Getting the Little Blighters to Eat

Claire Potter - 2013
    Does your child decide they don't like a food before they've even tried it? Do they say 'Yuk' to foods they used to eat happily? Would they live off chips and ice-cream and never touch a vegetable again if given the chance? This little book provides easy-to-follow, easy-to-remember rules to help re-programme your child into a happy, healthy, adventurous eater.

What Every Christian Ought to Know: Essential Truths for Growing Your Faith

Adrian Rogers - 2005
    Without these essentials—the basic truths of the faith—they will never establish strong roots or bear fruit. Adrian Rogers has written a book designed to give new believers the nurture and care their faith needs to blossom and grow. What Every Christian Ought to Know seeks to give intellectual truth, and also to provide the “spiritual nutrients” required to produce mature faith.

A 30 Day Walk with God in the Psalms: A Devotional

Nancy Leigh DeMoss - 2001
    Each day includes questions and suggestions to help you explore each psalm and make them part of your daily life.  A 30-Day Walk with God in the Psalms is a practical resource for individual and group use, and is a great companion to A Place of Quiet Rest.

Keep It Shut: What to Say, How to Say It, and When to Say Nothing at All, Study Guide

Karen Ehman - 2015
    What not to say. When it is best to remain silent. Or what to do when you ve said something you wish you could now take back.Beyond just a How not to gossip study, Karen will teach what the Bible says about the many ways we are to use our words and the times when we are to remain silent. Using our speech to interact with friends, co-workers, family and strangers will be covered along with the many places we use our words such as in private, in public, online and in prayer. Even the words we say silently to ourselves. Unsolicited opinion-slinging, speaking the truth in love, not saying words just to people-please and dealing with our verbal anger are sub-topics that will also be addressed.Each session will feature a different character from the Bible, using them either as an example of someone to emulate or whose verbal actions we should avoid replicating."

I Know His Name: Discovering Power in the Names of God (InScribed Collection)

Wendy Blight - 2016
    This study is for any woman who wants to move beyond simply knowing about God to really knowing God in a very personal way. Join Wendy as she teaches how the very names of God reveal His character and heart.This study will help women to:  Realize their infinite worth as they explore the nature of the God who created and formed them.  Live with bold assurance that their God is a personal God who sees them, hears them, and knows them by name.  Walk confidently in knowing both who they are and Whose they are.  Arm themselves with seven tools to pray more confidently and effectively in any situation or circumstance.  Transform their walk with Jesus as they discover how He fulfills the Old Testament names of God. This book includes biblical and historical background insights, practical application, and a memory verse for each chapter. The study may be completed individually or with a small group. Chapters Include: Elohim: The One Who Created You El Roi: The One Who Sees You Jehovah Nissi: The One Who Stands Guard Over You Jehovah Rapha: The One Who Heals You More Magnificent Names Can be used alone or with I Know His Name: A DVD Study (9780310089018).Inscribed is a collection of Bible studies that lead women to not just survive but thrive by encouraging them to immerse themselves in the Word of God.

Parents Rising: 8 Strategies for Raising Kids Who Love God, Respect Authority, and Value What's Right

Arlene Pellicane - 2018
    But it doesn’t need to be that way. Parents Rising will show you eight cultural trends that parents are up against today and what you can do to claim victory. This book is about growth not guilt. It’s not a pep talk, or a “try harder” speech. This is real help for real problems that every parent faces. It’s a way to focus your efforts so that they’ll be more effective and you’ll be less exhausted.

The Shepherd Trilogy

W. Phillip Keller - 1996
    The special skills of a shepherd demanded compassion, care, and guidance. His practical experience provides a wellspring of profound spiritual insight, reflected in these timeless meditations on the most famous psalm of all, on the relationship between the Good Shepherd and his sheep, and on the sacrificial role of Christ the Lamb of God.

Too Blessed to Be Stressed: Inspiration for Climbing Out of Life's Stress-Pool

Debora M. Coty - 2011
    . . Are you imprisoned by the joy-sucking dully-funks? . . . Maybe it’s time for a healthy dose of truth gift-wrapped in humor.Kick back a moment and take this revealing true-or-false stress test for women: T F I am frequently grumpy and I don’t know why. T F I used to enjoy cooking, but now it’s only a necessary chore. T F I don’t feel appreciated for all the tasks that I do. T F I’m embarrassed if caught relaxing or being "unproductive." T F The volume in my voice increases to MAKE MY POINT! T F I feel like I live in my car. T F I can’t remember the last time I laughed till I cried. T F A "free" day is exhausting because I must complete all my home duties. T F I tend to eat when feeling tense or overwhelmed. T F I feel like I’m constantly on the defensive. T F I often have unexplained headaches or stomachaches. T F My to-do lists have footnotes. Now count the answers that you marked "true" and check out your status: 4–6: Yellow Alert! You are at risk of becoming stressed out. 7–9: Orange Alert! Look out, girlfriend, you’re at toxic stress levels. 10–12: Red Alert!!! You are a bonified Stress Mess and need immediate help! If you often find yourself struggling with the stresses of finances, health, career, relationships, self-image, or family, then this humor-filled volume is just what you need. With simple, practical tips for attaining the peace you crave—the peace that passes all understanding—you’ll discover healing, refreshment, and revitalization for your spirit, body, and mind.<!--?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /-->

Kingdom Single: Living Complete and Fully Free

Tony Evans - 2018
    Tony Evans wants to encourage you to live fully where you are.Kingdom Single will encourage you to see yourself as complete in Christ and free to serve Him. It will empower you to live as Kingdom men and women in a corrupt culture.Tony Evans is a much-loved pastor and known for his sense of knowing when to encourage and when to lovingly admonish, to help people become who God calls them to be. If you are single and reading this book--or if you lead or pastor singles--your identity in Christ will be affirmed. Additionally, you will receive coaching for what to look for in a prospective spouse, and be challenged to live godly lives while pursuing Kingdom causes.

