Changed: Mated to the Alien Alpha

Robin Moray - 2018
    They said Omega IV was safe. They were wrong. The giant humanoid inhabitants of Omega IV are conditioned to the Change—a biological event in their development that designates them altha or amekha—but for the new colony of humans, the Change comes as an unpleasant surprise. Dr Cameron Grant, bitter after a turbulent break-up, finds himself in a first-contact situation that was never covered in training. The alien warrior Tal'jen, seven feet tall and distinctly male, has taken an interest in him, an interest with a clear and pressing conclusion. Dr Grant can't deny his attraction, even as his body undergoes strange and frightening changes. Whatever is happening to him, it's obvious that Tal'jen understands it instinctively. He will have to place himself in the hands of an alien and hope that Tal'jen's interest is as benign as it seems. Meanwhile, Tal'jen, chief-in-waiting of his people, seeks a mate. The handsome and strange Cam'ren of the newcomers calls to him powerfully, though he has not yet gone through his Change. To be chief Tal'jen must mate with a bearer, so while he longs to claim Cam'ren for his own, he must be patient and hope that Cam'ren's Change will grant him the gift of bearing young. As the Change spreads through the human colony, leaving chaos in its wake, Cameron and Tal'jen must fight to protect both the delicate bond growing between them, and each other. This book is first in the Omega Colony series, however it can be read as a stand-alone title. This book features adult content and language, sexual situations, and male pregnancy.

Mate Wanted for Christmas

Angelique Voisen - 2015
    Each year, Pat gets the same response—zero. Except this year’s different. Finally, someone agrees to role-play Pat’s dead mate. Spending Christmas Eve with a rich psycho shifter might seem unreasonable to some. To survive the harsh winter, former soldier Jacob Reynolds has no choice but to turn to desperate measures…except Pat Singer isn’t the crazy bastard Jacob imagines him to be. The sexy, but reluctant werebear pushes all of Jacob’s right buttons, and if Jacob doesn’t guard his heart, he might end up getting burned.

Winter's Knight

Mary Calmes - 2021
    In fact, they are running by Tucker Flynn’s windows at all hours of the night and day and no matter what anyone says, it isn’t normal. Of course, neither is Tucker being stuck on the sprawling grounds of the shifter sanctuary in Maine, in the dead of winter. He just wants to go back to Phoenix . . . if only his alpha would let him.Tired of his concerns being dismissed, or worse, told that he’s flat-out wrong, Tucker sets out on his own, despite a broken ankle, to find proof of his suspicion—that there’s an apex predator, something far more menacing than any shifter at L’Ange, skulking in the woods behind his cabin.

Not My Wolf

Eden Cole - 2011
    He thinks things are only getting better when his erotic dreams indicate he’s about to meet his mate. His Beta and best friend invites him on a double date, and Corey agrees, hoping this woman will be his one. To his shock and disbelief, he’s attracted to her brother instead—the big, muscular, overbearing man with a southern drawl. Corey refuses to believe that this cowboy is the one meant to be his mate, but the way his body reacts to one touch is making it hard for him to deny. Devin is aggressive, combative, and he won’t listen to any of Corey’s commands. They butt heads constantly, that is when Corey’s not trying to resist Devin’s hard body. But when Devin gets into trouble with a rival pack, Corey will move heaven and earth to get him back and claim him for his own.

Omega's Child

James Wolfe - 2017
    Although his greatest dream is to bear children and create a family, he has yet to meet his alpha mate. After all these years, he has begun to write off these dreams as fantasy. But then Cole, an alpha leader from another tribe, comes into the picture. Cole is arrogant, demanding, and strict... everything that Taylor usually hates in an alpha. Despite Taylor's attitude toward him, though, Cole seems to take an odd interest in Taylor. An interest that doesn't seem to be going away any time soon. Is it possible that Taylor could find his alpha mate in this man? And if he does, is it a blessing or a curse? This standalone M/M paranormal romance comes with a HEA ending!


Tam Ames - 2010
    His frustration at the situation is palpable, but when he's taken home by good-looking Hamilton, his plan is to win over his new owner and make his escape? However, after a few weeks with Hamilton, does he want to make a complete escape, or just stop being caged? If you like foul-mouthed tiny shifters whose surly attitudes are many times bigger than their physical presence, then this may be the book for you.


