Techniques of High Magic: A Handbook of Divination, Alchemy, and the Evocation of Spirits
Francis X. King - 1976
• Explains various divination systems and how to perform ancient rituals that open the doorway to secret and arcane knowledge. True magic can be defined as the art and science of using little-known or forgotten natural forces in order to achieve changes in consciousness and the physical environment. It concerns a wide body of doctrines and techniques, including the conjuring of spirits and non-human entities; the manufacture and consecration of wands, swords, talismans, and other tools of the magus; ritual divination; and the exploration of universes other than that with which we are familiar. The masters who taught others these ancient arts are gone, but Techniques of High Magic provides the practical and lucid instruction necessary for self-initiation into these secret traditions. Emphasizing the ordered nature of the universe and the power of will directed by imagination, Francis King and Stephen Skinner introduce the reader to magical practices, rituals, and instruments that have been used for centuries. They explain systems of divination such as the I Ching, the Tarot, and geomancy, as well as techniques of astral projection and elementary alchemy. Their disciplined approach to magical practice includes easy formulas and diagrams that will help the initiate navigate an ancient and potent universe of gods, angels, and spirits--the world of High Magic.
Curses, Hexes & Crossing: A Magician's Guide To Execration Magick
S. Connolly - 2011
Connolly explores the taboo topic of Execration Magick from a unique "darker path" perspective. This book covers cursing from Ancient Egypt to modern times and gives the modern magician plenty to consider when it comes to cursing, hexing, and crossing enemies; as well as learning to break bad habits and curse bad situations. Also included is a section about protections, how to break curses, how to clear one's personal space of negativity, and simple methods for psychic self defense.
Portable Magic: Tarot Is the Only Tool You Need
Donald Tyson - 2006
Donald Tyson presents a new, easy way to perform ritual magic with only one tool: tarot. From manipulating elemental forces of nature to making potent charms, all ceremonial rituals can be performed with a standard 78-card deck. Tyson's efficient system of tarot magic is based on the Golden Dawn tradition, which corresponds with tarot imagery. He teaches how to work magic on the astral level by projecting one's awareness into the ritual tarot layout. Learn how to set up an astral temple, build an altar, cast a magic circle, and create a triangle through which to actualize your purpose. This innovative guide to tarot magic also includes rituals related to unions, business, banishing, and evoking elementals.
The Witch's Coin: Prosperity and Money Magick
Christopher Penczak - 2009
The Witch's Coin offers a materia magicka of the most powerful correspondences in wealth spellwork, including gods, stones, metals, herbs, and coins. Unlike most money magick books, it builds upon a foundation of real-world financial principles. Penczak also discusses offering magickal services professionally, including how and when to charge for readings and healings.Praise: The first book of financial tips and advice that I have ever enjoyed reading. I highly recommend this book.--Judika Illes, author of The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells and Pure MagicA refreshing examination of the connection between money, magic, and the attitude people put toward both.--Taylor Ellwood, editor of Manifesting Prosperity: A Wealth Magic Anthology
Flying Without a Broom: Astral Projection and the Astral World
D.J. Conway - 1995
You can visit any point in time, any point in space. And imagine that you can do this easily, anytime you want. Many people thought that Witches could do this by riding on a broom. The broom ride was only symbolic, but Witches do know how to travel on the astral plane. So who better than a Wiccan to explain how you can travel just like a Witch? Author D. J. Conway will teach you how to visit the astral plane and more in "Flying Without a Broom. "In this book you will learn that astral travel is natural. You do it whenever you sleep. You will learn how to meditate, and then astral travel from within the meditative state. It's fun and easy. But what really sets this book apart is that it shows you many of the amazing things you can do while on the astral plane. You will learn how to do astral healing of others. You will discover how to let other people see your astral body (bi-location). You will be able to choose any time and any place to visit: the oracle at Delphi, the Mystery School at Dodona, the Acropolis at Athens-- with this experience you can deepen your own spirituality. The book also tells you how to do magick while on the astral plane. Several rituals are described, including rituals for success, divination, spiritual growth and more. You will also discover that you are not alone on the astral plane. You will meet other travelers and other entities. Some of them you may not like, so the book gives you ways to defend yourself against them. If you want to learn astral projection from a Wiccan viewpoint, this is the book for you.
Initiation in the Aeon of the Child: The Inward Journey
J. Daniel Gunther - 2009
The doctrine codified in The Book of the Law and the numerous other Holy Books known as Thelema revealed Aleister Crowley as the Prophet of the new Aeon.In this ground-breaking book, author J. Daniel Gunther provides a penetrating and cohesive analysis of the spiritual doctrine underlying and informing the Aeon of the Child, and the sublime formulas of Initiation encountered by those who would probe its mysteries. Drawing on more than 30 years of experiences as a student and teacher within the Order of the A.·.A.·., the author examines the doctrinal thread of Thelema in its historical, religious, and practical context. This book is written in clear, precise language that will aid those students who seek to navigate the difficult terrain of the spiritual quest. More advanced students will find tantalizing clues to serve as guideposts and eventual confirmation of direct experience. With numerous diagrams and detailed references encompassing ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts, the Apocrypha, the Old and New Testaments, alchemy, hermetic Qabalah, and tarot, as well as the writings of Carl Jung and Aleister Crowley.
