Diamond-Cut Abs: How to Engineer The Ultimate Six-Pack--Minimalist Methods for Maximal Results

Danny Kavadlo - 2014
    It’s about right eating, right drinking, right rest, right practice, right exercise at the right time, right motivation, right inspiration, right attitude and right lifestyle. If you don’t have that righteous set of abs in place, it’s because you have failed in one or more of these areas.With his 25-plus years of rugged research and extreme physical dedication into every dimension of what it takes to earn world-class abs, Danny Kavadlo is a modern-day master of the art. It’s all here: over 50 of the best-ever exercises to develop the abs—from beginner to superman level—inspirational photos, no BS straight talk on nutrition and lifestyle factors and clear-cut instructions on what to do, when. Supply the grit, follow the program and you simply cannot fail but to build a monstrous mid-section.In our culture, Abs are the Measure of a Man. To quit on your abs is to quit on your masculinity—like it or not. Diamond-Cut Abs gives you the complete, whole-life program you need to reassert yourself and reestablish your respect as a true physical specimen—with a thunderous six-pack to prove it.“Diamond-Cut Abs condenses decades of agonizing lessons and insight into the best book on ab-training ever written. Hands down.”—PAUL WADE, author of Convict Conditioning“Danny has done it again! Diamond-Cut Abs is a no-nonsense, results driven approach that delivers all the goods on abs. Nutrition, training and progression are all included, tattoos optional!”—ROBB WOLF, author of The Paleo Solution “There are a lot of abs books and products promising a six-pack. What sets Danny's book apart is the realistic and reasonable first section of the book… His insights into nutrition are so simple and sound, there is a moment you wish this book was a stand alone dieting book.”—DAN JOHN, author of Never Let Go"As soon as I received Diamond-Cut Abs, I flipped to the table of contents. Amazingly I found what I have been fruitlessly looking for in ab books for decades: 66 pages dedicated to NUTRITION. Kavadlo passed his second Marty audition by not echoing all the bankrupt politically-correct, lock-step, mainstream nutritional commandments. When Dan starts riffing about eating like a horse, eating ample amounts of red meat, shellfish and the divine pig meat (along with all kinds any types of nutrient-dense food), I knew I had to give my first ever ab book endorsement. When he noted that he drank whiskey while getting his abs into his all time best shape, it sealed the deal for me. Oh, and the ab exercises are excellent.”—MARTY GALLAGHER, 3-Time Powerlifting Champion, Author of The Purposeful Primitive"Danny Kavadlo's book might be titled 'Diamond-Cut Abs' but the truth is that it goes way BEYOND just ab training. Danny has actually created a guide to Physical Culture & LIVING healthy. The traditional fitness industry has gone astray from what the body truly needs. Since 1989, I've read a ton of abs-related books—and they don't scratch the surface of what's inside Danny's masterpiece. From powerful nutrition methods to training the entire body with a holistic approach, Diamond-Cut Abs is a vital addition to anyone's library. I LOVE it!”—ZACH EVEN-ESH, author of The Encyclopedia of Underground Strength and Conditioning“Danny's new book definitely hits the mark.

Blueprint: 365-Day Extreme Training to (Re)Build a Bulletproof Body

Ross Edgley - 2021
    Following a career-threatening injury in 2018, Ross was forced to reassess his training and take the next steps in a lifelong journey of redefining what the human body is capable of. In Blueprint , Ross shares the cutting-edge training program that empowered him to rebuild his body from surgery and a doctor’s gloomy prognosis in just 365 days to complete a world record swim. Whether it’s climbing a mountain, swimming the English Channel, or a gruelling triathlon, Blueprint  will teach you the tried and tested principles of sports science that have been used for decades by Olympians, explorers and adventurers at the limits of peak physical endurance.Blueprint is Ross Edgley's complete training journey that shows you how to:• Divide a 365-day training plan into seasons (winter, spring, summer and autumn)• Rebuild your body using evolutionary medicine• Build a superhuman work capacity with forgotten Spartan-style training• Gain bulletproof resilience through Soviet-inspired strength training• Boost your aerobic base with Olympian techniques. Blueprint applies the exact same principles that enabled Ross to complete extreme feats such as the World's Longest Sea Swim, World's Longest Rope Climb, World's Heaviest Triathlon and World's Strongest Marathon.Ross is your elite guide to achieving the impossible in the gym and beyond. Featuring almost 30 tailored workouts for different phases of training, packed with digestible sports science to help you optimise your workouts, and interspersed with Ross' own daring adventures across the world, Blueprint is the ultimate guide to optimising your time and training to make the impossible possible.

