Running Away: A Memoir

Robert Andrew Powell - 2014
    Long distance runners understand where those tears come from, even if there are others who will never understand what drives someone to run 26.2 consecutive miles in a grueling mental and physical test. Powell’s emotional reaction to completing the race wasn’t just about the run, though. It was also about the joy and relief of coming back up after hitting rock bottom. Running Away is the story of how one decision can alter the course of a life. Knocked down by a painful divorce and inspired by his father, Powell decided to change his mindset and circumstances. He moved to Boulder and began running in earnest for the first time in his life. Over the 26.2 chapters that follow, Powell grapples with his past relationships, gaining insight and hard-won discipline that give him hope for the future.

Downsizing: How I Lost 8 Stone, Reversed My Diabetes and Regained My Health

Tom Watson - 2020
    This book will change lives.' Michael Mosley 'Two years ago I turned 50, weighed 22 stone and was heavily medicated for type 2 diabetes. I thought it would be all downhill from there. By radically changing my nutrition, cutting out sugar, and taking up exercise, I've changed my life and reversed my diabetes. I hope my story will inspire others to regain their health and happiness and discover the new lease of life I'm experiencing.'Tom Watson began to put on weight in his early twenties, having developed an appetite for fast food and cheap beer while studying at the University of Hull. As time progressed - and his penchant for anything sweet, fatty or fizzy persisted - he found himself adjusting his belt, loosening his collar and upsizing his wardrobe to XXL. He continued to pile on the pounds when he entered the world of politics as MP for West Bromwich East (despite short-lived flirtations with fad diets and fitness classes). By December 2014, his bathroom scales had tipped to 22 stone. After being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in late 2015, he decided to take control of his diet and exercise. He started to feel better quickly and within a short time his long-term blood sugar levels were within normal range. By July 2018, he came off medication.

Running for Women: Ditch the Excuses and Start Loving Your Run

Danica Newon - 2015
    Runners lose weight, boost energy, get leaner, develop discipline, and cultivate healthy relationships.Newon knows that running for beginners can be intimidating. Running For Women will help you ditch the excuses and commit to a healthy running practice, at any age, any level.This info-packed runner's resource features useful lifestyle tips, targeted running schedules, and valuable injury prevention strategies to get you started.Stay prepped at every step, with: Expert stories and valuable tips from master marathoners  Running gear and gadget must-haves for a smooth run  Fuel-friendly recipes that cover pre-run to post-run  Tips for running while pregnant and running with baby  Running For Women is the book you need to read before you hit the trails or the treadmill.

How to Heal a Broken Heart: From Rock Bottom to Reinvention (via ugly crying on the bathroom floor)

Rosie Green - 2021

Start Your Engines: My Unstoppable CrossFit Journey

Sam Briggs - 2020
    This is the story of how she got to the top, and battled with everything she had to stay there. Sam’s memoir takes in the whole story, from being kicked out of ballet lessons as a child but being accepted on the boys’ sports teams, to working as a firefighter in West Yorkshire for ten years, tackling dangerous and adrenaline-fueled situations on a daily basis, and to taking up CrossFit at the comparatively ancient age of 27. Sam tells of what it took to become champion a mere three years later, and after a year out with a broken patella. Despite the numerous setbacks and debilitating injuries that have plagued her in the years that followed, when most other athletes would have thrown in the towel, Sam has fought, and continues to fight, to be the very best that she can be. Start Your Engines is the story of how, with a combination of grit, training and dogged motivation, it’s never too late to achieve your dreams.

