The Deeper Genome: Why There Is More to the Human Genome Than Meets the Eye

John Parrington - 2015
    But things didn't turn out that way. For a start, we turned out to have far fewer genes than originally thought - just over 20,000, the same sort of number as a fruit fly or worm. What's more, the proportionof DNA consisting of genes coding for proteins was a mere 2%. So, was the rest of the genome accumulated 'junk'?Things have changed since those early heady days of the Human Genome Project. But the emerging picture is if anything far more exciting. In this book, John Parrington explains the key features that are coming to light - some, such as the results of the international ENCODE programme, still much debated and controversial in their scope. He gives an outline of the deeper genome, involving layers of regulatory elements controlling and coordinating the switching on and off of genes; the impact ofits 3D geometry; the discovery of a variety of new RNAs playing critical roles; the epigenetic changes influenced by the environment and life experiences that can make identical twins different and be passed on to the next generation; and the clues coming out of comparisons with the genomes ofNeanderthals as well as that of chimps about the development our species. We are learning more about ourselves, and about the genetic aspects of many diseases. But in its complexity, flexibility, and ability to respond to environmental cues, the human genome is proving to be far more subtle than we ever imagined.

Living Terrors: What America Needs to Know to Survive the Coming Bioterrorist Catastrophe

Michael T. Osterholm - 2000
    A school cafeteria lunch is infected with a drug-resistant strain of E. coli.... Thousands in a bustling shopping mall inhale a lethal mist of smallpox, turning each individual into a highly infectious agent of suffering and death....Dr. Michael Osterholm knows all too well the horrifying scenarios he describes. In this eye-opening account, the nation’s leading expert on bioterrorism sounds a wake-up call to the terrifying threat of biological attack — and America’s startling lack of preparedness. He demonstrates the havoc these silent killers can wreak, exposes the startling ease with which they can be deployed, and asks probing questions about America’s ability to respond to such attacks. Are most doctors and emergency rooms able to diagnose correctly and treat anthrax, smallpox, and other potential tools in the bioterrorist’s arsenal? Is the government developing the appropriate vaccines and treatments? The answers are here in riveting detail — what America has and hasn’t done to prevent the coming bioterrorist catastrophe. Impeccably researched, grippingly told, Living Terrors presents the unsettling truth about the magnitude of the threat. And more important, it presents the ultimate insider’s prescription for change: what we must do as a nation to secure our freedom, our future, our lives.

Life's Greatest Secret: The Race to Crack the Genetic Code

Matthew Cobb - 2015
    Just a half century ago, this idea was revolutionary. In April 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick published in Nature their groundbreaking work revealing the double helix structure of DNA. While this discovery received wide attention from both mainstream media and the academic community, it was just one part of the bigger story in this history of molecular biology. By the mid-1950s, the scientific community confirmed that genes were indeed comprised of DNA; they just needed to crack the genetic code—and the race was on. Life’s Greatest Secret is the full and rich history of this challenge and the characters—many of whom were not biologists—whose work contributed to this grand scientific endeavor: mathematician and father of cybernetics Norbert Wiener, physicist Erwin Schrödinger, information theorist Claude Shannon, and biologists Jacques Monod and Marshall Nirenberg.In Life’s Greatest Secret, science historian and zoologist Matthew Cobb shows that the race to crack the genetic code was mostly a matter of craft—individuals or small groups struggling with ideas and concepts as much as they were with facts, trying to find the right experiment to answer the right questions, even if they didn’t know what the questions were, and finding that, even when the most definitive answer served mostly to reveal more ignorance, whether in 1953, with Watson and Crick, or in 1961, when Nirenberg and Matthaei showed how DNA codes for specific amino acids, and again and again thereafter, or in 2000, with the first publication of a human genome. Each discovery was a leap forward in our understanding of the natural world and our place within in, akin to the discoveries of Galileo and Einstein in the realm of physics, or the publication of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species. And each served to show how much bigger the problem was that anyone had previously imagined, a trend that continues, as Cobb shows, even today, whether we are discussing gene regulation, epigenetics, or GMOs.Life’s Greatest Secret is a story of ideas and of experimentation, of ingenuity, insight, and dead-ends, in the hunt to make the greatest discovery of twentieth century biology. Ultimately, though, this is a story of humans exploring what it is that makes us human.