Return of the Kettlebell: Explosive Kettlebell Training for Explosive Muscle Gains

Pavel Tsatsouline - 2010
    Several champions made astonishing, almost mysterious, strength and muscle gains--at least two broke new powerlifting world records—thanks to kettlebell training. Pavel decided to reverse engineer this "What the Hell" effect experienced by the champions—so all others could benefit from their success. Return of the Kettlebell presents the final fruit of Pavel's research—combining the very best of ancient lifting wisdom with modern day scientific breakthroughs. Central to Pavel's new program for explosive muscle gain is the skillful use of double kettlebells. Discover smokers like the Double Clean, classic strength builders like the Double Snatch and Double Press and enjoy the supreme intensity of the Double Clean and Jerk. Like the Breakfast of Champions, consume what's on the Return of the Kettlebell menu and watch yourself grow—and grow! Chapter 1: The Science of Big Heresy, but it works! Maverick superstar Vasily Alexeevev snuck this renegade method past the apparatchiks' noses—and packed serious pounds of beef on his grateful students in record time… Page 2 Why the Russian kettlebell beats all comers as the ideal tool for repetition quick lifts… Page 3 Why "fast eccentrics" are now all the rage among serious hypertrophy experts Understand how to manipulate Z-band streaming for faster muscle growth… Page 4 Shoot from both barrels! How a double whammy of "quick wacks" and "slow squeezes" will leave no muscle untrashed in your quest for explosive growth… Page 5 3 styles of Russian kettlebell training—which one is right for you?… Pages 6–8 Chapter 2: Explode and Grow This "Smokers' Delight" will jack your heart rate through the roof… Page 11 The best starting position for more powerful—and safer—shoulder contractions… Page 13 The ladies' way to trouble-free Double Cleans… Page 17 Yes, this will build monstrous biceps—but you'll be risking a serious injury… Page 19 Bad idea! Why "scooping" can only hurt your future strength development… Page 20 The difference between anatomical and biomechanical breathing—and which to choose for greater strength development… Page 21 The essential prerequisites for a powerful Double Snatch… Page 22 You MUST employ this secret in the Double Snatch—or risk your back and face… Page 24 Could this method be the best ever upper back and shoulder builder?... Page 26 Employ this little-known method for the ultimate in lateral deltoid development… Page 28 How to correctly perform the Viking Push Press—for way more powerful quads and tris… Page30 The 2 biggest problems a beginner faces with the Push Press—and the perfect solution to both. The correct grip for optimal explosiveness in the Snatch… Page 33 The essential prerequisite for maximal force transmission in the arms and legs… Page 34 The correct neck position for a truly effective Push Press—and a great way to save your back… Page 36 The 4 major keys to efficient and painless shock absorption 3 important reasons NEVER to raise your heels when push pressing… Page 40 Why it's best to stay "light" with the Viking Push Press… Page 43 Risk being accused of steroid abuse—when you gain like crazy from this ultimate kettlebell lift… Page 46 How to optimize your Clean and Jerk—for inhuman results 4 superb Russian drills to i

Ketone Power: Superfuel for Optimal Mental Health and Ultimate Physical Performance

