Duels of Every Sort: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sarah Brown - 2019
    What if the Bennets did have a son? How would the addition of another one of those witty Bennets to the story alter Darcy's point of view? Arguments, adventure, romance, and duels of every sort are sure to follow.

Barely Betrothed to Mr. Darcy: a Pride and Prejudice variation

Valerie Lennox - 2020
    She lives with her sister and her sister’s husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bingley, and she dotes on her niece and nephew. She doesn’t long for a husband or children of her own. To do so would only bring her misery.Then news reaches them which tears Elizabeth’s contentment to shreds.Mrs. Caroline Darcy is dead. She’s drowned herself.Everyone has long observed the late Mrs. Darcy’s dissatisfaction with her loveless, childless marriage, so the news, while tragic, is not entirely surprising. Elizabeth knows that Caroline trapped her husband into marrying her by falsely accusing him of a compromise that never occurred. Of course, that truth has never mattered, nor has the fact that Mr. Darcy is still in love with Elizabeth and that she is in love with him.Now, Mr. Darcy is free, but propriety dictates that he cannot remarry immediately. A quick marriage would court scandal and it would wound Caroline’s brother, Mr. Bingley, who is also Mr. Darcy’s dear friend. So, though Elizabeth knows that Mr. Darcy will be hers eventually, they cannot be officially engaged yet. Now, they must wait.For these two who have waited so long for each other, the waiting will prove to be the hardest part.Read this variation if you like our dear couple angsty and yearning, and if you’re amenable to a steamy culmination to all that tension.

Mr. Darcy and the Missing Earl: A Pride and Prejudice variation

Juliana Abbott - 2021
    Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet want the same thing - to be as far away from each other as possible. However, when family obligations bring them both to Havers Manor, they have no choice but to tolerate each other's presence.They avoid one another as much as they can until a sudden rainstorm traps them in the manor.As if that was not bad enough, their weekend takes a shocking turn for the worse when their host, the cantankerous Earl of Haver, goes missing, and there is only one suspect: Mr. Darcy.Due to his ill-temper at being near the woman who broke his heart, Darcy has turned the entire household against him, leaving Elizabeth as his only ally.Stranded in the old manor, Darcy and Elizabeth find themselves growing ever closer as they work together to solve the mystery of the Earl's disappearance and to prove Mr. Darcy's innocence.Will they find the true culprit and save Mr. Darcy before it is too late and their blossoming romance is cut short before it has a chance to grow? ** Please note: This story starts off-canon in a world where Elizabeth and Jane have built a lasting friendship with Georgiana Darcy, which led to the circumstances at the start of this novel.Mr Darcy and the Missing Earl is a sweet and clean mystery romance featuring Our Dear Couple in this Pride & Prejudice Variation, and it's ~60k words long.

A Fortunate Alliance: A Pride and Prejudice Story

Beth Poppet - 2019
     Her sister, Elizabeth, is distraught over the engagement, and although aware of an unspoken attraction between Jane and Mr Bingley, she is powerless to alter her sister’s inevitable future without encouraging a scandal. Elizabeth’s displeasure is often manifest by way of general complaint to the even wealthier and more distinguished Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy, who confesses a propensity for offending wherever he goes. Despite assurances that Jane has made a most suitable match, Elizabeth is determined never to marry for mere security and familial obligations, but her sharp wit and biting tongue produce obstacles in making a fortunate alliance of her own. “My Dear Readers, If you have taken up the delightful chore of reading this novel, I hope that you are as fond of ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and its author, Jane Austen, as I am. I make no claims of being her equal in writing, though I strive to preserve her style and characters in a way that will do justice to those presented to us in the original. I am under no delusion that my adaptation must appeal to every reader of Jane Austen fan-works. Yet I have done my utmost to deliver to you the sort of drama we might expect from a novel of this period; that of familial duty and regret, of sisterly quarrels and affection, enduring friendships, first impressions, and yes, now and then a runaway animal, and a bit of family scandal. For any inaccuracies written in ignorance, I apologise. For liberties taken for the sake of writerly whims, I can only request your indulgence. These liberties may be most apparent in the continuing stories compiled in Volume II, as this is where my novel expands into new territory and ‘Pride and Prejudice’ could not be consulted for material, leaving me to rely on speculation. My original design to end the story by Volume I was thwarted when I found it impossible to do some of our favourite couples and their endings justice under such limitations. My wise editor, fellow author, and eternal friend, Miss Catherine Miller, suggested I take a page from the illustrious Jane Austen herself and expand into a second volume, the better to tell everyone’s stories in the most satisfactory manner. A last word to those astonishing persons who have made it this far. Thank you ever so much for choosing to read this humble author’s adaptation of such a beloved and enduring novel. I know there are a multitude of fan-works to choose from in this sphere, and I am absolutely delighted that you would consider mine worthy of your time and attention. May it prove so! Your Little Scribbler, Madam Beth Poppet”

