Darcy and Elizabeth: A Peculiar Courtship: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Alice Morgan - 2018
     How Mr Darcy is going to win Elizabeth's heart? *** This is an edited version of the story "Five Questions" published online several years ago. ***

Inspired Reflections: Three Short Pride and Prejudice Variations

Cassandra B Leigh - 2018
    Darcy? There is something for everyone in this collection of short stories. Dreamy? In 'Inspired Reflections', Darcy's dreams inspire him to forget his pride and pursue Elizabeth Bennet. Persistent? After Darcy's horrid proposal, Elizabeth allows him a second chance in 'Hunsford Redux'. Repentant? When Elizabeth prevents him from proposing, he realizes his blunder. Will he overcome her 'Immovable Dislike' and win her hand?

A Fall at Longbourn: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Amelia Wood - 2020
    She is convinced he is the last man in the world she could ever marry. But when Mr. Darcy loses his memory in an accident and recognizes no one but Elizabeth Bennet, can love find its way after all?Fitzwilliam Darcy has made his contempt for Meryton plain for all to see. Even worse, he slights Miss Elizabeth Bennet in her hearing and declares her not handsome enough to dance with. So why does she fill his thoughts? When an accident almost claims his life, he finds he can remember no one except the bewitching woman who comes to his rescue.Elizabeth Bennet is relieved to hurry home as the storm breaks. But when she comes upon the man she dislikes more than any other lying on the path unconscious, she has no other option but to bring him to Longbourn until he recovers. But when Mr. Darcy wakes up, he recognizes no one but Elizabeth. Her presence is the one thing that brings him comfort, so she has no choice but to remain by his side and care for him, a task which becomes less odious as she realizes that without his arrogance, Darcy might just be the man she always hoped to find.But how can either of them trust in a love that might not last? Has Darcy really changed, or will his pride return with his memory and leave Elizabeth heartbroken?A Fall at Longbourn is a sweet Pride and Prejudice variation novella of approximately 33,000 words.

An Accident at Pemberley: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Emily Russell - 2022
    Much as he tries, he cannot get her harsh words out of his mind. As he travels to Pemberley, an encounter with carousing phaeton drivers causes him to be thrown from his horse. When he opens his eyes, he can remember nothing. But the beautiful face of the young woman leaning over him is strangely familiar, even if he does not know her name.Elizabeth Bennet only agreed to visit Pemberley, the home of Mr. Darcy, because she was assured he was away. Walking back to Lambton, she finds an unconscious, injured man on the path. As she rushes to his side, she is horrified to discover it is none other than the man she rejected. Her horror increases when he opens his eyes and has no idea who he or she is.When an illness forces Elizabeth to remain at Pemberley, she fears Darcy will resent her when he recovers his memory. And though Darcy is falling in love with the spirited young woman, he knows there is something about their shared past she is not telling him. But as they spend more time together, they cannot fight their growing feelings. How can Elizabeth know if the kind and caring man she is falling in love with is the real Darcy or a result of his accident? Can she risk that his former coldness and pride will not return with his memory?As they grow closer, there are those who seek to take advantage of Darcy’s situation. And when Elizabeth’s family is embroiled in scandal, Elizabeth loses her last hope that they might ever be together. But when Darcy’s memory loss requires Elizabeth to accompany him in his pursuit of his former friend and her wayward sister, their unexpected journey might be the very thing that unites them.

Duels of Every Sort: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sarah Brown - 2019
    What if the Bennets did have a son? How would the addition of another one of those witty Bennets to the story alter Darcy's point of view? Arguments, adventure, romance, and duels of every sort are sure to follow.

Equal Affection: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Layla Johnson - 2021
    It tells the old beloved story of Elizabeth and Darcy with new, original, unexpected twists. It speaks about the depth of feelings versus shallow infatuation, about appearances and truth, about regrets and redemption.The story focuses on Elizabeth and Darcy's interactions, the development of their characters and their slowly building affection that grows into a deep, everlasting love. Alongside them, there are Jane Bennet and Mr. Bingley, with their own tale that appears similar and yet proves to be quite different.The book starts in London, in April 1812. Elizabeth has returned from Kent after Darcy’s disastrous proposal and stays in London, at the Gardiners, together with Jane. Both sisters try to overcome the distress caused by the gentlemen that had once lived at Netherfield.The plot pushes Elizabeth and Darcy into each other's path, inducing them to struggle with pride, prejudice, flaws and misunderstandings, along their journey towards the point of equal affection.Among well-known classic characters, a new one claims her share of conversation: Mrs. Welford, Mrs. Gardiner's aunt, a lady who spent her youth in Lambton and her adulthood living an adventurous life.Married and widowed three times, Mrs. Edwina Welford possesses a large fortune, manners on the edge of decorum, a passion for life, and genuine affection for her relatives. She interferes in the story bringing mockery, fighting, tears and laughter, spicing up the tale and adding more surprising turns of events between the main characters."Equal Affection" is the author's second JAFF book. It comes after the readers' wonderful reactions that turned the first one - "Locked in the Netherfield Library" into a bestselling novella.

