Duty Demands: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Elaine Owen - 2017
    Darcy wants to marry her- and even more surprised when her uncle tells her why. But after they are married she begins to see a different side of her husband.Darcy thinks that Elizabeth has married him for love, but slowly begins to realize that all is not as it appears in their marriage. Will he still love her when the truth is revealed?Will our two favorite characters overcome their misunderstandings and achieve a marriage based on more than duty and obligation? This is a Pride and Prejudice variation brought to you by the author of Mr. Darcy's Persistent Pursuit, Love's Fool: The Taming of Lydia Bennet, and One False Step. This is a new release of an edition originally published by Elaine Owen.

Yours Forevermore, Darcy

KaraLynne Mackrory - 2015
    Fitzwilliam Darcy has a secret. The letter he presents to Miss Elizabeth Bennet after his ghastly proposal is not the only epistle he has written her. In this tale of longing, misadventure, and love—readapted from Jane Austen’s dearly loved Pride & Prejudice—our hero finds a powerful way of coping with his attraction to Miss Bennet. He writes her unsent letters. The misguided suitor has declared himself, and Elizabeth Bennet has refused him, most painfully. Without intending for these letters to become known to another soul, Mr. Darcy relies on his secret for coping once again. However, these letters, should they fall into the wrong hands, could create untold scandal, embarrassment, and possibly heartbreak. But what happens if they fall into the right hands?

A Short Period of Exquisite Felicity

Amy D'Orazio - 2016
    Never did Mr. Darcy imagine it could happen to him. But it has, and by Elizabeth Bennet, the woman who first hated and rejected him but then came to love him—he believed—and agree to be his wife. Alas, it is a short-lived, ill-fated romance that ends nearly as soon as it has begun. No reason is given. More than a year since he last saw her—a year of anger, confusion, and despair—he receives an invitation from the Bingleys to a house party at Netherfield. Darcy is first tempted to refuse, but with the understanding that Elizabeth will not attend, he decides to accept. When a letter arrives, confirming Elizabeth’s intention to join them, Darcy resolves to meet her with indifference. He is determined that he will not demand answers to the questions that plague him. Elizabeth is also resolved to remain silent and hold fast to the secret behind her refusal. Once they are together, however, it proves difficult to deny the intense passion that still exists. Fury, grief, and profound love prove to be a combustible mixture. But will the secrets between them be their undoing?

The Unreformed Mr Darcy

Lin Mei Wei - 2018
    While Elizabeth is in Kent, visiting her recently married friend Charlotte, she receives letters which tell her how Jane is soon to be wed to a man Elizabeth can't stand. And then, unbelievably, Mr Darcy, the last man in the world she would ever choose to marry, proposes to her. Elizabeth is torn. But thoughts of rescuing Jane make her do something that will change the course of her life forever...The Unreformed Mr Darcy is a Pride and Prejudice variation romance by the author of Stranded with Mr Darcy.

Friendship: Pride and Prejudice Variation

E.A. Batten - 2017
    Although Jane would be welcomed back to Longbourn at any time, Elizabeth’s visit to their aunt and uncle is for an undetermined duration. Mrs Bennet has banished her ungrateful second daughter from Longbourn for refusing to marry Mr Collins. Mr Bennet, eager for peace and solitude after the previous months of mayhem, sanctions his wife's actions. On the first day after their arrival at Gracechurch Street, Jane and Elizabeth take three of their Gardiner cousins to Hyde Park; while there they meet a young lady walking with her companion. Unbeknown to the sisters the shy young lady is none other than the sister of Mr Bingley’s friend, the haughty Mr Darcy. As the friendship grows the sisters discover Georgiana's true identity, and, with that discovery, the realisation that Mr Wickham had lied; Miss Darcy was nothing like the young lady he had described to Elizabeth. The more she learns from Georgiana, the more Elizabeth realises that her sketch of Mr Darcy’s and Mr Wickham’s characters is faulty and she does not know the gentlemen at all. An invitation to Darcy House ensures Elizabeth and Darcy are once more in each other's company, and the sisters are introduced to the Darcys cousin, Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam. Can the Elizabeth and Jane find happiness in London?

