Kriya Yoga Exposed: The Truth About Current Kriya Yoga Gurus, Organizations & Going Beyond Kriya, Contains the Explanation of a Special Technique Never Revealed Before

SantataGamana - 2017
    It is something you've never seen before. This is for those who are sick of the secretiveness of Kriya Yoga and all the taboos. They just want the end of misery and are sick of this human-ego-game played by most Kriya Gurus and Kriya organizations. This is not a publication with cliché yoga theory and no practice instructions. It gives very powerful direct teachings and actual instructions. Even if you know nothing about Kriya Yoga, you will learn something profound and inspiring, since the whole book is filled with high-level teachings of yoga, non-duality, and spirituality. These themes will be addressed: Current Kriya Yoga Masters and organizations will be exposed without any biased filter; The often misunderstood "Inner Guru" and its nature will be revealed; The whole Spiritual Process of Kriya Yoga and Spirituality, in general, will be explained; The sharing of a discovery regarding the Higher Kriyas, the Final Special Kriya, never shared before in the literature of Kriya, will boost your practice beyond belief; It also includes the techniques of the First Kriya, with an in-depth explanation on how to quickly achieve Kechari Mudra that is not found anywhere else; The most powerful Kundalini awakening technique that Gurus and organizations rarely teach will be given at the end of the First Kriya; The ultimate question whether Kriya Yoga can lead you all the way to True Enlightenment will be answered; Lahiri Mahasaya and other True Masters' words will be used throughout the book to support what is written; And much more. This book will help you become free from the dogmas and beliefs created by the Kriya Gurus, organizations and Kriya literature, and also help you awaken the essential discernment needed to take that very important step forward, toward yourself, toward your True Self, the Infinite Consciousness within you. By exposing the truth about some organizations and Gurus, I'm sure their followers will want to give bad reviews to this book. Either that or their newly awakened discernment will help them make a huge breakthrough toward True Enlightenment. I will take that risk. And so should you.

Tarot Made Easy

Nancy Garen - 1989
    With the simple process outlined here, you need only choose one tarot card and then consult one (or several) of the 32 categories listed under each card—including Romance, Travel, Career, Finances, Friends, and Special Guidance—to discover the card's specific message for you. For example, if you want to know about your romantic future and the Queen of Cups turns up, you may find that the standard description given is "an honest, devoted woman; loving intelligence and happiness." How should you interpret this? But with Tarot Made Easy, the Queen of Cups Romance category tells you that "someone will enter your life in whom you will be very interested...and you will meet this person very close to your home, if not outside your front door." This easy but accurate system banishes the vague interpretations found in most books and gives you the immediate, specific insights you need.

God, Improv, and the Art of Living

MaryAnn McKibben Dana - 2018
    “We’re all improvisers,” says MaryAnn McKibben Dana, whether we realize it or not. In this book McKibben Dana blends personal stories, pop culture, and Scripture into a smart, funny, down-to-earth guide to the art of living. Offering concrete spiritual wisdom through seven improv principles, she helps readers become more awake, creative, resilient, and ready to play—even (especially) when life doesn’t go according to plan.

Demons of Magick: Three Practical Rituals for Working with The 72 Demons

Gordon Winterfield - 2017
    Demons will demolish enemies, enrich bold ventures, satisfy material desires, and provide you with wisdom, charisma, healing and persuasive dignity.The beauty of demonic magick is that spiritual growth arises from material pleasure. If these are works of darkness, they bring great light.Demons of Magick provides you with three rituals for working with the seventy-two demons of Goetia.The first method is a way to petition for a simple result. The second method is Connective Evocation, where you sense the presence of the demon, to obtain knowledge.The third method provides you with the instructions for a Full Evocation, with the demon brought to visible appearance.Each of the seventy-two demons is proficient in several areas, and all of their powers can be used alone or in combination. You have thousands of sophisticated powers at your disposal.Gordon Winterfield says, 'My intent in creating this book has been to offer something genuinely original, and unobtainable elsewhere, based on the wisdom of experienced, practicing occultists. I have no interest in peddling the same weary methods that can be found elsewhere. It is therefore unavoidable that the contents of this book will challenge much of what has been said on the subject. The magick in this book is a modernized, workable method, and will violently contradict many beloved theories and beliefs. This book may offend you, but if you are open-minded, I believe you will find a method that works for you quite readily.'You will discover: The secret Evocation Keys for attracting the demon to you.The names of 288 angels used to constrain the demons.144 demonic and angelic seals.72 colored sigils for working the rituals.The Ritual Opening that calls on five archangels.Words of Power for achieving altered states of consciousness.The safest and simplest methods for evoking demons.