Immortality, Inc.: Renegade Science, Silicon Valley Billions, and the Quest to Live Forever

Chip Walter - 2020
    Researchers are delving into the mysteries of stem cells and the human genome, discovering what it means to grow old and how to keep those processes from happening. This isn't science fiction; it's real, it's serious, and it's on track to revolutionize our definitions of life and mortality.In Immortality, Inc., veteran science journalist Chip Walter gains exclusive access to the champions of this radical cause, delivering a book that brings together for the first time the visions of molecular biologist and Apple chairman Arthur Levinson, genomics entrepreneur Craig Venter, futurist Ray Kurzweil, rejuvenation trailblazer Aubrey de Grey, and stem cell expert Robert Hariri. Along the way, Walter weaves in fascinating conversations about life, death, aging, and the future of the human race.

Bohr And Quantum Theory

Paul Strathern - 1997
    His work won him the Nobel Prize in 1922 and his ideas continue to propel physics towards new discoveries. But what is quantum theory? Most of us do not understand even the basics of one of the most significant scientific advances ever made, opening up a whole new field in science, whose ambiguities still challenge scientists around the world.Bohr and Quantum Theory offers an accessible and absorbing account of the man who was both a part of The Manhattan Project but also an advocate of peace.He held the key to understanding such intricate realities as black holes and nuclear energy. Bohr's Big Idea explains complex and crucial ideas in a clear and engaging way, placing quantum theory in the context of a man's life, work and time and examining its important implications for our future.The Big Idea series is a fascinating look at the greatest advances in our scientific history, and at the men and women who made these fundamental breakthroughs.

College Physics: A Strategic Approach

Randall D. Knight - 2006
    [...] Built from the ground up on a wealth of research into how readers learn physics and how they can be taught more effectively, College Physics leads readers to more proficient and long-lasting problem-solving skills, a deeper and better-connected understanding of the concepts, and a broader picture of the relevance of physics to the world around them. Force and Motion: Concepts of Motion and Mathematical Background, Motion in One Dimension, Vectors and Motion in Two Dimensions, Forces and Newton's Laws of Motion, Applying Newton's Laws, Circular Motion, Orbits, and Gravity, Rotational Motion, Equilibrium and Elasticity. Conservation Laws: Momentum, Energy and Work, Using Energy. Properties of Matter: Thermal Properties Of Matter, Fluids. Oscillations and Waves: Oscillations, Traveling Waves and Sound, Superposition and Standing Waves. For all readers interested in algebra-based college physics.

Invertebrate Zoology

Edward E. Ruppert - 1993
    Rich illustrations, systematic resumes, and extensive citations make it a valuable references source.

How to Die in Space: A Journey Through Dangerous Astrophysical Phenomena

Paul M. Sutter - 2020
    Through metaphors and straightforward language, it breathes life into astrophysics, unveiling how particles and forces and fields interplay to create the drama in the heavens above us.

Quantum Theology: Spiritual Implications of the New Physics

Diarmuid O'Murchu - 2004
    It is now revised to reflect the most recent advances in physics. From black holes to holograms, from relativity theory to the discovery of quarks, this book is an original and rich exposition of quantum theory and the way it unravels profound theological questions.

There Are No Electrons: Electronics for Earthlings

Kenn Amdahl - 1991
    Despite its title, it's not wild ranting pseudo-science to be dismissed by those with brains. Rather, Amdahl maintains that one need not understand quantum physics to grasp how electricity works in practical applications. To understand your toaster or your fax machine, it doesn't really matter whether there are electrons or not, and it's a lot easier and more fun to start with the toaster than with quarks and calculus. The book is mildly weird, often funny, always clear and easy to understand. It assumes the reader doesn't know a volt from a hole in the ground and gently leads him or her through integrated circuits, radio, oscillators and the basics of the digital revolution using examples that include green buffalo, microscopic beer parties, break-dancing chickens and naked Norwegian girls in rowboats. OK, it's more than mildly weird.The book has been reprinted numerous times since 1991 and has achieved minor cult status. Reviewed and praised in dozens of electronics and educational magazines, it is used as a text by major corporations, colleges, high schools, military schools and trade schools. It has been studied by education programs at colleges across the United States. This book was making wise cracks in the corner before anyone thought of designing books for dummies and idiots; some say it helped to inspire that industry.It may be the only "introduction to electronics books" with back cover comments by Dave Barry, Ray Bradbury, Clive Cussler, and George Garrett, as well as recomendations from Robert Hazen, Bob Mostafapour, Dr. Roger Young, Dr. Wayne Green, Scott Rundle, Brian Battles, Michelle Guido, Herb Reichert and Emil Venere. As Monitoring Times said, "Perhaps the best electronics book ever. If you'd like to learn about basic electronics but haven't been able to pull it off, get There Are No Electrons. Just trust us. Get the book."

