Book picks similar to
The Power of Your Angels: 28 Days to Finding Your Path and Realizing Your Life's Dreams by Isabelle von Fallois
Doing Nothing: Coming to the End of the Spiritual Search (reprint)
Steven Harrison - 1997
"Do nothing. Nothing is a surprisingly active place. It is there that we discover who and what we are." Doing Nothing is for spiritually oriented readers who have found themselves avidly following practices that have not fundamentally changed their lives: new therapies, ancient meditations, exotic religions. Harrison discovered that the path to happiness and truths of life lies in the simple act of stopping the search.
The Book of Destiny: Unlocking the Secrets of the Ancient Mayans and the Prophecy of 2012
Carlos Barrios - 2009
A contemporary Mayan Priest and Shaman reveals the genius of the ancient Mayan calendar and its accompanying horoscope, and examines in depth the ancient 2012 prophecy that many believe will forever change the world as we know it. The Book of Destiny is the most complete and authentic book on the secrets of the ancient Mayan culture and what it means for readers today.
Venus Trines at Midnight: Love Poems from Linda Goodman
Linda Goodman - 1970
Her three books, Sun Signs, Love Signs, and Star Signs have sold over 40 million copies in many languagaes. Known to her friends as both a poet and a romantic, Linda Goodman's view of the world was influencd by the astrology she understood so well. That unique combination of talents produced this charming and profound book.These poems about love and loss, death and reincarnation, beauty and romance, all seen through the prism of an astrological landscape, teach us how this fascinating science helps weave the fabric of our lives. But even more than that--like most great poetry, they make the heart sing and the spirit soar, and give us the wisdom to appreciate that the dance is eternal.
How to Work with Angels in Your Life: The Reality of Angelic Ministry Today (Angels in the Realms of Heaven, Book 2)
Kevin Basconi - 2013
To activate your ability to see and discover techniques to work with angels. Angels are involved in miracles, healings, and the approaching global outpouring of God’s Spirit. Jesus modeled angelic ministry and continues to employ angels today.How to Work with Angels In Your Life is Book 2 in the Angels in the Realms of Heaven series. Work with the angels in your life and get ready for God to empower you to accomplish the extraordinary!
The Higher Powers of Mind and Spirit
Ralph Waldo Trine - 1917
We realise that we are living below our possibilities. We long for the realisation of the life that we feel should be.Instinctively we perceive that there are within us powers and forces that we are making but inadequate use of, and others that we are scarcely using at all. Practical metaphysics, a more simplified and concrete psychology, well-known laws of mental and spiritual science, confirm us in this conclusion.Our own William James, he who so splendidly related psychology, philosophy, and even religion, to life in a supreme degree, honoured his calling and did a tremendous service for all mankind, when he so clearly developed the fact that we have within us powers and forces that we are making all too little use of - that we have within us great reservoirs of power that we have as yet scarcely tapped.The men and the women who are awake to these inner helps - these directing, moulding, and sustaining powers and forces that belong to the realm of mind and spirit - are never to be found among those who ask: Is life worth the living? For them life has been multiplied two, ten, a hundred fold.
The Great Shift: Co-Creating a New World for 2012 and Beyond
Martine Vallée - 2009
The text is addressed in part to Lightworkers, for whom the energy shift now gearing up has been ongoing for at least the last twenty years. The time is getting closer. The Great Shift is a progress report from the field and the messages are positive. "You don't have to logically do anything but 'show up' with spiritual intent, and the DNA quantum field is activated in your body," Kryon says. He tells us to expect changes and peace we may have never thought to see in our lifetimes, even in the Middle East. He says, "God is not a controlling force. Look for the love." Tom Kenyon channeling the Hathors, a group consciousness entity, reminds us, "It is your attention to an event that makes it conscious." Kenyon also explains what channeled material is, which is important in understanding how we co-create our own world#58; "From the standpoint of neuropsychology, channeled information is just another expression of our brain/mind potential . . . a movement into the unknown territory of one's own psyche to see what emerges in terms of contact (with other intelligences) and information." The Hathors message for what is now and what is to come#58; "It is so simple, it is forgotten. . . . Find a way to live your life in joy and happiness." Mary Magdalen, through Tom Kenyon, makes it clear that restoring the balance between male and female energies will mean good things for men as well as women and will reignite our creative potency. Patricia Cori channeling the High Council of Sirius reminds usthat the future is never predetermined and the past is an illusion-different for each of us.
