Book picks similar to
The Body in the Graveyard by Jack G. Hills



Nicole Hill - 2015
    How would you feel if you found out your best friend was really your foe? The one person you thought had your best interest at heart was really plotting against you, waiting for your downfall.Khloe and Carrie have been friends since elementary school. Carrie has a secret she's been hiding from Khloe. Will Carrie keep blaming Khloe for what happened? Will she share her secret or make Khloe's life a living hell?Trina has betrayed so many people its hard to keep count. Breaking up Khloe's relationship with Dre wasn't enough for her. She wants everything Khloe has. Will Trina succeed in sabotaging Khloe's life or will Karma catch up to her first?Khloe was devastated when she caught Dre in an uncompromising position. She thought life was over until she met the handsome dread head, Jason, from New York. She goes against her better judgment and decides to give him a chance. Will he prove to be her knight in shining armour or her worst nightmare?

THE GIRL TAKERS Part 1 Bombshell: A Kat & Robin human trafficking thriller (Kat & Robin Thrillers)

Edwin Tipple - 2016
     A chance meeting, one wet afternoon in Manchester, brings Robin and Kat together. When he falls in love with this rich lady his life slowly takes several turns for the worse and he becomes uncertain about Kat. But after some passionate lovemaking one night, he knew all his fears were unfounded - until she dropped her bombshell. She needs him to do something very unusual, something very important for her, something no other woman would dare ask of her man - unless? But after Kat mysteriously disappears, and despair set in, he was ready to let her go. Yet, as the weeks passed by, he knew he was still madly in love with her, knew he had to find her. His travels take him to the other side of the world where, months later, a second chance meeting brings them together once more. But others are looking for Kat and whoever they are, they’re deadly. Set in Manchester and Hua Hin, this free 33,000 word trafficking, dark romance is part 1 of 3. All three parts are available in one complete volume. Scroll up to start reading straight away.

African Slaver

Steve Braker - 2016
    Just trying to clear the brutal shadows of the past from his mind, Brody’s next mission is clear: Spearfishing and Scuba Diving in warm clear tropical waters, with some cold beers on the beach. Living the dream… As Brody makes friends with the locals settling into the island retreat, his plans for peace and relaxation are suddenly shattered. After weeks of terrorizing the island paradise, a ruthless sea captain finally commits the unthinkable: he kidnaps a group of young girls from the village. Heartbroken and scared for the children, the people look to Brody for help. Time is running out… When Brody rallies the villagers to form a rescue team, he realizes he is the only one with the skills for this kind of work. With nothing but basic weapons and a sailing boat, Brody feels the weight of the dire situation. The lives of the girls are on the line, with the slave markets of Somalia only days away, the clock is ticking. Brody leads his ragtag crew across the rough and lawless ocean, knowing they are the only hope for the young girls. Once Special Forces, always Special Forces, he’s got this! With Brody at the helm, they’ll find the girls or die trying. This is the first in this exciting Action Adventure Series...

Deceit, Lies, & Alibi's 2

Shontaiye - 2015
    Still trying to win Shaleea back and end his relationship with Eve for good, Noah finds that a new threat lingers in the air. When startling revelations are made by everyone around him, Noah finds his back against the wall and willing to risk everything to have things the way he wants. Going back to the old Noah he does what he knows best: seize through force. With Mann's newfound wealth going to his head, he feels that he can have whatever he wants, even if it means taking it again. Things get blurry when that something he wants happens to belong to someone else that will do anything to keep it. What started off as revenge has Shaleea up shit's creek with no paddle. A storm is brewing and she finds herself right at the center. Refusing to be left out in the cold, Eve is still hell bent on having Noah for herself. However, when her plan to get Noah backfires, Eve finds herself back to square one but this time with baggage. She shifts her focus to retribution but this time the stakes are higher and she soon finds out who she's playing with, and just how serious the game has gotten.


Michael Gabriel - 2017
    Justin has long accepted his father's death, but the fact that his mother was willing to put both of their lives at risk for a man created turmoil between mother and son. Determined to stop the abuse and heal their relationship, Justin's mother schemes up a plan to escape with Justin and start a new life in an old house in the quaint fishing town of Sherbrook, Maine. It is here that Justin befriends Natalie Boyer, an attractive yet enigmatic 16-year old girl. But when Justin discovers that his new friend is hiding a dark secret and needs his help, it will lead him down a dangerous path of discovery, and one which he will have to walk alone if he is to uncover the truth and help his new friend before it’s too late.

