The Feral Children: Animals

David A. Simpson - 2019
    It became a nightmare of blood. The zombie virus spread like wildfire and by noon, they were alone. Safe inside the fences, a group of school kids are the only survivors. Like the animals, they’ve lived their whole lives being cared for and fed, pampered and loved. Now they have to learn from each other how to survive, how to hunt and how to kill. Full of love, compassion, betrayals and vengeance, this post-apocalyptic series is a unique adventure of bonding, friendship and violence. Don’t threaten the children when the wolves are near. Get your copy today!

Fatal Reaction: The Beginning

M.A. Hollstein - 2016
    People are trying to escape the unknown sickness, but there is nowhere to run… nowhere to hide… The only chance for the survival of the human race is to stay and fight. However, they're unaware of what they're fighting. What they're up against is much greater than anything they could ever imagine. This is just the beginning... Could this be the end of humanity?

Dawn Patrol

Camille Picott - 2019
     A zombie outbreak that will put his endurance skills to the test. It was just another training day for Niles. Getting ready for a one-hundred-mile footrace takes dedication. Twenty-five miles into his run and Niles is faced with the unthinkable. A campground overrun. People dead. Corpses reanimated, eating the living. With his skills and training, Niles could outrun the zombies. But when he stops to help two hunters, he needs to slow his pace and teach them to run. Can endurance running be taught on the go? Will they make it out alive? Dawn Patrol is the prequel to the Undead Ultra series.

The Long Night Box Set: The Complete The Long Night Series - Books 1-6

Kevin Partner - 2019
     Modern technology designed to heal has been sabotaged, leaving hundreds of millions dead. For the survivors, each day brings new horrors as the world descends into madness, all while powerful forces seek to take advantage of the turmoil. One man will stand apart in the chaos, seeking to reunite with his family as he becomes embroiled in a desperate attempt to save those few who survived The Long Night. From #1 best-selling post-apocalyptic author Mike Kraus comes a brand new, never before seen take on the end of the world, ripped straight from the headlines. When the leader of the largest healthcare company in the world drops dead on national television, over ninety percent of the civilized world follow in his wake. Health tracking implants called BonesWare were supposed to predict disease, prolong life and lead to a healthier, more robust society. Until they didn't. Now, for the few who remain alive, the question of their continued survival rests on the shoulders of one unlikely man. Solly Masters is having a rough night. He lost his job, his marriage is on the rocks and his wife and son are halfway across the United States on the eve of the holiday season. After witnessing The Long Night, when nearly every living soul around him drops dead at the same moment, his fleeting troubles suddenly become unimportant and one goal coalesces in his mind: get to his family, no matter the cost. Raw survival turns into something more when he comes across a man who claims to know what happened - and predicts that the rest of the survivors will soon follow in the footsteps of those who already died. Thrust into a pit of intrigue, corporate sabotage and greed, Solly must weigh his responsibility to his family with the knowledge that he just might be the key to preventing The Long Night from leading to the extinction of the human race. The Long Night is a collaborative work between Kevin Partner and Mike Kraus. A unique take on the apocalypse and on the post-apocalyptic genre, The Long Night box set is the complete post-apocalyptic series in one convenient box set.


Paul Forster - 2019
    Eat what you want, when you want, who you want. Millions of people from desperate teens, to pop stars, to brides and successful businessmen are attracted to the cure for fat. One which allows them to eat anything they want and still lose weight. Quickly it passed between the users and those around them, even a kiss shared the microbe that would condemn the affected. Silently over weeks tens of millions of people were infected. No corner of the Earth would escape the carnage. The lucky ones became mindless beasts, looking for their next taste of human flesh, the hunger taking over everything they were until they exist purely to feed. A few unfortunate souls suffer with the hunger of the dead but the mind of the living, they're neither dead nor alive but something in between, something far more dangerous to the surviving humans. The government have given up on their citizens having been unable to contain or destroy the plague that is destroying humanity. Everyone wants something from you, whether it’s your bottle of water or the flesh off your body. Where the dead haven’t ravaged, the army have destroyed in a desperate attempt to stop the spread. In the South East of England a Police officer, soldier, executive and IT geek are amongst those trying to make their way in the new dead world. Unsure of their place in it or how long they’ll last until they become a feeders next meal. In the world of the dead, what will the living have to do in order to survive?