Celestine Insights - Limited Edition of Celestine Prophecy and Tenth Insight
James Redfield - 2009
Here you discover that an ancient Peruvian manuscript has disappeared. Although few Westerners know of its existence and a government wants to suppress it, this precious document contains an important secret: the nine Insights the human race is predicted to grasp as we enter an era of true spiritual awareness. To find the manuscript, you will journey high into the Andes mountains and into the deepest places of the self. When the last of the nine Insights is revealed to you, you will have an exciting new image of human life, and a positive vision of how we will save this planet, its creatures and its beauty. But one Insight will still be missing...
Inspired Destiny: Living a Fulfilling and Purposeful Life
John F. Demartini - 2010
John Demartini’s Inspired Destiny has deep meaning for readers of all ages. Whether you’re a young adult or simply young at heart, it will awaken you to your inspired destiny. Do the simple exercises in each chapter and apply what you learn here, and you will:· Clarify what you’d love to dedicate your life to· Powerfully communicate your vision to others· Make money doing what you love· Dissolve the emotions that can distract you from your purpose· Discover the power of planning your life to become what you'd truly love it to be—not what someone else thinks it “should” beYou’ll come away from this book with an immense vision of yourself, understanding the real difference between being a leader or follower, and see how to set an example for others by doing what you love. You’ll set in motion a far-reaching “ripple effect,” beginning the journey of mastering and living a meaningful and inspiring life.
Telos Volume 1: Revelations Of The New Lemuria (Telos, Vol. 1)
Aurelia Louise Jones - 2002
Timely and fascinating messages from the people of the ancient civilization of Lemuria, living in the fifth dimensional city of Telos beneath Mount Shasta, CA. Telos is an ancient Lemurian City of Light that is real and still exists to this day in the physical realm, underneath Mount Shasta. Re-acquaint yourself with Adama, the High Priest of Telos and your eternal father, as he describes the kind of Earthly paradise they have forged for themselves as they raised their consciousness to a fifth dimensional reality. They are the survivors of the lost continent of Mu who perished beneath of waves of the Pacific Ocean over 12,000 years ago. Our Lemurian brothers and sisters of Telos and our former family of ancient times are soon looking forward to coming out, when we are ready, to teach us how to do the same here on the surface. Due to their isolation from the surface population, they have succeeded in creating a civilization of peace and abundance, with no sickness, aging or death. They have mastered immortality in physical expression and they wish to teach us to do the same. Vividly and heroically, Telos delivers a clear understanding of what is required on the surface to create a prosperous society and a healthy environment. The Telosians and many other spiritually advanced civilizations are very real inside the Earth. They are coming forward at this time to inspire us to follow in their footsteps. The return of the Lemurians and their eventual emergence among us is nothing less than the "Second Coming" that we have been waiting for, for so very long. The Lemurians have long achieved the fullness of the Christ consciousness, and as we are ready to receive them among us, they will teach us how to implement, right here on the surface of this planet, the type of paradise they have forged for themselves in Telos. They will assist us in building a golden age that will manifest the fullness of the Christ consciousness, which is the divinity that has always been there within our hearts. The indwelling Christ of our being becoming tangibly manifested on this planet and in our daily lives. Here is what Adama has to say at this time: It is with much delight and anticipation that we bring to you the memories of Lemuria. Though these memories have appeared to be lost for a while, they have continued to live and thrive in your hearts unto this now moment in time. In Telos, we are honored to join hearts with you, and to assist in the unification of our two civilizations. We send you much love from Telos, where this divine energy flows in great abundance. Until we meet, keep practicing the art of true love, which starts with loving yourself. May love abound in your heart for each other and for all of creation, as precious jewels and expressions of the Love of the Mother/Father God! We hold you dearly in our hearts. Adama.
The Primal Meditation Method: How To Meditate When Sitting Still Is Infuriating
Matt Pepliński - 2014
This quick and easy read will teach you the Primal Meditation Method, a technique specifically designed for people who have problems with concentration. If you have been bored or frustrated by past efforts to observe your breath and quiet your mind, but you realize that meditation can help you become healthier, happier, and more successful, you need this book. For more than ten years, author Matt Pepliński tried traditional methods of meditation to reach that healing state of awareness called mindfulness, but those methods didn’t work for him. Learn How First Human Tribes Meditated After realizing what meditation really is and what was getting in the way of mindfulness for him, he was on his way to a scientifically based solution. It took another three years to perfect a technique that would help Westerners like him meditate deeply in a more natural way. Relying on anthropological research by Bradford Keeney and Jonathan Burns, he based the Primal Meditation Method on the way the first human tribes meditated and dealt with traumatic events. He created the Primal Meditation Method because he found traditional methods disappointing. As you can see from his biography, Pepliński had struggled with many problems. Thanks to the Primal Meditation Method, he: increased his emotional sensitivity developed greater self-control Increased his emotional sensitivity Developed greater self-control Started feeling alive again Became more mindful in his day-to-day life If you have found traditional meditation frustrating, The Primal Meditation Method can help you strengthen your mindfulness muscles in the same way pushups can strengthen your triceps.