Cristian Vlad Zot - 2014
    After all, human DNA is 99% exactly the same. So, there should be a prescription (Rx) that works for the majority of us. Cristi himself, fed up with not being able to lose the last few pounds of his belly fat, has started studying and experimenting with ketogenic nutrition and ketosis. Ketosis is the metabolic state where your body uses fat and ketone bodies (by-products of fat) as the main source of fuel and it is achieved by drastically eliminating sugar from the diet. Long-term constant ketosis leads to keto-adaptation. Keto-adaptation brought various improvements in Cristi Vlad's existence, such as: fat loss, elimination of hunger, elimination of cravings for high-carbohydrate foods, improved mental performance, ultra-high energy levels, less sleep required per night, better sleep, enhanced endurance and strength training output, and probably the most important: ability to eat chocolate every day. In Ketone Power, Cristi Vlad, inspired by his mentors and armed with extensive research and personal experience outlines: 1. How he lost 10 pounds of fat in 2 months eating 70% of his calories from fat and consuming 2,000-3,000 kcals per day. His exercising routine was reduced from 5-6 times/week to 1-2 times/week. Before/after photos are included. 2. How the human body works differently when running on a fat metabolism compared to a carbohydrate metabolism (that which most of the people are in). 3. How his 2 month experiment became his new lifestyle due to the benefits of keto-adaptation. 4. How ketogenic nutrition is a powerful therapeutic approach to diabetes, obesity, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and other health issues. 5. Protocols for strength training and endurance training. 6. His shopping list and the foods he consumes daily to support keto-adaptation. Fat-bombs are included. 7. His virtual academy consisting of mentors, websites, courses, MOOC sites, and Youtube channels all of which helped him achieve knowledge on ketogenic nutrition and human biochemistry. All of what Cristi Vlad did and keeps doing does not include fancy and expensive gadgets or pockets full of cash. It only requires willingness to improve one's existence and enjoy life every second that passes. You can do this by yourself as well. This book is the prescription.

Fix Tight Hip Flexors: The Ultimate At Home Cure

Lauren Bertolacci - 2013
    This means that they are involved in basic movements that we do every day like walking, running and leaning forward while sitting down, just to name a few. When this group of muscles get’s tight you are at a high risk for a lot of different problems. The great news is once you have identified the cause of your problem, you can get rid of the pain and tightness quickly. This book will take your through four key steps to ensure that you get rid of your tight hip flexors and keep them loose. The reasons may not be as simple as you think as this complex group of muscles does a lot of work in every day tasks. Bad posture, repetitive movements and weak muscles will also contribute to your issues. I'll teach you how to release your hip flexors and re-train your body effectively, no matter what the cause of your tight hips.Included are:Key stretches to release the hip flexors.Self massage on important areas to get a deeper release.Exercises that will take your hip flexors through a dynamic range of motion and stretch them actively.Postural exercises that will retrain your body so your hip flexors aren't working when they shouldn't.An understanding of what you need to do during the day to help your cause.A guide on how to put it all together effectively for your situation.

Running Well: Run Smarter, Run Faster, Avoid Injury... And Enjoy It More!

Sam Murphy - 2008
    'Running Well' shows runners how to minimise the risks of injury and other problems by showing the difference between training and straining, avoiding overtraining, varying speed and distance, keeping the running muscles strong and supple and honing technique.

Westside Barbell Book of Methods

Louie Simmons - 2000
    The soviet system I started 30 years ago prolonged my career to the point where I made top 10 lifts at 54 years old. It has enabled Westside lifters to break 100 plus world records and has helped countless more. I am proud my resume is never up to date. Why? Because I constantly break new records all the time, check out our top lifts in the back of the book and then check out our website for correct records. You will be amazed!

The MAF Method: A Personalized Approach to Health and Fitness

Philip Maffetone - 2020

Personal Trainer Pocketbook: A Handy Reference for All Your Daily Questions

Jonathan Goodman - 2015
    For the first time ever, these 48 invaluable answers have all been compiled into one handy reference – no stone is left unturned. Amongst other things, you’ll finally know how to: Market, sell, and keep clients (pg 33) Get your career started right (pg 13) Deal with all possible objections (pg 65) Deal with difficult client types (pg 79) Become more organized and efficient every day (pg 91) Turn your job into a career by making more money both in-training, and beyond (pg 139). With the Personal Trainer Pocketbook by your side, you’ll never be alone again.

The Poliquin Principles: Successful Methods for Strength and Mass Development

Charles Poliquin - 1997
    Both an exercise program and a reference manual with a ground-breaking new treatise on bodybuilding and strength training.