Eva Leon - 2018
    No one comes here, and no one knows where I am. When Ezra turns up on my doorstep, I suspect he’s a reporter, who doesn’t know when to let a story die. It’s soon obvious he doesn’t remember me as my Hollywood persona, and the fear in his eyes tells me he’s running from demons, the same as me. The difference is, mine are dead, and his are very much alive, and in pursuit. It’s been a long time since I cared about anyone or anything, but Ezra could change that if I let him. Ezra I was sure I was too smart not to recognize an abusive jerk when I met one—so how did I end up the virtual prisoner of my Alpha boyfriend, who turned out to be a drug dealer with a shady past and violent present, who wants to control my future? When I saw him kill someone, I ran, but he’s after me. I don’t know if he wants me back, or if he wants to silence me, but I’ll die before I go back to him. I have nothing left until I stumble across Levi’s cabin where I find hope for survival, and maybe a second chance at happiness with the curmudgeonly man living in terrain as rugged as he is. Brash is a standalone Mpreg romance with a salty Alpha, sweet but scared Omega, and the happily ever after you’re craving.


Kim Dare - 2015
    Now, almost a year after his first full shift, he finally feels as if he is making a difference at the Anderson nest. Ori’s happier than he’d ever been, until a few words from his master, Raynard, suddenly bring all of Ori’s old fears rushing back to the surface. The nest’s elders want to have a party for Ori’s birthday, but Ori can’t see any reason to celebrate in it being a year since he reached his avian maturity. After all, what’s the use in learning to be a good swan when Raynard never wanted a swan in the first place? Please Note: This story is best read in order as part of the Avian Shifters series. The previous book is Duck! and the next book is Magpie.

Omega Born

C.R. Guiliano - 2015
    Born a runt, and then maturing into an omega, he was cast out of his pack. Figuring he’d not find another pack willing to take him in, he struggled to make a life for himself in the human world. If he didn’t have bad luck, he had no luck at all. Jobs were hard to come by, and he wasn’t able to keep them for long, his omega empathy causing humiliating meltdowns. He’d been robbed, mugged, and nearly raped too many times to count. Arri’s wolf was fundamentally broken, with no way to emerge, or protect him, finally withdrawing deep within him and remaining silent. Then, a day came when things changed. Answering yet another employment ad, he was stunned to find the source of the advertisement was a beta wolf, then was shocked further when he was presented before the alpha of the Woodlynn pack. He’d heard rumors about this pack, the alpha considered one of the strongest on the continent. He believed the rumors after meeting the large male. Arri’s silent wolf had awakened, whispering to him, calling the alpha, mate, which was ridiculous. Alphas didn’t mate with lowly omegas. Especially male omegas, even though Arri was perfectly capable of giving an alpha pups, or so he’d been told by the old ex-beta he’d befriended. But then again, male omegas were rare, and thought little of, viewed as weak, considered unnatural. So, he would ignore his wolf, do his job, and keep his head down, not causing Alpha Dryden any cause to fire him. *~*~*~* Dryden knew there was something different about the assistant his beta, Vann, had brought to him. He was human, yet he smelled of wolf. But not a scent Dryden had ever experienced before. Vann hadn’t seemed to notice, though Dryden suspected his beta was still angry at Dryden insisting on a human assistant. How could he tell his beta he’d felt an uneasiness in his pack, a danger that he couldn’t put his finger on, and didn’t want to trust any pack-mates to handle his affairs? As time passed, his instincts that something was wrong within his pack grew, along with the certainty that Arri was not what he seemed. It was when Dryden was visiting another pack, tremulous negotiations for an alliance in the works, and Arri was attacked, that the truth came out. Dryden’s assistant was an omega wolf. And not just any omega, but a Fae Omega, which would be the reason Dryden hadn’t known. Omega wolves were rare, and most packs banished them for their weaknesses. But a Fae Omega was unheard of, most believing them myths. The Fae had died out a long time ago, and for an omega wolf to be born with Fae blood was incredible. But that wasn’t Dryden’s biggest problem. The moment Arri had shifted, Dryden’s wolf went into the blood-mate fever, the need to claim the omega the only thing he was capable of thinking about. But to claim Arri, Dryden would have to fight the alpha of Arri’s home pack, and he wasn’t sure he could win. And, then there was the unknown threat within his own pack that he still needed to figure out.