Emissary of Light: A Vision of Peace
James F. Twyman - 1998
Shares adventures in Bosnia & Croatia & explains how we could be on the brink of lasting world peace.
The Past Life Perspective: Discovering Your True Nature Across Multiple Lifetimes
Ann C. Barham - 2016
No longer simply the stuff of new age practitioners, past life regression therapy is a powerful tool that can improve your understanding of your personal challenges and deepen your connection with the world around you. Barham demystifies this intriguing phenomenon, sharing her client’s astounding stories, each a clue to the profound influence the personalities of the past have on our thoughts and actions today.As modern science and technology advance at overwhelming rates, many of us crave the healing insights and feelings of eternal love that survivors of near death experiences frequently report. Through past life therapy, everyday people are able to experience prior lifetimes all the way through their deaths, tapping into abiding spiritual truths and answering essential questions about human existence.
How to be Your Own Genie: Manifesting the Magical Life You Were Born to Live
Radleigh Valentine - 2017
Radleigh discusses the components of a magical life and offers practical advice and exercises to support you in several areas:
Getting in touch with your “inner genie” to make your wishes come true
Signs from the universe: how to read the messages you’re receiving every day
Daily, weekly, and monthly strategies for making your life more magical
How to speak to the angels and why these angelic messengers want to help you
Discovering your identity: examining your beliefs to choose only those that truly serve you
Manifesting what you really want and how to turn an adversity into a blessing
Finding love and managing the relationships in your life
The importance of choosing joy and living a life of gratitude
Join Radleigh on a magical journey to discover and claim the magical life you were born to live!
Soul Speak ~ The Language of Your Body
Julia Cannon - 2012
The only problem is, we don't have the translation manual for this language - until now. We are much greater than the sum of our physical parts. We are a spiritual being residing in a physical body. We came into this dimension to have experiences and to grow. We have constant guidance and support from our other parts as we go about having these experiences. It is very easy to forget who and what we really are and why we have placed ourselves here. Our higher selves are constantly communicating with us to help us stay on the path we have chosen for our growth. One of the easiest ways to get our attention is through pain, so that's why we use it. When we learn to communicate directly with these parts, we no longer need the physical messages.In this book you will discover what the messages from the different body systems mean and how you can heal any situation by understanding the message that is being delivered and acting appropriately on that message. This is a secret language that is now being revealed. It is no longer a mystery. Discover for yourself what YOU are trying to say to YOURSELF.What is your body telling you? What is pain telling us?Why do we make ourselves sick?
Practical Law of Attraction: Align Yourself with the Manifesting Conditions and Successfully Attract Your Desires
Victoria Gallagher - 2019
If you're still stuck and trying to figure it out, Practical Law of Attraction will give you the answers you've been looking for!"Dr. Joe Vitale - Star of The Secret, #1 Best Selling Author of "The Attractor Factor""Practical" is right! I wish I'd had this book when I started my journey over 20 years ago. Victoria takes this very misunderstood subject and truly does make it accessible to even the most skeptical thinker. This book is an outstanding way to introduce new people to the Law of Attraction, and a great refresher for long-time students who could benefit from a refresher."Bob Doyle - Featured Expert in "The Secret"Victoria Gallagher's book eases the burden of one ever having to wonder whether the genie has gotten the message or not. All the power to manifest is within you.Manifesting, which goes beyond simple positive thinking, is a collaboration between all three levels of mind; Conscious, Subconscious, and Superconscious. It's impersonal and happens; whether positive or negative, when these eight conditions are in alignment.Desire or FearThoughtsImaginationBelief/ExpectancyFeelings/VibrationCreative AttractionInspired ActionManifestationEach condition plays an important role in manifesting. They do not always happen in a specific order.When the conditions are in alignment, manifestation occurs simultaneously.The book demystifies the concepts of manifesting and attracting. It helps you understand in no uncertain terms, the practical personal development work which is a requirement to attract success.Included are dozens of downloadable worksheets, meditative scripts, mental techniques and strategies to develop yourself into a person who has the kind of manifesting power that can help you create the life of your dreams.Victoria book eases the burden of having to wonder whether the genie has gotten the message or not. There is no genie, granting wishes. The power to manifest is within you and requires a level of belief, which can only come as a result of releasing deeply embedded negative subconscious programs and having the motivation to take action on your dreams and goals.This book is for anyone who has a dream or simply wishes to change their life for the better. Shift out of the old ways which haven't worked and implement new strategies to finally make it work for you.