Near and Dear

Pamela Evans - 1997
    But their wonderful lifestyle comes to a dramatic end when Mick's business runs into trouble and he suddenly disappears. Faced with poverty and homelessness, Jane discovers she has unexpected strengths and is capable of being more than just a housewife...

Dream and Drake 3: A Cartel Love Story

Princess Diamond - 2017
    Having no memory of who Drake is, Dream does not think there is a possibility that he could be her child’s father. She only has memories of her ex-boyfriend, Spencer. Therefore, in her mind, Spencer is her child’s father. Spencer is thrilled about Dream being pregnant, since he plotted to impregnate her while she was unconscious. Drake is furious that the love of his life does not remember him and threatens to never speak to her again. Drake’s attitude towards everyone, including his cousins Quay and Fresh, is relentless and unapologetic. His stubbornness nearly costs him his life. Channa seeks revenge on everyone who gets in her way. Realizing how manipulative and selfish Channa is, Drake sets a plan in motion to divorce her, even if that means living with her until the court date. Conversely, Channa refuses to go down without a fight. She plans to take Drake and Dream down the dark road with her. Dream continues to ask questions about Bey, who is still missing. She makes an effort to find her, once she is well enough. Is Bey still alive? If so, who will be the one to save her? Will Dream ever remember Drake? Will she be happy when she finds out who fathered her child? Or will she live out the rest of her life with regret? Dream and Drake 3 will leave you speechless!

Sisters at War

Clare Flynn - 2021
    The pressures of war threaten to tear apart two sisters traumatised by their mother's murder by their father.With her new husband Will, a merchant seaman, deployed on dangerous Atlantic convoy missions, Hannah needs her younger sister Judith more than ever. But when Mussolini declares war on Britain, Judith's Italian sweetheart, Paolo is imprisoned as an enemy alien, and Judith's loyalties are divided.Each sister wants only to be with the man she loves but, as the war progresses, tensions between them boil over, and they face an impossible decision.A heart-wrenching page-turner about the everyday bravery of ordinary people during wartime. From heavily blitzed Liverpool to the terrors of the North Atlantic and the scorched plains of Australia, Sisters at War will bring tears to your eyes and joy to your heart.

Emotional Rollercoaster: A Long Island Love Story

Ionaa - 2014
    After years of mental abuse and blatant disrespect she learns that moving on might just be in her best interest. Luckily for her, she meets a handsome man named, Honest. He's someone that's simple, yet so different. This within itself attracts her to him even more. However, there is a problem. By quickly moving on with him, Yonnie learns that overcoming her love for Si will be no easy task. With her best friend Kay riding shotgun through all of the drama and chaos with her, Yonnie quickly learns that her life is being tested. Make sure that you're seated and restrained, because Emotional Rollercoaster is going to take you on a fast paced, uphill ride with vertical loops and winding turns that are sure to leave you on the edge of your seat and wanting more.


    As the old cliche goes, "If I can't have you know one will". This couldn't be more true as Kelli attempts to rid her best friend Symone of everything she loves, just to settle an old debt that Symone is not even aware exist. Kelli made it her business to become Symone's best friend as teenagers, simply because she knew a secret that no one, except the original parties involved, knew about. Now nearly 20 years later, "Operation Destroy Symone", is well under way. Will Kelli succeed in destroying Symone, or will her hard work backfire?