Infinite Intensity

Ross Enamait - 2005
    This program integrates a lifetime of in the trenches experience, coupled with years of extensive research.Don't expect a picture book filled with secret exercises or bogus promises. There is nothing new under the sun. This 250 page manual will outline a complete system, from A to Z, covering all aspects of physical training.The philosophy behind this program is simple. If it works, we will use it. This program is not limited to one training style (ex. bodyweight exercise vs. weight training). This manual incorporates the best of both worlds.A sample 50 day routine is provided which applies the principles detailed throughout the manual. Topics Include: Dumbbell training for power and strength Advanced bodyweight exercises Isometrics Weighted and bodyweight core movements Low budget options for homemade training equipment Heavy bag drills for enhanced punching power Conditioning drills to enhance each energy system An analysis of periodization for combat athletes Research from world renowned sports scientists Commonly neglected areas such as the hands and neck A 50 day training program And much, much more... Infinite Intensity will enable the athlete to optimize strength and endurance based on the unique needs of the individual. This program will teach you how and why to incorporate strength training and conditioning, without allowing one objective to interfere with another.

Gift of Injury: The Strength Athlete’s Guide to Recovering from Back Injury to Winning Again

Stuart McGill - 2018
    Anyone who trains will enhance their injury resilience and performance employing these principles proven over and over with athletes. In the highly competitive world of strength athletics, a back injury is seen by many as the ultimate career-ender. In truth, if handled properly, it is far from a death sentence. Follow the journey of international powerlifting champion Brian Carroll, who can attest to this first hand. This remarkable athlete went from 1100 lb squats and 800 lb deadlifts to unending pain and disability after a massive spinal compression injury. After a fortuitous meeting with leading back expert Professor Stuart McGill, he reset his training and his life to fight his way back to the top of the winner’s podium. Glean expertise from McGill and Carroll, both masters in their field, and learn how to orchestrate your own triumphant comeback. Whether you are a former champion yourself who has fallen on hard times, or someone starting a new foray into the world of strength training who wants to avoid injury and maximize training, the wisdom found within these pages is sure to take your resilience and lifts to the next level. Over 200 full color, rich illustrations demonstrate technique.

Dumping Iron: How to Ditch This Secret Killer and Reclaim Your Health

P.D. Mangan - 2016
    The accumulation of excess iron in the body, a condition that affects perhaps the majority of adults, leads to much higher risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and shorter lifespan. Dumping Iron shows how to measure your iron levels, what the test numbers mean, and how to go about lowering iron if necessary. Humans are adapted to a low-iron environment, so once iron is in our bodies, it virtually never goes away. Our new, high-iron environment leads to iron accumulation, and to ill health and early death. Iron is the secret killer that no one is telling you about. Finally, in Dumping Iron, the scientific and medical data that indicts iron is assembled in one place. What the experts say about Dumping Iron: “Dumping Iron by P. D. Mangan is a must read by anybody interested in maintaining optimal health, including those in the medical field. Iron overload is an exceedingly common malady in the population and it is easily diagnosed, but it is under-addressed. It leads to heart disease, diabetes, cancer and numerous other chronic and debilitating illnesses. The good news is that iron excess can be prevented and readily treated, which results in a decreased risk of many diseases and improvement in overall health and vitality. Dumping Iron clearly tells us how to achieve these goals.” — Luca Mascitelli, M.D., Lieutenant Colonel, Italian Army, and author of numerous scientific papers on iron and health. “In Dumping Iron, Dennis Mangan has provided the reader access to a massive scientific data pool linking body iron overload to major diseases of mankind… I submit that Dumping Iron should be required reading in science and nutrition for high school and above. The ultimate triumph of Dumping Iron might be an informed public that will increasingly access ferritin test screening, and health care providers better prepared to interpret tests of iron status, particularly the ferritin level. Acknowledgment of risks of iron overload and proper product labeling might lead to reduced public iron intoxication and improved population health to a degree that would be no less than monumental!” — Leo Zacharski, M.D., Professor of Medicine, Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth College. Dr. Zacharski has written extensively on the connection between iron and disease, and has conducted clinical trials of lowering iron. “Iron has been compared to fire. A small amount of fire is quite useful in our stoves and furnaces. But when fire is ravaging the contents and walls of our home… BEWARE. In this informative book, Dennis Mangan makes clear the devastation that can be caused by excessive/misplaced iron in the tissues and walls of our bodies. We learn that for essentially all diseases — infections, cancers, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, diabetes, gout, osteoporosis, cardiovascular ills, and more — that the iron burden is a dangerous risk factor. But equally important, the author describes a variety of well tested methods that are readily available to neutralize the iron peril. Adoption of even a few of these methods can remarkably decrease iron-catalyzed disease episodes, enhance well being, and, not least, increase longevity.” — E. D. Weinberg, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Biology at Indiana University, and the author of over 140 scientific papers, many of them on the role of iron in disease.

