Heartbreak in Rio

Delaney Diamond - 2018
    Now she’s in Rio on business—and Rodrigo intends to win her back and prove that his biggest regret was ever letting her go.


Phoenix Daniels - 2016
    She was disgruntled, not because she didn’t love her job, but because she was fed up with the slippery politics associated with the department. Yet, she donned her uniform every day, wearing it with pride, and patrolling the dangerous streets of The Windy City. Her life was fairly simple until she encounters Victor Creed, the sexy, stop your heart, drop-dead gorgeous Governor of Illinois. The moment they laid eyes on one another, there was a fiery attraction that they were unable to suppress. Victor and Taylor contemplated the possibility of pursuing a relationship. Unfortunately for the couple, there was no shortage of enemies. Due to the unforeseen and unconstitutional shooting of an unarmed man, Taylor must make the choice between telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, at the risk of being ostracized by the very people that she depended on for backup, or go along with the program and lie. Will the governor run in order to protect his political career? Or will he stand with Taylor as she battles the department, the media, and other unknown enemies?

The Rancher

Olivia Saxton - 2019
    Her travels lead her to Texas and into the arms of a lonely rancher who is afraid of love. With patience and understanding, Faith breaks through Adrian’s walls. The happy times doesn’t last long when Adrian Matthews and his family are setup to lose the Lone Wolf Ranch and their freedom. By a twist of fate, Faith gets the upper hand to stop the troubles that has plagued the Matthews family. However, is she putting herself in danger for the rancher she loves? Warning: This work of fiction has explicit language and graphic sexual scenes.

Chancing Love

Jade Royal - 2021
    He has no manners and doesn’t think twice about the weight of his words. Why him? He must have slipped something in my chai tea. Nigel When I woke up this morning, I didn’t plan to meet the woman I wasn’t strong enough to walk away from. But she’s here. In this coffee shop. And she answers my questions with more questions. It should be irritating as hell, not sexy. Or maybe somebody slipped something in my coffee.

Felix (Salvant Brothers #2)

Sonja B. - 2020
    I’m just as deadly in the kitchen as I am breaking any firewall and using my Desert Eagle. I’ll do whatever I have to do to protect my family and the woman I love. Speaking of the woman I love, Keirra better get her shit together before I walk away from her ass for good. Despite all the obstacles thrown at us during our childhood, the Salvant Brothers are closer and stronger. We have an unbreakable bond that no one can come between. With Axl having to make a decision that could change our lives and the opening of my restaurant, my sanity may be challenged with the bullshit that’s heading our way.

Dirty Business

Monica Kaye - 2009
    It wasn't long before he had his hands -and mouth- all over her. After one incredible night of sex, he awakens to find she’s disappeared, but it's not long before he finds her again. At his new office: she's his Executive Assistant! He can't allow himself to be distracted. He has come to Denver on a mission, to find the person trying to swindle him. Sean always gets his man. But keeping his distance from his newest employee is not going to be easy.Chloe Walters had no idea that the handsome stranger she slept with the night before would be her new boss. Or that she’d be the number one suspect in his corporate espionage investigation. She's on a hunt of her own to uncover the scammer. But Sean’s idea of cat-and-mouse has higher stakes than just her job.Publisher's Note: This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable. Spanking.

His Private Dancer

Karyn Langhorne - 2021
    On the run from that disastrous relationship, the last thing Sahara needs is another billionaire bad boy... but Fate has other plans. When an anonymous fling with a quirky stranger turns into something more, Sahara is shattered to learn that her mystery man is none other than Hugh Lindsay the eccentric tech billionaire—a man, even richer and more powerful than the last one.Can Hugh convince her to look past all that money and love him for himself, or will Sahara’s fears about the power of billions keep her from the joys of performing for an audience of one?


Bee Daniels - 2019
    In recent years, after too much blood has been shed and Theodoros Petrakis’s oldest son, Andreas, loses his wife, both families decide to put an end to their war with an arranged marriage between Giannis Drakos’s oldest son, Aris, and Theodoros’s oldest daughter, Evangelia. With their upcoming engagement, the war between two powerful families will end, and the streets of Athens will finally be clear of blood. Registered nurse Mia Williams cancels her engagement to her long-time fiancé, leaving her lost and unsure of what to do with her life until one night something happens that changes everything. When Mia comes across a man dying outside of her apartment, she must save this mysterious yet dangerous man who comes into her life unexpected, changing it forever. Mia still isn’t quite sure yet if it’s for the better or worse. Aris comes to New York from Greece to handle some business on his father’s behalf when he is attacked and left for dead. Fortunately, a young woman finds him and saves his life, and Aris must find a way to repay her back the debt of saving his life. But Aris finds that when it comes down to Mia Williams, a debt doesn’t always have to be paid with blood and money, but sometimes with love and lust. As Aris becomes more attached to the woman who saved his life, till the point that he doesn’t want to go back to the woman he has to get engaged to, Aris must make a choice. Either he must choose his new-found attraction with Mia or follow the word of his father and get engaged to Evangelia.