First Impressions: A Tale of Less Pride & Prejudice

Alexa Adams - 2010
    Darcy had never spoken so disdainfully? First Impressions explores how the events of Jane Austen's beloved novel would have transpired if Darcy and Elizabeth had danced together at the Meryton Assembly. Jane and Bingley's relationship blossoms unimpeded, Mary makes a most fortunate match, and Lydia never sets a foot in Brighton. Austen's witty style is authentically invoked in this playful romp from Longbourn to Pemberley.

A Certain Something: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Cassandra B. Leigh - 2020
     Let us explore the deception abounding in Pride and Prejudice. Mrs. Bennets’ boastfulness. Caroline’s false flattery. Collins’s sycophantic praises. Lady Catherine’s claims of an infant betrothal. Wickham! How would Elizabeth’s ‘gift’ change the story? This sweet, clean Pride and Prejudice variation begins on the night of the Meryton assembly.

An Unwelcome Guest at the Netherfield Ball

E. Bradshaw - 2016
    The reader later discovers the truth of this situation; that Mr Wickham was keen to avoid Mr Darcy that night – for it was entirely possible that he could have faced (entirely justifiable) retribution from Mr Darcy if he had attended. The reader – and Elizabeth – are unaware at that point in the novel of Mr Wickham’s true, deceitful nature – and, of course, no one in wider society is aware of Mr Wickham’s scandalous behaviour concerning Mr Darcy’s younger sister. However, in this alternative narrative, the reader is shown how events could have varied in Pride and Prejudice if Mr Wickham had thrown caution to the wind and had instead attended the ball on that fateful evening. In this re-telling of the famous story, events start on the evening of the much anticipated Netherfield ball, and Elizabeth quietly frets to herself over the potential for her family to create a public scene. She knows very well that Mr Bingley’s conceited sisters hold her family in contempt, just as she is very aware of Mr Darcy’s obvious disapproval. She dreads the prospect of enduring her promised dances with Mr Collins, and is appalled at her mothers’ blatant matchmaking efforts. However, with the one pivotal change – of Mr Wickham being unexpectedly present at the ball – Elizabeth’s night, and her prospects for an enjoyable evening, change completely. And as a consequence of his attendance at the ball, the events of the novel begin to differ from there onwards as well. The neighbourhood of Meryton is entirely scandalised when Elizabeth takes a dance with the gallant Mr Wickham – and Mr Darcy is beside himself with rage to see the woman he secretly admires dancing so merrily with his arch enemy. ‘Elizabeth looked up at Mr Wickham’s face as he spoke, and realised, as she followed the direction of his pointed gaze, that he had locked eyes with Mr Darcy across the space of the crowded ballroom. She had not noticed before that Mr Darcy was observing them; though it was clear that Mr Wickham had known exactly where Mr Darcy was within the room – as well as having been entirely aware that Mr Darcy had been watching the two of them. The air seemed to spark between the two men, and Elizabeth could not fail to notice the palpable tension which flowed in waves between them. She saw the scornful sneer that Mr Wickham shot towards his enemy – and Mr Darcy bristling in return.’ In fact, Mr Darcy is so unsettled by the sight of Elizabeth dancing with his enemy, and so jealous, that he acts immediately to separate them. Unfortunately for Elizabeth, this is only the first of a series of humiliating experiences that she is to face that evening – and the consequences of Mr Darcy’s actions are to cause a scandal which will unavoidably change her future.