How To Become A Modern Viking: A Man's Guide To Unleashing The Warrior Within

Liam Gooding - 2016
    They came, they conquered, and they took whatever they wanted. They were strong men in both body and mindset - their culture and religion promoted men to be "men" and their skill and bravery in battle was rewarded with status, plunder and women!Vikings were passionately devoted to their brothers, bonds formed in the bloody danger of battle. And they enjoyed these bonds of brotherhood with feasting and a lot of mead during the winter!But today, you live in a modern world of smartphones, suits and safety. Pillaging and plundering opportunities are limited, and many of your friends are probably too concerned with their iPhones or Gluten Free Diets to be interested in going on a foreign Viking campaign together.But is there still hope?Could the ancient Viking warrior lifestyle help you to rediscover your masculinity? Could it inspire you to become stronger, to become happier, to become more successful?...In this book, Liam Gooding walks you through his personal journey from the top to the bottom. He lost his multi-million dollar company, his house and his fiance. But worst of all, he lost his masculinity.But that's when he discovered the power and strength hidden within ancient Vikings. The liberating freedom of their mythology, the guiltless pride in building a strong and muscular body, the confident ambition of getting what you want in life (no matter who or what stands in your way).Becoming a Modern Viking allowed Liam to become a man again. To rebuild himself stronger than before, to embrace the body and the mindset that evolution and natural selection had intended, and to remove the chains and limitations of modern western society.... Chapter Highlights:• Build a Viking Body using principles and guidelines such as 'Lift Like A God' and 'Train Like A Warrior'• Follow a spreadsheet-free nutrition diet that allows a man to eat as much as he wants, and still boost testosterone and build muscle, or lose fat, depending on his goals• How to stop worrying about overwhelming situations by thinking like a Viking in the shield wall• How to become more assertive in social and professional situations• How to live in Winter Season or Raiding Season to encourage your body to build muscle or lose fat with just a few small changes to your routineModern Viking is not a fitness and exercise book promising to help you look like an Instagram model. It isn't a book about deep meditation and mindfulness.Modern Viking is a practical, no-nonsense self improvement book for men who want to become better men. Modern Viking is especially effective for bigger men - Liam Gooding stands at 6'5" and weighs 230 lb. He eats 4000 - 5000 kcal every day. And none of the women in his life every complain that he doesn't have "Instagram Abs"! Modern Viking is about looking like a man who can swing an axe, row a boat, build a house, and then carry his woman to bed after the days work!

A Life Without Limits: A World Champion's Journey

Chrissie Wellington - 2012
    As a newcomer to the sport and a complete unknown to the press, Chrissie's win shook up the sport. A LIFE WITHOUT LIMITS is the story of her rise to the top, a journey that has taken her around the world, from a childhood in England, to the mountains of Nepal, to the oceans of New Zealand, and the trails of Argentina, and first across the finish line.Wellington's first-hand, inspiring story includes all the incredible challenges she has faced--from anorexia to near--drowning to training with a controversial coach. But to Wellington, the drama of the sports also presents an opportunity to use sports to improve people's lives.A LIFE WITHOUT LIMITS reveals the heart behind Wellington's success, along with the diet, training and motivational techniques that keep her going through one of the world's most grueling events.

Never Wipe Your Ass with a Squirrel: A Trail and Ultramarathon Running Guide for Weird Folks

Jason Robillard - 2013
    Includes A LOT of rather obscure tips, so even expert runners will find something useful. This is the table of contents: Introduction Why DO people run trails? What is a trail? Technical versus nontechnical trails How does trail running compare to other activities? Trail etiquette Trailcraft Elements of good running form Run efficiently Difference between road running gait and trail running gait Uphill technique Downhill technique Pooping What to drink Food Food before a run Food during a run Gear Shoes Carrying water Know where to find water Cell phones Personal location beacons Personal protection Flashlights and headlamps Familiarity with Local Weather Patterns Check the weather forecast Natural weather predictors What to do in a severe thunderstorm Stretching and rolling Learning to fall Prepare for trouble First aid kit Why you should run ultras The different race options Choosing your first ultramarathon Elevation profiles How much do ultramarathons cost? What about fatass races? The difference between road and trail ultras Taking the leap and signing up for your first ultra Learn all you can about the race Finding the time to train for ultras Balancing life commitments Is there such thing as a perfect career for ultramarathons? Picking a race Learning about the race Give me a training plan! How do I choose a training plan? Using heart rate as a training tool Do I have to follow the plan religiously? Listening to your body Overtraining Training partners Training run conversations How to get rid of that annoying training partner The art of experimentation Speedwork Fartleks Hill repeats The long run Crosstraining Course specificity training Periodization Losing weight for race day Race etiquette Runner personalities Race strategy Run/walk strategy So how do you get faster? Walking technique? Speeding up strategy Fasting while training Gluttony training Thermoregulation Electrolytes Chafing Shave the junk or rock the ‘fro? Foot care Popping blisters Running with dogs Training in various bodily states Night running Sleep deprivation training Learning when shit’s about to go bad Racing as training Coaching and ultramarathons Does body type matter Pacers Crew Some additional ultrarunning tips About us

I Run, Therefore I Am--Nuts!

