Book picks similar to
Reality Bites by Bruce Hemming


The Long Ride Home

Susan Gregersen - 2012
    Despite the shaky conditions in the world, she and a friend embark on a cross-country bicycle trip. She's nearly two thousand miles from home when an EMP (Electro-magnetic pulse) over the eastern third of the nation takes out the power grid and cripples transportation. She must get home! Her husband, kids, and grandkids are back at their homestead in Montana! Ride along with Sue on her harrowing and often dangerous journey from Mississippi to Montana across a country just realizing that the world as they knew it is gone.(In January 2013 the author pulled the book file to rewrite some sections in response to reader comments and suggestions, which made a good story even better. This is the new version.)

Whack a Zombie

Bonnie Gill - 2020
    Mary excels in hand weapons, and Gina may get carried away a bit too often with explosives, but Italian traditions are important, and that means protecting family. Their U.S. Army trained sons may not need saving, but like it or not, they’re going to have their mothers there to help them survive.If only they didn’t keep getting sidetracked by folks too weak or inept to protect themselves from not only the zombies, but the remaining scumbag humans preying on other victims. It’s a constant game of whack a zombie, but along with a pair of ferocious Siamese cats, Mary and Gina are going from outlaws to heroes and having the time of their lives.

Stolen Liberty: Chaos Reigns

Thomas A. Watson - 2019
    Carrying few supplies but embracing past training and experiences, can Book, Shadow, and Blaster reach the sanctuary before the nation falls further into destruction and despair........while chaos reigns?”

Coming Together: The Blaine Family Chronicles Vol 2

David Nelson - 2014
    Matt Blaine's fears have been realized: EMPs (electromagnetic pulses) have knocked out all power across the globe. Now his "Disaster Circle" buddies, Rondell Mixon, Lonnie Llewellyn, and Frank Marshall, must make their way to the safety of Matt's secluded farm near the shores of Lake Huron. Traveling from various points across Michigan's mitten, they all have to deal with adversity- thieves, rapists, weather, injuries, and a gang of raiders calling themselves the Vikings. With communications nonexistent, they have no way of knowing if the others will make it to their destination. They all meet new people- a teacher, a survivalist wannabe, an expectant couple, and a pair of hiking enthusiasts. Dodging bullets and bandits, the Disaster Circle members are helped by some, and pay it forward by helping others. The question on everyone's mind is, Will they all make it to the farm, and will they make it in one piece? Travel with Matt's friends as they struggle to come together.

Gone to Ground

Cheryl Taylor - 2013
     Journalist Maggie Langton, determined not to let her son, Mark, grow up in the dangerous environment of the APZ, decides to run for the empty ranch land of northwestern Arizona. When she runs into O’Reilly, a fugitive ex-Enforcer, she grudgingly admits she needs help developing those skills needed to live on a small ranch camp. What she doesn’t expect, however, is that with knowledge of how to live rough, O’Reilly also possesses a darker knowledge: knowledge much more dangerous, and knowledge which the government will do anything to suppress. Maggie and O’Reilly find themselves in a fight to keep their newly formed family safe and secure, and out from under the rule of the controlling new government. At the same time they discover a conspiracy much deeper than anyone had believed possible.

Patriot Dawn: The Resistance Rises

Max Velocity - 2013
    The storm was rising for some time, a Resistance in the hearts of American Patriots to the strangulation of liberty by creeping authoritarianism. The scene was set. It just took a little push. A terrorist attack on the United States leads to war with Iran, followed by collapse, as the economy goes over the cliff. The final blow is a widespread opportunistic Chinese cyber attack, taking down the North American Power Grid. From the ashes, the Regime emerges. Liberty is dead. What remains of the United States of America is polarized. The Resistance Rises. Jack Berenger is a former Army Ranger Captain, living in northern Virginia with his family. Following the collapse, they fall foul of Regime violence and evacuate to the farm of an old Army friend. Jack is recruited into the resistance, to train the fledgling forces in the Shenandoah Valley. The fight begins. Live Hard, Die Free. Resist.

War Dogs Heading Home

A.J. Newman - 2019
    An EMP blast causes their plane to crash in the middle of nowhere. Having survived two disasters, they face the struggle to get home. Being warfighters, they certainly have the skills needed to survive in hostile surroundings, but in a world gone mad, where life clings on by a thread and people will kill for a few scraps of food, can they make it home alive? And if they can, will there be anything left to return to?

