Book picks similar to
Power to Change by Marianne Williamson


Big Book of AA - Step 1 - Understand and Complete One Step At A Time in Recovery with Alcoholics Anonymous (1 of 12 books)

Anonymous - 2013
    If will power is possible or not. If being "hungry, angry, lonely, or tired" is a signpost of drinking.The 12 Steps of Recovery in Alcoholics Anonymous are responsible for the restoration of families, jobs, homes and relationships. Not to mention the ability for a person with the disease of alcoholism to stay sober.As per the saying The longest journey begins with the first step, this step opens the door to the man or woman looking to begin their journey to freedom. This book will show the full impact behind Step One for the person who has alcoholism. If you enjoy the guide and decide you would like all 12, I have placed all of them in one package at more than 50% off. That way if you bought a few guides and then want them all, you will still be saving money.

The Perfume of Silence

Francis Lucille - 2010
    Based largely on actual dialogues between Francis Lucille, a spiritual teacher of non-duality, and some of his disciples, the music of freedom that it conveys resonates between the words, and gives the reader an inkling of the peace and happiness that are experienced in the presence of an authentic master. Francis Lucille was for over twenty years a close friend and disciple of Jean Klein, a well recognized French teacher of non-duality. They both belong to a lineage of Advaita Vedanta teachers stemming from India. (Advaita Vedanta is the main nondualist Hindu spiritual tradition). Jean Klein's guru, Pandit Veeraraghavachar, was a Professor at the Sanskrit College in Bengalore. Their teachings, despite some superficial similarities, are quite different from those of most contemporary western neo Advaita teachers.They emphasize for instance the importance of the direct transmission from guru to disciple, through presence, beyond words, and they recognize that the same universal truth was expressed by various saints, philosophers and teachers throughout history and across the world. That which matters here is not the form of the teaching, direct or gradual for instance, as much as the authenticity of the teacher, the vibrancy of his realization, the outpouring of his love, the freedom of his humour, the brilliancy of his intelligence, the splendor of his poetry, the spontaneous sharing of his peace. Nonduality is the common ground of Buddhism (especially Zen and Dzogchen), Advaita, Sufism, Taoism, the Kabbalah, the Gnosis and the teachings of Jesus in the Thomas Gospel, the teachings of Parmenides, Plotinus, Gaudapada, Abinavagupta, Meister Eckhart, Ramana Maharshi, Atmananda Krishna Menon, Ananda Mai and many others.

Steve Jobs: 11 The Most Important Life And Business Lessons Of Steve Jobs

Donald Allen - 2015
    Steve Jobs: 11 The Most Important Life And Business Lessons Of Steve Jobs

What You Practice Is What You Have: A Guide to Having the Life You Want

Cheri Huber - 2010
    Examples of everyday issues—and the accompanying, unconscious practices—that can weigh a person down, such as weight gain, sleeplessness, trouble at work, and family life, are addressed with clarity and humor. Employing the tools and techniques of Zen awareness, this guide helps readers make their lives better by freeing themselves from the barrage of repetitive thoughts that constantly besiege the average person.

Girlosophy 2: The Love Survival Kit

Anthea Paul - 2002
    An essential handbook on a favorite topic—love—it will help women understand the wider meaning of love as a tool, a resource, and a force. It encourages girls to love themselves first and then reflect on the significance of love outside the common perceptions of romantic love and its role in their friendships and the world at large. It is a road map for every woman to navigate long-distance relationships, determine the real Prince Charmings, overcome icon infatuations, rediscover childhood dreams, and rule in all affairs of the heart.

The Zen Commandments: Ten Suggestions for a Life of Inner Freedom

Dean Sluyter - 2001
    Do the right thing, of course-- but better yet, find your inner light and doing the right thing becomes as natural as breathing. THE ZEN COMMANDMENTS offers ten powerful nudges toward that light.Drawing on sources from Zen stories and the Bible to jazz and rock 'n' roll, from American movies to Tibetan meditative techniques, Dean Sluyter steers clear of dogma and emphasizes what works-- a sort of spiritual street smarts. He shows that the state of boundless freedom and happiness isn't something distant or exotic, but is right here, while you're stuck in traffic or taking out the trash. And revisiting the Ten Commandments, he shows how on a deeper level they offer some surprising enlightenment wisdom of their own.“The book is extremely well written and joyously entertaining.”—Publishers Weekly “With sparkling clarity and wit, Sluyter's ten suggestions lay out the practical essentials of the path. My suggestion is: listen to this guy.”—Lama Surya Das, author of Awakening the Buddha Within “Dean Sluyter clearly presents simple but profound ways to live one's life consciously and skillfully. He teaches that the source of universal truth not only rests in the heart of every one of us, but is the essence of what ultimately brings us true happiness and freedom. This is a wonderful book with rich wisdom and deep insight.”—Rabbi David Cooper, author of God Is a Verb “No matter what your religion (or lack of it), this book shows how to live the kind of life people ache for. It turns out to be pretty simple.”—Jane Cavolina, co-author of Growing Up Catholic

Fighting For Our Lives: A memoir: The raw true story of one mother's fight for life for her and her baby