The Portrait of Elizabeth: A Pride and Prejudice Variation (The Scent of Lavender Book 1)

Jane Angwin - 2018
    She promised him that even in the afterlife if there was a way, she would help guide him to find the perfect woman to marry. "I want you to know, my son, that I will always be with you, watching over you. If it is in my power, even in the afterlife, I will guide you toward the happiness you deserve." Years later, after tiring of the search for a woman of substance among the vapid and mercenary women of society, Darcy began experiencing mysterious events, ultimately taking him on an unexpected journey to an unlikely country estate outside of London. There, he is strangely drawn to a woman far beneath society's expectations for him. Though from totally different worlds, they are attracted to each other, but due to misunderstandings and interference from those who would stand in their way, their path to happily ever after is thwarted at every turn. Will Darcy and Elizabeth find what they both desire on their own, or will they need a little help from the afterlife?

Secret Arrangement: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Deborah Ann Kauer - 2020
    Because of a death bed promise, he will only marry a lady who will unconditionally love the infant and whom he can love. However, in his past searches, Darcy found most society ladies saw only his wealth, connections, and property. How is he to find a lady who sees past what he has and loves who he is?Elizabeth Bennet wants to marry only for love, and of one thing she is absolutely sure, she loves Mr. Darcy’s infant ward. The question is, can she love the man as well. If she does choose to marry, she does not want her mother planning a lavish, overly embellished wedding, so how can she thwart her mother’s plans — through a secret arrangement.Besides the issue of love, what other problems could occur? A mother who will take control of the engagement and wedding arrangements, another lady's jealousy, and a grandmother who wants her infant granddaughter to disappear.Will Elizabeth and Darcy find love and happiness?

Smoky Dreams: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jaeza Rayleigh - 2018
    Now is his chance to be the hero and get the girl by helping his friend to his own romantic happily-ever-after. Or is it? Darcy soon learns that showing up is only the first step in the battle when his true enemy is his own pride and arrogance. Now he must change his own ways and undo the harm he has unwittingly done. Only then can he hope to win the hand and heart of the woman he loves. As he overcomes the flaws in his own nature and the opposition of a prideful aunt, he is helped along by family and friends in ways he would never have expected. Will his smoky dreams of sorrow and guilt turn to a living dream of happiness? Read on and find out...

Mr. Darcy's Twelfth Night: A Steamy Pride and Prejudice Sequel

Elizabeth Ann West - 2021
    For the first time, Elizabeth is thrown head-first into the world of Mayfair shopping, dinners, and balls. You can take the headstrong woman out of the country, but London's highest society isn't ready for Mrs. Darcy's fearless ways.Warned by his uncle that marriage changes a man, Fitzwilliam Darcy confronts expectations not only from his peers, but also his household and even his wife! Absolved of joint decisions when they were with the Bingleys in Hertfordshire, residing in London even for a few weeks places a strain on the new Darcy marriage. Old insecurities and parlor privateers demand a price to be paid and it's the first time Mr. Darcy's wealth may not be enough.One thing is certain, with those fiery tempers come fiery passions. The love shared between Mr. Darcy and his Elizabeth helps smooth over their struggles in communication. If only people would stop knocking on the door! When the Matlocks' Twelfth Night Ball becomes the can't be missed event of the Ton, Darcy and Elizabeth have a big decision to make. Will they remain in London answering to the whims and antics of the fast set close to the Prince Regent? Or will they carry the topsy-turvy night beyond dawn and run away to Pemberley?Mr. Darcy's Twelfth Night is a steamy Regency romance novel for fans of If Mr. Darcy Dared.

As a Proper Lady Would: A Pride & Prejudice Variation (Defying Propriety Book 1)

Bronwen Chisholm - 2021
    The well-known characters, as well as a few new ones, grow from childhood to a marriageable age; some reveal different facets of their personalities, while others are doomed to follow the same paths.