The Netherfield Fire: An Elizabeth and Darcy Story

Timothy Underwood - 2020
    Darcy saved Elizabeth from the fire, but will her infected burns still kill her?When Elizabeth smelled the smoke and heard the cry of ‘Fire!’ during the Netherfield ball she did not hesitate to run up to the higher floors. A servant who had grown up at Longbourn had broken her leg, and would need help to escape the flames. But as they hurried downstairs they became lost in the thick, roiling smoke. Elizabeth was struck and burned on the face by falling debris.Just when she began to despair, she heard Mr. Darcy’s hoarse voice cry her name.Mr. Darcy still disdains Elizabeth’s mother and connections, and the next time they meet will be at Rosings Park under Lady Catherine’s watchful gaze…

The Sins of Their Fathers: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Tiffany Thomas - 2022
    Darcy still find their happily ever after?Young William Collins spent his childhood under the oppression of an abusive father and an ill mother. When he becomes an orphan after a scarring tragedy, Collins is sent to live with his estranged cousins, the Bennet family, at Longbourn.At the same time, Fitzwilliam Darcy passes through his own crisis. The unique relationship between the Darcy and Wickham families is revealed late one night when Fitzwilliam discovers his father’s unsettling secret—one that affects George Wickham to the core.Elizabeth grows up loving Collins as a brother, but when he befriends Darcy and Wickham, Elizabeth wonders about her cousin’s choice in friends, and Darcy’s overbearing pride. What she doesn’t know are the heartaches of Darcy’s past that shape his intentions now.As the beloved characters of Pride & Prejudice grapple with their disturbing childhoods, how will the choices of their parents be carried on to the next generation? Can they find happiness, or are they doomed to a lifetime of misery because of the sins of their fathers?"The Sins of Their Fathers: A Pride & Prejudice Variation" by Tiffany Thomas is a full-length historical romance novel of 85,000 words.

Mr. Darcy and the Victim of Circumstance: A Pride and Prejudice Vagary

Arthel Cake - 2021
    As she recovers, Darcy finds himself attracted to his guest, but her low social status silences his desires. Soon Darcy discovers the wreck was no accident, but the work of his old nemesis George Wickham, drawing him into the official investigation. While Darcy gathers evidence of the crime, his friend Charles Bingley falls in love with Elizabeth’s sister Jane. Bingley leases an estate near her home in Hertfordshire, bringing Darcy once more into contact with Elizabeth. After Wickham is captured by an intrepid Bow Street investigator, the monstrous motive for his crime is revealed, and he is arrested for murder. Meanwhile, Bingley secures Jane’s hand, forcing his friend to confront his reservations about Elizabeth. Feeling he is free of Wickham’s shadow, Darcy follows his heart and proposes to Elizabeth, and the double wedding of the two sisters goes forward. But then, unforeseen problems arise. A vitriolic attack by Bingley’s sister Caroline, long obsessed with Darcy, shocks Elizabeth. Georgiana has a distressing secret she is afraid to share with her brother. And Darcy’s aunt, Lady Catherine deBourgh, exhibits bizarre symptoms that force her brother, Lord Matlock, to intervene before a major scandal damages the entire family, threatening Darcy’s and Elizabeth’s future. Now, as the newlyweds settle at Pemberley, Wickham goes on trial, and Darcy must testify against his one-time friend, sealing Wickham’s fate. With Wickham sentenced to die, honor, treachery and one last act of evil force a crisis no one could have imagined, and bring Darcy face to face with death..