Cry Havoc

A. American - 2016
    There’s war and rumors of war. There’s the false recovery of the economy. Failing faith in the US economy is extremely high. Foreign banks have either slowed their purchases of Treasury Bonds or, in a few cases, begun unloading them.We have a current election that is rife with corruption, extreme partisanship and outright fraud. It would appear the left in the country is ready to do about anything to see their candidate elected. While this is very concerning today, what does it mean to the election process as a whole? What will the next one look like? Does anyone believe they will actually improve? Or will the next batters up to the ultimate Homeplate simply make it even worse, take it even further down the rabbit hole?In reality, it matters not who wins. They can only be there for eight years. But the election sets precedent for the next one; and the next one will push the limits even further, if there is one. We’ve all heard of the spooky bank holiday. This sort of thing usually happens on a weekend, and on Monday morning you simply cannot access your account. You have no access to your money. Don’t think it can happen? Neither did the people of Greece. Or Germany when they were limited to fifty Euros a day. What would you do? Do you keep cash on hand? Do you trust your bank? If you put twenty thousand dollars into the bank and then ask for ten thousand back, you have to fill out forms and justify your need for it. Then they tell the government about it and you face further sanctions.Here in America, we think we’re free. Well, we are currently listed as number twenty on the scale of freedom. Think about that. Number twenty! Chile is ahead of us! But we have our guns and all of those other countries don’t. And indeed we do, for now. But what if, if, they were to take those away? What do we do then? And before you say you would take to the streets and fight back, think for a minute what that really means. Then watch a few videos on Syria or Ukraine. It’s all fun and games until someone puts a tank main-gun round through your house.What follows is just one idea of what this could look like. I’m not saying this is the way it would go. It’s just some thoughts on it. On how people could act. What the government may do in response and how people might respond in turn.

Apocalypse Law

John Grit - 2011
    In the bedlam of lawlessness and starvation, hungry, desperate men arrive from the nearest town to take their meager supplies. A benevolent stranger keeps coming in the night to steal food. Sensing the stranger means no harm, Nate leaves food out as charity. But the stranger ignores offers to join them, then comes to their aid when a gang of prison escapees, led by an old nemesis of Nate's, raids their home. In the end, it is the kindness of a father desperate to save his son that may give two families and the stranger an opportunity to build a new life in a post-apocalypse world.

Arks of America

D.A. Carey - 2018
    Dave Cavanaugh, a silver haired outdoorsman, mountain hiker, and billionaire, dubbed the “Richard Branson of the Rockies,” sets in motion a plan to construct walled, gated communities across the country to preserve art, science, medicine, and religion, designed to be islands of calm in a sea of chaos. Much like Noah built an ark before the great flood, Dave intends to build a series of land-based arks before the country completely drowns in chaos. Arks of America. Vince Cavanaugh, Dave’s nephew, a gruff ex-Special Forces soldier, is urged to take an active role in the project. Liz Pendleton, a beautiful auburn haired actress from Kentucky now living in Hollywood, is one of the initial investors in the program. With alternating periods of violence and peace becoming the norm, eventually the periods of chaos get longer and don’t subside. Where will the violence strike next? Who will be caught up in it? Will Dave Cavanaugh’s grand plan be enough and in time?

Fire in the Sky

Darrell Maloney - 2017
    It really does exist - It’s a super volcano simmering just beneath the surface of Yellowstone National Park - It has erupted in the past, and will erupt again - Scientists believe that when it erupts again it will destroy 20 percent of the United States - You do NOT want to be in that 20 percent Tony and Hannah are just a couple of high school kids who happen across a woman who will change their lives forever. She’s a carnival fortune teller who warns them of a great calamity soon to befall the United States of America. The old woman tells them it will be up to them to tell the world of the impending danger. And to save the lives of millions. It would be easy to dismiss her warnings as fantasy, except for the fact that she vanishes before their very eyes. And so begins a long journey for Tony and Hannah. A journey which involves a great mystery, intrigue and danger. Not to mention threats by a government which should be trying to help them, but instead is trying desperately to keep its secrets hidden.

After It Happened Omnibus Parts 1-2: Survival / Humanity

Devon C. Ford - 2016
     Set in the UK in the immediate aftermath of a mysterious illness which swept the country and left millions dead, the series follows the trials facing a reluctant hero, Dan, and the group he forms around him. They must battle the elements, find sufficient supplies and equipment to survive, and protect themselves against the most destructive force on the planet: other people.

A Long Lonely Road, part two, Timberline

T.J. Reeder - 2012
    It’s a tale of the drive to get home come hell or high water.I’m writing it about the way I myself would get home after an event. I can only hope I would do as well in real life.I have the will , drive and know how but maybe the ol body is low on fuel. Time will tell.

Point Of Transmission

Max Lockwood - 2017
    A virus so vicious that it reduces the infected to a terrifying version of themselves that could lead to the end of our race as we know it. Elaina has been identified as the point of transmission and the reason for the chaos and havoc. She created the virus and let it out. Now, more than just the infected would like to see her head served up on a platter. When havoc unfolds in the city, law enforcement officer Alec is involved in an accidental shooting. Put on paid leave, he bitterly lays low during the madness until he’s called back to help control the alarming spread of the virus, while hoping to put an end to the person responsible for the virus and his near-shattered career. Elaina is trying to stay under the radar too, but she can’t hide forever. She has to help stop this and come up with a cure before it’s too late. When Alec and Elaina cross paths, they’ll have to decide what’s more important… revenge, redemption, or survival.

EMP: Heading Home

Wilson Harp - 2015
    Caring for his ailing parents gave him both a purpose and duty to the small farm town he grew up in.Now that his responsibility is over, he bets his life, and the lives of his friends, on a risky trek through the brutal winter to find and save his family in Chicago.Fierce blizzards and arctic winds challenge their arduous journey as do the warlords and tyrants who hold fast to the remnants of civilization.It is through this wasteland of suffering and death that David must face the odds and save his wife and daughter.