The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot

Louis Martinié - 1992
    Ancient and earth-honoring, Voodoo's practices take on different forms specific to time and place, but its essence remains focused on the loa--the potent spiritual forces of Voodoo that are manifested directly through human beings and their actions.The authors draw strong parallels between the Waite and Thoth Tarots, the Kabalistic Tree of Life, and the Voodoo tradition as it is practiced in New Orleans. Just as the major and minor arcana of the Tarot represent the archetypes of the human psyche and the natural forces of our world, so do the loa of Voodoo embody the primal energies of the universe. With a variety of spreads and readings, the authors show how the Tarot can be an idea channel through which the loa exercise their powers to teach, advise, and initiate the serious student into their mysteries.

Queering the Tarot

Cassandra Snow - 2019
    Tarot archetypes provide the reader with a window into present circumstances and future potential. But what if that window only opened up on a world that was white, European, and heterosexual? The interpretations of the tarot that have been passed down through tradition presuppose a commonality and normalcy among humanity. At the root of card meanings are archetypes that we accept without questioning. But at what point do archetypes become stereotypes?Humanity is diverse--culturally, spiritually, sexually. Tarot has the power to serve a greater population, with the right keys to unlock the tarot's deeper meanings. In Queering the Tarot, Cassandra Snow deconstructs the meanings of the 78 cards explaining the ways in which each card might be interpreted against the norm. Queering the Tarot explores themes of sexuality, coming out, gender and gender-queering, sources of oppression and empowerment, and many other topics especially familiar to not-straight folks. Cassandra's identity-based approach speaks directly to those whose identity is either up in the air or consuming the forefront of their consciousness. It also speaks to those struggling with mental illness or the effects of trauma, all seekers looking for personal affirmation that who they are is okay.

How To Hear God's Voice Easily And Effectively

Adam Houge - 2014
    He shows us the Father’s will on a constant basis and leads us down every path of righteousness. But how can we be led by Him unless we understand His voice? How can we understand His voice unless we take the time to sensitize ourselves to it? In this book you’ll learn how to understand God’s voice and the various ways He speaks to you. You’ll learn how to discern God’s will and how to apply it to your life. Through practicing the principles outlined in this book you’ll gain a more fulfilling relationship with God as you learn how to effectively communicate with Him.

Tarot Beyond the Basics: Gain a Deeper Understanding of the Meanings Behind the Cards

Anthony Louis - 2014
    Here, Anthony Louis, famous for Tarot Plain & Simple, shares decades of insights and information that can help you become an advanced practitioner. Not merely "more of the same," Louis provides real world examples of how to use your intuition to improve your readings, how to understand tarot reversals and how to include the meanings of numbers, the elements, and the tarot's court cards.Louis reveals the common background of astrology and tarot, explaining astrology for tarot readers clearly and in a way that makes sense. Then he shows how to use the tarot with astrological concepts to give advanced readings that change people's lives.