A Vacation From Hell

Kathy Dinisi - 2015
     How far would you go to save your family? Sam and Mathew finally get a chance to go on a train ride to the Grand Canyon alone leaving their two kids back in California, When a zombie apocalypse breaks out. The couple must try to fight their way back to California to see if their kids are still alive, In this harrowing story of love and survival in a world that is crumbling by death and destruction. Follow Sam and Matthew through their struggle to reunite with their children

Winter Plague

Isla Jones - 2018
    Reviewers are calling it 'heartbreaking', 'mysterious' and 'fast-paced'. In a world ravaged by the dead, our words are all we have left. Who will tell the story of the last stand? I will. My name is Winter, and this is my story. The world has been lost to a new strain of rabies, one that ravages those it infects and turns them into blood-thirsty killers. I don't know how I've survived for so long, but I have. And then, I met a group ... I met him. Winter's Plague is the found memoir of a cowardly survivor in a cruel world. Winter writes of how she wandered across the states to find her sister, only to find the first group of survivors she'd seen in five months.A band of thirty survivors are led by the mysterious soldiers, but Winter quickly realises that Leo——the one who saved her life, the one in charge——has a secret. And it lies in the restricted RV with the top-secret cargo.But there are two rules she learns fast in the group: Know your place and stay away from the restricted R.V. Or die.


Gareth Ellis - 2018
    Little did Stanley know that his work at Viruson Technologies, creating a vaccine for a newly discovered virus would have such an impact on himself and the rest of the world. Ten years on, Matt lives in Stanley’s home town of Highfield, UK. Life is hard. Mutated Creatures have begun to appear and terrorise the world and its inhabitants. It’s now up to Matt, his friend Sarah, and Ben, the baddest guy in town, to put an end to the Creatures and to find out what really happened to Stanley Figgis.

The Walking Dead Collection: Rise of the Governor, The Road to Woodbury, The fall of the Governor, Part I, The Fall of the Governor, Part II, Just Another Day at the Office

Robert Kirkman - 2014
    The first volume, THE WALKING DEAD: RISE OF THE GOVERNOR, explores the heart-wrenching and horrifying origin of the comic world's most infamous villain: Philip Blake, AKA The Governor. Following Blake and his ragtag band of survivors as they carve out a terrifying path through infested subdivisions and rotting cities, RISE OF THE GOVERNOR is a fever dream of a road trip that explores the making of a super-villain, culminating in a mind-bending twist-ending. The second volume in the series, THE WALKING DEAD: THE ROAD TO WOODBURY, delves even deeper into the dark heart of the Governor, taking readers through the fractured looking glass of a small town turned into a deadly dictatorship. As seen through the eyes of a troubled bystander, Lilly Caul, this rotting utopia crumbles under the weight of its own excesses and lurid pastimes.The final installments, THE WALKING DEAD: FALL OF THE GOVERNOR: PARTS ONE and TWO, ties all the narrative strands and back stories together in a roller-coaster finale that spans two books--an epic conclusion that resonates for fans of the comic series in startling ways. Every dark promise made during the Governor's rise to power now pays off in a series of terrifying, dramatic confrontations. When collected as a set, these four installments tell a heart-wrenching and terrifying saga of apocalyptic horror as well as human behavior in the extreme.


Alister Hodge - 2018
    While her body awaits transfer to the morgue, Harry is stunned to witness the corpse lurch off the bed and attack his staff. It’s not an isolated incident. Lysan Plague has crossed the species divide from bat to human and mutated with devastating effect. Burning across the country in a tide of bloody violence, it overwhelms an unprepared police force and government. Bite victims re-animate as plague ‘Carriers’, creatures lost to conscious thought, consumed by rage and an urge to feed on the non-infected. No-one is safe in the apocalypse, and only those who are willing to fight will survive. Harry forms an alliance with several other survivors, but will it be enough for them to hold out until the Army regroups to fight back?

