Good Days Start With Gratitude: A 52 Week Guide To Cultivate An Attitude Of Gratitude

Pretty Simple Press - 2017

Make It Till You Make It: 40 Myths & Truths About Creating

Brendan Leonard - 2016
    Nobody gets tapped with a magic wand and suddenly has the ability to produce art, music, photos, films, or writing—they just do it. And you probably should too. Make It Till You Make It breaks down 40 myths and truths about the pursuit of creative expression, whether you want to make $0 a year doing your thing or $100,000 a year.

The Power of Responsibility: Six Decisions That Will Help You Take Back Happiness and Create Unlimited Success

Joelle Casteix - 2015
    What's holding you back? Successful and authentically happy people have one thing in common: Personal responsibility. Based on the blockbuster TEDxPasadenaWomen talk ... Do you want to be happy, but just don’t know how? Are you trapped by the people, events, or attitudes of your past? Are you “stuck” at work or school? Do you look at the mirror and wonder, “Why do I sabotage my chances for success?” It's time to do something drastic: put aside every other self-help or business book you own and read this book. Whether the other personal development books you’re reading are about finding wealth, defeating depression, flipping houses, succeeding as a woman in business, doing well in college, seeking inspiration, making money on the Internet, or coping with addiction, all of these books are USELESS until you learn the power of responsibility. In this book, you will learn the six simple decisions that will help you: Take control of your career Rebuild damaged relationships Let go of the toxic people in your life Find joy in the people and events around you Let go of co-dependency  Become stronger, happier, and more successful This fast-track plan for success has worked for thousands—from Fortune 500 executives to parents to college students. It WILL work for you. The six decisions are your key to unlimited success. If you are ready to change your life for the better, scroll up and click "Buy Now." Why wait any longer? For free child safety materials and to learn when books are free, visit

How Successful People Think Differently

Akash Karia - 2013
    In How Successful People Think Differently you will learn:•Why successful people say “I don’t” instead of “I can’t”•Why successful people never suppress their desires - and what they do instead•How successful people think smart•The “if-then” strategy that triples your chances of achieving success•The type of thinking that makes successful people successful in the first place•Why The Secret is setting you up for failure•The wrong (and the right) way to visualize your goals (this alone will be worth the price of the book!)•The right (and the wrong) type of thinking that either sets up you up for success or failure•Simple, and sometimes surprising, success principles to help you achieve your goals•And a lot more...Based on Intensive Scientific Research: Learn the Science of SuccessIn the last 100 years, science has made remarkable progress in unlocking the secrets behind successful people. Science has uncovered just how successful people think differently and how successful people think smarter than the rest of us. Unfortunately, a lot of this great, life-changing research is hidden inside dense, boring, hard-to read academic literature. Fortunately, I’ve gone through that research for you - and in this success booklet, you’re going to be getting access to life-changing tools and strategies that are scientifically-proven to help you achieve your personal and career goals, whatever they may be.Simple, and Sometimes Surprising Secrets of SuccessA lot has been written about goal setting, achievement and success. A lot of this advice sounds good but is not very useful, such as “Never give up. Think positive. Take risks”. This short and fun ebook provides you with practical tools that you can use to change your thinking and change your life.Just One Idea...Learn the science of success, and apply the success principles in this book to set and achieve your own goals, whatever they may be. Some success principles will provide validation of what you already think to be true (but didn’t have proof for), whereas other principles will surprise. Here’s the promise: All these principles are simple to apply, and if you apply them to your life, you will begin to experience more success in all areas of life. How do I know? Because I have proof (inside!) Just one idea in this book might be the inspiration and the spark of change you are looking for...just one idea can change your life.

Productivity Tools for Writers

Gwen Hernandez - 2013
    Can't find that amazing idea in your pile of sticky notes? Distracted by blog posts, social media, and email? Looking for an easy way to keep track of your research?This booklet (about 30 pages) introduces handy--and often free or inexpensive--computer-based tools to help you eliminate distractions, track your progress, organize your research, capture new ideas anywhere, streamline your writing process, and safeguard your hard work.Lessons in this booklet are based on a week-long class Gwen taught for the Romance Writers of America in June 2013.

Secrets of Relationships

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - 2005
    People, throughout the ages, have felt that they cannot communicate their feelings. If we could communicate all our feelings through words, then we would be leading very shallow lives. Life is rich because feelings cannot be captured in words! So we use all these gestures - we hug, so that hearts come closer, we give flowers, so that feelings are conveyed... We put all our efforts into expressing our feelings...and still, feelings remiain unexpressed. His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a spiritual leader and humanitarian, was born in 1956 in southern India. He was often found deep in meditation as a child. At the age of four, he astonished his teachers by reciting the Bhagavad Gita. To globalise the knowledge of leading a happy, stress-free life, H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar established an international educational and humanitarian NGO - The Art of Living, in 1982. Today, with a presence in over 151 countries, The Art of Living is one of the largest voluntary organizations in the world.

