In the Presence of Mine Enemies: 1965-1973 - A Prisoner of War

Howard Rutledge - 1973

Fierce Convictions: The Extraordinary Life of Hannah More—Poet, Reformer, Abolitionist

Karen Swallow Prior - 2014
    A woman without connections or status, More took the world of British letters by storm when she arrived in London from Bristol, becoming a best-selling author and acclaimed playwright and quickly befriending the author Samuel Johnson, the politician Horace Walpole, and the actor David Garrick. Yet she was also a leader in the Evangelical movement, using her cultural position and her pen to support the growth of education for the poor, the reform of morals and manners, and the abolition of Britain's slave trade."Fierce Convictions" weaves together world and personal history into a stirring story of life that intersected with Wesley and Whitefield's Great Awakening, the rise and influence of Evangelicalism, and convulsive effects of the French Revolution. A woman of exceptional intellectual gifts and literary talent, Hannah More was above all a person whose faith compelled her both to engage her culture and to transform it.


John Kirkby - 2003
    He believed God was calling him to sacrifice his career in finance and use his knowledge of the industry to help the poor.In his hometown of Bradford, John set off on the incredible journey of CAP. His faith adventure led him to people crippled by debt; parents who couldn't feed their children, families facing eviction and desperate people living in fear and without hope. He used his expertise to negotiate with creditors, set up budgeting systems and offer a lifeline to those trapped in debt.John knew that people all over the country were struggling in the same way and he began looking to replicate the work across the UK. With the vital ingredients of a church to partner with, a passionate person to be trained as a debt counsellor and the faith that God would provide, four new CAP centres were opened at the end of 1998.Since then, CAP has rapidly grown its debt centre network and expanded its services to tackle the causes of debt and poverty too. As well as CAP Debt Help, we now help people step into employment through CAP Job Clubs, help people get control of their addictions through CAP Release Groups and a brand new service, CAP Life Skills, to equip people to live well on a low income. Our vision is to bring freedom and good news to the poor in every community through 1,000 CAP projects by 2021.

My Name is Gauhar Jaan!: The Life and Times of a Musician

Vikram Sampath - 2010
    Vikram Sampath, in this remarkable book, brings forth little known details of this fascinating woman who was known for her melodious voice, her multi-lingual skills, poetic sensibility, irresistible personality and her extravagant lifestyle. From her early days in Azamgarh and Banaras to the glory years in Calcutta when Gauhar ruled the world of Indian music, to her sad fall from grace and end in Mysore, the book takes the reader through the roller-coaster ride of this feisty musician. In the process, the author presents a view of the socio-historical context of Indian music and theatre during that period.

Hold On Edna!

Aneira Thomas - 2020
    This heartbreaking, heartwarming, true story following the history of a family in Wales is one of the most important books ever written. The birth of the National Health Service - the UK's greatest asset - coincided with the birth of one little girl in South Wales, Aneira 'Nye' Thomas, the first baby to be delivered by the NHS.Nye's story follows generations of her family who battled to survive before the NHS was launched, through to those who went on to dedicate their lives to working for the NHS - and also, ultimately, to be saved by it.An emotive, extraordinary and yet uplifting reminder of a time not so long ago, when the value of your life came down to how much you had in your pocket. It is a touching and entertaining human drama, but more importantly - a fierce defence of the most important accomplishment this country has ever and will ever achieve.

Pale Native: Memories of a Renegade Reporter

Max Du Preez - 2003
    Sometimes wacky, sometimes profound, the title is always entertaining, with the odd bit of sleaze.