Bob Schwartz - 2001
    Whether you fall in the middle of the pack, up near the front of the pack, or so far from any semblance of a pack that you're wondering if everyone went home already, you'll find plenty to laugh about in this book.I Run, Therefore I Am--Nuts! is a comical examination of events that are near and dear to every runner's well-conditioned heart. As the Dave Barry of running, popular running humorist Bob Schwartz pokes fun at the idiosyncratic personalities of runners and the funny situations they encounter in training, eating, racing, preparing for races, and revolving their everyday lives around running.I Run, Therefore I Am--Nuts! brings out the humor in situations that every type of runner can relate to:- The intricate art of drinking on the run from paper cups- Trying to reacquaint fingers to toes after years of tight hamstrings - Hitting the wall- Having your heart flutter with the newest cushioned training shoe- Discovering cross-training contraptions designed to strengthen your gluteus to its maximus- Getting excited about the latest flavor of energy gel on the marketAs any runner with tight hamstrings and a funny bone would, you'll laugh your way through these and many other amusing stories illustrated with cartoons by artist B.K. Taylor, whose drawings have appeared in many national publications, including Mad Magazine and National Lampoon.Author Bob Schwartz is America's funniest running writer. An avid, slightly over-the-top runner himself, he has completed countless marathons (but laments that excessive glycogen depletion at the finish prevents him from fully remembering each one) as well as all race distances from the 200 Meter Kids Snowman Shuffle (where he finished second after edging out a four-year-old at the finish line) to an ultramarathon of 50 miles (a feat he has no intention of repeating). In addition to his weekly syndicated newspaper column, he has had hundreds of humorous essays published in national and regional publications, including Runner's World, FootNotes, and Fitness Runner.For anyone who loves the aromatic smell of perspiration, who enjoys the exhilaration of exhaustion, who drinks solely from squirt bottles, or whose wardrobe is filled with reflective clothing--this book is for you.

Nowhere Near First: Ultramarathon Adventures From The Back Of The Pack

Cory Reese - 2016
    In “Nowhere Near First,” Cory shares his deeply personal story about experiencing his father’s suicide at a young age, and how this led to a career in endurance running and a desire to live life to the fullest. “Nowhere Near First” is a humorous, captivating, and uplifting account of Cory’s memorable ultramarathon experiences. Not only does Cory’s entertaining and powerful writing allow readers a unique perspective into the challenges and rewards of running, but it also inspires each of us to turn tragedy into triumph. “Cory Reese writes with humor, humbleness and honesty. His story is both uplifting and real, and his tales of persistence and perseverance are sure to inspire, whether you’re at the front of the pack or nowhere near first. Regardless of the title, this book’s a winner!”
 ~ Dean Karnazes, author of Ultramarathon Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner “Cory Reese’s book, Nowhere Near First, is an immensely entertaining and profoundly educational story about overcoming challenges to forge a meaningful life. Reese’s story is must-read for people looking to find meaning and purpose in modern-day society.” ~ Karl Hoagland, Publisher, UltraRunning Magazine “Cory has penned a very personal account of overcoming hardship in his personal and athletic life. Nowhere Near First tells his story of perseverance and survival in a vivid, down and dirty way that peaks with his extraordinarily positive way of looking at life.” ~ Marshall Ulrich, author of Running On Empty: An Ultramarathoner’s Story of Love, Loss, and a Record-Setting Run Across America

Run Like Crazy

Tristan Miller - 2012
    I made my way to the remotest islands, the hottest deserts and the coldest of climates. I was robbed, suffered injuries, got sick and depressed. I covered around 320,000 kilometres by plane, train, boat, bus and car and ran just over 2300 race kilometres. It proved to me that you can do whatever you want to – just find the starting line, believe in yourself, and Run Like Crazy!When Tristan Miller lost his job as a result of the global economic crisis, he set himself a huge personal challenge. He would spend a year seeing the world, each week running an official marathon in a different country. This is the story of an ordinary man who chased his dream, 42.2 kilometres at a time.

