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With a Little Luck by Anne Baker


The Storyteller: Jodi Picoult - Review

Instant Book Club Parties - 2013
    Do not buy this Book Review if you are looking for a full copy of this thrilling novel, which can be found back on the Amazon search page. Instead, we have already read the book and analyzed all of the fascinating characters, events, and action points (Spoiler Alerts near the end!) from this engaging novel to give you a comprehensive literary review and story analysis. It's like discussing the novel with your friends or going to a book club meeting. But you don't need to drive anywhere! Packaged together in a fun and entertaining format, the entire discussion is delivered instantly to your device. If you haven't read The Storyteller yet, we'll let you know what to expect with savvy analysis and an honest review. If you're already reading the novel, then we'll be your tour guide through every section, heightening your enjoyment at every moment of intrigue, suspense, and humor. We’ll make sure you don’t miss any of the story’s hidden gems! THE STORYTELLER -- JODI PICOULT Jodi Picoult is one of those few authors who deserve to be on every reader’s must-buy list. Her books often dip deliciously into multiple genres, blending them in unique narratives full of action, suspense and, most of all, heart. Her characters are always unforgettable. Picoult has a well-known and beloved penchant for writing about sensitive subjects, but her work is never emotionally manipulative. Instead, Picoult is masterful at weaving scientific, historical or legal topics into stories in which one can easily get lost. In The Storyteller, Picoult somehow meshes all of these themes together. After all, racism can be compared to a cancer and (so far, at least) it doesn’t get worse than the Holocaust. Religion and belief intertwine with that historic event. And in this novel, Picoult presents an unlikely friendship between a former SS soldier and a young Jewish woman – one in which he asks her to help him die. Stay on track and see details in The Storyteller that you'd never notice otherwise with this Book Review & Story Analysis. Plot points you might miss, symbols that only become obvious on a second or third read-through, and themes that affect your understanding of the story -- all conveniently laid out for you. Jodi Picoult does not divide The Storyteller into chapters, but instead into stories and the fresh voices of their narrators. We become witnesses to Ania’s, Sage’s, Leo’s, Josef’s and, most joyfully but ultimately heartbreaking, Minka’s stories. YOUR READING TOUR GUIDE! You don't have to read The Storyteller alone! We'll be right there with you through every moment of suspense, every funny line, and every point of intrigue. Whether you're reading for pleasure and want to maximize your enjoyment of Jodi Picoult's novel -- or whether you're reading for serious literary study -- this review and analysis is the perfect companion. It will help you understand and cherish the novel more. Get it now and we'll bring the book club to you!


Terri Reid - 2021
    And after one disastrous morning, she wishes that her life was like those portrayed in her favorite channel's Christmas romances. A place where everything and everyone is perfect. But Mary soon learns that she needs to be careful of what she wishes for.

A Child's Voice Calling

Maggie Bennett - 2002
    With poverty never far from the door, the battle to stay respectable is finally lost when the family breaks up in tragic circumstances, and Mabel is thrown upon the dubious mercy of her grandmother, the sinister Mimi Court, who has her own dark secrets. But faithful Harry Drover of the Salvation Army, in love with Mabel, gets an opportunity to prove his devotion when Mimi falls foul of the law and Mabel has to fight for her own survival...

Yard Sale

Marlene Mitchell - 2003
    You can sell off your possessions, but the Franklin and Holloway families come to realize that it is the people you love and who love you that are important. Meet Henry Franklin, a deceitful, self-centered man, who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. It is his greed that almost destroys his family and ultimately leads to the first yard sale. As the story unfolds, you will come to love the wit and humor of Lou Jean, the caring nature of Anna, whose dedication to her husband and family create a need for a yard sale. Colleen is the third generation forced to make the ultimate decision to sell off all of her possessions. Along the way, you will encounter an array of interesting characters that help to enrich the story. Each chapter will bring you closer into their lives and you will remember them long after you read the last page.

Jack And Di Rum Song (Di Island Song Series, Volume 2)

Anthony Bjorklund - 2011
    The adventures of Jack Danielson continue right where they left off, when our hero inherits a dilapidated rum factory on a tiny island in the Caribbean. Filled with more colorful characters than you can shake a limbo stick at, "Jack And Di Rum Song" is a perfectly mixed concoction for an escape from the ordinary. Just be sure to keep a weather eye open for pirates...


