Book picks similar to
Microservices: A Practical Guide by Eberhard Wolff
Machine Learning in Action
Peter Harrington - 2011
"Machine learning," the process of automating tasks once considered the domain of highly-trained analysts and mathematicians, is the key to efficiently extracting useful information from this sea of raw data. Machine Learning in Action is a unique book that blends the foundational theories of machine learning with the practical realities of building tools for everyday data analysis. In it, the author uses the flexible Python programming language to show how to build programs that implement algorithms for data classification, forecasting, recommendations, and higher-level features like summarization and simplification.
Cassandra: The Definitive Guide
Eben Hewitt - 2010
Cassandra: The Definitive Guide provides the technical details and practical examples you need to assess this database management system and put it to work in a production environment.Author Eben Hewitt demonstrates the advantages of Cassandra's nonrelational design, and pays special attention to data modeling. If you're a developer, DBA, application architect, or manager looking to solve a database scaling issue or future-proof your application, this guide shows you how to harness Cassandra's speed and flexibility.Understand the tenets of Cassandra's column-oriented structureLearn how to write, update, and read Cassandra dataDiscover how to add or remove nodes from the cluster as your application requiresExamine a working application that translates from a relational model to Cassandra's data modelUse examples for writing clients in Java, Python, and C#Use the JMX interface to monitor a cluster's usage, memory patterns, and moreTune memory settings, data storage, and caching for better performance
High Performance Browser Networking
Ilya Grigorik - 2013
By understanding what the browser can and cannot do, you’ll be able to make better design decisions and deliver faster web applications to your users.Author Ilya Grigorik—a developer advocate and web performance engineer at Google—starts with the building blocks of TCP and UDP, and then dives into newer technologies such as HTTP 2.0, WebSockets, and WebRTC. This book explains the benefits of these technologies and helps you determine which ones to use for your next application.- Learn how TCP affects the performance of HTTP- Understand why mobile networks are slower than wired networks- Use best practices to address performance bottlenecks in HTTP- Discover how HTTP 2.0 (based on SPDY) will improve networking- Learn how to use Server Sent Events (SSE) for push updates, and WebSockets for XMPP chat- Explore WebRTC for browser-to-browser applications such as P2P video chat- Examine the architecture of a simple app that uses HTTP 2.0, SSE, WebSockets, and WebRTC
Absolute Beginner's Guide to C
Greg Perry - 1993
This bestseller talks to readers at their level, explaining every aspect of how to get started and learn the C language quickly. Readers also find out where to learn more about C. This book includes tear-out reference card of C functions and statements, a hierarchy chart, and other valuable information. It uses special icons, notes, clues, warnings, and rewards to make understanding easier. And the clear and friendly style presumes no programming knowledge.
Kotlin in Action
Dmitry Jemerov - 2016
It offers on expressiveness and safety without compromising simplicity, seamless interoperability with existing Java code, and great tooling support. Because Kotlin generates regular Java bytecode and works together with existing Java libraries and frameworks, it can be used almost everywhere where Java is used today - for server-side development, Android apps, and much more.Kotlin in Action takes experienced Java developers from the language basics all the way through building applications to run on the JVM and Android devices. Written by core developers of Kotlin, this example-rich book begins by teaching you the basic syntax of the Kotlin language. Then you’ll learn how to use features that let you build reusable abstractions, higher-level functions, libraries, and even entire domain specific languages. Finally, you’ll focus on details of applying Kotlin in real-world projects, such as build system integration, Android support and concurrent programming.
Learning PHP and MySQL
Michele E. Davis - 2006
When working hand-in-hand, they serve as the standard for the rapid development of dynamic, database-driven websites. This combination is so popular, in fact, that it's attracting manyprogramming newbies who come from a web or graphic design background and whose first language is HTML. If you fall into this ever-expanding category, then this book is for you."Learning PHP and MySQL" starts with the very basics of the PHP language, including strings and arrays, pattern matching and a detailed discussion of the variances in different PHP versions. Next, it explains how to work with MySQL, covering information on SQL data access for language and data fundamentals like tables and statements.Finally, after it's sure that you've mastered these separate concepts, the book shows you how to put them together to generate dynamic content. In the process, you'll also learn about error handling, security, HTTP authentication, and more.If you're a hobbyist who is intimidated by thick, complex computer books, then this guide definitely belongs on your shelf. "Learning PHP and MySQL" explains everything--from basic concepts to the nuts and bolts of performing specific tasks--in plain English.Part of O'Reilly's bestselling Learning series, the book is an easy-to-use resource designed specifically for newcomers. It's also a launching pad for future learning, providing you with a solid foundation for more advanced development.
Production-Ready Microservices: Building Standardized Systems Across an Engineering Organization
Susan Fowler - 2016
After splitting a monolithic application or building a microservice ecosystem from scratch, many engineers are left wondering what s next. In this practical book, author Susan Fowler presents a set of microservice standards in depth, drawing from her experience standardizing over a thousand microservices at Uber. You ll learn how to design microservices that are stable, reliable, scalable, fault tolerant, performant, monitored, documented, and prepared for any catastrophe.Explore production-readiness standards, including:Stability and Reliability: develop, deploy, introduce, and deprecate microservices; protect against dependency failuresScalability and Performance: learn essential components for achieving greater microservice efficiencyFault Tolerance and Catastrophe Preparedness: ensure availability by actively pushing microservices to fail in real timeMonitoring: learn how to monitor, log, and display key metrics; establish alerting and on-call proceduresDocumentation and Understanding: mitigate tradeoffs that come with microservice adoption, including organizational sprawl and technical debt"
The Node Beginner Book
Manuel Kiessling - 2011
The aim of The Node Beginner Book is to get you started with developing applications for Node.js, teaching you everything you need to know about advanced JavaScript along the way on 59 pages.