Grit for Kids: 16 top steps for developing Grit, Passion, Willpower, and Perseverance in kids for self-confidence and a successful life (motivating children, ... perseverance, setting goals, power)

Lee David Daniels - 2016
    What we do with it is quite another.” ― Angela Duckworth, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance While much has been written on how to develop these attributes for adults, there hasn’t been much practical advice on how to develop grit in children. Your kids are the most important people in your lives. In this increasingly competitive and confusing world they need you to help them be their best. They need you to guide them in developing traits for success and happiness. Grit for Kids will teach you how to do this in 16 easy to follow chapters. Each chapter contains real stories of kids facing common situations, proven steps to take in these situations, and the outcomes after the steps were taken. Your son or daughter will confidently be able to: Develop Discover what they’re really interested in pursuing; belief in their skills; ability to overcome negativity; desire to learn more about everything; ability to bounce back after a setback; capability to defend their beliefs and opinions. Manage Ability to recognize and control emotional outbursts; recognize small vs. big problems and keep them in perspective; recognize their unique strengths and weaknesses; be appreciative of differences in people; learn to right the wrongs they may have caused to others. Plan Define goals related to their passion; break the goals into small achievable tasks; follow the process of completing tasks; set milestones for achieving a goal; celebrate when a milestone is reached; apply lessons learned from a setback; persevere in achieving goals. Grow Achieve conviction in their beliefs; learn to apply ethical and moral behavior; cultivate a desire for a deeper understanding of issues; acquire healthy habits for their body and mind. What you will be able to do: Inspire your kids to discover what they’re passionate about Teach methods to manage their emotions Show how to downplay negativity and increase optimism Explain steps to teach respect for themselves and others Impart ways to help them develop goals consistent with their passions Demonstrate methods for planning to achieve their goals Explain how to teach them to stay the course Prepare them for setbacks or negative outcomes Teach how to learn from their mistakes and apply these lessons Reveal techniques to improve their decision making Apply methods to keep them at optimal health Model yourself as an example in perseverance and resilience

Focus Forward: How to Focus Your Mind to Rid Yourself of Distractions, Maximize Your Time, and Achieve More

Justin Byers - 2014
    Each day, it gets progressively more distracting. Just think for a moment. How many times have you checked your phone, your email, your Facebook, and other social networks... within the last hour? The upside of all these distractions has also created a lot of opportunities: More job opportunities, more creative outlets, and more social connectedness. To develop and maintain focus today, you must learn how to find balance in your life. You need the tools that will help you discipline yourself to step away periodically from the buzz and beeps of cell phones, the internet, and social media. You must assess and reassess what you want out of life, and focus on the different actions you can take to achieve those goals that you REALLY strive to achieve. Focus Forward - How to Focus Your Mind to Rid Yourself of Distractions, Maximize Your Time, and Achieve More contains long-term and short-term activities that will help manifest, cultivate, and maintain focus and flow in your daily life. Simple exercises like organization and outlining goals go a long way in helping you get through the day, but in order to achieve an overall sense of focus, you must also assess your passions, your inhibitions, and your fears. Becoming a conscious and concentrated individual means more than having a set plan -- it means having the fluidity to accept change, manage setbacks, and keep moving forward. Get Focus Forward - How to Focus Your Mind to Rid Yourself of Distractions, Maximize Your Time, and Achieve More today and get the tools you need to get yourself focused.

Getting Things Done: A Summary of David Allen's Book on Productivity

Shortcut Summaries - 2012
    Time management, in and of itself, is of little value unless it's combined with an effective, dependable and easy to use organizational system. Information overload and the need to process large volumes of data and work projects will choke your productivity unless you have an efficient work flow system in place that you trust completely and will ACTUALLY USE. The strategies and tips in this book will give you the tools you need to develop and utilize precisely that type of empowering system.

Ethical Leadership and Decision Making in Education: Applying Theoretical Perspectives to Complex Dilemmas, Third Edition

Joan Poliner Shapiro - 2000
    Ethical Leadership and Decision Making in Education: Applying Theoretical Perspectives to Complex Dilemmas, Second Edition: *demonstrates the application of different ethical paradigms (the ethics of justice, care, critique, and the profession) through discussion and analysis of real-life moral dilemmas that educational leaders face in their schools and communities;*addresses some of the practical, pedagogical, and curricular issues related to the teaching of ethics for educational leaders;*emphasizes the importance of ethics instruction from a variety of theoretical approaches; and*provides a process that instructors might follow to develop their own ethics unit or course.Part I provides an overview of why ethics is so important, especially for today's educational leaders, and presents a multiparadigm approach essential to practitioners as they grapple with ethical dilemmas. Part II deals with the dilemmas themselves. It includes a brief introduction to how the cases were constructed, an illustration of how the multiparadigm approach may be applied to a real dilemma, and ethical dilemmas written by graduate students that represent the kinds of dilemmas faced by practicing administrators in urban, suburban, and rural settings in an era full of complexities and contradictions. Part III focuses on pedagogy and provides teaching notes for the instructor. The authors discuss the importance of self-reflection on the part of both instructors and students, and model how they thought through their own personal and professional ethical codes as well as reflected upon the critical incidents in their lives that shape their teaching and frequently determine what they privileged in class.New in the Second Edition: *A completely new chapter emphasizing religious differences and presenting the contradictions between religion and culture;*A completely new chapter on testing, juxtaposing the paradox of accountability with responsibility;*Several new dilemmas focusing on higher education, recognizing that many educational leadership training programs include students with this focus; and*Changes throughout to update the text, including a discussion of recent scholarship in the field of ethical leadership.Ethical Leadership and Decision Making in Education: Applying Theoretical Perspectives to Complex Dilemmas, Second Edition is easily adaptable for a variety of uses with a wide range of audiences. It is equally valuable as a text for university courses related to the preparation of educational leaders and as a professional reference for aspiring and practicing administrators, teacher leaders, office personnel, and educational policy makers.