Formula 50: A 6-Week Workout and Nutrition Plan That Will Transform Your Life

50 Cent - 2012
    That’s why, with obesity rates soaring and fitness levels declining, he wants to give everyone an all-access pass to his premium plan for lifelong fitness. In Formula 50, the mega-successful entertainer and entrepreneur unleashes the power of metabolic resistance training (MRT), the key ingredient that has helped him achieve the famously buff physique that makes his music videos sizzle.Through MRT, 50 Cent’s fitness plan breaks down the barriers between traditional weight training and cardio workouts, accelerating fat loss while building muscle and improving overall fitness. Designed for a six-week rollout for total mind-body transformation, the Formula 50 regimen builds willpower while it builds physical power. In addition to motivation, nutrition is another key element; readers will discover the unique dietary combinations that fuel 50 Cent’s workouts. Coauthored with Jeff O’Connell, health journalist and editor-in-chief at (the world’s largest fitness website), the book delivers a payoff that goes beyond six-pack abs and flab-free pecs: This is a fitness plan that boosts energy, endurance, flexibility, and mobility. The result is a body you’ve always dreamed of—and the mindset to attain the rest of your dreams.

Fat Funeral: The Scientific Approach to Long-Term Weight Loss

Daniel Dell'uomo - 2018
    But don’t blame yourself if you’ve struggled losing weight. There’s a lot of conflicting information and nonsense out there. Drawing on years of research, Fat Funeral answers critical questions, busts myths, and introduces The Five Golden Weight-Loss Habits—a system of simple, science-based habits that are proven, practical, and powerful enough to completely change your life.

Breathless: How a Broken Jaw Saved My Life (Kindle Single)

Steve Volk - 2017
    He was depressed, overweight, and struggling to handle his responsibilities as a husband and father. After undergoing a sleep study, Volk was diagnosed with sleep apnea, a medical condition that afflicts tens of millions, though roughly 80 percent go undiagnosed. For people with sleep apnea — a sleep disorder in which breathing is interrupted during sleep, depriving the brain and body of oxygen — the effects are serious, even deadly.Volk’s doctor explained the grave danger he was in — so oxygen deprived that he could die any night. Unable to secure a life insurance policy because of his condition, and facing a full-fledged break down, Volk determined to do something about it.In Breathless, the acclaimed author of Fringe-ology brings readers along on his quest save his family — and his life. When a radical new surgery offers a cure, Volk must decide whether the chance for a better life outweighs the risks and the strain such a procedure could have on the people he cares about most. Harrowing, intimate, and illuminating, Breathless offers an unprecedented look at one man's desperate journey to overcome a once-chronic diagnosis.Steve Volk is a journalist, author and TV personality, with a book Fringe-ology: How I Tried to Explain Away the Unexplainable—But Couldn't, and an upcoming History Channel show, “The Dark Files.” Volk is a contributing editor at Discover magazine, and lives in the Philadelphia area with his wife and twin sons.

This Girl Ran

Helen Croydon - 2018
    on Sundays to swim in a freezing reservoir and spending her Saturday nights unshowered and covered in mud in a pub, she would have spat out her champagne. But when everyone around you starts settling down, what else is a glamorous party girl to do but to launch herself into the world of endurance sport? For someone who didn't even own a pair of flat shoes (and definitely no waterproofs), Helen would soon find she had a lot to learn. Join Helen on her hilarious and soul-searching journey as she swaps a life of cocktail bars and dating for the challenges and exhilaration of triathlons, trail runs, obstacle races, long-distance cycles and ocean swims... and sets herself the seemingly impossible goal of qualifying as a Team GB triathlete.