The Shinar Directive: Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition's Return

Michael Lake - 2014
    In Babylon, the Son of Perdition devised the Shinar Directive: the enslaving of humanity and the war against the God of Heaven. God's intervention at the Tower of Babel only delayed his hellish plans. The Luciferian Elite now control three key circles of influence in the world: financial, political, and religious. However, controlling these three systems was not enough. The laborers of Mystery Babylon have been quietly planning and waiting for thousands of years for the releasing of the Watchers of Genesis 6.Now armed with developing Watcher technologies, the Elite will use transhumanism and mind control to build the Joel chapter 2 army: the army of the Antichrist. We are beginning to realize that the mark of the Beast and the image of the Beast are much more than we could have ever imagined; beyond an implant and beyond a physical mark, they will affect DNA and who we are at a molecular level!As the powers of Mystery Babylon gather to create the new Tower of Babel and prepare for the Son of Perdition's return, Heaven is issuing a clarion call to the Remnant: Know the strategies of the enemy, untangle yourself from it, and become the victorious Church! Heaven's Jewish Apostle of Love, John, reveals the coming conflict in his book of Revelation and provides the ancient Hebraic wisdom encoded in 1 John to equip the bondservants of Messiah with the tools of the kingdom to overcome the Shinar Directive!

5 Things to Pray for Your Kids: Prayers that change things for the next generation

Melissa B. Kruger - 2019
    But where do we start?This little guide is both deep and do-able. Melissa Kruger helps us step out of the busyness of family life and pray for our children's spiritual growth and character development in 21 key areas. For each chapter, there are five short prayer prompts drawn straight from the Bible. Because when we pray in line with God's priorities as found in his word, our prayers are powerful and effective (James 5 v 16)—and that's a truly thrilling prospect.Use this book in any number of ways: work through it as part of your daily quiet time, or pick it up whenever a particular need arises. It will help you to pray meaningfully for your child, grandchild, godchild, or kids in your church—from tots to teens, and every age in between.

Pastor Dad

Mark Driscoll - 2009
    The important thing is that he is caring for his flock well. This book by Pastor Mark Driscoll looks at the ways that a father can raise his children well.

Michelle's Story: One Woman's Escape from a Lifetime of Abuse

Shelley Chase - 2012
    Her first husband, and then her second husband end up abusing her also. Later on, both her surviving children were abused, one by her ex husband, another by a trusted boyfriend. Michelle finally manages to free herself from this cycle of abuse. This is her true story of her escape. It is Michelle's hope that her story will encourage others who are trapped in abuse to seek freedom.

The Joy of Children

Gerry Robinson - 2016
    Some quotes and description below: "Wow! I just read this book today. Yes, I read the whole book in one day! It is a wonderful account of the joy of a large family. His writing is hilarious, heartwarming, and inspiring. So many of his stories brought back fond memories of life with our gang. I would highly recommend this book!" See additional endorsements below the description. Description: On their wedding day in November 1998, Gerry and Mary Robinson would never have thought they would have 10 children nine years old and younger before their 11th anniversary. Yet, that is exactly what happened. In what can only be called a miracle, their family grew in record time, and the fun that came along with it is a story for the ages. This is their story. It is a testament to how children bring joy to the family, and how God has a loving part in all of it. The stories are hilarious and the lessons life long. This is a great read for all couples, whether they be dating, engaged, or married. Quote from Dr. Theresa Farnan: The Joy of Children is a candid, funny, first person account of a family that lives the meaning of “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done” and never seem to want for their “daily bread.” Gerry and Mary Robinson and their beautiful family are living proof that God is never outdone in generosity. In addition to being a wonderful tribute to the joy of children, this book is filled with insights about the joy of marriage. The Robinsons' inspirational story illustrates that family life is not always easy but it can be consistently joyous when families commit themselves to complete, trustful surrender to Divine providence. About Dr. Theresa Farnan: Theresa is the Co-Author of the Book: Where Did I Come From? Where Am I Going? How Do I Get There? and Consultant to the USCCB committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth. Quote from James M. Littleton, President and Co-founder of Forming Faithful Families: The Joy of Children, by Gerry Robinson is a beautiful, candid story of heroic parents who overcame the fear-driven popular mindset of the modern culture by faithfully trusting in God's loving Providence by taking perceived risks in being open to a large family which opened the floodgates of blessings and joy to be poured into their lives and their family. The Joy of Children is full of hilarious anecdotes that make it a fun read. It is an important book for these times, jarring our spirit to awaken to the realization that God and family are so much more important and lasting than the things of this world. I highly recommend the Joy of Children. About James M. Littleton: James Littleton is a hope-filled, inspirational national speaker and Evangelist, Co-Founder and Co-Director of Forming Faithful Families and One More Baby For Jesus, Co-Host, Co-writer and Producer of Forming Faithful Families Formational Video & Televisions Series

A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World

Paul E. Miller - 2009
    Miller’s down-to-earth approach and practical nature will help you see that your relationship with God can grow and your communication with Him can get better. Parents will find Miller’s family-life experiences especially helpful.