The Power of the Positive - Achieve Fulfillment, Success, and Happiness Using Powerful, Positive Affirmations

Colleen Archer - 2014
    You deserve fulfillment, success, and happiness, and all of this can be obtained with a few little tweaks to your day. Inside The Power of the Positive - Achieve Fulfillment, Success, and Happiness Using Powerful, Positive Affirmations, you will be shown how to obtain your dreams, your goals, and get what is missing from your life all by using affirmations. What are affirmations? Affirmations are short, positive, powerful statements about yourself and your life. Affirmations have the power to transform the way you think about yourself and your life by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. This transformation leads to improved self-esteem, a more positive outlook, and better focus on your goals and dreams. This book will teach you everything you need to know about affirmations and how to use them to transform your mind and your life. You will learn to create your own affirmations that are personalized to your specific needs. Then, you will learn how to develop a successful affirmations practice that makes positive thinking an unbreakable habit in your life. Changing your thinking will change your life! Start your affirmations practice right now by getting The Power of the Positive - Achieve Fulfillment, Success, and Happiness Using Powerful, Positive Affirmations today. Let today be the first of many days of positive thinking, and achieving the life you deserve!

Daily Habits: How To Win Your Day: Your Days Define Your Destiny

Prashanth Savanur - 2015
    But why not gain all these in your life? And, how would you go about balancing them all out? One book can give you all the answers : How To Win Your Day. Inside the pages of How To Win Your Day,details on how to conquer each day in your life with more peacefully, embrace your victories and challenges with gratitude,use your will power to overcome those challenges and accomplish all of this with the right attitude. How To Win Your Day can help you take actionable steps to living a better, more fulfilling and successful life. You will also learn: How to create more peaceful and productive days, simply by establishing a proper sleep pattern; How to kill the very foes that impede you from your success with sheer will power; How changing your daily habits can improve your health and your life. How our Attitude plays a very important role in our journey towards success. The power of Just One Step. The most important thing how our Family plays an important role in our professional success. By learning how to manage all the activities we will indirectly learn how to manage our time and give the extra time to the one we love. It might be our family or our passion. And finally what are the problems author faced, while implementing the things told in the book and how he overcame those problems. Along with well thought out advice, tried and true techniques, keen insight into what makes up a day in our lives, as well as dozens of positive affirmations, How To Win Your Day touches all the areas of our life helping to maintain balance in every area of our life. It also includes a FREE Guided Meditation which helps you to have right connection between your body and mind. How To Win Your Day aspires to guide you through trials and tribulations, help see you to your personal best self and get you to the next level of achievement. But, you must be willing to learn these ways and steps, in order to gain the strength you need to claim your success. And, this inspiring book can and will show you how. How To Win Your Day is an answer to your many problems, a guide to your success and a blueprint for a life well lived. Download now and live each day with more confidence and happiness. Scroll to the top of the page and select the buy button.

Racing Towards Excellence

Muzaffar Khan - 2009
    Written in a conversational tone, the book offers a succinct, approachable manual on how to get more done.

The Gentle Way: A Self-Help Guide for Those Who Believe in Angels

Tom T. Moore - 2006
    You will have more fun and less stress in your life. It will assist you in achieving whatever goals you have set for yourself in your life. It will assist you in handling those major challenges we all experience in life. This book will even inspire you to learn more about our world and universe. How can I promise all these benefits? Because I have been using these concepts for over ten years, and I can report these successes from direct knowledge and experience. But this is a self-help guide, so that means that it requires active participation on your part. What you are going to read in this book is unique information that you have never seen before! This book is for people of all faiths and beliefs -- the only requirement is a basic belief in angels.

How To Set Goals: Ultimate Goal Setting Guide to Having Your Best Year Ever

Craig Ballantyne - 2012
    It's one of the oldest as well, 13 years in the making.Goal setting is ESSENTIAL for your success. Not only for financial success, but for success in all areas of your life.Some of the things you'll learn in this book is:- How to use S.M.A.R.T. goals in your goal setting- The four areas of your life you MUST set goals for- Two types of goals, and why it's important you do both- How to visualize your goals- How to create your own vision and mission- How to review your progress to know you're on the right trackTo your success.