Scent Marking For Dummies

Hatteress - 2013
    Having to share a bed with Derek freaking Hale, on the other hand, is just needlessly complicating his life.Words:8824 Complete

Last Tango in Forks

AwesomeSauce76 - 2010
    Could a chance encounter with a mysterious stranger begin to change all of that? AU/AH

I Will Survive

Leow Yangfa - 2011
    Prefacing these stories are contributions from 5 local commentators who share their personal reflections on the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities in Singapore. They are: Mrs Juliana Toh, Executive Director of Counselling and Care Centre; Reverend Yap Kim Hao, former Methodist Bishop of Singapore; transgender activist Ms Leona Lo; and former Nominated Members of Parliament Ms Braema Mathi and Mr Siew Kum Hong. The book also contains a glossary of the common terms used to describe the diversity within the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities, and a listing of relevant community and professional resources in Singapore. The editor’s proceeds from sales of the ebook will be donated to Oogachaga, a counselling and support service.


Michael Arditti - 2000
    In his Palm Sunday sermon, the Vicar explains that Christ's crucifixion and redemption are taking place every day. He little suspects that, before the week's out, he and his entire congregation will be caught up in a latter-day Passion story which will tear apart their lives.

Denial: My 25 Years Without a Soul

Jonathan Rauch - 2013
    A memoir...

Bewitching Laramy

J.D. Light - 2019
    At first, it had seemed like she just might convince the hard-edged, over-literal beauty to be hers… but almost overnight, things changed. Laramy stopped returning her texts and seemed to be avoiding her at all costs. It didn't deter her. She had a goal and that goal was to be mated to the gargoyle. So, she changed tactics, showing up at during the classes Laramy taught at the training facility, each time working harder and harder to gain her attention… until Laramy told her if she wasn't serious, then to leave her alone. So, apparently, Briec was going to have to act like a grown-up. Should be too hard, right? A misunderstanding when angry words are spoken causes Briec to change everything about herself, leaving Laramy feeling responsible and sad. She never wanted Briec to change. She loved the crazy garnet witch just the way she was. Now she has to figure out how to convince Briec of that, while dealing with feelings she's never had to deal with before… like jealousy. Bewitching Laramy is a Terra Mortis short. It would help if you've read the Terra Mortis series for the sake of knowing the background characters, but not knowing them won't take away from the romance.

Blackmail, My Love: A Murder Mystery

Katie Gilmartin - 2014
    Jimmy's friends claim that just before he disappeared he became a rat, informing the cops on the bar community. Josie adopts Jimmy's trousers and wingtips, to clear his name, halt the blackmailers, and exact justice for too many queer corpses. Along the way she rubs shoulders with a sultry chanteuse running a dyke tavern called Pandora's Box, gets intimate with a red-headed madam operating a brothel from the Police Personnel Department, and conspires with the star of Finocchio's, a dive so disreputable it's off limits to servicemen -- so every man in uniform pays a visit.Blackmail, My Love is an illustrated murder mystery deeply steeped in San Francisco's queer history, as established academic and first-time novelist Katie Gilmartin's diverse set of characters negotiate the risks of same-sex desire in a dangerous era. Set in such legendary locations as the Black Cat Cafe, the Fillmore, the Beat movement's North Beach, and the Tenderloin, Blackmail, My Love is a singular, stunning introduction to a new author and to gay noir.

The Marauders: Year Four

Pengiwen - 2017
    Laced with friendship, love, hate and all the emotions in between, the mysterious adventure filled year may be the one that changes everything—at least, that’s the promise of the new divination teacher...

Crash Landers

gyzym - 2012
    (Or, how to accidentally woo your unfriendly neighborhood alpha in roughly five hundred handwritten steps.)Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV)Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski~ 31,173 words complete

Pray the Gay Away

Michael Zakar - 2017
     Coming out is hard. The struggle is ongoing, a daily part of life whether to a new friend, a co-worker, or most importantly yourself. Pray the Gay Away chronicles Michael and Zach as they face awkward sexual encounters, drug-fueled escapades, coming out to each other, and their biggest foe - Mom, a woman who not only gave birth to what she calls one regret - but two. The memoir hilariously and poignantly explores what it’s like growing up as gay, Iraqi twins in modern America. Pray the Gay Away was inspired the night Mom snuck into their bedroom and force fed them “holy grapes,” determined to “de-gay” them. The Zakar Twins are new voices speaking out against generations, particularly within the Iraqi culture, who look down on being gay. This book is not only for the LBGTQ community, but for young adults, looking to achieve normalcy.

Important Things

suzvoy - 2012
    Case in point: everyone keeps assuming he and Derek are a couple. What the hell?Words: 71,466 Complete

Gravity's Got Nothing on You

Zosofi - 2013
    Alf’s Antique’s may be a great job, but it’s not a high-paying job, and half of Stiles’s tuition is coming from financial aid, so…“How much,” Stiles asks, “are we talking here? Because I know your family, dude. And it’ll be kind of awkward after.““My family thinks you’re some sort of fucking gift to the world,” Derek seethes, like he’s jealous, “they’ll probably be pissed at me when we break it off, so don’t worry about that. Five hundred bucks.”“A thousand,” Stiles says, because screw ethics. Also, the Hale family is loaded. Derek can deal.83,980 Words CompleteArt by Rahciach:

Wayward Women: Sexuality and Agency in a New Guinea Society

Holly Wardlow - 2006
    Focusing on Huli “passenger women,” (women who accept money for sex) Wayward Women explores the socio-economic factors that push women into the practice of transactional sex, and asks how these transactions might be an expression of resistance, or even revenge. Challenging conventional understandings of “prostitution” and “sex work,” Holly Wardlow contextualizes the actions and intentions of passenger women in a rich analysis of kinship, bridewealth, marriage, and exchange, revealing the ways in which these robust social institutions are transformed by an encompassing capitalist economy. Many passenger women assert that they have been treated “olsem maket” (like market goods) by their husbands and natal kin, and they respond by fleeing home and defiantly appropriating their sexuality for their own purposes. Experiences of rape, violence, and the failure of kin to redress such wrongs figure prominently in their own stories about becoming “wayward.” Drawing on village court cases, hospital records, and women’s own raw, caustic , and darkly funny narratives, Wayward Women provides a riveting portrait of the way modernity engages with gender to produce new and contested subjectivities.

Heat Waves

tbhyourelame - 2020
    Lost in the midst of a heat wave, he continuously listens to a song that works itself in to the very core of his heartache. Floridian nights, unsent messages, spiraling infatuation, and terrible, terrible weather. A breath of frustration escapes George’s lips. “I don’t do that.”“You do. It’s okay,” Dream says. He feels pinpricks of warmth building in his chest. The words rise up faster than he can temper, laced with soft honey, “you’re so cute.”The call falls silent.They heard it. The affection in the tone of his voice, different than usual, no trace of humor. The way it came from the hearth below his heart, glowing with secrecy and shame—for George, and George only. They had to have heard it.--inspired by the song "heat waves" by glass animals

Christmas Dinner at Reynolds Hall

J.L. Langley - 2010
    Short Story with the Characters from the With or Without series__________Word count: 1,135Status: Complete