to Pemberley in Mr. Darcy’s carriage. Once there, she holds the same position as Mrs. Reynolds. She is in charge of the management of the household, responsible for everything in the house. She is treated respectfully by everyone, and she even forms a sweet friendship, based on a slowly-developing trust, with Miss Darcy.Only the master treats her with cold politeness and distant reverence; he barely speaks to her, he gives her power but only wishes to see good results. A few weeks later, he is urgently summoned to London, while Elizabeth remains at Pemberley overseeing the household.In mid-September, Elizabeth returns to Longbourn with a considerable amount of money. Once there, she finds out that Netherfield has finally been let and a Mr. Bingley is expected to arrive, together with a large party of friends.Then, the Meryton Assembly takes place and Elizabeth is surprised to meet Mr. Darcy again.But how will he react? Will he treat her with mere politeness or with contempt, since he is her former employer? Will he even acknowledge her? Will he even recognize her?“Darcy’s Household” is a Regency “Pride and Prejudice” variation, the length of a novella (just a little under 40k words), less than 160 paperback pages), sweet, very romantic, amusing, with some reference to mature subjects but clean enough to be appropriate for all audiences.

Darcy's Labours of Love: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Renee McKenzie - 2021
    Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy immediately regrets his insult to Elizabeth Bennet at the Meryton Assembly, and takes the opportunity during a chance meeting on Oakham Mount to apologize. Reticent to so easily forgive Darcy's boorish behaviour, Elizabeth announces that she will consider Darcy's request after further studying his actions. Darcy impulsively offers to complete six labours chosen by Elizabeth, in the tradition of The Twelve Labours of Hercules, to demonstrate that he can be a better man. In exchange, Darcy will not only receive Elizabeth's friendship but also a token, of his choosing, at the completion of each labour.Join the traditional P&P characters, and some new ones, as Elizabeth designs labours to test the boundaries of Darcy's social faults. The outcomes surprise both Elizabeth and Darcy as the completion of Darcy's labours and the collection of his tokens deepens their friendship. However, just as their friendship blossoms into something more their future is threatened by an act of revenge. Will Darcy's labours lead to a deep, abiding love?Author's Note: Readers should be aware that there is an event in the book of a violent physical attack which is described explicitly, both as it happens and in its re-telling. There are some descriptions of kissing that demonstrate the ardent love of our dear couple, but the situations are written in good taste. For Regency period enthusiasts, there are some liberties taken with the behaviour of a courting couple.

The Impetuous Mr. Darcy

Julia Biscayne - 2020
    Darcy has always considered himself a controlled, rational man – until he meets Elizabeth Bennet.Suddenly, against his better judgment, he is falling madly, foolishly, passionately in love with a woman who is completely unsuitable.At the Netherfield Ball, Darcy learns that Mr. Collins is planning to propose marriage to Elizabeth in the morning. This cannot be. Darcy must act first to win Elizabeth’s hand or risk losing her forever.

Between Darcy and the Deep Blue Sea: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jane Grix - 2017
    A stolen kiss. After a scandal at Netherfield Ball, Elizabeth Bennet must immediately choose a man to marry - Mr. Wickham, Mr. Collins or Mr. Darcy - and she doesn't want any of them.What is a dutiful daughter to do?Run away, naturally.Between Darcy and the Deep Blue Sea is a Pride and Prejudice Variation novella, based on Jane Austen's most famous couple.

A Consuming Love

Kelly Miller - 2021
    What can solve his dilemma?When circumstances compel Darcy’s return to Hertfordshire in assistance of his friend Mr. Bingley, he must confront his unfathomable attraction to Miss Elizabeth.In this "Pride & Prejudice" Regency novella, one afternoon spent in company with Miss Elizabeth Bennet is enough to make an indelible and life-altering impression upon Darcy, setting him on a rocky course towards the fulfillment of his desires. Will Darcy attain happiness, or will his ingrained pride be his downfall?

Rose Cottage: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

A.K. Madison - 2020
    Their worst fears are realized as they must leave their beloved Longbourn to face an uncertain future.Elizabeth Bennet faces the a bleak future. It is clear that her mother will never be equal to the tasks of managing the meager finances, planning for the move, or giving guidance and love to her youngest daughters. Elizabeth can expect life as a spinster, caring for the family and finally being left alone to tend Fanny Bennet.Fitzwilliam Darcy arrives at Netherfield on the very eve of the funeral, after a letter is misdirected. He throws himself into the repair work on the Bennets’ cottage, pouring into it all his unrequited love for Elizabeth. Although she may not belong to him, he quickly realizes that he belongs to her—and that he always will.Love grows with the advancing spring, just as surely as the lovely old roses begin to grow at the derelict cottage. As a new haven for the Bennets begins to emerge from the ruins, Elizabeth and Darcy find themselves likewise giving their love a new, second chance. When an unseen and powerful opponent seeks to block their marriage, Elizabeth and Darcy will fight for their freedom to live together in peace.Please note: This story includes two scenes of non-graphic violence. It also incorporates a love scene between the newly married couple in which author and readers will close the door and tiptoe away. It is best suited for readers in the late teens and up.

A More Gentlemanlike Manner

Harriet Knowles - 2021
    The end of Darcy’s hopes and dreams.He decides to give her the letter and escape the humiliation.But he cannot do it.No matter the cost, he will do anything — anything — to be worthy of her acceptance.Elizabeth Bennet must decide which of the two characters is the real Mr. Darcy, before she can choose which path in life will make her happiest.Should she follow her heart, or her head?

Mr. Darcy's Daughter: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Melissa Halcomb - 2021
    For three years, it has hung like a dead weight about his neck, yet his first priority has been and must continue to be his young daughter. He married once for duty, he will only marry again for love. Is there a lady out there who will love him for the man he is underneath his vast wealth and lofty connections and, more importantly, who will love his precious daughter as dearly as he does? Will those with their own agenda to push allow him to follow his heart?A rocky first encounter with the handsome friend of her new neighbour leaves Elizabeth reeling. Meeting his adorable daughter will change her life forever. Loving the sweet little girl is easy, but what about the tall, brooding man she calls Papa? What will Elizabeth do when faced with those who deem her unworthy of the master of Pemberley?Mr. Darcy's Daughter is a sweet full length novel of +82,000 words. This is Melissa's debut novel.

A Nudge in the Right Direction: A Pride and Prejudice Variation - Novella

Nicky Roth - 2017
    Fitzwilliam Darcy, cost what it may. In her determination to make the man see reason she develops a most ingenious plan, engaging the help of her sister. But when she upsets Mrs. Hurst, her sister starts to follow her own scheme instead of helping her. - With rather unexpected results. Warning: This story contains some slight sexual innuendo. Re-edited!