My Addiction

S.K. Lessly - 2015
    Oh, I've wanted him since forever. He's just amazing. He's that perfect man you can't help but dream about. He has an amazing heart. He'll do anything for you. He has a smile that will make you melt where you stand. He has a body that's sheer perfection. And his eyes, oh man, they can look through your soul and strip you bare until you have no choice but to give yourself to him. It's a power he's had over me since the first day we met. Hands down, ladies, he's fine as hell. Oh, and his lips, goodness, I can't forget those. Let me tell you, the moment he touches you with his lips, you instantly cream. You can't help it. The feeling he generates is like no other. With just the simplest touch, he can make you soak with a need that only he can satisfy. He can effortlessly bring nothing but sweet ecstasy and pure desire all through your body.Do you see why I want him? He's my addiction, and I crave him with every second I draw breath.So why can't I have him? It's simple; I don't deserve him. You see I've had an opportunity to make him mine forever, and I blew it. I blew it so bad that I don't know if he'll ever give me another chance. But, oh, if he does, I promise you; I won't waste it.Brad...I've never met anyone like this woman. She had me the first day I laid my eyes on her. She's beautiful. No doubt about it; she's a goddess. She has curves that I can't keep my hands off of. Her skin is smooth like melted chocolate on your fingers. She has an unbelievable spirit and fierce loyalty that you'd want in your corner. Did I say she's sexy as shit? She turns me on with just the sheer thought of her. My favorite part of her are those lips of hers. Damn, I want to kiss her all the time. I can't get enough of her taste. She's made for me, I know this... I'm not denying that.I've been in love with her since before I even knew she existed. She's my best friend. I can't live without her. I just don't know if that's enough, if my love for her is enough. I want to give her a second chance, but I don't know if she's ready. They say that you only give second chances if a person has learned from their mistakes. What if she hasn't?What do you do when the one you love has an addiction stronger than you? Do you fight for her or do you let it consume you both? Life is about second chances. The question is can we survive?

His Touch

M. Merin - 2019
     My team and I have immersed ourselves in that world for revenge, pure and simple. In tracking my adversary, a ray of light crosses my path. My enemy's daughter. Sadie's father never bothered with her, her mother provided a place to live but little else. From the moment I saw her photo, I was ready to give her everything. I tell myself that I'll never touch her without her permission. That I'll stick to the shadows. But I'm not that strong. The feel of her hand in mine erases all my good intentions. I'll have her at any cost. This isn't love at first sight. This is out and out obsession.

Dmitry's Closet

Latrivia S. Nelson - 2010
    Nelson, author of the epic romance Ivy's Twisted Vine, comes a story about Memphis, TN, a deadly faction of the Russian mafia and an innocent woman who dismantles an empire. Orphaned virgin Royal Stone is looking for employment in one of the country's toughest recessions. What she finds is the seven-foot, blonde millionaire Dmitry Medlov, who offers her a job as the manager of his new boutique Dmitry's Closet. After she accepts his job offer, she soon accepts his gifts, his bed and his lifestyle. What she does not know is that her knight in shining armor is also the head of the Medlov Organized Crime Family, a faction of the elite Russian mafia Vory v Zakone. Falling in love with the clueless Royal makes Dmitry want to break the code, leave his empire and start a life far away from the perils of the Thieves-in-Law. Only, his brother Ivan comes to the Memphis from New York City bent on a murderous revenge. With the FBI and Memphis Police Department working hard to build a case against Dmitry and his brother trying to kill him, he is forced to tell Royal of his true identity, but Royal also is keeping a secret - one that changes everything. Who will win? Who will lose? Who will die? Watch all the skeletons as they tumble out of the urban literature sensation Dmitry's Closet.