Hedgewitch: Spells, Crafts & Rituals for Natural Magick
Silver RavenWolf - 2008
This guidebook from the immensely popular Silver RavenWolf has everything a new HedgeWitch needs to connect in a personal way with nature's creative, life-affirming energy and use it in magick and spellwork. HedgeWitch features a fourteen-lesson, hands-on guide that you complete at your own pace, interacting with different aspects of nature in simple yet life-changing ways. The fourteen rituals, which can be done alone or with a group, culminate in an inspiring dedication ceremony. Along with a wealth of helpful hints on using HedgeWitch magick for love, health, and beauty, this guide presents tips and recipes for soap making, tea-leaf reading, butterfly garden magick, organically growing your own herbs, and a variety of other ways to use HedgeWitchery in your hearth, home, and garden.Praise for Silver RavenWolf"RavenWolf's prose is delightful and inviting. . . a wonderful guidebook for readers who are serious about beginning a Wiccan spiritual journey." --Publishers Weekly
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Alchemy
Dennis William Hauck - 2008
Written by one of the world's few practicing alchemists, it's a concise reference guide that provides easy-to-follow information so that anybody can be a wizard-in-training.
The Art and Practice of Geomancy: Divination, Magic, and Earth Wisdom of the Renaissance
John Michael Greer - 2009
Greer delivers to readers an ancient system of divination in an easytouse form requiring little more than a pen and a piece of paper. Using a system of counting odd and even numbers--from a deck of cards, a roll of the dice, or even by hitting sand or dirt with a stick to generate patterns--readers learn how to cast their own geomantic chart. And for those who wish to delve further, he offers exercises for geomantic meditation and ritual magic. The Art and Practice of Geomancy will appeal to pagans, followers of the Western Mystery tradition, scholars of folk magic and divination, and anyone who wants to take their past, present, and future into their own hands.
Creating Magickal Entities
David Michael Cunningham - 2003
This manual, written by three practicing occultists, reveals magickal and alchemical methods, many which have been lost and suppressed through the ages, in a refreshingly modern way that magickal practitioners of any tradition can understand.
Undoing Yourself: With Energized Meditation and Other Devices
Christopher S. Hyatt - 1982
Who hates Undoing? Stuffed-shirt academicians, do-nothing sweetness-and-light practitioners of cosmic foo-foo, and would-be slave-owners everywhere. On the other hand, if you are interested in actually accomplishing something, you will love it.
A Grimoire for Modern Cunning Folk: A Practical Guide to Witchcraft on the Crooked Path
Peter Paddon - 2010
until now.In this Book Peter Paddon - Magister of Briar Rose and host of the popular Crooked Path podcast - covers his particular path of Witchcraft from scratch. He goes over the basics of his personal Path, along with examples of alternatives from other traditions, covering philosophy, lore and practical techniques.The Crooked Path is a way of Crafting based on experiencing the Mysteries of Ancestors and the Sacred Landscape first-hand, and Peter guides the seeker through the basics with competence and humor.
The Complete Magician's Tables
Stephen Skinner - 2006
Stephen Skinner's classic set of tabular correspondences.Anyone practicing magic won't want to miss this comprehensive book of magician's correspondences. Featuring four times more tables than Aleister Crowley's Liber 777, this is the most complete collection of magician's tables available. This monumental work documents thousands of mystical links-spanning pagan pantheons, Kabbalah, astrology, tarot, I Ching, angels, demons, herbs, perfumes, and more!The sources of this remarkable compilation range from classic grimoires such as the Sworn Book to modern theories of prime numbers and atomic weights. Data from Peter de Abano, Abbott Trithemium, Albertus Magnus, Cornelius Agrippa, and other prominent scholars is referenced here, in addition to hidden gems found in unpublished medieval grimoires and Kabbalistic works.Well-organized and easy-to-use, The Complete Magician's Tables can help you understand the vast connections making up our strange and mysterious universe.
Luciferian Witchcraft
Michael W. Ford - 2005
Many books have been written of the so-called left hand path, very few actually were written by initiates. Beginning with a lengthy exploration of the forms of the Adversary throughout history, a foundation of ideology is given by identification with the Adversary. The reader is then led through dark and twisting corridors with Four Chapters, a complete system of the History of the Adversary and the Witchcraft associated with the Left Hand Path. What is found within Luciferian Witchcraft is a Talismanic text which presents the medieval concepts of the Black Book being a conjuration itself of the Devil, a complete initiatory system detailing High Ceremonial Magick, The lore of the Adversary and ritualistic and forbidden sex magick. Approach with caution, you may open the gates of hell within.