The Book of Kindness: How to Make Others Happy and Be Happy Yourself

Om Swami - 2019
    Even a word of encouragement, a compliment, a helping hand can be equally, if not more, profound. Make such acts a habit and Nature will reciprocate in kind.' In his latest book, bestselling author Om Swami suggests a definitive means to achieving true happiness: through kindness. In his signature candid style, he clarifies that the only way one can be successful in the quest to achieve happiness for oneself is to first spread happiness and show kindness to others. With real, inspiring, life-changing anecdotes, Om Swami goes on to illustrate how compassion and gentleness are intrinsically connected with humanity. The Book of Kindness will help you understand, practice and master kindness, the key to inner bliss and fulfilment, and the only means to attain the happiness that you seek.

Astrology Superstition Blind Faith or a Door to the Essential?

Osho - 2013
    From ancient India to the lost civilization of Sumeria, from Pythagoras to Paracelsus to Piccardi, we discover that for thousands of years there has been a thread of awareness of how all things in the universe are interconnected – an awareness that modern physics is still struggling to define in scientific terms today.As Osho says: The universe is a living body, an organic unity. In it, nothing is isolated, all is connected. Whatever is far away is connected to that which is near; nothing is separate. So no one should remain in the fallacy that he is an island: isolated, separate, aloof. Everything is connected to the whole, and everything is all the time affecting others and being affected by others.Astrology aficionados and skeptics alike will find something in this small volume to provoke a new way of looking at what really “makes the world go round.”

The Trifecta Secret of Wealth & Abundance: Align Your Higher Self & You Shall Arrive

John Paul Khoury - 2014
    The Trifecta Secret of Wealth & Abundance is an easy-to-follow guide that leads you straight to the life you are meant to live. Each of us has a special purpose, and learning our own unique truth opens us up to receiving the three things we most want and need in life: Health, Wealth, and Love. Many self-help books zero in on one area: how to get rich, or how to get fit, find love, or be happy. But they fall short of the mark simply because of their narrow focus. For, as The Trifecta Secret of Wealth & Abundance clearly illustrates, it is in achieving a balance of love, health, and money that true happiness and plenty are found. Avoiding the usual fluff, this book dives right into the heart of its message. It's straight to the point and offers up substantial information from the very first page to the very end. The truth is that the power lies within each one of us to create our own abundance. So, before we can achieve success in the outside world, we must begin by bringing balance to our inner world. Start your journey today.

The Toughest Prison of All: The true story of bank robbery, prison escapes, and the search for love on the outside

Floyd C. Forsberg - 2015
    At 14, he was sent to the Luther Burbank School for Boys for possessing firearms and running away. There, Floyd found himself trapped by a system that sought to destroy his dignity rather than restore his character. From this point forward, Floyd would strive to become the most hardened, disciplined, professional bank robber ever. On one of the rare occasions he wasn't incarcerated, Floyd met Nancy, a golden-haired goddess, the love of his life. Given the choice between loving her and being the greatest bank robber in America, he chose Nancy without hesitation. But before he went straight, he just needed to pull off one last job ... Floyd Forsberg spent his time behind bars planning the biggest bank heist in history and longing for the simple love of his soul mate. When he robbed the First National Bank of Nevada in 197 4, he achieved his first goal. But with a million dollars of the bank's money in his hands and the FBI constantly on his tail, he would have to escape The Toughest Prison of All to achieve peace. “For years I’ve known Floyd Forsberg as a reliable source whose every news tip panned out. Now Forsberg has written the best personal indictment of America’s horrific prison system that I’ve read since Ted Conover’s 2000 classic, “Newjack: Guarding Sing Sing.” Forsberg’s plainspoken prose tells a soul-searching tale of survival and transformation that will touch readers from all walks of life. The angry young man determined to be the country’s best bank robber has emerged as the sage author of a life story that reads like a thriller and traces his daring escape from The Toughest Prison of All.” —Richard Read, two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, The Oregonian/Oregonlive “After 35 years in law enforcement, I have worked with many professional cops and encountered many professional thieves. Floyd Forsberg was one of the best career thieves around and created thousands of headaches for my peers. The Toughest Prison Of All is a great read with a twist ending that doesn’t happen very often. The insider view of crime taught me things that I had never considered. I’m already looking forward to his next book.” —Tom Allman, Sheriff-Coroner of Mendocino County (California) and co-author of Out There In The Woods “As a recently retired police sergeant, having served nearly 29 years, I can relate to Frosty’s desire to escape prison. Transporting many prisoners to jail, I was always well aware when the gates allowing our vehicle to enter would slam shut, the steel bars to the doors clanging hard and loud as they closed, locking us in with the prisoners and the sign on one prison wall saying, this is not a country club. I, too, couldn’t wait to leave. Forsberg will take you from the edge of your couch to a small prison cell to a life on the run and keeping you guessing every step of the way.” —Angelo LaManna “When I started reading this book two things became clear: Floyd Forsberg is a very likable guy; and after hearing about his childhood, it was clear he didn’t stand a chance to have a normal or easy life. Throughout the entire book I found myself rooting for Floyd to succeed or just to get out of his own way. The part I had the most trouble with was the behavior of the FBI. I think some of us have a hard enough time walking a straight line without people that are supposed to enforce our laws and set the example for the rest of society behaving in questionable and sometimes utterly illegal ways.