Alpha Billionaire's Bride, Part One

Mia Caldwell - 2015
    Definitely contains a cliffhanger. Billionaires don’t date real women like Jada ... they marry them. Jada Howarth doesn’t believe in fantasies, unlike her sister who constantly dreams of being swept off into happily-ever-after-land in the sculpted arms of a sexy billionaire. Jada knows the truth, that rich men want supermodels, actresses and heiresses. They don’t want women from small towns with smaller bank accounts, women who lead normal, ordinary lives like Jada. Then one day Jada awakes to find a crush of news crews outside her house, all shrieking for her attention. They believe she’s secretly married to Ian Buckley, one of the wealthiest, most sought-after bachelors in the country. Jada has no idea what they’re talking about, but the reporters are too busy fighting each other for the scoop to actually listen to what she has to say. Ian Buckley, billionaire and man-in-charge, couldn’t be more surprised when he’s informed that a marriage license has been leaked to the press proving he married a woman named Jada Howarth. He doesn’t know anyone named Jada, and he definitely doesn’t remember marrying her. Either he’s lost his wits, or someone’s out to make a fool of him. When he sees the disheveled, lovely Jada on TV, peeking out her door in horror at the reporters swarming over her lawn, he’s confident she’s not behind the scam. He’ll have to meet her to be certain. Men should probably meet their wives, anyway, shouldn’t they? It’ll be fun getting to the bottom of this fiasco. This story is approximately 22,000 words long, 80 print pages.

Dead Souls MC Series: Books 1-5

Savannah Rylan - 2019
     Knox Prison is no joke. The food sucks, My roommate snores, And the only thing I have to look forward to is Monroe. My lawyer can look at my briefs anytime. She’s smart, beautiful, and the only way I’m getting out of this hellhole. I didn’t kill Blaze, but when you’re a Dead Soul MC member, no one cares about the truth. And maybe that’s for the best, Because no one can know about Canyon. Monroe is not just getting me out of jail, She’s also getting into my heart. Grave These lawyers can go screw themselves. If they think I’m going to let Everly go into witness protection, they've got another thing coming. They’re right that she is in danger, But I can keep her safe. So she will move in with me. At first, it seems simple, But as the lies unravel, I realize that Everly might be the only good thing in all of this. She’s pure, innocent and everything I’m not. But for her, I would change. Be the man she needs me to be. Forever. Brewer I thought kids were annoying. But after I meet, Ana, the MILF next doors daughter, I change my mind. She has the same sense of humor that I do. She’s a cool person, just on a smaller scale. And hanging out with her means more time with her mom. Makenna is easy on the eyes, But would be better on my bike. Getting close to me is a risk. But I would lay down my life for them. Take a bullet. Girls like battle scars, right? Rock She lied to me. The minute I see Gavin for the first time, I know he is mine. Piper told him his daddy was in jail. I should be angry with her. But with that stethoscope draped around her neck, I know she’s not as bad as I want her to be. She was just trying to protect him. From my life, my club, and the bastards that are trying to kill us. She has every reason to be worried, But no one will touch my son. Or my girl. She may have left before, But this time, I know she’ll stay. Because we both want the same thing. A family. Diesel No one tells me what to do. Except for maybe Dean, The President of the Black Hornets. I need their help in order to defeat the Black Saddles once and for all. But I know that their help is going to come at a cost. I don’t expect the price to be a pretty little thing, named Brynn. His daughter. That I thought was dead. Being in one MC is bad enough. But being a son in law to another MC’s president is going to be hell on earth. That is if she will agree to it. And so far, I can’t even get her to be in the same room with me. She’s feisty, and her good looks are no secret. I love a confident woman, But this one might be too hot to handle. I’m fire and she’s gasoline. Let’s light this sh*t up.


Shay Violet - 2020
    Great-Uncle Wren’s goofer dust really got me good this time. When Aras sits in my section at Sadie’s BBQ, I don’t know that he’s a hotshot Australian footballer. All I know is that I’ve got a serious reaction to this player down under. His accent. His rugged good looks. His...uh…well, let’s just say he’s got some skills on and off the field. I’m not the kind of girl who wears her heart on her sleeve, but Aras is definitely the kind of guy who always offers a woman his coat. Soon, we threw caution to the wind. And also our clothes. Love isn’t supposed to happen this fast. Be this intense. But Aras is a player who’s looking to score. And he doesn’t just want me for just one night. When this MVP falls in love, it’s forever. And he’s not stopping until he’s given me a ring...and a baby.

Mr. Grinch's Secret Love (A Very Alpha Christmas Season 2, #2)

L. Loren - 2020
    He had a year to prove to the Board that he can keep his hands to himself or he’ll find himself replaced as CEO. His safe bet is to hire a plus size woman. That should do the trick.When the curvy goddess named Rhys Reid greets him in his office and introduces herself as his new assistant, Mason knows he is in trouble. Instead of hitting on her, he forces himself to be mean, hoping it will make her hate him. What he didn’t count on was Rhys liking his gruff demeanor. Unable to resist their attraction, the lovers must hide their affair from the prying eyes of their co-workers.Things come to a head at the office Christmas Party when Mason sees Rhys dancing with another man. Will he be able to stifle his rage before exposing their secret or will he risk everything for the love he desires? Find out in this BWWM LoveRotica Christmas Tale.