Together with Science Class 9 CBSE
Rachna Sagar
Important Points to Remember 2. Quick Recall 3. Previous Years', Practice and NCERT Questions 4. HOTS and Value-based Questions 5. Project Work 6. Practice Papers (2 Solved, 3 Unsolved) (Designed on Time Management Skills as suggested by the CBSE) Examination Papers
Physics Part 1 Class - 10
Lakhmir Singh
Salient Features: 1.Very short answer type questions (including true-false type questions and fill in the blanks type questions). 2.Short answer type questions. 3. Long answer type questions (or Essay type questions). 4. Multiple choice questions (MCQs) based on theory. 5. Questions based on high order thinking skills (HOTS). 6. Multiple choice questions (MCQs) based on practical skills in science.. 7. NCERT book questions and exercises (with answers). 8. Value based questions (with answers).
Practical English Language Teaching
David Nunan - 2003
Each contributor addresses key teaching challenges in their area of expertise.Practical English Language Teaching is divided into three sections: Exploring Skills, Exploring Language, and Supporting the Learning Process.FEATURES:Critical areas of language teaching are comprehensively addressed with a specific focus on practical techniques, strategies, and tips.World-class specialists like Neil Andersen, Kathleen M. Bailey, Mary Ann Christison, and David Nunan offer a variety of perspectives on language teaching and the learning process."Reflection" questions invite readers to think about critical issues in language teaching while "Action" tasks outline strategies for putting new techniques into practice.Thoughtful suggestions for books, articles, and Web sites offer resources for additional, up-to-date information.Expansive glossary offers short and straightforward definitions of core language teaching terms.
Sensors And Transducers
D. Patranabis
This text is a lucid presentation of the principles of working of all types of sensors and transducers which form the prime components of the instrumentalisation systems.
An Integrated Course in Electrical Engineering (With More Than 15,000 Objective Type Questions & Answers)
J.B. Gupta
The book has three sections, the first part includes electrical engineering concepts such as DC basics and networks, AC basics and networks, electromagnetic theory, DC machines, AC machines, electrical engineering materials, and electrical machine design. It also covers topics like switchgear and protection, electrical power generation, transmission and distribution of electric power, electrical installation and wiring, economic considerations, electrical energy utilization, and electric traction. The second section covers topics under electronics- like analog and digital electronics, industrial and power electronics, and electronic components and devices. The third section discusses measurements, instrumentation, and control. It focuses on concepts related to electronics and electrical measurements and instruments, control systems, and electrical and electronic instrumentation. The book ends with a set of model test papers for practice. This book was published in 2011 by S. K. Kataria & Sons.
Biology: A Course for 'O' Level
Lam Peng Kwan - 1976
This edition meets the requirements of the new syllabus for the Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'O' Level Examination. It also implements the Ministry of Education's initiatives, namely Thinking Skills, Information Technology and National Education. Most Significant Features of this Edition: * A full-colour design enhances textual concepts and makes the book easy to use * Hundreds of photographs and diagrams convey information clearly and accurately * Learning Objectives at the start of each chapter highlight the key points covered in the chapter * A lively introduction stimulates interest and makes the student think about the work to be covered in the chapter * Investigation centres on experiments related to the topics in the text because of their importance in explaining the concepts * Assignment focuses on application of relevant concepts and is structured to develop thinking, investigative and research skills as well as encourage the use of internet resources and computer software to obtain information, gather and present data, and manipulate graphic images * The Thinking Room makes use of a graphic organizer to help students visualize and manage thinking processes * Test Yourself helps students to assess their progress while Analysis and Comprehension focus on testing analytical and comprehension skills * Key Ideas summarize main ideas in the text while Summary and Concept Map at the end of the chapter are ideal tools for revision * Exercise provides a selection of examination-type questions at the end of each chapter
APA: The Easy Way: A Quick and Simplified Guide to the APA Writing Style
Peggy M. Houghton - 2005
The authors of this book draw information from themanual that is specific to academic writing and expand uponit using set-up instructions and a sample paper. The end resultof this transformational process yields a useful guide that canbe used along with the actual manual for successful academicwriting.The handbook covers many detailed specifications of the APAstyle...including in-text citations, source citations, and a samplepaper. It also sheds new light on the manual using step-by-stepprocesses and exemplification that enable readers to fulfill APArules and regulations while focusing on content, rather than theformat, of their academic research.
Legal Aptitude for the CLAT - Workbook: A Workbook
A.P. Bhardwaj
The book acts as a ready reckoner for students to brush up their basics and memorize important facts, figures, and concepts. About the Author: A P Bhardwaj A.P. Bhardwaj is an author-trainer-tutor for CLAT, SET, LSAT, and other law entrance examinations. He has authored more than 10 books for various competitive examinations. He is a regular contributor in the leading newspapers and monthly journals for all competitive examinations. He runs his own training institute named Innovation in Chandigarh.