Apauk, Caller of Buffalo

James Willard Schultz - 1916
    An Indian boy by adoption, J. W. Schultz has told his paleface brothers many good Indian tales. "Apauk, Caller of Buffalo", was a lad in the land and the days of the great buffalo herds. Apauk. a Blackfoot boy. was taught when young the art of calling buffalo. A new type of the wooly, wild west Indian story appears in "Apauk, Caller of Buffalo." More thrilling than Action, the life story of the greatest of the Blackfeet medicine men, not only possesses an enthralling interest but gives the reader an authoritative historical picture of the life of the American Indian on the great western plains before the invasion of the white man. The biographer, James Wlllard Schultz, is an adopted member of the Blackfeet tribe and has lived the life of an Indian for forty years. Schultz writes: "ALTHOUGH I had known Apauk A—Flint Knife—for some time, it was not until the winter of 1879—80 that I became intimately acquainted with him. He was at that time the oldest member of the Piegan tribe of the Blackfeet Confederacy, and certainly looked it, for his once tall and powerful figure was shrunken and bent, and his skin had the appearance of wrinkled brown parchment. "In the fall of 1879, the late Joseph Kipp built a trading-post at the junction of the Judith River and Warm Spring Creek, near where the town of Lewistown, Montana, now stands, and as usual I passed the winter there with him. We had with us all the bands of the Piegans, and some of the bands of the Blood tribe, from Canada. The country was swarming with game, buffalo, elk, antelope, and deer, and the people hunted and were care-free and happy, as they had ever been up to that time. Camped beside our trading-post was old Hugh Monroe, or Rising Wolf, who had joined the Piegans in 1816, and it was through him that I came to know Apauk well enough to get the story of his remarkably adventurous and romantic youth. The two old men were great chums. Old as they were —Monroe was born in 1798, and Apauk was several years his senior—on pleasant days they mounted their horses and went hunting, and seldom failed to bring in game of some kind. And what a picturesque pair they were ! Both wore capotes ——hooded coats made from three-point Hudson Bay Company blankets—and leggins to match, and each carried an ancient Hudson Bay fuke, or flint-lock gun. They would have nothing to do with cap rifles, or the rim-fire cartridge, repeating weapons of modern make. Hundreds—yes, thousands of head of various game, many a savage grizzly, and a score or two of the enemy—— Sioux, Cree, Crow, Cheyenne, and Assiniboine, had they killed with the sputtering pieces, and they were their most cherished possessions. "Oh, that I could live over again those buffalo days! Those Winter evenings in Monroe’s or Apauk’s lodge, listening to their tales of the long ago! Nor was I the only interested listener: always there was a complete circle of guests around the cheerful fire; old men, to whom the tales brought memories of their own eventful days, and young men, who heard with intense interest of the adventures of their grandfathers, and of the “ calling of the buffalo,” which strange and wonderful method of obtaining at one swoop a whole tribe’s store of Winter food, they were never to witness. For the luring of whole herds of buffalo to their death had been Apauk’s sacred, honored, and danger-fraught avocation.

Train to Anywhere

David George Howard - 2010
    Late one evening he witnesses a local businessman committing a murder. His life is spared, but he will be killed if he talks to the police. Everything he has worked for falls apart as he becomes caught between rival criminal and legal organizations.

Salty: A Ghetto Soap Opera ( Episodes 1-3)

Aleta Williams - 2012
    At the end, you may even feel "Salty" yourself!To some, the city of Los Angeles is the home of the "Angels"; "that's bull crap", says the characters in this ghetto soap opera. Los Angeles for them, is the home of the "Scandalous" and only those that's down for and ready for whatever will last...Jazz is a seventeen year old, sassy, diva who strives to carry herself with class and dignity. Thanks to her ego struck boyfriend, and envious cousin,she soon finds out that classiness will get you nowhere, but humiliated and heartbroken. Peter went from a nobody to a somebody: money, cars, and big butt light skin girls now make up his worth. Peter isn't blind to the fact that he is being used; he just doesn't care. It's not until he steps on the toes of a known grimy gangster from Compton, that he realizes how dangerous these females really are. Pam can tell you first hand that "love don't love nobody", and that you have to love yourself first. After all, love is the reason she contracted the incurable.Follow the drama as it takes you on a world wind of events that will leave your mouth open and have you lusting for

One Night Only

Louise Mullins - 2016
    But below the facade of happiness lies the foundations which threaten to shatter the home she's made for herself and her son. She is in thousands of pounds worth of debt and with nobody to help her out she has no option but to accept an offer from a stranger. One which is far more dangerous than she thought possible. 'The man I am going to meet is called Ewan. He is a builder. He has green eyes and a kind smile. That is all I know. For One Night Only I am his and then I will be debt free.' Fans of The Mistake I Made will love this. What reviewers think of One Night Only: 'Kept me up all night' R. E. Devon 'Filled with unrelenting tension that makes you want to check your windows and doors are locked before you dare to sleep' Reviewers Board 'The true definition of a page turner. This had me racing through the pages, unable to turn the lights off once I'd put it down' Dark Path Reviews 'A complex tale of unrequited love and the dangers of obsession. This is a modern day Romeo and Juliette, with all the ingredients of a dark fairytale' Thrill Seekers

Ragged Ridge Creek

Ash Lingam - 2017
    He was framed by Pedro Mendez for murder and the burning of the town of Ragged Ridge Creek, in Southern Texas. As he seeks to find a way to prove his innocence he meets up with his old Pard, James Butler Hickok, and a new romance with a south of the border beauty, Blanca Flores on the trail of his escape to the Indian Territories. Rustlers, Bounty Hunters, Renegades, Texan Outlaws, Kiowa & Comanche Indians. All factors in this Rangers battle for Justice. This Old West gunfighter on the road to hell in a true western adventure. Vol. 1 of the Ridge Creek Trilogy.