Dolores Wilson - 2014
    To say the least. She calls Sweet Meadow, Georgia, home, where she works for her father doing auto repairs. She also drives the tow-truck, although Sweet Meadow's rather colorful denizens tend to treat Bertie more like the local, free taxi service. You know, someone has to get to a doctor's appointment or pick something up at the dry cleaners. Bertie's favorite day of the week is Friday, when she leaves the wrecker with her father for the whole weekend and joins her friends at the Dew Drop Inn for a night of dancing. Her best friend, Mary Lou, sometimes fixes her up with dubious dates, although Bertie has to remind her friend not to tease her hair too high for those occasions. Like the time when they went to Carrie Sue's open house, and a ceramic cow with angel wings hanging from a ceiling fan locked its hooves into Bertie's big hair and refused to let go. She had to wear it all night, dangling chain and all. Bertie's nearly perfect life is about to take a downhill turn, however. It starts when her landlord, Pete, currently a resident in a nearby nursing home, starts showing up at her house. In his birthday suit. A very badly wrinkled birthday suit. And then she goes to her mailbox, a rubber large mouth bass, and finds a notice from the zoning commission saying she can no longer park the wrecker in her driveway. The notice is signed by George Bigham. But when she goes to the courthouse to take care of her little problem, it is only to discover George Bigham is deceased. And Mary Lou's pregnancy test just came up positive. Can it get any worse? In a word... yes.

The River Road

Karen Osborn - 2002
    One spring night, while at home on a break from college, the threesome embarks on a night of adventure and experimentation, driving recklessly through the Connecticut Valley. Stopping at the French King Bridge, David -- full of hubris and hallucinogens -- dares to jump, mistakenly believing he'll be able to swim ashore. With this one act, he sets in motion an inexorable chain of events that indelibly alters the lives of everyone involved.Told through the alternating voices of Kay, Michael, and David's father, Kevin, The River Road is a closely observed and psychologically penetrating narrative of the accusations, murder investigation, and courtroom battle that follow.

Regency Black Hearts: Collection

Claudia Stone - 2017
    When he rebuffs her clumsy advances, Isabella leaves for London, determined to find the man of her dreams and soothe her bruised ego.Michael Linfield, Duke of Blackmore is a legendary, fearsome, war hero; famous for reducing debutantes and their mothers to floods of tears with just one glance. The brooding, giant of a man is hiding a secret however - a debilitating stammer that has haunted him since childhood. When the delightful Miss Peregrine proposes a marriage of convenience to him - with no benefits - Michael is so startled that his stammer reappears and all he can manage to reply is "N-n-no".When news of Isabella's success in London soon reaches his ears, Michael is determined to go to town and win her as his own, if only she'll give him a second chance at love.The Duke’s BrotherCan a Duke's bastard win the heart of a lady?Plucked as an orphan from the slums of St. Giles' by his half-brother the Duke of Blackmore, Sebastian Black soon rises to become one of the richest men in London, and a notorious rake to boot. His time at Eton has left him with a healthy disregard for the aristocracy - that is until he inadvertently becomes involved in the affairs of the prim, proper and snooty Aurelia St Claire.Aurelia's brother, Lord Theodore Epsom, was reported missing after Waterloo, but she is convinced that she has sighted him alive and well in London. The pair join forces to try to discover exactly what happened to Theo and as their sleuthing takes them into London's murky back alleys, they discover that they aren’t so different after all.Can two people overcome their prejudices, their foibles - or even their very history - to find love?A Lady Like No Other“Would my lady care to dance?”“My lady would rather eat a live chicken.”Beautiful, titled, and wealthy to boot, Lady Lydia Beaufort was expected to have a spectacular London Season. There was just one problem; the eccentric daughter of the Earl of Galway had no intention of becoming the ton’s darling. Especially if it involved humouring the awful herds of fortune hunters and greedy second sons, intent on making her their bride.All Lydia wanted was to be left alone in peace, to read her beloved Lord Byron. That is until an incorrigible rogue of a Marquess burst into her life, and turned all her ideas about love upside down.Charming, congenial, and ever so handsome, Gabriel Livingstone, Marquess of Sutherland could have his pick of any of the season’s debutantes, but the only rose he longed to pluck, was the very thorny Lady Beaufort. Just when he thinks he might finally have won her heart, fate, in the form of an Italian Count, a mischievous Gypsy and a political assassination plot, gets in his way.Can this mismatched pair find their happily ever after?