Infected Waters: A Titanic Disaster

Alathia Morgan - 2016
    But does that mean it’s the truth? Nora Ryan couldn’t believe her luck when she’s appointed as the onboard nurse for White Star Line’s pride and joy. It was the biggest cruise liner in the world and she was being paid to go on the maiden voyage. Nora was prepared to treat common illnesses, but what she found aboard was something she’d never witnessed before.A virus unlike anything her schooling had taught her had found its way aboard the cruise liner. One passenger had already succumbed, dozens more were infected as the virus rapidly spread through the ship. Nora would have thought death would bring peace to the ill, little did she know they would wake with a blood thirst threatening the few remaining survivors. It’s a race against the clock to find a way to stop the virus from spreading. She turns to Gill, a stowaway, to help her find a solution. But Nora and Gill soon realize a solution wasn’t the goal, survival was. A Titanic Disaster is the second installment in the Infected Histories Series. Alathia Morgan makes you look more closely at the facts you have learned and make you question everything and everyone. Is history a true reflection of the past, or merely palatable fiction at its best? You decide.

Arctic Storm

John O'Brien - 2016
    Those infected serve only to afflict others through any means. As forces move in on the beleaguered city, Sergeant Brown has to make his way through roving bands of the infected in order to escape. Will the ring close before he can reach safe grounds or will he and others he finds be added to the final tally?

The Promise

Shawn Chesser - 2018
     Hopeful that the unknown sum of money included in his portion of the inheritance will be sufficient to bring an end to his latest run of bad luck and trouble, Riker boards a Greyhound bus in Atlanta with his duffel bag, less than two hundred dollars to his name, and a secret he must protect at all costs. Riker makes it to Middletown only to learn his sister has recently witnessed a gruesome death. Insisting she saw the victim rise from a pool of his own blood to attack the Samaritan rendering aid, Tara floats the idea that the man may have been a zombie. While the siblings are comparing what Tara thinks she saw to the conflicting stories about the event being reported on the news, the emergency broadcast system is activated and they find themselves under order to report to one of three newly established quarantine centers. With this unexpected turn of events looming over their heads, and as a result the reading of the will likely postponed indefinitely, Riker informs Tara of the promise he made to their mother on her deathbed months ago. A promise whose details leave Tara nearly as confused as those of the grisly attack haunting her every thought. A promise that Riker insists is worth ignoring the government edict in order to fulfill. A promise that requires the Rikers to leave town even as shadowy forces seek to seal it off from the rest of the country—a tall order they soon learn will be easier said than done.

The Most Uncommon Cold I: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

Jeffrey Littorno - 2013
    Her neck was still bent awkwardly to the left. I was struggling to make sense of what I was seeing when she spoke. “Wha…what…hap… happened t…to me?” She stuttered and slurred, but her words could be understood. Her eyes were still glassy as she slowly turned her head to look at me. I took me a few seconds to respond. Replying to someone who was just a moment earlier to all appearances dead has a way of taking your breath away. Eventually, I managed to say, “Well, I don’t really know, I...uh...came in and there was a man in...airport coveralls named James and...” “I f-feel cold,” she muttered slowly as if she had not heard me. Sluggishly and with difficulty, she raised herself at the waist. She looked down at her bloody body surveying the damage. Until this point, I had not noticed that her right shoulder looked as if a bite had torn away a chunk of the flesh and her left cheek had four parallel deep scratches as if fingernails had ripped down the side of her face. I couldn’t see other wounds, but blood covered most of her light green uniform making it look black. “You shouldn’t move!” I yelled. “Don’t move! I’ll go find a doctor!” I was standing a few feet from her, but somehow she managed to twist around a reach my leg. I felt her hand grab hard into the skin of my calf. “No, s-s-stay here,” she hissed as I yanked my leg free and backed away. “You need a doctor!” I cried out as I spun around to leave. When I reached the doorway, I looked back at her. She was still struggling to stand even as she slid her body toward me. A trail of smeared blood stayed on the white tile floor behind her. “Stay,” she hissed again, but I was already out the door.Kevin Turner is having a very bad day. People around him aredying... but they are not staying dead. Even in a world that seems to have gone crazy, the reporter is determined make sense of it all. Now he just has to stay alive long enough to get the facts.

Dusty's Diary Box Set: Apocalypse Series

Bobby Adair - 2015
     I mean, it took more than a year before anybody looked up from their smartphones long enough to wonder why so many of their neighbors were infected. Why so many were dying. The vaccination riots came and went. The grocery store shelves emptied out. The spigots eventually ran dry. That was around the time I moved underground and sealed the hatch on my backyard bunker. That was a couple of years ago. Now, my radio hasn't picked up a signal from the world up top since I can't remember when. My exterior camera died in a storm last spring. And the loneliness has set in, gnawing at me, making me think crazy thoughts, including the one that'll change everything. I have to leave the bunker and see if anyone is left alive.