Darcy's Uneasy Betrothal: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Zoe Burton - 2020
    Darcy is hoping they’re wrong.Elizabeth Bennet is enjoying a stroll around her father’s estate when she finds herself in unexpected danger.Fitzwilliam Darcy is on his way to spend a few weeks with a friend when he stumbles across a beautiful woman running for her life. He throws himself between her and the danger, not realizing his selfless act will change both their lives forever.Forced to marry, Darcy and Elizabeth each face the same dilemma – hold onto anger at their situation or look for the good in the other person. Will they remain strangers forever, bound by law but separated by feelings, or can they find common ground and a lasting love?Darcy’s Uneasy Betrothal is a novel-length Pride and Prejudice variation. If you like courageous heroines, swoon-worthy heroes, and interesting plot twists, you’ll love Zoe Burton’s most recent offering to the JAFF world. Pick up a copy and escape for a few hours into Darcy’s Uneasy Betrothal.

Darcy's Winter Ball: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

A.J. Woods - 2019
    Hoping the time away from home might begin to heal Jane’s wounded heart, Elizabeth also seeks peace and quiet to finish the novel she has been working on in secret. She does not expect to meet Mr. Darcy ever again, but should she collide with the arrogant man who had a hand in causing Jane’s sorrow, she has vowed to give him a piece of her mind. A chance encounter while visiting his favorite bookshop finds Fitzwilliam Darcy in the company of a woman he has failed to forget. When he discovers that Elizabeth is there to research a novel she is writing, Darcy offers the use of his own personal library instead, hoping she might finally understand his true character. When the two are thrown together again by fate, will Darcy and Elizabeth open their hearts enough to amend their first impressions of each other? Though not without plenty of conflict, Darcy’s Winter Ball is a sweet, lighthearted, Regency-set novella, with a happy ending for ODC.

Mr. Darcy & Elizabeth: A Better Man: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Romance

Alyssa Jefferson - 2020
    An intelligent, lively, and beautiful young lady with few gentlemen to turn her eye, Elizabeth was delighted to meet an officer who seemed to match her in every way. Mr. George Wickham seemed to be the only person who had ever read the books she had with the same feelings, or could keep up with her quick wit. He was handsome and charming, and if that were not enough, he also had such a past filled with trials and misfortunes as made him thoroughly interesting to her. She fell rapidly in love, and as the gentleman was likewise afflicted, they were soon engaged. He did not have a fortune to support their union, however, and ultimately the pair concluded that their betrothal must continue for an indefinite period until his fortune could be made.When Wickham departed in June with a plan of returning a wealthier man, Elizabeth fought valiantly against the sorrow his departure produced. However, word came shortly thereafter that destroyed all her peace. He had died under mysterious circumstances in Ramsgate. Elizabeth’s fury against the unknown culprit were only matched by her sorrow at losing the best man she had ever known.While Elizabeth was still wearing black for her beloved, she was shocked to meet a gentleman whom Wickham had often told her about. Mr. Darcy, the son of Wickham’s godfather and the chief cause of his poverty, had come to live at Netherfield house with the very agreeable, handsome man who had leased it. Though Elizabeth’s sister Jane cautioned her against being hostile toward him, Elizabeth was disdainful toward the man from the start. Seeing her to be in mourning and admiring her pretty looks, Mr. Darcy asked somebody about her. But upon learning her former fiance’s identity, he quickly became disgusted with her, as well—presuming she was a party to the wicked schemes the man was in the midst of perpetrating prior to his untimely death.Yet the pair is drawn to one another—he admiring of her valiant spirit and beautiful eyes, and she learning gradually the truth of her former beau’s character, taking comfort in how unlike his former friend Mr. Darcy evidently was. Yet neither were prepared to learn the full breadth of what Wickham had done, nor to deal with its lasting consequences. Will their pursuit of justice for all the victims of Wickham’s crimes bring them together, or tear them apart forever?

Sorrow and Second Chances

E. Bradshaw - 2019
    In this adaptation, the Bennet family are afflicted with grief following a sudden death in their family, and as a consequence, the fate of the whole family is changed forever. Fitzwilliam Darcy, who has been filled with regret and deep remorse ever since his last encounter with Elizabeth Bennet, realises that – in this time of great sorrow – he might just have a chance to redeem himself in the eyes of the woman he loves. Told predominantly from the viewpoint of Mr Darcy, who has been left broken-hearted by Elizabeth Bennet’s rejection, this Pride and Prejudice variation tells the story of what happened next between these two much-loved characters. ‘He could easily see that he had astonished her, and he knew very well that he was skirting well over the line of acceptable conduct with his close proximity and with his use of her Christian name – but he felt that they had travelled well beyond the realms of proper conduct a long time ago. Somewhere between their heated argument at the Hunsford Parsonage and their private conversation in the dark of her bedroom, they had crossed an invisible line. They could never return to holding polite, stilted conversations about music or politics, or the state of the weather, when they had already bared so much of their inner souls to one another. Let other people conduct their courtships in such a way, he thought determinedly to himself, but he could remain silent no longer. If he had felt less for her then he might have been able to restrain his candour, but he knew he was well beyond that now.’