Book picks similar to
Mark: Images of an Apostolic Interpreter by C. Clifton Black
The Kingdom of God and the Glory of the Cross
Patrick Schreiner - 2018
It undergirds the entire framework of Scripture, serving as the backdrop against which all other themes play out. Surveying the entirety of both the Old and New Testaments, scholar and professor Patrick Schreiner presents a definition and framework for a biblical theology of the kingdom. Defining the kingdom of God as the interplay of three concepts--the king's power over the king's people in the king's place--this new volume in the Short Studies in Biblical Theology series shows how a proper understanding of the kingdom of God has tremendous implications for life here and now.
Contextualization in the New Testament: Patterns for Theology and Mission
Dean Flemming - 2005
The technical term for their efforts is contextualization. Missionary theorists have pondered and written on it at length. More and more, those who do theology in the West are also trying to discover new ways of communicating and embodying the gospel for an emerging postmodern culture. But few have considered in depth how the early church contextualized the gospel. And yet the New Testament provides numerous examples.As both a crosscultural missionary and a New Testament scholar, Dean Flemming is well equipped to examine how the early church contextualized the gospel and to draw out lessons for today. By carefully sifting the New Testament evidence, Flemming uncovers the patterns and parameters of a Paul or Mark or John as they spoke the Word on target, and he brings these to bear on our contemporary missiological task.Rich in insights and conversant with frontline thinking, this is a book that will revitalize the conversation and refresh our speaking and living the gospel in today's cultures, whether in traditional, modern or emergent contexts.
Jesus Have I Loved, but Paul?: A Narrative Approach to the Problem of Pauline Christianity
J.R. Daniel Kirk - 2012
In this volume, Pauline scholar J.R. Daniel Kirk offers a fresh and timely engagement of the debated relationship between Paul's writings and the portrait of Jesus contained in the Gospels. He integrates the messages of Jesus and Paul both with one another and with the Old Testament, demonstrating the continuity that exists between these two foundational figures. After laying out the narrative contours of the Christian life, Kirk provides fresh perspective on challenging issues facing the contemporary world, from environmental concerns to social justice to homosexuality"--From publisher description
When the Man Comes Around: A Commentary on the Book of Revelation
Douglas Wilson - 2019
John the Evangelist saw many strange monsters in his vision, he saw no creature so wild as one of his own commentators." ~ G.K. Chesterton The book of Revelation was written to do just that: reveal. But most commentaries nowadays either engage in bizarre speculations about the future, or they keep an embarrassed distance from all the apocalyptic events that the apostle John says will “shortly take place.” In this commentary, Douglas Wilson provides a passage-by-passage walkthrough of the entire book, showing how John’s most notorious prophecies concern the Fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. Explaining symbols and characters as he goes, Wilson shows from the text that not only is this book not an elaborate code, but that Revelation is not even ultimately concerned with the end of the world as we know it. Revelation is about the triumph of the Church, which always happens when the Man comes around.
The City of God and the Goal of Creation: an Introduction to the Biblical Theology of the City of God
T. Desmond Alexander - 2018
In fact, at the climax of God's plan for the world lies an extraordinary city unlike any other. Linking the garden of Eden to the New Jerusalem, this new book in the Short Studies in Biblical Theology series traces the development of the theme of city throughout the lives of Adam and Eve, Abraham, Moses, the prophets, David, Solomon, and Jesus--instilling hope in readers as they see God's purpose throughout the Scriptures to dwell with his redeemed people in the greatest city to come.
The Son of God and the New Creation
Graeme Goldsworthy - 2015
Written by a host of trusted biblical scholars, the volumes in this unique series each trace an important topic throughout God's Word, from Genesis to Revelation, and explore its relevance to the Christian life. Brief, accessible, and practical, these books are perfect for laypeople looking for a bite-sized introductions to major subjects in biblical theology. Furthermore, pastors and professors will find this series to be an invaluable resource for brushing up on their grasp of the field as a whole.In this inaugural volume, renowned biblical scholar Graeme Goldsworthy traces the theme of divine sonship from Adam, through the nation of Israel and King David, and ultimately to Jesus Christ--the "Son of God" par excellence. He then turns to examine how the Bible's sonship motif informs our understanding of the final resurrection and new creation.
Continuity and Discontinuity: Perspectives on the Relationship Between the Old and New Testaments
John S. Feinberg - 1988
But we sometimes differ on how to relate the messages of the Old and New Testaments. Without a basic understanding of this crucial matter, it is difficult to know how to use the Testaments to formulate either doctrine or practice.For example: Was Israel the OT Church--are OT promises to God's national people fulfilled in the church today? Or, is Mosaic Law binding on believers now--are twentieth-century Christians to obey the Ten Commandments, including sabbath observance?In this book, thirteen noted evangelical theologians discuss, fairly but clearly, the continuity/discontinuity debate in regard to six basic categories: theological systems, hermeneutics, salvation, the Law of God, the people of God, and kingdom promises.Covering much more than the differences between Covenant Theology and Dispensationalism, this work of distinguished evangelical scholarship will fuel much profitable study and discussion.