Fated to Meet: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Madeline Kennet - 2016
    Bingley’s arrival in Meryton and the assembly, but she keeps encountering an unknown gentleman to whom she is irresistibly drawn. Mr. Darcy’s heart is stirred by her as well, and each time their paths cross he longs to see her again. Fate always intended them to meet. 32,000 words

A Will of Iron: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Linda Beutler - 2015
    Their return finds Rosings swathed in mourning. In death, Anne is revealed as having lived a rich life of the mind, and she plotted rather constantly to escape her loathsome mother, Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Anne’s journal—spirited into the hands of Elizabeth and Charlotte Collins—holds her candid observations on life and her family. It also exposes her final, and sadly fatal, means of outwitting her mother. Anne’s Last Will and Testament, with its peculiar bequests, sends Lady Catherine into a tailspin and throws into turmoil every relationship amongst the Bennets, Darcys, Fitzwilliams, Collinses, and even the Bingleys! Was Anne de bourgh a shrewder judge of character than Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy combined?Includes mature content.

Mr Bennet's Dutiful Daughter

Joana Starnes - 2016
    An offer of marriage from the all-too-proud Mr Darcy.Yet how is she to live with a husband she hardly knows and does not love? Will she continue to feel trapped in a marriage of convenience while events conspire to divide them? Or would love grow as, day by day and hour after hour, she learns to understand the man she married, before she loses his trust and his heart?Given the ‘early marriage’ premise, the issue of growing affection and intimacy is central to the story. The scenes are not graphic, but the novel does address mature themes.

A Pair of Dancing Brown Eyes

Melanie Schertz - 2012
    The girls are forced to leave their family home to live in Lambton with an aunt and uncle, and they meet the Darcy family. What means will Fanny enact to revenge herself for all the wrongs she feels Elizabeth has done her?

Netherfield Proposal: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Campbell Davies - 2017
    Darcy is ready to propose on the night of his friend's ball at Netherfield. His ardent admiration for Elizabeth Bennet has grown to consume him and he must have her for his wife. However, within moments after his proposal, he is mortified by Miss Elizabeth's refusal. He is on one knee, struggling to comprehend how his glorious night has gone so disastrously wrong, when Mrs. Bennet finds them. Elizabeth cannot budge Mrs. Bennet's insistence that she marry the abominable, proud Mr. Darcy. He has treated her friend Mr. Wickham with such cruelty, her family with repugnance and disdain, and seeks to find fault in Elizabeth at every turn. However, with her mother's decree that she is to be thrown out of Longbourn if she does not marry Mr. Darcy and—worse—the happiness of two of her sisters on the line, Elizabeth decides to give the abominable Mr. Darcy one more chance. Netherfield Proposal is a full-length sweet and clean romance novel exploring the trials and tribulations of Darcy and Elizabeth. Mr. Darcy and his Elizabeth must face misunderstandings, prejudice, and scandal as they seek to find an understanding with one another.

Saving Jane: A Variation on Pride and Prejudice

Martin Hunnicutt - 2020
    Bennet becomes even more determined to find them husbands. The family is shocked to discover that Lydia will have an ‘unexpected visitor’ in the spring and to avoid scandal, the youngest daughter is married far from Longbourn. When Mr. Bennet announces the impending visit of his cousin, Mr. Collins, Mrs. Bennet sends Elizabeth to London to stay with the Gardiners. With Elizabeth out of the house, Mrs. Bennet speaks with Jane of her duty to her family.When the engagement of Mr. Collins and Miss Jane Bennet is announced, Elizabeth is saddened and seeks solitude in the park across from the Gardiner’s home where she meets a distressed young lady who has been deserted by her lady’s companion. Miss Georgiana Darcy requires a friendly shoulder and an escort home where Elizabeth meets the cold, older brother. When Elizabeth and Georgiana begin a friendship based on books and music, Mr. Darcy pays attention to Miss Elizabeth Bennet and they begin to fall in love. But can Elizabeth and Darcy save Jane from her betrothal to Mr. Collins?

Don't flatter yourself: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sydney Salier - 2019
     What if Mr Bennet married a second time and his new wife is a lady with impeccable manners, who is down-playing the fact that she really is a Lady. Will the improved manners of all the ladies make a difference to Mr Darcy? Or is the Bennets' perceived social standing and lack of wealth still an issue for him? Will Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet have a happily ever after?