Before We Kill And Eat You: Tales of Faith in the Face of Certain Death

H.B. Garlock - 1974
    (H.B.) Garlock and some months later his bride, Ruth, traveled to West Africa to bring the gospel to a place known as "the white man's grave."  Before We Kill and Eat You tells the Garlocks' fascinating real-life story of faith and calling in the face of malaria, cannibals and witch doctors.  Readers will be inspired and encouraged by tales, as if taken straight from the book of Acts, of blind men healed and of people raised from the dead.  Though many of their colleagues before them succumbed to death, H.B. and Ruth persevered in the midst of unbelievable hardship to reap an incredible harvest of believers that continues to this day.  RECOVER ONLY

Blue Ribbons Bitter Bread: Joice Loch, Australia's Most Heroic Woman

Susanna de Vries - 2000
    She had the inspired courage that saved many hundreds of Jews and Poles in World War II, the compassion that made her a self-trained doctor to tens of thousands of refugees, the incredible grit that took her close to death in several theatres of war, and the dedication to truth and justice that shone forth in her own books and a lifetime of astonishing heroism.Born in a cyclone in 1887 on a Queensland sugar plantation she grew up in grinding poverty in Gippsland and emerged from years of unpaid drudgery by writing a children's book and freelance journalism. In 1918 she married Sydney Loch, author of a banned book on Gallipoli. After a dangerous time in Dublin during the Troubles, they escaped from possible IRA vengeance to work with the Quakers in Poland. There they rescued countless dispossessed people from disease and starvation and risked death themselves.In 1922 Joice and Sydney went to Greece to aid the 1,500,000 refugees fleeing Turkish persecution. Greece was to become their home. They lived in an ancient tower by the sea in the shadows of Athos, the Holy Mountain, and worked selflessly for decades to save victims of war, famine and disease.During World War II, Joice Loch was an agent for the Allies in Eastern Europe and pulled off a spectacular escape to snatch over a thousand Jews and Poles from death just before the Nazis invaded Bucharest, escorting them via Constantinople to Palestine. By the time she died in 1982 she had written ten books, saved many thousands of lives and was one of the world's most decorated women. At her funeral the Greek Orthodox Bishop of Oxford named her 'one of the most significant women of the twentieth century.'This classic Australian biography is a tribute to one of Australia's most heroic women, who always spoke with great fondness of Queensland as her birthplace. In 2006, a Loch Memorial Museum was opened in the tower by the sea in Ouranoupolis, a tribute to the Lochs and their humanitarian work.

The Other Martyr: Insights From the Life of Hyrum Smith

Susan Easton Black

Amazing God Stories: Inspirational Christian Stories of Miracles From God (God Stories, Christian Miracles of Jesus Book 1)

Jordy Christo - 2014
     These are not stories that one can say happened by coincidence. No, these Christian testimonials give glory to the supernatural power and love of God that works in our lives when we diligently seek Him. James 4:8 Come near to God and he will come near to you. These short inspirational Christian stories will fill you with faith and renew your hope in knowing that God is near. As you read, you will see with clarity how supernatural things can occur in an instant to set the course of God’s will for our lives. These inspirational God stories testify that Jesus Christ is alive and the Holy Spirit is working mightily in the earth. As you read them, you will be astonished at the amazing things that God has done in one person’s life. This book is the first of a series of books that the author, Jordy Christo, will be releasing which reveal the amazing supernatural God stories he’s been entrusted with. As you read these inspirational short Christian stories you will: Realize that God can literally show up at your doorstep when you need Him most See how God can work through dreams in our everyday lives Understand that the Lord knows our every thought and need, and can deliver exactly what we need, when we need it. Comprehend that God has a plan and purpose for our lives and those can be revealed through prophetic words spoken from modern day prophets See scriptural connections with events that occur in these heartwarming stories See that there are mysterious things God does that we don’t fully understand, but yet we know that God did them Here’s a brief look at what’s in the book: Chapter one: An incredible story of how a young man crawls to the altar because the Lord’s presence is so thick and tangible. Chapter two: See how one answered prayer about playing a musical instrument explodes into thousands of people being touched by the Lord. Chapter three: See how a worldwide ministry was birthed thirty years after it was prophesied in a small church in Florida. Chapter four: This one is called “The Box of Tide-An Amazing Miracle.” A miraculous story birthed in the midst of a very dark time. When you are finished with this Amazing God story you will know without a doubt that God knows your every thought and every need, and can provide exactly what you need, when you need it. You will be astonished at how the Lord orchestrated perfect timing for this event to happen miraculously. Chapter five: God uses a dream to give direction for a present day instance and then years later uses the dream again to bring comfort. Chapter six: This one is a mystery. A grandmother dies and a baby is born, you will agree that God was the one who caused the events to happen just the way they did. Chapter seven: A stranger shares a dream he had approximately 30 years prior that comes to pass. This is an amazing God story. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are not distant figurative characters that people conjure up in their imaginations.

