The Inheritance

Sheena Kalayil - 2018
    But when his brother Francois, an artist based in Lisbon, finds out about Ben's affair with a student, Rita Kalungal, he finds himself feeling responsible both for his brother's actions as well as Rita; and Rita begins to realise that her involvement with Ben has far-reaching consequences on herself and her family, and others.

Bodhisattva Blues

Edward Canfor-Dumas - 2014
    Funny, moving and inspirational, it is just as delightful as Canfor-Dumas’ first novel, ‘The Buddha, Geoff and Me’. When we catch up with our hero Ed, he’s abandoned his Buddhist practice and is stuck in a rut – no career, no love life and no cash.Plunged unwittingly into a world of street crime and dodgy property deals, Ed finds himself dusting down his beads and reluctantly picking up his Nichiren Buddhist practice to guide him through a series of dramas, dilemmas and big decisions. Spiritual insights then emerge from the grit, grime and SNAFUs of Ed’s everyday life. By turns unsettling and uplifting, this is a book that will also get you thinking about complex issues of our time such as depression, racism, bereavement, suicide and youth crime.And it gives possibly the best ever explanation of the wisdom that comes from chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo: “Like sending a truffle hound to root around in the leaf-litter of my subconscious and dig up what’s bothering me.” The description by the publisher is spot on – this absolutely is a book “for everyone who's ever wondered whether enlightenment really is compatible with the daily commute.” Welcome back Ed, lovin' yer truffles…

My Brother's Keeper

Bri'Monae - 2011
    That is until someone comes along and is all to determined to disrupt her happiness, causing Reese to step from within the shadows of her brother and his friends.Come along on Reese’s journey of unconditional Love, Life and Murder. As the protected becomes the protector all under the guise of being her Brother’s Keeper.

Fierce at Four Foot Two

Terra Jolé - 2017
    But she quickly learned that while she may have been ready for Hollywood, Hollywood wasn't necessarily ready for her. At four foot two, Terra was born with achondroplasia, a form of short-limbed dwarfism, and because of her diminutive stature she often faced unimaginable prejudice and bigotry. After spending time in the trenches, as an evil elf on Ozzie Osbourne's Merry Mayhem Tour and later as a dancer on Miley Cyrus's Bangerz Tour, Terra struck out on her own and carved out a career for herself as a mini-Britney and mini-Gaga impersonator. But with her larger than life optimism and absolute belief in herself, Terra was determined not to be a "mini-anything" for long and she ultimately captured the hearts of reality TV fans around the world as the star and executive producer of the groundbreaking A+E Network's Lifetime television show Little Women: LA.

Back from the Brink: How Australia's Landscape Can Be Saved

Peter Andrews - 2006
    His methods are so at odds with conventional scientific wisdom that for 30 years he has been dismissed and ridiculed as a madman. He has faced bankruptcy and family break-up. But now, on the brink of ecological disaster, leading politicians, international scientists and businessmen are beating a path to his door as they grapple with how best to alleviate the affects of drought on the Australian landscape. Described as a man who reads and understands the Australian landscape better than most scientists, supporters of Peter Andrews claim he has done what no scientist ever thought to do — he has restored streams and wetlands to the way they were before European settlement interfered with them. The startling results of his natural sequence farming are said to have been achieved very cheaply, simply and quickly.

The New Prophets of Capital

Nicole Aschoff - 2015
    Enter the new prophets of capital: Sheryl Sandberg touting the capitalist work ethic as the antidote to gender inequality; John Mackey promising that free markets will heal the planet; Oprah Winfrey urging us to find solutions to poverty and alienation within ourselves; and Bill and Melinda Gates offering the generosity of the 1 percent as the answer to a persistent, systemic inequality. The new prophets of capital buttress an exploitative system, even as the cracks grow more visible.

How To Use The Power Of Prayer

Joseph Murphy - 2012
    Through the study and application of mental laws, you can find the way to health, harmony, peace, and prosperity; scientific prayer is the practice of the Presence of God.

A Year on our Farm. How the Countryside Made Me

Matt Baker - 2021
    Matt Baker is at his happiest on the farm.Away from the bright lights of hosting our favourite television programmes, Countryfile, The One Show, Blue Peter and many more, he is often in the company of his family, dogs, array of sheep, Mediterranean miniature donkeys and a whole host of wildlife in the farm's ancient woodland.Now, following the ever-changing seasons, Matt takes us on a journey with his family on the farm.We see woodland animals emerge after a long winter of hibernation, hear the dawn chorus in the height of summer and see the preparations unfold for the harsh and wild winter months.Peppered with hand drawn sketches, unforgettable moments from his TV career and stories of a landscape you'll fall in love with, Matt offers readers a touching insight into life on the farm, and how the power and beauty of the countryside can be an inspiration and source of joy for all of us.A celebration of the natural year, Matt Baker takes us on a journey through the seasons, his life on the farm and how the power and beauty of the countryside has made him who he is.

