Prime Chaos: Adventures in Chaos Magic

Phil Hine - 1999
    The author considers the advantages and disadvantages of working in groups and presents new ideas for developing magical techniques for the 21st century.'

Futhark: A Handbook of Rune Magic

Edred Thorsson - 1983
    Both the spiritual heritage of ancient runic lore and the practical steps we can take to draw on rune power are present in "A Handbook of Rune Magic." This complete book of rune instruction includes rune history and lore, its basis in metaphysical thought and mysticism, complete definitions of the 24 runes of the Elder Futhark, and the etymology, phonetic value and interpretation of each rune. The reader is shown how to perform chants and rituals using runic energy, how to sign and send runes, and given suggestions for runic meditation. The author's presentation of this powerful system is lucid and profound, and provides a valuable tool for spiritual transformation and self-development.

Blackthorn's Botanical Magic: The Green Witch’s Guide to Essential Oils for Spellcraft, Ritual Healing

Amy Blackthorn - 2018
    From rose-scented rosaries to the lingering aroma of frankincense, and the cleansing energy of white sage, Amy Blackthorn-- the woman behind Blackthorn Hoodoo Blends --will take you on a journey beyond the soothing, healing power of scents into their hidden realms and their use in prayer, meditation, and shamanic journeying. One of the very first of its kind, this book includes:The rich history and lore of scent-related magicOver 135 essential oil recipes and craft projectsAn explanation of how magical aromatherapy can enhance divination with tarot and runesPractical information regarding the purchasing, blending, and storing of essential oils

The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft

Ronald Hutton - 1999
    The Triumph of the Moon is the first full-scale study of the only religion England has ever given the world--modern pagan witchcraft, otherwise known as wicca. Meticulously researched, it provides a thorough account of an ancient religion that has spread from English shores across four continents. For centuries, pagan witchcraft has been linked with chilling images of blood rituals, ghostlike druids, and even human sacrifices. But while Robert Hutton explores this dark side of witchery, he stresses the positive, reminding us that devotion to art, the natural world, femininity, and the classical deities are also central to the practice of wicca. Indeed, the author shows how leading figures in English literature--W.B. Yeats, D.H. Lawrence, and Robert Graves, just to name a few--celebrated these positive aspects of the religion in their work, thereby softening the public perception of witchcraft in Victorian England. From cunning village folk to freemasons and from high magic to the black arts, Hutton chronicles the fascinating process by which actual wiccan practices evolved into what is now a viable modern religion. He also presents compelling biographies of wicca's principal figures, such as Gerald Gardner, who was inducted into a witch coven at the age of 53, and recorded many clandestine rituals and beliefs. Ronald Hutton is known for his colorful, provocative, and always thoroughly researched studies on original subjects. This work is no exception. It will appeal to anyone interested in witchcraft, paganism and alternative religions.

A Dictionary of Angels: Including the Fallen Angels

Gustav Davidson - 1967
    The result of sixteen years of research in Talmudic, gnostic, cabalistic, apocalyptic, patristic, and legendary texts, the classic reference work on angels is beautifully illustrated and its reissue coincides with the resurgence of belief in angels in America.

The Magical Revival

Kenneth Grant - 1972
    This history of 20th-century magic presents a detailed analysis of a pre-Christian occult tradition which survived persecution and reappeared in recent times.

Pieces of Eight: Chaos Magic Essays and Enchantments

Gordon White - 2016
     Learn about: The grimoire tradition and its relationship to Chaos Magic. The latest consciousness science and the return of Animism. The role of the Devil and the Saints in European magic and witchcraft. Begin practising: A Chaos Magic form of Remote Viewing. An Ancient Roman system of hexing. A method of summoning Dragon Spirits. A Sumerian method of banishing Ghosts. A complete system of spirit evocation. From the author of the acclaimed Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits and The Chaos Protocols: Magical Techniques for Navigating the New Economic Reality comes a definitive and much-needed exploration of the core principles of Chaos Magic. "Whoever said books on magick can't be fabulously entertaining as well as eminently practical has obviously not read up on their Gordon White. Remedy that situation." -Christopher Knowles. The Secret Sun.

Magical Housekeeping: Simple Charms & Practical Tips for Creating a Harmonious Home

Tess Whitehurst - 2010
    Swirl magical botanicals into your cleaning supplies, call fairies into your garden, ask a spider for advice. Clear clutter for clarity, perform the oatmeal cookie ritual for abundance, or make a sweet dreams charm for a good night's sleep.In this delightful book, intuitive counselor Tess Whitehurst reveals how your home can be a powerful catalyst for personal transformation and manifestation. She offers a variety of simple, whimsical ways to create a harmonious home while enhancing your own happiness, intuition, and magical power.Praise: Filled with valuable information and ancient wisdom to activate sparkling energy and create true sacred space in your home. I recommend it!--Denise Linn, author of Sacred Space

Element Encyclopedia of the Psychic World

Theresa Cheung - 2006
    Discover the history, folklore and scientific evidence surrounding all psychic phenomena - from poltergeists, mediums, and haunted places, to clairvoyance, astrology, and teleportation. Lift the veil on a world of supernatural mysteries, ghost stories and methods of divinitation... and discover if you might be psychic yourself. With information to intrigue and fascinate both believer and sceptic, this is an indispensable map of the psychic world.