Evidence Not Seen: A Woman's Miraculous Faith in the Jungles of World War II

Darlene Deibler Rose - 1988
    Never to see her husband again, she was forced to sign a confession to a crime she did not commit and face the executioner's sword, only to be miraculously spared.

The Inn of the Sixth Happiness

Alan Burgess - 1957
    There she opens an inn for mule drivers, serves as "foot inspector," and advises the local Mandarin. But when the Japanese invade, she discovers her true destiny---leading 100 orphans across the mountains to safety.

Tower of the Sun: Stories From the Middle East and North Africa

Michael J. Totten - 2014
    Totten’s gripping first-person narratives from the war zones, police states, and revolutionary capitals of the Middle East and North Africa paint a vivid picture of peoples and nations at war with themselves, each other, and—sometimes—with the rest of the world. His journeys take him from Libya under the gruesome rule of Muammar Qaddafi to Egypt before, during and after the Arab Spring; from the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights in Syria on the eve of that country’s apocalyptic civil war to a camp on the Iran-Iraq border where armed revolutionaries threaten to topple the Islamic Republic regime in Tehran; from the contested streets of conflict-ridden Jerusalem to dusty outposts in the Sahara where a surreal conflict few have even heard of simmers long after it should have expired; and from war-torn Beirut and Baghdad to a lonely town in central Tunisia that seeded a storm of revolution and war that spread for thousands of miles in every direction. Tower of the Sun is a timeless close-up of one of the world’s most violent and turbulent regions that will resonate for decades to come. “A decade in the making, Tower of The Sun is not just an authoritative, intimate and lively reconnaissance of the tectonic upheavals shaking the earth from North Africa's Maghreb to Iraqi Kurdistan. It’s also a masterpiece of clear-eyed political analysis and literary journalism in the travel-diary style of Paul Theroux.” – Terry Glavin, author of The Sixth Extinction “Totten…practices journalism in the tradition of George Orwell: morally imaginative, partisan in the best sense of the word, and delivered in crackling, rapid-fire prose befitting the violent realities it depicts.” Sohrab Ahmari, Commentary “I can think of only a certain number of people as having risen to the intellectual and journalistic challenges of the last few years, and Michael J. Totten is one of them.” Paul Berman, author of Terror and Liberalism “Michael J. Totten, to my mind, is one of the world’s most acute observers of Middle East politics. He is also an absolutely fearless reporter, both physically—he has explored the darkest corners of Middle East extremism—and morally.” Jeffrey Goldberg, author of Prisoners

Revolution in World Missions

K.P. Yohannan - 1969
    Yohannan shares how God brought him from his remote Indian village to become the founder of Gospel for Asia. Drawing from fascinating true stories and eye-opening statistics, K.P. challenges Christians to examine and change their lifestyles in view of millions who have never heard the Gospel.

The Bishop of Rwanda: Finding Forgiveness Amidst a Pile of Bones

John Rucyahana - 2007
    John refused to become a part of the systemic hatred. He founded the Sonrise orphanage and school for children orphaned in the genocide, and he now leads reconciliation efforts between his own Tutsi people, the victims of this horrific massacre, and the perpetrators, the Hutus. His remarkable story is one that demands to be told.