The Bikini Body Motivation & Habits Guide

Kayla Itsines - 2017
    Drawing on more than 40,000 survey responses from her global online community, as well as extensive research and her experience as a trainer, Kayla addresses what stops us from following through on our health and fitness goals. In her second book, The Bikini Body Motivation & Habits Guide, Kayla explores how you can overcome those obstacles, set goals and stick to a long-term plan for better health. Inside, you'll find helpful checklists and templates, a 28-day meal plan, more than 200 simple and delicious recipes, shopping lists and a downloadable 28-day workout poster. Let global fitness phenomenon Kayla show you how YOU can stick to a plan for long-term health."In this book, I give you the keys to achieving your goals and show you how to use motivation to create healthy habits that will stick." This is a specially formatted fixed-layout ebook that retains the look and feel of the print book.

Triphasic Training: A Systematic Approach to Elite Speed and Explosive Strength Performance

Cal Dietz - 2012
    That's not hype. Cal Dietz, strength coach at the University of Minnesota, has the results to back up this claim - a Hobey Baker Award winner, two Big Ten Athletes of the Year, over 400 All-Americans, 28 Big Ten/WCHA championship teams, 7 NCAA National Team Champions, and 13 teams that finished in the top four in the nation.Over the past decade, Coach Dietz has worked with thousands of collegiate and professional athletes, incorporating the latest scientific research into developing his Triphasic Training method. His approach breaks down athletic movements into their three components -- eccentric, isometric, and concentric -- allowing for the continuous development of athletes, maximizing their strength, speed, and power.In this easy-to-understand book, Coach Dietz has teamed up with exercise physiologist, Ben Peterson, to explain the physiological foundations of Triphasic Training and how they can be applied to training, making athletes bigger, stronger and faster than ever before. The authors give examples of complete programs, as well as examples of how to incorporate the Triphasic method into existing programs, with descriptions on adapting it to virtually any scenario.The digital edition of this book contains over 3,000 hyperlinks to video clips that demonstrate how to properly perform every exercise, as well as six hours of video lectures by Coach Dietz from his national speaking tour. In this book, these hyperlinks are indicated by words or phrases that are underlined. In order for you to take advantage of these features, included in the book is a web link to a downloadable PDF that contains the hyperlinks and videos from the original digital book.Included in the book: - 5 complete 24-week training programs designed for 6-day, 5-day, 4-day, 3-day, or 2-day training models.- Over two dozen tables showing when and how to modify exercises to ensure continuous improvement in athletes.- Peaking programs for football lineman and skill players; swimmers; baseball, volleyball, and hockey players (among others).- A complete 52-week training program for football."Awesomeness! Finally someone has done it right. If you want to challenge yourself, open your mind and just get better at your craft, I suggest you read this book." - Kevin Ziegler Former NHL Strength Coach for the Phoenix Coyotes and Tampa Bay Lightning"Triphasic Training is a down-to-earth, raw, bare bones book on training. No B.S., just honest facts. It gives you methods and ideas that have been proven to make athletes better. A must have book for any coach's or athlete's library."- Buddy MorrisWorld Renown Performance Coach"Triphasic Training is a game-changer! I integrated the Triphasic Method with many collegiate and professional athletes at IMG. The results were outstanding! It's a "must have" for anyone trying to get better!"- Jeff DillmanDirector of Strength and ConditioningUniversity of Florida Football"Amazing book! One of the best books I have read on strength and conditioning. You two have touched upon so many key topics and principles that few discuss to any extent. Awesome work!"- Jonas SahratianStrength and Conditioning CoordinatorUniversity of North Carolina Basketball"I have to congratulate you as Triphasic Training is one of the best books in strength and conditioning I have read. Extremely practical with very well-presented arguments and logic behind your practical tools and templates. A good blend of innovation, science/research and experience throughout."- Scott WilliamsExercise PhysiologistGolf Australia and PGA of Australia