Paradise Lot: Two Plant Geeks, One-Tenth of an Acre, and the Making of an Edible Garden Oasis in the City

Eric Toensmeier - 2013
    The two friends got to work designing what would become not just another urban farm, but a "permaculture paradise" replete with perennial broccoli, paw paws, bananas, and moringa--all told, more than two hundred low-maintenance edible plants in an innovative food forest on a small city lot. The garden--intended to function like a natural ecosystem with the plants themselves providing most of the garden's needs for fertility, pest control, and weed suppression--also features an edible water garden, a year-round unheated greenhouse, tropical crops, urban poultry, and even silkworms.In telling the story of Paradise Lot, Toensmeier explains the principles and practices of permaculture, the choice of exotic and unusual food plants, the techniques of design and cultivation, and, of course, the adventures, mistakes, and do-overs in the process. Packed full of detailed, useful information about designing a highly productive permaculture garden, Paradise Lot is also a funny and charming story of two single guys, both plant nerds, with a wild plan: to realize the garden of their dreams and meet women to share it with. Amazingly, on both counts, they succeed.

Beyond Impossible: From Reluctant Runner to Guinness World Record Breaker

Mimi Anderson - 2017
    With a renewed sense of purpose, she decides to take the sport that saved her life to the next level, training hard and throwing herself in at the deep end by entering the epic Marathon des Sables in the Sahara desert, despite still being a novice runner. One startling success leads to another, as she finds herself taking on ever-more-challenging races – from the Badwater Ultramarathon in Death Valley, USA, to the 6633 Arctic Ultra – all building up to her biggest challenge yet: attempting to gain the Guinness World Record time for a female running 840 miles from John o’Groats to Land’s End.This incredible story of how an ordinary mum ran her way into the record books will inspire beginner runners and die-hard marathon devotees alike, proving that, no matter where life takes you, it’s never too late to achieve your dreams and do the impossible.

Growing a Revolution: Bringing Our Soil Back to Life

David R. Montgomery - 2017
    Now conventional agriculture is threatening disaster for the world’s growing population. In Growing a Revolution, geologist David R. Montgomery travels the world, meeting farmers at the forefront of an agricultural movement to restore soil health. From Kansas to Ghana, he sees why adopting the three tenets of conservation agriculture—ditching the plow, planting cover crops, and growing a diversity of crops—is the solution. When farmers restore fertility to the land, this helps feed the world, cool the planet, reduce pollution, and return profitability to family farms.

The End of Nature

Bill McKibben - 1989
    McKibben's argument that the survival of the globe is dependent on a fundamental, philosophical shift in the way we relate to nature is more relevant than ever. McKibben writes of our earth's environmental cataclysm, addressing such core issues as the greenhouse effect, acid rain, and the depletion of the ozone layer. His new introduction addresses some of the latest environmental issues that have risen during the 1990s. The book also includes an invaluable new appendix of facts and figures that surveys the progress of the environmental movement.More than simply a handbook for survival or a doomsday catalog of scientific prediction, this classic, soulful lament on Nature is required reading for nature enthusiasts, activists, and concerned citizens alike.

Coming Together: The Blaine Family Chronicles Vol 2

David Nelson - 2014
    Matt Blaine's fears have been realized: EMPs (electromagnetic pulses) have knocked out all power across the globe. Now his "Disaster Circle" buddies, Rondell Mixon, Lonnie Llewellyn, and Frank Marshall, must make their way to the safety of Matt's secluded farm near the shores of Lake Huron. Traveling from various points across Michigan's mitten, they all have to deal with adversity- thieves, rapists, weather, injuries, and a gang of raiders calling themselves the Vikings. With communications nonexistent, they have no way of knowing if the others will make it to their destination. They all meet new people- a teacher, a survivalist wannabe, an expectant couple, and a pair of hiking enthusiasts. Dodging bullets and bandits, the Disaster Circle members are helped by some, and pay it forward by helping others. The question on everyone's mind is, Will they all make it to the farm, and will they make it in one piece? Travel with Matt's friends as they struggle to come together.

The Stones of Silence

Peter Grant - 2018
    Now it's about to become ground zero in a gold rush by every crooked company and asteroid thief in the galaxy. Andrew Cochrane, with his crew of the finest veterans and cunning rogues, have an even better scheme. They've conned the owner into hiring them as a mercenary security company to defend the system. With no oversight but their own, Cochrane's Company plans to seize the richest pickings for themselves. But nothing ever comes easy. If they want to keep their loot, they're going to have to outwit and outfight every smuggler, bandit and renegade after the same prize - and their boss, too!


Vanessa James - 2021
    To him, relationships are a joke, and the only thing he’s interested in is a quick fling to take his mind off the club.Sick of being hurt by the men she loves, Layla thinks she’s sworn off relationships forever. But when this feisty newcomer crosses paths with a mysterious tough-as-nails biker, she struggles to stick to her rule of not falling in love.Rage has no time for romance – but try as he might, he begins to feel a budding attraction to Layla that threatens to challenge everything he thinks about love. But when the Satan’s Outcasts start receiving suspicious anonymous messages, he’s forced to make a tough choice – to put his loyalty to the Outcasts first, or the woman he’s growing increasingly drawn to…Can Rage convince Layla to risk her heart again? Or is their unlikely love affair doomed to end in disaster?Imbued with all the high-stakes romance and drama of the tantalizing Satan’s Outcasts adventures you all know and love, the first book in this riveting MC romance series will take you on a wild ride you won’t soon forget.If you love action-packed HEA romance with a fun twist, then grab your copy of Rage today.