Heather Choate - 2015
    She was ten weeks pregnant with her sixth child. Her unborn baby was at risk due to the fast-spreading and highly dangerous cancer in Heather’s body that had already spread to her lymph nodes. Doctors told her she needed to abort her baby to save her life. Heather told them, “I’d rather die than take the life of my baby.” She and her husband set out to find a way to save both her and her child. The journey pushed them to the fringes of their stamina, tested the strength of their familial relationships and found them clinging to their faith like it was the last bit of thread on a lifeline. We all have unexpected adversity in life. It’s those things that we think “will never happen to us” which sneak up on us like shadows turning sunshine into darkness. It could be the loss of a job, the birth of a special needs child, the downturn of the economy or an unexpected health challenge. Most of us would easily crumble under such circumstances, but Heather found that its not about what happens to you, its about what you do with it. You don’t have to almost die, to learn how to live and Heather shows us how. Despite adversity, nearly impossible challenges can be met, families can be strengthened and faith can sustain even the most desperate souls on their journey. She brings her role as cancer-warrior into the real lives of readers, addressing topics that affect them most: • Dealing with doubt and insecurity • Discovering who they really are, and what true beauty is • Renewing their passion • Negotiating family strife • Releasing relentless regrets • Establishing a mother’s role in society • Succeeding against temptation • Weathering their worst fears • Pressing on against fatigue and illness • Uprooting bitterness • Learning to rely upon God’s will and plan Fighting for Our Lives takes readers on a journey of self-examination, appreciation for the beauties of today, and leaves them with a takeaway that could actually change their lives. *10% of this books profits will be donated to Breast Cancer Research. Thank you for helping support those in the fight! Tags: cancer memoirs, cancer memoir, cancer book, cancer books, cancer stories, cancer story, Christian memoirs, Christian memoir, Christian faith, Christian books, Christian books, memoir, memoirs, memoirs and biographies, memoir and biography, cancer memoir and biographies, cancer memoir and biography, biography, autobiography, biographies, autobiographies, faith, faith story, adversity, adversity story, adversity memoir, christian inspirational books, inspirational books, inspirational books for women, christian memoirs, christian books, memoirs, memoirs and biographies

William Whitecloud's Secrets of Natural Success: Five Steps to Unlocking Your Inner Genius

William Whitecloud - 2019
     Best selling author and Creative Development trainer William Whitecloud dispenses with the usual approaches of fixing, self-manipulation or relying on mystical forces to get ahead in life. Instead, he offers a highly original insight into how your level of creativity determines your level of natural success in life, and a step-by-step guide to unlocking and applying the dormant genius within each of us. With the same natural storytelling style of his best sellers, The Magician’s Way and The Last Shaman, Whitecloud transports you on an astonishing journey through the realms of consciousness responsible for the realities and outcomes you experience in life, and explains how to align yourself with those aspects guaranteed to deliver the end results you prefer. Traversing themes as diverse as the creative nature of consciousness, unconscious belief systems, personality types, perception vs. intuition, imagination, conscious choice and the role of conflict and emotion in creative awareness and follow through, you will acquire a phenomenally thorough and effective model for accessing your latent power and directing it in creating a life beyond belief. Based on a deep appreciation of human nature and potential, the premises within these pages serve as a creative master key, putting other learnings in perspective, and further empowering you with a masterful approach to everything you care about and undertake.

Karma Sutra: Cracking the Karmic Code

Hingori - 2014
    During his early years, when the author contracted arthritis and suffered it for 10 years. Then he met his spiritual teacher, who cured him in 60 seconds flat! The minute that happened, his life changed.The second half of his life was devoted to practice, philosophy and philanthropy. His learnings, which are the secrets of the spiritual path, have been guardedly kept close to his chest. But as he approaches the final phase of his life, he has decided to share them with those fortunate enough to receive them.So here is spiritualism; not sacrificed, but SIMPLIFIED.

50 Things To Do Before Seeing a Psychiatrist: And How To Actually Do Them

Joe Baldizzone - 2017
    Holistic health coach and recovery expert, Joe Baldizzone, knows first-hand what it's like to live with depression and how to recover from debilitating panic, as well as addiction. In this book you will find simple strategies to help you get started on your own path to recovery. Do you feel anxious most of the time? Are you overwhelmed with persistent worries? Is depression keeping you in the house? Have you reached for drugs and alcohol to cope? Are you considering going to see a psychiatrist, but scared of being put on medication? If you're looking to change your life and find happiness without doctors and medications, try the proven methods Joe has to offer. Learn about Joe's recovery and how to use the 50 tools that have helped him as well as countless other people.