The White Horse of Alih and Other Stories

Mig Alvarez Enriquez

Steps and Exes

Laura Kalpakian - 1999
    At Henry's House on Isadora Island, Celia has created a faux-family homestead, a testament to tradition. Personally, however, Celia's unconventional love life has kept Isadora Island entertained for a generation.Married only once and widowed at twenty-two, Celia has spent a lifetime preaching (and practicing) Unfettered Love, preferring unions free of matrimony, free of the ties that bind -- and can just as easily strangle. Despite all the domestic upheaval, she has acquired a large extended family of children, stepchildren, partners, and ex-partners. Generous and spirited, but notoriously stubborn, Celia nonetheless draws people into her arms and her home.When, much to Celia's dismay, her daughter Bethie announces her engagement, Celia reluctantly agrees to throw a lavish celebration. To this party she must invite everyone in her whole overextended family: her steps and exes, their current partners and starchy in-laws, as well as a host of island eccentrics. As the big day approaches, Celia senses impending disaster. But nothing prepares her for the fallout when the nuclear family explodes and she must reconstruct the past in order to transform the future.

Unthinkable Sins 2: The Family

Tiffani Quarles-Sanders - 2016
    Adultery. Betrayal. Murder. Hattie Durham committed some Unthinkable Sins in her lifetime, but now she’s gone, leaving her three sons and their wives behind to deal with the fallout. THE SONS… Junior – wants to escape his past as he learns the truth about how his mother died. But will his need for revenge and his own past sins come between him and the family he loves? Carl – has been carrying a terrible secret alone all these years and can’t bear the weight anymore. Can he keep it together with his family’s help or will the burden break him? Jerome – is blessed with everything a man could want – influence, power and a destiny to fulfill. But when life deals him an unexpected blow, will the family have his back or will they fall apart around him? …AND THEIR WIVES Donetta – finds her self-confidence growing along with her doubts about her husband’s fidelity. Are their marriage vows enough to keep her in the family now that she has what it takes to make it on her own? Trudy – senses the strain on the family in the wake of her mother-in-law’s death. Will she able to help keep the ones she loves from self-destructing or is her own life in danger? Susan – managed to escape an uncertain past, leaving behind a few bodies in her wake. Will her dreams of love and success finally come true or ultimately be overshadowed by Hattie Durham’s death? Find out now in UNTHINKABLE SINS 2: The Family

Millennial Glory Iv, The Ascension

Wendie L. Edwards
    Through his dreams and visions of beasts and monsters he is able to act as Daniel of old, to Secretary Klump to warn him of things to come. Together they uncover an ancient secret design as it unfolds. The man who is one of the richest on the earth plots to take control of the world through manipulating its leaders. Braun feels a great responsibility to stop his ascension to total and complete power, but what can he, a lowly aide do? Conrad, the second oldest in the Rogers family, is on a mission in Israel. At first, he has limited success among the Jews, but as time moves on, the Spirit of truth rests heavily upon him. He’s able to be instrumental in the conversion of a group of Rabbis which bring Jews to the church in droves as they begin to believe in Christ

Maggie Sweet

Judith Minthorn Stacy - 2001
    But when Steven spends their life savings on a cemetery plot, it's time for Maggie to take control.With her twenty-year high school reunion just around the corner and her long-lost high school boyfriend back in town, it's Maggie's turn to start turning heads. In the face of small-minded gossips, a surly family, and a meddling grandmother, Maggie must reach deep inside her Southern-housewife soul to become the woman she's always wanted to be.

Lily, My Lovely

Lena Kennedy - 1986
    His romantic ways make Lily go weak at the knees, and although she sticks by her husband, her heart belongs wholly to her flying Dutchman.Torn between his native homeland and his yearning for 'Lily, my lovely', Kasie sweeps in and out of her life throughout the post-war years and the swinging Sixties, always on a tide of storms and passion. Only when that tide finally recedes does an older and wiser Lily settle down among her adored grandchildren to remember fondly her adventurous life.

The Matchgirl: Will this factory girl have her happy ending?

Lynette Rees - 2018
    The girls get treated badly by the management and there is a severe risk to their health. But then a young journalist, Annie Besant, begins asking questions. Will Lottie and the other girls welcome her help, even when it could cost them their jobs - and their livelihoods...? Please note: this edition contains editorial revisions