The Only Way to Learn Astrology, Volume 2: Math & Interpretation Techniques

Marion D. March - 1977

Guided Tarot: A Beginner's Guide to Card Meanings, Spreads, and Intuitive Exercises for Seamless Readings

Stefanie Caponi - 2020
    For beginner tarot readers, learning the cards--all 78 of them--and understanding how to use spreads may seem daunting. Tarot expert Stefanie Caponi explains that interpreting the cards is a blend of knowing the card meanings, listening to your heart, and trusting your intuition. In her fully-illustrated book, Guided Tarot, she offers easy exercises to nurture and grow your intuition, not only to understand the cards' universal meanings, but to channel your own meanings. This comprehensive guide also shows you how to attune your energy to the deck for more accurate readings. Soon you'll be confident in doing read�ings for yourself and even your friends.Guided Tarot features:- Guided exercises to strengthen your intuition and tarot interpretation skills. - Illustrated tarot card profiles with astrological, numerological, and elemental meanings, guidance for career, love, and spiritual life, and reverse card interpretations. - Beginner's tools offering step-by-step advice to prepare for and perform readings along with a variety of introductory spreads to try - The Celtic Cross explained and deconstructed to help beginners master this popular spread with ease. - Quick reference chart with card images and key upright and reversed meanings.With Guided Tarot as the companion to your deck, you'll learn more about yourself, get divine guidance with life decisions, and overcome obstacles in your relationships--all while celebrating your unique gifts and honoring your higher self.

The Art of Emptying The Brain: Nepalese method spontaneous mental healing

Leonid Altshuler - 2018
    Leonid Altshuler M.D., a board-certified psychiatrist, went through years of misdiagnosis and suffering before he discovered an innate connection between stress, diet and physical and mental illnesses. In this book Dr. Altshuler describes a unique method called the Art of Emptying the Brain that he was taught in Nepal where he lived in a monastery studying different meditation techniques taught by a Master.He was dealing with a lot of stress at that time in his personal and professional life and was eagger to find a treatment to relieve stress. But he was told from the beginning by the Master that he could not study any techniques because he was not ready.He said that if Dr. Altshuler started meditating right away without preparation then eventually, he  would cause a lot of emotional problems for himself.He said that Westerners have a restless mind and cannot just jump to practice meditation right away , they need to learn specific technique first to be able to empty their mind and only then begin meditation.He said that the preparation stage would be discharging unwanted emotions, memories and images  spontaneously and the task would be not to interfere in the process. Dr, Altshuler has been teaching this unique Nepalese technique to all his patients who are interested in studying meditation. He achieves excellent results utilizing this method in the treatment of  depression, anxiety and chronic insomnia.This book does not replace the advice of your medical practitioner, it is intended to support the work of your medical practitioner and to help you or a loved one to achieve good health.