Witchcraft Today

Gerald B. Gardner - 1949
    Commemorating its 50th anniversary is an expanded edition of the first Wicca book, by the father of the Pagan renaissance.

The Twelve Faces of the Goddess: Transform Your Life with Astrology, Magick, and the Sacred Feminine

Danielle Blackwood - 2018
    This inspiring, hands-on guide shows you how to connect with the twelve faces of the Goddess through astrology, story, ritual, and pathworking.Explore cross-cultural myths associated with each goddess, delve into astrology from a groundbreaking feminine perspective, and discover the personality, archetype, and correspondences of each zodiac sign to unlock a deeper understanding of yourself as the heroine of your story. Work with the specific guiding goddesses in your birth chart, learn how astrology is connected to the seasonal turning points on the Wheel of the Year, and much more. The Twelve Faces of the Goddess is a reminder that connecting with the sacred feminine is an empowering and radical act that can guide you on your journey.Praise:"An inspiring exploration of the archetypal interconnections between astrology, ritual, and the divine feminine."—Kris Waldherr, bestselling author of The Book of Goddesses and creator of The Goddess Tarot"Danielle has beautifully woven a book that everyone can use to enhance their journey into the feminine and the mysteries on many levels. Though it is about the goddesses and the feminine found in the archetypes of astrology, mythology, ritual and the magical, it is not a book for women only. It is a book for all on the seeking path—to the realms of their own inner space; all the types are familiar to us, but now we have the language."—Erin Sullivan, author, astrologer, and teacher"Danielle Blackwood has crafted a beautiful and smart zodiacal tribute to the Goddess. All too frequently when astrologers present archetypal descriptions of the twelve Sun signs, the signs are unconsciously framed in terms of the masculine psyche and its agenda. In order to eliminate this habit as astrologers, we need the Goddess to speak first, we need her to speak more often, and we need her to speak from her own authority. To this end, Blackwood has contributed something powerful to the field of archetypal astrology."—Adam Elenbaas, astrologer, author of Fishers of Men: The Gospel of an Ayahusca Vision Quest"Although we've never met, Danielle Blackwood is a kindred spirit. As I read her poetic prose, she beckoned me to join her at that moonlit crossroads where magick and the sacred feminine intersect with astrology. That is where it all began and that is where it will wind up, as the patriarchal spell unravels and we remember who we are. Let The Twelve Faces of the Goddess be a lantern for you on that homeward path."—Steven Forrest, author of The Inner Sky"A refreshing look at astrology from the perspective of the divine feminine. The topic of astrology is often intimidating to learn, but Blackwood presents information about the signs and how to use the magick and power of the goddesses connected to them in an easy-to-understand and relatable way . . . this is a must-read."—Stephanie Woodfield, author of Dark Goddess Craft"This beautifully written book is a thoroughly uplifting, as well as informative, read and now has a place at the top of my list of favorite astrology books."—Lisa Tenzin-Dolma, author of The Planetary Myths and Take Control with Astrology"A brilliant melding of the ancient art of astrology with modern-depth psychology perspectives, resulting in a partnership that can be used to facilitate personal growth, catalyze spiritual transformation, and deepen one's conscious relationship with the self."—Jhenah Telyndru, founder of the Sisterhood of Avalon and author of Avalon Within: A Sacred Journey of Myth, Mystery, and Inner Wisdom"Well and clearly written, this book will please experienced astrologers and take beginners to a higher level of understanding . . . Danielle Blackwood's book brings a fresh and useful perspective."—Ashleen O'Gaea, author of several books on Wicca, including the Celebrating the Season of Life series"Looking for a book that seamlessly weaves Goddess spirituality, archetypal psychology, and astrology together into a tapestry of love, magic, and (surprise!) real-world wisdom? The Twelve Faces of the Goddess by Danielle Blackwood is the book you are looking for."—Anne Newkirk Niven, editor of SageWoman"Danielle Blackwood has created a thoughtful exploration of the reader's personal journey full of empowering aha moments and compassionate wisdom. This is a smart and intuitive guide that connects all the pieces for both the new and seasoned mystical practitioner."—Mickie Mueller, author of The Witch's Mirror"With an accessible voice and her distinctive style, Danielle Blackwood brings clarity to the convergence of astrology, archetypes, and Campbell's hero's journey . . . all with a deliciously goddess-centric twist! This is a volume to return to again and again."—Jen McConnel, author of Goddess Spells for Busy Girls"Danielle Blackwood shares her lifelong study as well as her personal experience of esoteric practices in this friendly engaging guide book to self discovery."—Donna Henes, author of The Queen of My Self"Beautifully written and thought-provoking. This book is a clever combination of astrology and magick with some unexpected goddess associations for the twelve zodiac signs."—Ellen Dugan, author of Natural Witchery"Danielle Blackwood gives us a unique approach to the sacred feminine by taking her readers on a journey through astrology and magick, joined together in ways both new and ancient. Blackwood's writing is lyrical yet still easily accessible and offers seekers a path to finding their own mystical identities."—Deborah Blake, author of Everyday Witchcraft"Danielle offers a mystical, yet very practical approach to establishing a personal relationship with the Sacred Feminine . . . With Goddess mythology, hands-on ritual practices, and nods to the stars, the information Danielle presents here is in-depth, highly individualized, and absolutely magickal."—Priestess Brandi Auset, author of The Goddess Guide"The Twelve Faces of the Goddess brings new life to the ancient supposition of as above, so below."—Kris Waldherr, bestselling author of The Book of Goddesses and creator of The Goddess Tarot

Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation: In Theory and Practice

    Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan has therefore translated the Sefer Yetzirah the oldest and most mysterious of all kabbalistic texts, and now brings its theoretical, meditative and magical implication to light. He expounds on the dynamics of the spiritual domain, the worlds of the Sefirot, souls and angels. When properly understood, the Sefer Yetzirah becomes the instruction manual for a very special type of meditation meant to strengthen concentration, and to aid the development of telekinetic and telepathic powers. These powers were meant to help initiates perform feats that outwardly appeared magical. The magical kabbalah is closely related to the meditative kabbalah, and uses various signs, incantations, and divine names by which initiates could influence or alter natural events. This translation includes the meditation in five dimensions, the transition from Binah to Chakhmah consciousness, the point of infinity, kabbalistic astrology, Ezekiel's vision according to the Sefer Yetzirah, and the mystery of the 231 gates.Also included is a digest of all major commentaries on the text of Sefer Yetzirah and a bibliography of many of the major kabbalistic works that discuss it, as well as extensive notes regarding various aspects of the translation, Rabbi Kaplan's translation is based on the Gra version, which has been thought to be the most authentic. Also included is the short version, the long version, and the Saadia version, making this volume the most complete work on the Sefer Yetzirah in English.

The Encyclopedia of Magic & Witchcraft: An Illustrated Historical Reference to Spiritual Worlds

Susan Greenwood - 2001
    From magic's origin in the Shamanic tradition can religion, which, for the world's first civilizations, had no disctinction from magic. The book includes an international sweep of ancient cultural traditions and details the medieval phenomena of witch-hunts that still have resonance in modern society. In addition, the book examines the modern wicca movement, tracing the development fromt he 1900s and its links with the Celtic tradition.Illu strated with archival material, fine art illustrtaions of legendary magic workers, and special photography, this volume is a comprehensive examination of a timeless subject.

Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy

Mircea Eliade - 1951
    Writing as the founder of the modern study of the history of religion, Romanian emigre--scholar Mircea Eliade (1907-86) surveys the practice of Shamanism over two & a half millennia of human history, moving from the Shamanic traditions of Siberia & Central Asia--where Shamanism was first observed--to North & South America, Indonesia, Tibet, China & beyond. In this authoritative survey, Eliade illuminates the magico-religious life of societies that give primacy of place to the figure of the Shaman--at once magician & medicine man, healer & miracle-doer, priest, mystic & poet. Synthesizing the approaches of psychology, sociology & ethnology, "Shamanism" will remain for years to come the reference book of choice for those intrigued by this practice.

Sabbats: A Witch's Approach to Living the Old Ways

Edain McCoy - 2001
    In The Sabbats, Edain McCoy reveals the eight major holidays of this faith and the many ways in which they are celebrated.There are two basic types of holidays. The first come at the Solstices and Equinoxes. The others divide the time between those dates in two, resulting in eight major holidays or Sabbats with approximately the same amount of days between them. The balance, here, gives the appearance of spokes in a wheel, so this cycle is commonly called the Wheel of the Year.The holidays represent two things. First, the harvest cycle. Each holiday represents a time in the growth of crops. From planting to growth, from harvesting to letting the lands lie fallow in the cold winter, the festivals follow the agricultural cycles of ancient times. However, they also represent the eternal love of the God and Goddess, following the God's birth from the Goddess and his death before she gives birth to him again. This also follows the pattern of the Sun which moves from warm and high in the sky to cold and low in the sky.The book is filled with ways you can follow the Wheel of the Year, whether you work with a coven, with your family, or by yourself. You will learn the secrets of ritual construction and handicrafts appropriate to each of the festivals. You will also learn recipes for traditional foods for each holiday and even songs appropriate to the Sabbats.This is a wonderful, joyous book filled with color, information, and wisdom. If you are involved with Paganism in any way, this book is a must for your studies and practices. This book functions as both a resource and as a practical manual for the celebration of the holidays. Get your copy today.