The Joy of Clojure
Michael Fogus - 2010
It combines the nice features of a scripting language with the powerful features of a production environment—features like persistent data structures and clean multithreading that you'll need for industrial-strength application development.The Joy of Clojure goes beyond just syntax to show you how to write fluent and idiomatic Clojure code. You'll learn a functional approach to programming and will master Lisp techniques that make Clojure so elegant and efficient. The book gives you easy access to hard soft ware areas like concurrency, interoperability, and performance. And it shows you how great it can be to think about problems the Clojure way. Purchase of the print book comes with an offer of a free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBook from Manning. Also available is all code from the book. What's InsideThe what and why of ClojureHow to work with macrosHow to do elegant application designFunctional programming idiomsWritten for programmers coming to Clojure from another programming background—no prior experience with Clojure or Lisp is required.
Head First Statistics
Dawn Griffiths - 2008
Whether you're a student, a professional, or just curious about statistical analysis, Head First's brain-friendly formula helps you get a firm grasp of statistics so you can understand key points and actually use them. Learn to present data visually with charts and plots; discover the difference between taking the average with mean, median, and mode, and why it's important; learn how to calculate probability and expectation; and much more.Head First Statistics is ideal for high school and college students taking statistics and satisfies the requirements for passing the College Board's Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics Exam. With this book, you'll:Study the full range of topics covered in first-year statistics Tackle tough statistical concepts using Head First's dynamic, visually rich format proven to stimulate learning and help you retain knowledge Explore real-world scenarios, ranging from casino gambling to prescription drug testing, to bring statistical principles to life Discover how to measure spread, calculate odds through probability, and understand the normal, binomial, geometric, and Poisson distributions Conduct sampling, use correlation and regression, do hypothesis testing, perform chi square analysis, and moreBefore you know it, you'll not only have mastered statistics, you'll also see how they work in the real world. Head First Statistics will help you pass your statistics course, and give you a firm understanding of the subject so you can apply the knowledge throughout your life.
Ansible for DevOps
Jeff Geerling - 2015
This book will help those familiar the command line and basic shell scripting start using Ansible to provision and manage anywhere from one to thousands of servers.The book begins with fundamentals, like installing Ansible, setting up a basic inventory file, and basic concepts, then guides you through Ansible's many uses, including ad-hoc commands, basic and advanced playbooks, application deployments, custom modules, and special cases like running ansible in 'pull' mode when you have thousands of servers to manage (or more). Everything is explained with pertinent real-world examples, often using Vagrant-managed virtual machines.
Understanding Ecmascript 6: The Definitive Guide for JavaScript Developers
Nicholas C. Zakas - 2016
In Understanding ECMAScript 6, expert developer Nicholas C. Zakas provides a complete guide to the object types, syntax, and other exciting changes that ECMAScript 6 brings to JavaScript. Every chapter is packed with example code that works in any JavaScript environment so you'll be able to see new features in action. You'll learn:How ECMAScript 6 class syntax relates to more familiar JavaScript conceptsWhat makes iterators and generators usefulHow arrow functions differ from regular functionsWays to store data with sets, maps, and moreThe power of inheritanceHow to improve asynchronous programming with promisesHow modules change the way you organize codeWhether you're a web developer or a Node.js developer, you'll find Understanding ECMAScript 6 indispensable on your journey from ECMAScript 5 to ECMAScript 6.
The Linux Command Line
William E. Shotts Jr. - 2012
Available Linux Command Line, 2nd Edition: A Complete Introduction PDF by William ShottsRead The Linux Command Line, 2nd Edition: A Complete Introduction PDF from No Starch Press,William ShottsDownload William Shotts’s PDF E-book The Linux Command Line, 2nd Edition: A Complete Introduction
Beginning HTML, XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Jon Duckett - 2009
While learning these technologies, you will discover coding practices such as writing code that works on multiple browsers including mobile devices, how to use AJAX frameworks to add interactivity to your pages, and how to ensure your pages meet accessible requirements.Packed with real-world examples, the book not only teaches you how to write Web sites using XHTML, CSS and JavaScript, but it also teaches you design principles that help you create attractive web sites and practical advice on how to make web pages more usable. In addition, special checklists and appendices review key topics and provide helpful references that re-enforce the basics you've learned.Serves as an ideal beginners guide to writing web pages using XHTML Explains how to use CSS to make pages more appealing and add interactivity to pages using JavaScript and AJAX frameworks Share advice on design principles and how to make pages more attractive and offers practical help with usability and accessibility Features checklists and appendices that review key topics This introductory guide is essential reading for getting started with using XHTML, CSS and JavaScript to create exciting and compelling Web sites.Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Active Directory
Alistair G. Lowe-Norris - 2003
Updated to cover Windows Server 2012, the fifth edition of this bestselling book gives you a thorough grounding in Microsoft's network directory service by explaining concepts in an easy-to-understand, narrative style.You'll negotiate a maze of technologies for deploying a scalable and reliable AD infrastructure, with new chapters on management tools, searching the AD database, authentication and security protocols, and Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS). This book provides real-world scenarios that let you apply what you've learned--ideal whether you're a network administrator for a small business or a multinational enterprise.Upgrade Active Directory to Windows Server 2012Learn the fundamentals, including how AD stores objectsUse the AD Administrative Center and other management toolsLearn to administer AD with Windows PowerShellSearch and gather AD data, using the LDAP query syntaxUnderstand how Group Policy functionsDesign a new Active Directory forestExamine the Kerberos security protocolGet a detailed look at the AD replication process