The Spiritual Physics of Light: How We See, Feel, and Know Truth

Aaron D. Franklin - 2021

Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications

Muhammad H. Rashid - 1988
    This text covers the basics of emerging areas in power electronics and a broad range of topics such as power switching devices, conversion methods, analysis and techniques, and applications. Its unique approach covers the characteristics of semiconductor devices first, then discusses the applications of these devices for power conversions. Four main applications are included: flexible ac transmissions (FACTs), static switches, power supplies, dc drives, and ac drives. - New chapters - Including Ch. 9, Multilevel Inverters, Ch. 13, Flexible AC Transmission Systems, and Ch. 17, Gate Drive Circuits.', gives students the latest information available on these topics. - New sections throughout - Including Semiconductor Basics, State-Space Analysis of Regulators, Vector Controls, Stepper Motor Control and more, gives students the latest information available on these topics. - Well-written and easy-to-follow, helps students maintain interest in the text. - Numerous worked-out examples, demonstrates for students the applications of conversion techniques in design and analysis of converter cir

Exploring the History of Medicine: From the Ancient Physicians of Pharaoh to Genetic Engineering

John Hudson Tiner - 1999
    Quality of life has improved dramatically in the last few decades alone, and the future is bright. But students must not forget that God provided humans with minds and resources to bring about these advances.A biblical perspective of healing and the use of medicine provides the best foundation for treating diseases and injury. In Exploring the World of Medicine, author John Hudson Tiner reveals the spectacular discoveries that started with men and women who used their abilities to better mankind and give glory to God.The fascinating history of medicine comes alive in this book, providing students with a healthy dose of facts, mini-biographies, and vintage illustrations. Includes chapter tests and index.

Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics

Roger Walker - 1995
    It covers treatment of common diseases as well as other medical, therapeutic and patient related issues. Written by both pharmacists and clinicians to reflect a team approach, it offers an in-depth analysis of drug therapy in the treatment of disease, relying on input from the pharmacist as a member of the team in hospital and community settings. Information is easy to locate in a logical format organized primarily by systems and disorders.A logical organization and format for each chapter provides consistent features including key points, epidemiology, aetiology, disease, clinical manifestations, investigations and treatment, drugs used in treatment.Convenient tables and boxes highlight supplementary information in the text such as risk factors and dietary guidelines.All chapters close with an evidence-based practice box and case studies that solidify applications of chapter content.More up-to-date information is provided on: rational antibiotic prescribing and the institution of policies; advances in therapy for chronic renal failure and transplants; changes in asthma treatment; and new drugs for epilepsy and Parkinson's.The neurology section has been expanded to include a new chapter on multiple sclerosis, dementia and Alzheimer's disease, and treatment.More information has been added related to infertility treatment and menopause.New two-color illustrations make the text more readable and accessible.A greater emphasis on treatment of the patient rather than the diagnosis reflects a shift in focus toward patient-centered care.

Nuclear 2.0: Why A Green Future Needs Nuclear Power

Mark Lynas - 2013
    This is just as well, according to Mark Lynas in Nuclear 2.0, because nuclear energy is essential to avoid catastrophic global warming. Using the latest world energy statistics Lynas shows that with wind and solar still at only about 1 percent of global primary energy, asking renewables to deliver all the world’s power is “dangerously delusional”. Moreover, there is no possibility of using less energy, he reminds us, when the developing world is fast extricating itself from poverty and adding the equivalent of a new Brazil to global electricity consumption each year. The anti-nuclear movement of the 1970s and 80s succeeded only in making the world more dependent on fossil fuels, he shows: its history is “not lit by sunshine, but shrouded in coal smoke”. Instead of making the same mistake again, all those who want to see a low-carbon future need to join forces, he insists, concluding the book with an ambitious proposal for an Apollo Program-style combined investment in wind, solar and nuclear power. Mark Lynas is an environmental writer and campaigner. His previous books have drawn attention to the perils of global warming, and he was Climate Advisor to the President of the Maldives from 2009-2011. He is a Visiting Research Associate at Oxford University’s School of Geography and the Environment, and a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies. He recently featured in the movie documentary Pandora’s Promise, which inspired the writing of this book.