Copernick's Rebellion

Leo Frankowski - 1987
    By 1999 they had made huge fortunes in the field of medical instrumentation. But Heiny and his Uncle Martin weren't just filthy rich, they were also the world's best gene engineers. And their latest inventions could free Humanity from want and oppressive governments forever. At least, that was the plan. Imagine: Free homes with all the furnishings and utilities! Free food! Even free babysitters! Heiny and Uncle Martin even thought they should give their inventions away. Free. That's when their troubles began.

Doctor Who: A History

Alan Kistler - 2013
    We begin with a look at the programming of the day and the original pitch documents for this family show before delving into the Daleks, which almost didn't make the cut. After three years, 1st Doctor William Hartnell left, prompting the BBC to recast their hit rather than ending it, giving us the first "regeneration" and making television history. We follow the succession of doctors—including 3rd Doctor Jon Pertwee, exiled to Earth with his Moriarty in The Master—and see how the program reflected the feminism of the 1970s while gaining mainstream popularity with 4th Doctor Tom Baker ... until declining support from the BBC led to cancelation. Yet millions worldwide continued to enjoy the Whoniverse in syndication, novels, audio dramas, comics and Doctor Who Magazine. A new age dawned in 2005 with 9th Doctor Christopher Eccleston and a serious special effects budget. 10th Doctor David Tennant helped rocket the series back to international popularity and a new era of spinoffs. With Matt Smith as 11th doctor, the show has become a success here in America, where it was long considered just a cult classic. Featuring discussions of the show's concepts and characters and interviews and insights from producers, writers, and actors from across the years; current and former editors and writers of Doctor Who Magazine; and the titular heroes themselves, here is a rich, behind-the-camera investigation into the dazzling multiverse of Doctor Who.

Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious: The Knight, The Fool and The Dead

Steve Cole - 2020
    Packed with the excitement, adventure and wit that are the hallmark of Doctor Who, this is a brand new story not to be missed.We live forever, barring accidents. Just like everyone else in the universe.The Doctor travels back to the Ancient Days, an era where life flourishes and death is barely known...Then come the Kotturuh – creatures who spread through the cosmos dispensing mortality. They judge each and every species and decree its allotted time to live. For the first time, living things know the fear of ending. And they will go to any lengths to escape this grim new spectre, death.The Doctor is an old hand at cheating death. Now, at last, he can stop it at source. He is coming for the Kotturuh, ready to change everything so that Life wins from the start.Not just the last of the Time Lords. The Time Lord Victorious.

Tamora Pierce

Bonnie Kunzel - 2007
    This volume provides her readers and fans with additional insights into her life and work. The first section provides a biographical chapter and literary heritage. The second and third sections analyze the Tales of Tortall and the Magic Circle Sagas as a whole, providing details into the characters and settings of each. The final section of the book, Perspectives, includes both a section on literary techniques along with an interview of Tamora Pierce herself. Appendices include a section on Power Female Heroes, and Fantasy Adventures.Novels include: *The Song of the Lioness Quartet *The Immortals Quartet *The Protector of the Small Quartet *The Trickster Duology *The Magic Circle Quartet *The Circle Opens Quartet *The Will of the Empress

TARDIS Eruditorum - A Critical History of Doctor Who Volume 1: William Hartnell

Elizabeth Sandifer - 2011
    TARDIS Eruditorum tells the ongoing story of Doctor Who from its beginnings in the 1960s to the present day, pushing beyond received wisdom and fan dogma to understand that story not just as the story of a geeky sci-fi show but as the story of an entire line of mystical, avant-garde, and radical British culture. It treats Doctor Who as a show that really is about everything that has ever happened, and everything that ever will. This volume focuses on the earliest years of the program, looking at how it emerged from the existing traditions of science fiction in the UK and how it quickly found its kinship with the emerging counterculture of the 1960s. Every essay from the Hartnell era has been revised and expanded from its original form, and the eight new essays exclusive to the collected edition have been augmented by a further eleven, providing nineteen book-exclusive essays on topics like what happened before An Unearthly Child, whether the lead character's name is really Doctor Who, and how David Whitaker created the idea of a Doctor Who novel. Plus, you'll learn: How acid-fueled occultism influenced the creation of the Cybermen. Why The Celestial Toymaker is irredeemably racist. The Problem of Susan Foreman