Mark: The Gospel of Passion
Michael Card - 2012
--Mark 1:17-18 The Gospel of Mark is a book of action and passion. Events happen one after another, with a vivid sense of immediacy and urgency. Jesus? emotions come through strongly--at times he is angry and distressed, other times filled with compassion. In this volume, Michael Card provides a lively tour of the Gospel of Mark. As a friend and interpreter of Simon Peter, Mark gives firsthand glimpses of the life and ministry of Jesus in vibrant and energetic narration. The first Gospel to be written, Mark is a pamphlet for hard times, encouraging Christians that all their sufferings were already endured by Jesus. Accompany Mark on his journey with Jesus. The more clearly you see Jesus here, the greater your passion will be for him.
The Gospel of Mark
Mary Healy - 2008
In October 2008, a meeting of the world Synod of Bishops scheduled by Pope Benedict XVI will focus on "The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church." Coinciding with that meeting is the launch of the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS), a series that responds to the desire of Catholics to access the living Word of God. The Gospel of Mark is the first of seventeen volumes, which will cover the entire New Testament. Written by trusted Catholic biblical scholars, these commentaries interpret Scripture in the light of Catholic tradition. Accessibly written yet substantive, the CCSS fills a gap in the available literature by offering commentaries that cover more than brief study guides but are less daunting than scholarly commentaries.
Theology of the New Testament: A Canonical and Synthetic Approach
Frank Thielman - 2005
Each of the twenty-seven books, written by various authors, has its own theological emphasis and nuances. How do we elicit a coherent message from such theological diversity, especially given that some of the theological statements in the New Testament seem to be at odds with one another? Is such an endeavor achievable or even valid?Theology of the New Testament takes a balanced approach in response to these challenges. Frank Thielman presents a theology of the New Testament that is careful to take into account the cultural and historical circumstances surrounding each book and the New Testament as a whole. He not only examines each book’s theological content individually, but also in relation to the rest of the New Testament, particularly within each of the three theological units that comprise the New Testament: the gospels and Acts, the Pauline epistles, and the general epistles and Revelation. This canonical and synthetic approach honors both the theological diversity of the various books and the theological connections between the books. In the end, Thielman finds a unified theological vision of the New Testament, anchored in the centrality of Jesus Christ.Frank Thielman’s Theology of the New Testament is an outstanding achievement. The book is marked by scholarly depth, exegetical rigor, and theological profundity. Both students and professors will profit immensely from this lucid treatment of the theology contained in the New Testament documents. Thomas R. Schreiner Professor of New Testament, The Southern Baptist Theological SeminaryAn accessible presentation of the key theological points of the New Testament books by an accomplished New Testament scholar and teacher. Its clear style, lucid organization, and sound theological insight make it a prime resource for serious students in both the academy and the church. Karen H. Jobes, PhD Associate Professor of New Testament, Westmont College
The Crucifixion of the Warrior God: Interpreting the Old Testament's Violent Portraits of God in Light of the Cross, Volume 1 & 2
Gregory A. Boyd - 2017
Over two volumes, author Gregory A. Boyd argues that we must take seriously the full range of Scripture as inspired, and the centrality of the crucified and risen Christ as the supreme revelation of God.
The Forgotten Jesus: How Western Christians Should Follow an Eastern Rabbi
Robby Gallaty - 2017
Through the years, our understanding of Jesus has been shaped by different cultural influences, and many Christians have forgotten that Jesus was a Jewish man living in a Jewish land, observing Jewish customs, and investing his life into Jewish men and women.Trading the popular, but inaccurate Western perspective of the Bible for the context in which Jesus actually ministered in 2000 years ago, author Robby Gallaty reveals the fascinating Hebraic culture, customs, and nuances many Christians have never experienced or learned about.By uncovering the teaching of the first and second century rabbis and Christian theologians, and highlighting little-known Jewish idioms and traditions, Gallaty takes Christians on a biblical journey to rediscover a forgotten Jesus from a biblical perspective, deepening your relationship with God.
Blood Work: How the Blood of Christ Accomplishes Our Salvation
Anthony J. Carter - 2013
Christian readers' eyes will be opened to the depth of their blessedness in Jesus and their hearts will be moved to thank and praise the triune God for such a great salvation.
I Love You
Gordon O. Martinborough - 2000
It also reflects on complex and difficult questions today that may not have a simple answer.
And He Dwelt Among Us: Teachings from the Gospel of John
A.W. Tozer - 2009
The Gospel of John was Tozer’s favorite book of the Bible, and the focus of these writings (adapted from sermons given to his parishioners) is the Incarnation and what it means for believers’ lives. Christ came down to earth in order to lift men and women up into the heavenlies. No other New Testament writer, not even the amazing apostle Paul, presents Christ with a passion equal to John’s, the Beloved. Tozer captures the spirit of John and presents his winsome and enthralling portrait of Christ, challenging readers to discover a fresh and overwhelming desire for Him. Readers will be captivated anew by the One we call Lord.