By Charm or By CHOICE?

Shana Jefferis-Zimmerman - 2019
    Bennet got rid of her two most deserving daughters. If you are looking for a renewal of the angst and suspense caused by poor first impressions and romantic misunderstanding, this may not be the book for you. But if you’ve ever wanted to know what happiness is found by Elizabeth Bennet as Mrs. Darcy or yearned for a reunion with the beloved cast of Pride and Prejudice that succeeds the original storyline, this book satisfies those cravings!While many of her acquaintance may have concluded that Elizabeth Bennet was leading a charmed life, her choice to adhere to her principles by rejecting the certain security of two marriage proposals in order to marry for affection and esteem should not be ignored. As a happily married woman of means Elizabeth Darcy now lives a more worldly, knowledgeable, fashionable, and public life. She also has many new household, estate, and family responsibilities she must learn to meet. But she still has the choice to be guided by her principles in her thoughts and deeds. Can she help her shy new sister Georgiana Darcy prepare to be introduced into London society? With Longbourn as entailed away as ever, what will happen to Mary and Kitty Bennet? Have they any hope of making good matches in the limited society of Meryton with an indifferent father and an insensible mother? Has Elizabeth’s view of Charlotte’s decision to marry Mr. Collins changed? Can Mrs. Collins remain content or perhaps even find happiness living in Kent? Who shall return from the war on the continent possibly needing assistance? After learning the conniving Miss Bingley is being banished from her brother’s new estate, can Elizabeth help her beloved Jane by seeing Miss Bingley properly settled? Amidst the familiar faces, continued follies, new absurdities, and sometimes harsh realities of all their acquaintance, the Darcys, with the considerable resources at their disposal, must decide when and if to intervene on behalf of those they love. Can Elizabeth help those she left behind? Should she?By Charm or By Choice? is the first of two books that comprise the Pride and Prejudice Continues series. It is a sweet and clean Regency romance and a full length novel of 108,000 words.

Partial and Prejudiced: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Emily Russell - 2021
    She is the woman he longs for against his better judgment. Can love grow from a marriage brought about by deceit?Fitzwilliam Darcy cannot fix on the moment when Elizabeth Bennet became so appealing to him. He had scarcely allowed her to be tolerable on their first meeting, but now, he is utterly bewitched by her. If it were not for her ridiculous family and the inferiority of her connections, Darcy thought he would be in some danger of making a foolish alliance.Elizabeth Bennet has disliked Darcy from the moment they met. Not only did he insult her appearance and express disdain towards her family, but he has also denied his former childhood friend Wickham his inheritance. When they attend the Netherfield ball, Elizabeth is determined to avoid the proud, haughty gentleman as much as she can.But Wickham has his own plans where Darcy is concerned. Wickham has vowed to humble his former friend, and what could be more humiliating for Darcy than being forced to marry a woman he finds barely tolerable and whose family will make him the laughingstock of society? And what better place to arrange a compromising situation than at a ball?When Darcy and Elizabeth are forced to marry to save Elizabeth’s reputation, Darcy finds himself happier than he expected. And as Elizabeth's feelings for her future husband grow, she struggles to understand how a man who treats her with such kindness and affection could betray a friend so cruelly.When Wickham discovers Darcy is in love with Elizabeth, he is furious to realise he has merely helped him get what he wanted, yet again. Now, he must find another way to take revenge on his old friend. And what better way to do it than through the woman Darcy loves?Partial and Prejudiced is a Pride and Prejudice Variation novella of approximately 36,000 words.

