Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation

Noel Langley - 1977
    Compiled from 2,500 of his extraordinary readings, this illuminating book unveils the reality of rebirth. Here are accounts of people who have lived before and remarkable evidence of a timeless, unifying force that pervades the universe.

My Big TOE: Awakening

Thomas Campbell - 2003
    My Big TOE, written by a nuclear physicist in the language contemporary culture, unifies science and philosophy, physics and metaphysics, mind and matter, purpose and meaning, the normal and the paranormal. The entirety of human experience (mind, body, and spirit) including both our objective and subjective worlds is brought together under one seamless scientific understanding. Book 1: Awakening – Section 1 provides a partial biography of the author that is pertinent to the subsequent creation of this trilogy. This brief look at the author's unique experience and credentials sheds some light upon the origins of this highly unusual work. Section 2 lays out and defines the basic conceptual building blocks needed to construct My Big TOE's conceptual foundation. It discusses the cultural beliefs that trap our thinking into a narrow and limited conceptualization of reality, defines the basics of Big Picture epistemology and ontology; logically infers the nature of time, space, and consciousness as well as describes the basic properties, purpose, and mechanics of our reality. Many of the concepts initiated in Section 2 are more fully explained in Book 2.

Powers Of The Mind

Vivekananda - 1976

The Five Dharma Types: Vedic Wisdom for Discovering Your Purpose and Destiny

Simon Chokoisky - 2014
     Built on a deep body of Vedic knowledge, the ancient system of social structure and spiritual duty known as Dharma has modern applications for people seeking their life’s purpose. Author Simon Chokoisky explains the five Dharma archetypes--Warrior, Educator, Merchant, Laborer, and Outsider--and how your life’s purpose goes hand-in-hand with your Dharma type. Providing tests to determine your type, he outlines the benefits, challenges, emotional and learning styles, and social, interpersonal, and health dynamics associated with each type. Chokoisky reveals how the Dharma types function as an operating system for your identity, helping you map your life and play to your innate strengths, whether in choosing a prosperous career or field of study or in facing health challenges and meeting fitness goals. By accepting and understanding the nature of your type, you begin to align with your true purpose and, regardless of fate, find joy and meaning in life.

Hindu Mythology: A Captivating Guide to Hindu Myths, Hindu Gods, and Hindu Goddesses

Matt Clayton - 2018
    Keep in mind that because different versions of Hinduism inspire different people, many different versions of the stories float through the jungle and over the stones of temples and traditions. The stories in this volume are my version, though I’ve stuck as closely to the original myths and legends as imagination allows. At the end of this book, you’ll find a short bibliography for further research and reading. Within this book, you'll find the following Hindu myths covered Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, and the Beginning of the World The Birth of Lord Shiva Saraswati & Brahma’s Fifth Head Shiva Tests Parvati Shiva Snares a Whale Ganesha Loses His Head Ganesha Spills a River Kubera’s Pride Ganesha Injures a Goddess Ganesha Wins a Race Shiva Skips Success Ravana’s Ten Heads The Birth of Rama Urmila’s Slumber Deer of Deception Hanuman’s Torch Suvannamachha Steals a Bridge Hanuman Moves a Mountain The Final Battle Sita’s Purity Krishna Steals Butter Krishna Trades for Jewels Krishna Swallows the Flames Agni Spreads a Curse Vayu Humbles the Silk Cotton Tree Savitri Chooses a Husband Savitri’s Fidelity And more! Download the book now and learn more about Hindu mythology

The World Before

Ruth Montgomery - 1976
    Every one has come true! Now he returns with secret lore of the past and startling glimpses of the future.Here is the extraordinary story of Creation and the fabulous lost worlds of Atlantis and Mu, the past lives of Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, Jackie Onassis, Richard Nixon, Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, and other celebrities. The World Before forecasts things to come, among them:- A solution to the world's energy problem- A reduction in crime throughout America- The rise of a new national leader--in GermanyThe World Before is a dramatic and exciting book that will capture the imagination of everyone who seeks a deeper understanding of the mysteries of life.

Encounter The Enlightened: Conversations With The Master

Sadhguru - 2001
    In a milieu where life is seen as toil, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev opens an entirely new possibility - to play with life whichever way you want, to live life intensely but go through it unscarred.

Life After Death, Powerful Evidence You Will Never Die

Stephen Hawley Martin - 2015
    He spent two years gathering information that demonstrates this and along the way interviewed more than a hundred experts in a number of different fields. Among them were parapsychologists, medical doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, quantum physicists, and researchers into the true nature of reality. Specific examples are presented that indicate what happens when we die, for example that memories can be formed and retained despite a subject’s brain having been shutdown and the blood drained from it. Questions such as whether or not you will be able to communicate with living loved ones after death are addressed, if it is possible to be reborn, and what might be missing from reproductive theory to explain the various phenomena indicated in the many case histories and scientific investigations presented. All of us will someday cross the border to what Shakespeare called "The undiscovered country." As long as we must make that trip, wouldn’t it be smart to find out where we are going and what to expect when we get there?

The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind

Julian Jaynes - 1976
    The implications of this revolutionary scientific paradigm extend into virtually every aspect of our psychology, our history and culture, our religion -- and indeed our future.