The Tao of Happiness

Derek Lin - 2015
    He was the sage who stood apart from all others in Chinese history. He was a unique presence, a great mind like no one before or since. Chuang Tzu quickly distinguished himself and became well known for his deep understanding and sense of humor. His mastery was such that he could explain the Tao with simple stories, and his humor was such that he could see the joy in ordinary things. He taught his students about “carefree wandering”—the path of moving through life with a free and happy heart, regardless of how turbulent the journey might be. It is time for modern readers to join in on the fun. Chuang Tzu’s wisdom is not just for Eastern culture, but for all of humanity. We may not have the instability or the clash of massive armies indicative of Chuang Tzu’s time, but we have a lot of stress and tension in our modern world. Many of us find ourselves fighting little battles on the personal front just to get through the day. We can benefit greatly from Chuang Tzu’s teachings. These parables are presented throughout this book and juxtaposed with the charming and intelligent prose of modern-day Taoist teacher and author Derek Lin. Together, Chuang Tzu and Lin will present you with simple lessons that will have a lasting impact on your life.

Simple Self-Healing: The Magic of Autosuggestion

Émile Coué - 2017
    French psychologist Émile Coué was one of the more underappreciated geniuses of 20th century medicine. Almost a hundred years ago, Coué’s popular self-healing method – which he called autosuggestion – helped cure thousands of people annually. Today, however, few people have ever even heard of him. This book introduces you to Coué’s overlooked formula, and will surprise you in the process. If you grasp the simplicity of autosuggestion, you’ll be able to use this wonderful tool as you wish – and it should help make your life “better and better.” Get your copy now.

How to Win Friends and Influence People / How to Stop Worrying and Start Living / The Art of Public Speaking

Dale Carnegie - 2014
     HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE (Original 1936 version) HOW TO STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING THE ART OF PUBLIC SPEAKING Published in 1936, How to Win Friends and Influence People is still popular in business and Business Communication skills. It is packed with advice to create success in business and personal lives. It includes the following parts: Part One: Fundamental Techniques in Handling People Part Two: Six Ways to Make People Like You Part Three: How to Win People to Your Way of Thinking Part Four: Be a Leader - How to Change People Without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment HOW TO STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING, his second most popular book had the goal of leading the reader to a more enjoyable and fulfilling life, helping them to become more aware of, not only themselves, but others around them. Carnegie tries to address the everyday nuances of living, in order to get the reader to focus on the more important aspects of life. The third book, the Art of Public Speaking, was the book that taught generations of public speakers world wide, and that, even today, continues to be an unsurpassed tool of the trade.

The Anxious Truth : A Step-By-Step Guide To Understanding and Overcoming Panic, Anxiety, and Agoraphobia

Drew Linsalata - 2020
    At 70,000 words and 450 pages, The Anxious Truth goes well beyond just telling that that you'll get better. It actually shows you exactly how! You're anxious all the time, experiencing panic attacks over and over, and maybe afraid to leave your house or to be left alone for even a few minutes. You are avoiding simple things like driving, eating in restaurants, attending family functions, or going to the supermarket. You are terrified of the next wave of anxiety or the next panic attack. Your anxiety problems are ruining your relationships, your family life, and your career. Your anxiety problems have you afraid, confused, lost, and feeling hopeless. How did you get here? What went wrong? You've tried so many things, but nothing has cured your anxiety? What can you do now?This book, written by a former anxiety sufferer, best-selling author of "An Anxiety Story", and host of The Anxious Truth podcast will walk you through exactly how you got to where you are today, why you are not broken or ill, and what the true nature of your anxiety disorder is. Next, the book will walk you through what it takes to solve your anxiety problems, how to make an anxiety recovery plan, then how to correctly execute that plan.The Anxious Truth isn't always what you want to hear, but it's what you NEED to hear in order to solve this problem once and for all and move toward the life you so desperately want. Based firmly on the principles of cognitive behavioral therapies that have been shown over decades to be most effective in treating anxiety problems, the Anxious Truth will teach you how to move past your anxiety symptoms, past endless digging for hidden "root causes", and into an action oriented plan that will help your brain un-learn the bad reaction and fear habits that have gotten you into this predicament. The Anxious Truth will take the cognitive mechanism that got you into a corner, throw it in reverse, and use it to your advantage, backing you out of this jam and into a life free from irrational fear and needless avoidance.More than just a book, The Anxious Truth goes hand-in-hand with The Anxious Truth podcast ( and the growing and vibrant social media community surrounding it. Read the book, listen to five years worth of free podcasts chock full of helpful advice and information, and join a large online community of fellow anxiety sufferers that are done talking about this problem and ready to actually take action to solve it. Change is possible. No matter how long you've suffered with your anxiety issues, you can get better. The Anxious Truth will tell you what you need to hear and will arm you with the information, understanding, and skills you need to get the job done.Let's do this together!

The Real You

Radhanath Swami - 2014
    Similarly, when sun-like wisdom shines on a covered entity, layers of ignorance start melting away, thus uncovering The Real You. In this book, you will find a combination of the wisdom of the heart and the wisdom of art. This combined wisdom can make us ponder, wonder and help us overcome the blunder of ignorance which leads to suffering and sorrow. This book is a collection of pearls of wisdom, in the necklace of life, for the beauty of the soul.RADHANATH SWAMI was born in Chicago in 1950. In his teens, he set out to wander the world on a spiritual quest where he eventually discovered the yoga path of devotion. He presently travels in Asia, Europe and America teaching devotional wisdom, but can often be found with his community in Mumbai. For more info, visit