Mr. Darcy's Regrets: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

CJ Matteo - 2022
    Darcy’s Regrets” is a Pride and Prejudice Regency variation novella of approximately 30K words, with low angst, lots of romance, and some original twists in the timeless story of Elizabeth and Darcy, told from Darcy’s point of view.Many of us wonder about the friendship between Darcy and Bingley. How did they end up together when there is a significant difference in age, character, and situation in life between the two? What if their bond has its roots in the past relationship of their families?The story starts in London after Elizabeth returns from Kent, and she and Jane are staying with the Gardiners. Mr. Bingley, his sisters, as well as Mr. Darcy and his relatives are in town too, and their circles are about to collide. Mr. Darcy’s confession, Mr. Bingley’s determination, several meetings between the families, an earlier elopement — all gather our favourite characters together and push them on an arduous journey towards their happily ever after.It is the perfect time for Mr. Darcy to understand that mere regrets are not enough, and past wrongs must be repaired — and to take the step from reflection to real action.

Darcy and Elizabeth: A Peculiar Courtship: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Alice Morgan - 2018
     How Mr Darcy is going to win Elizabeth's heart? *** This is an edited version of the story "Five Questions" published online several years ago. ***

To Love Mr Darcy: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Martine J. Roberts - 2016
    With Mr. Bennet’s full blessing, Fitzwilliam Darcy informs Elizabeth they are to be married. Furious that they have decided her future for her, Elizabeth sets out to change Darcy’s mind. However, the untimely interference of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, and Darcy’s subsequent actions makes it impossible for Elizabeth to break their engagement. The events that follow lead to betrayal, a renewal of affection, and even death. Yet, in the midst of all this chaos, love blossoms, and in the most unlikely manner... To Love Mr Darcy, is an exciting alternative to the original Pride & Prejudice novel by Jane Austen. UK English, spellings, grammar and terminology are used throughout this book.

Ready For Capture: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Lorell C. Hornbrook - 2021
    Bennet is dead. Her second eldest daughter, Elizabeth, has no time for suitors. She must placate a melancholy father and help raise her younger sisters. Fitzwilliam Darcy is of like mind. He struggles to keep his family's legacy alive and support a younger sister beset with problems of her own.The two meet at a country assembly. While she teases out his quiet charm, he delights in her fiery intelligence. As soon as he lets his feelings be known, duty pulls him away.Will Elizabeth conquer her prejudice against the first circles to see a man worthy of respect? Will Darcy deliver justice for the sins committed against his sister, or forever drown in the silence of his inherit pride? Will he capture the only woman to bewitch him body and soul?

Darcy's Winter Ball: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

A.J. Woods - 2019
    Hoping the time away from home might begin to heal Jane’s wounded heart, Elizabeth also seeks peace and quiet to finish the novel she has been working on in secret. She does not expect to meet Mr. Darcy ever again, but should she collide with the arrogant man who had a hand in causing Jane’s sorrow, she has vowed to give him a piece of her mind. A chance encounter while visiting his favorite bookshop finds Fitzwilliam Darcy in the company of a woman he has failed to forget. When he discovers that Elizabeth is there to research a novel she is writing, Darcy offers the use of his own personal library instead, hoping she might finally understand his true character. When the two are thrown together again by fate, will Darcy and Elizabeth open their hearts enough to amend their first impressions of each other? Though not without plenty of conflict, Darcy’s Winter Ball is a sweet, lighthearted, Regency-set novella, with a happy ending for ODC.

Schemes of Felicity: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Suzan Lauder - 2020
    Darcy desires marriage to Elizabeth Bennet, but he ruins any such prospect during his proposal at Hunsford. The resulting general sense of malaise interferes with his usually amicable yet stately demeanour, and his Fitzwilliam relatives resolve that Darcy is lonely-he must be in want of a wife. His cousins convince him to leap into the London Season for one month and partner every lady they select for his felicity.At Longbourn, chaos erupts as Mr. Bennet undergoes a transformation, and Jane and Elizabeth receive the gift of a month in town to enjoy the Season. Meanwhile, Elizabeth pores over Mr. Darcy's Hunsford letter and wonders about him, warmed by his words.It's only a matter of time before the two meet again in this Pride and Prejudice novella. But will their encounter be a repeat of the earlier disaster, or will they overcome their tenuous history? And can Elizabeth's credentials pass the stringent criteria of the scheming Fitzwilliam cousins who direct Darcy towards the single daughters of every peer of the realm?