Even More Notes From the Universe: Dancing Life's Dance

Mike Dooley - 2008
    Even More Notes from the Universe combines Mike Dooley's pithy and inspiring messages, direct from the Universe, to help you start living the life of your dreams -- today. Focusing on the desired results joyfully and with gratitude is infinitely more engaging than struggling and stressing about them. Relax, laugh, and enjoy the footwork the Universe has to share. Whether your dance is the tango, hula, or one of your own creation, dancing life's dance begins with that first brave step. The music has always been playing your favorite tune, yet hearing it requires action. And right on cue, your unfailing partner, the Universe, begins choreographing players and events in a waltz of miracles, moving heaven and earth to align the future of your dreams with your present circumstances. Nothing is impractical, impossible, or out of reach. Your thoughts create worlds, your words shape the future, and the steps you take unleash the magic behind creation. In this third book in the Notes from the Universe trilogy, Mike Dooley brings a fresh perspective from your most loyal friend.

Eyebags & Dimples

Bonnie Henna - 2012
    A shockingly naked chronicle of how her depression almost robbed her of her shine, this unflinchingly honest book recounts Bonnie's intricate journey living in constant fear of darkness. After she unsuccessfully tried to pursue her acting career in Hollywood, she was diagnosed with clinical depression. Thanks to this diagnosis, Bonnie began the painful climb back to a life of health and mental stability. This is the candid account of her new life trek.

Creative Visualization: 33 Guided Visualization Scripts to Create the Life of Your Dreams (Law of Attraction in Action)

Louise Stapely - 2014
    You are aware of how powerful this technique can be. You know with 100% certainty that you can have and achieve ANYTHING your heart desires. You have mastered the art of mind power, and truly live the life of your dreams. You desire, you visualize, and you manifest, each and every time. If, on the other hand, you answered No to any of the above questions, then I urge you to learn everything you possibly can about visualization. Learn how it can completely transform your life. In this book, 33 Guided Visualization Scripts to Create the Life of Your Dreams, you will learn what steps to take in order to visualize correctly. There are 33 scripts provided, divided into financial abundance, career, family, relationships, love, health, peace of mind, and addictions. Each script will show you how to engage your senses to boost results and manifest successfully. It doesn’t matter how much you currently have in the bank, it doesn’t matter if you are in debt up to your eyeballs, it doesn’t matter if you feel you will never meet the love of your life, it doesn’t matter if you hate your job and feel there is no way out. I promise you here and now, there is a way out. You deserve to have everything your heart desires. Happiness, success, perfect health, loving relationships, financial abundance, and peace of mind are your birthright. And they are there for the taking. Through positive, consistent visualization, your life will change. It will become the life you have always longed for; always dreamed about. There are no limitations with what you can have, achieve or be. Any limitations you feel there are, are only in your mind, and can be eradicated, SHOULD be eradicated. The sky is the limit. Make a promise to yourself that today, from this very moment, is the first day on your journey to total transformation. No more procrastination, no more ‘starting on Monday’, no more ‘I’m too busy.’ The time is now. Allow magic and miracles into your life.

Raven's Influence

Lynn Morrison - 2021
    But as a 43-year-old divorcee with an empty nest staring me in the face, I can hardly say no when my mama finally breaks down and does the impossible. She asks for help.I expect to lend a hand with running the family business.Instead, I end up inheriting witch powers and a magical family legacy.My mama's been hiding a secret for my whole life. The merciless gods and goddesses from Ancient Rome are trapped in my hometown... Unfortunately for me, I'm the only thing standing between them and all hell breaking loose…With the fate of the world hanging in the balance, I’ve only got three weeks to solve the mystery of why my Earth witch powers don't work.Saving the world won’t be easy. Of course, neither is being a middle-aged woman.I might be midlife, but sugar, I’m just getting started!Dive into this paranormal women's fiction story about midlife women, mythical gods, and the magic that happens when life forces you to change.

Cosmology: Philosophy & Physics

alexis karpouzos - 2015
    Cosmic Universe and Human History, microcosm and macrocosm, inorganic and living matter coexist and form a unique unity manifested in multiple forms. The Physical and the Mental constitute the form and the content of the World. The world does not consist of subjects and objects, the “subject” and the “object” are metaphysical abstractions of the single and indivisible Wholeness. Man’s finite knowledge separates the Whole into parts and studies fragmentarily the beings. The Wholeness is manifested in multiple forms and each form encapsulates the Wholeness. The rational explanation of the excerpts and the intuitive apprehension of the Wholeness are required to combine and create the open thought and the holistic knowledge. This means that the measurement should be defined by the ''measure'', but the responsibility for determining the ''measure'' depends on the man. This requires that man overcomes the anthropocentric arrogance and the narcissistic selfishness and he joins the Cosmic World in a friendly and creative manner.

Emmanuel's Book II: The Choice for Love

Pat Rodegast - 1989
    A beautifully written sequel to the inspirational Emmanuel's Book, with an introduction by Ram Dass. The Choice For Love offers insight into difficult relationships, aging, illness and healing, learning from AIDS and much more.