The Hybrid Alpha's Baby

Hawke Oakley - 2018
     Gabriel is out of time. As the last unmated omega wolf in his superstitious pack, he faces an ultimatum: mate with an alpha, or be banished to the vicious outside world. Gabriel knows he won’t survive out there, but he doesn’t have much of a choice. It’s stay and mate, or leave and die. But Gabriel wants to make his own choice. Despite the dangers, he leaves the pack. When violent humans threaten him with death or worse, Gabriel accepts his fate - until a gorgeous alpha dragon appears and saves him from a certain demise. Fight for love. Dante hadn't intended to find a mate. As an alpha shifter with the hybrid powers of dragon and wolf, he’s gifted with immortality and power. He’d rather be at home with his books than escorting a scout over the lands and searching for new omegas to bring back to their tribe. But when Dante sees an omega wolf fall into the hands of cruel raiders outside the pack's walls, he feels the spark. Gabriel is his fated mate. Dante refuses to find his mate and lose him in the same night. Dante will fight tooth and talon to protect Gabriel, and doesn't care what stands in his way. The Hybrid Alpha’s Baby is a 50k novel with steamy scenes, a HEA, and no cliffhangers. It is the first book in the Dragons of Cinderhollow series.


X. Aratare - 2016
    In exchange, Nick’s family gets a chance to regain their fortune. Is this the worst mistake of Nick’s life, or will it lead to a love only found in fairy tales? A modern, M/M retelling of Beauty & The Beast. Sensitive, aspiring photographer Nick Fairfax wants nothing to do with his family's corporate business, or their vicious, cold-blooded lifestyle. Intending to give up his inheritance and pursue his art, he arrives at his father's office, only to find that Fairfax Industries has fallen to a scarred man in a hooded cloak. The man is the reclusive billionaire Lord Bane Dunsaney, and he is bent on destroying the Fairfaxes. But when he sees Nick, everything changes. Bane offers the Fairfaxes the chance to regain their fortune if Nick will reside at Moon Shadow, his secluded mansion, and do whatever the billionaire wants for a whole year. Nick has no real choice other than to agree to Bane’s terms. At Moon Shadow, Bane lords his power over Nick, going even so far as to take Nick’s phone, computer and beloved camera away. The billionaire claims such measures are to protect his privacy, but Nick is convinced they are so Bane can control him. Each is determined to see the worst in each other. But as time passes, Nick glimpses a Bane that is much more than the cold-hearted figure that he met in his father's office. He discovers that Bane is a man betrayed by love and no longer believes in it. But what Nick comes to know about Bane is nothing compared to the man’s true secret. Bane is cursed. He is a tiger-shifter who has no control over his beast. And that beast wants Nick.

The Badass Of His Dreams

Missy Welsh - 2013
    Alexander Tait at the Bennington Academy for Young Gentlemen, but never manages to get up the nerve to speak to him...until, on graduation day, Tait demands to know where Pitney's attending college. But once he has the information, Tait leaves Pitney bewildered.They meet again when Pitney is being chased by bashers. Tait sends them fleeing before Pitney knows what's happening. Now finally Pitney has Tait's complete, undivided attention. Possibly forever because werewolves mate for life.Keywords: Gay M/M / Paranormal / Werewolves / College Age / Soulmates or Bonded / HEA​Word Count: 12,357Available for free on Instafreebie.

Ghost Crab

Pandora Pine - 2021
    Destination: Cape Cod. Psychic Copeland Forbes is looking forward to some fun in the sun, but when everything that could go wrong does go wrong in the most hilarious ways possible, he needs to find a way to turn his crabby husband’s frown upside down. A little sexy time in the shower might be what they need to get this vacation back on track. What could possibly go wrong? Ghost Crab is a 6,200-word SHORT STORY and was a featured submission in the Boys of Summer Story Giveaway.


Shaw Montgomery - 2019
     Tanner is smart, wealthy, and head over heels for his administrative assistant. That doesn’t mean he’s going to do anything about it, though. Some gambles are just too big for an omega to take, even one who seems to have it all. Omegas are supposed to be family-oriented, go-getters at work, and equal in every way. The one thing they’re not supposed to be is submissive. Shane is organized, built like a tank, and passionate about making his boss’s life easier. He also might be in love with Tanner, but he’s always been careful to keep that safely tucked away. Tanner could be the perfect man, but he’s never even looked twice at Shane until secrets start coming to the surface. When everything is riding on one confession, is the risk just too much? 62k words Story Contains: M/m sexual content, BDSM elements, non-shifter alpha/omega dynamics, edging, and spanking. Author’s note: While future stories in this universe might contain mpreg, most books will not. Also, there is a free prequel to the series. You can find the link on the author’s site.

Chew Toy

L.E. Franks - 2021
    And now it’s up to the Ancient vampire who turned him to teach photography student Morgan how to live.When faced with the loss of everything he’s known, Morgan isn’t sold on an eternity spent with an emotionless, 2,000 year old record producer with fangs. Trapped on top of a mountain in a vampire’s retreat, Morgan must grapple with the reality of his demise. But the true challenge is whether to kill or kiss the one being walking the earth who can make his heart beat again.Can Morgan face his new undead reality?