London Holiday

Nicole Clarkston - 2018
    Drugged and betrayed in his own household, Fitzwilliam Darcy makes his escape from a forged compromise that would see him unhappily wed. Dressed as a footman, he is welcomed into one of London’s unknown neighbourhoods by a young lady who is running out of time and running for her life. Deciding to hide in plain sight, Miss Elizabeth Bennet dodges the expectation to marry the man of her mother’s dreams. When the insolent footman she “found” refuses to leave her side until they can uncover a solution to their respective dilemmas, the two new acquaintances treat themselves to a holiday, experiencing the best of what Regency England has to offer. Based on Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice, can two hard-headed characters with kind hearts discover the truth behind the disguise? Enjoy the banter, humour, and growing affection as Mr Darcy and Miss Elizabeth have the best day of their lives, and discover that they just might find love and romance while on a London Holiday. This book is appropriate for all ages.

Mr. Darcy & Elizabeth: Breathtaking: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Romance

Alyssa Jefferson - 2019
    All seems well, but when Mr. Darcy unexpectedly arrives from Pemberley, he reveals that things in Brighton were not quite as they had seemed. Drawn to Mr. Darcy in their mutual quest to restore balance and safety to both their families, Elizabeth finds herself struggling to recognize the man who had insulted her in Hertfordshire and Kent. So much has changed—yet can she rely upon the change? And will he still love her and wish to marry her when he sees her family and its folly fully unleashed in Brighton?

The Angel of Longbourn

Jann Rowland - 2017
    Later that day, Elizabeth Bennet finds him unconscious and suffering from a serious illness. The Bennets quickly return him to their house, where they care for him like he is one of their own, and he soon forms an attachment with the young woman he comes to view as his personal angel. But the course of true love cannot proceed smoothly, for others have an interest in Darcy for their own selfish reasons…

The Painting: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Lory Lilian - 2021
    The disastrous proposal at Hunsford has left both Darcy and Elizabeth in great turmoil. Back at Longbourn, Elizabeth tries to overcome her guilt and remorse for believing Wickham so readily and accusing Darcy so unfairly, whilst eagerly anticipating her journey to the North with her aunt and uncle Gardiner. When their travel plans are delayed, Mrs. Gardiner invites the rest of the Bennet girls—since Lydia has already been invited by Mrs. Forster—to spend a fortnight in Brighton with her and her children, as they wait for Mr. Gardiner to complete his business. At Pemberley, Darcy struggles to overcome his heartbreak and to forgive himself for his ungentlemanlike behaviour towards Elizabeth. Properly humbled and devastated by the loss of the only woman he has ever loved, his suffering intensifies with the anniversary of his beloved mother’s death. His heart—still bleeding after Elizabeth’s rejection—is broken into pieces when he uncovers a secret hidden behind an old painting. The discovery leads Darcy to Brighton, searching for clues to his mother’s past, accompanied by his loyal friend, Charles Bingley. There, only a few houses away, they find the women who have never been far from their thoughts. By the sea, tormented by old and new memories and trying to understand the power of their feelings, Elizabeth and Darcy cross paths again and slowly become re-acquainted with each other and with themselves, until their love finds its long-deserved fulfilment. The reconciliation of Bingley and Jane, as well as Lydia and Wickham’s situation, also slowly unfolds together with the discovery of Lady Anne’s past, intricately woven around the love story of Darcy and Elizabeth.

The Gentlemen Are Detained: A Pride and Prejudice Short Story

Heather Moll - 2020
    Bennet kept Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy to supper after an evening party at Longbourn. Following the gentlemen's return to Hertfordshire after Lydia's marriage, both Elizabeth and Darcy wonder if they have reason to hope the other loves them.Elizabeth is eager to hint to Darcy that her feelings for him have changed, but how can they have a private conversation at a crowded party? Will Darcy learn if Elizabeth can ever love him or will he leave Meryton and return to London brokenhearted?

Hypothetically Married: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Renata McMann - 2018
    Trying to do better for his remaining wards, Mr. Phillips moves them to London. Elizabeth is happy enough to visit London with her uncle and sisters, until town life throws her into the company of Mr. Darcy. She met him the autumn before, when he and his friends visited Hertfordshire, and found him thoroughly disagreeable. Now, it seems she must be in his company nearly every day. Darcy is aware that Miss Elizabeth Bennet doesn’t care for him, which suits him perfectly. After all, he has no intention of courting the aggravating country miss. Even so, he must see her often and they develop a tentative friendship. Both make it clear to each other that it is friendship, not love. As those around them seek their help for their romantic relationships, Darcy and Elizabeth are steadfast in avoiding romantic involvement with each other. Or are they? This is a Pride and Prejudice variation novel of approximately 59,000 words. Renata McMann and Summer Hanford began writing Pride and Prejudice Variations together in 2014 and have since become immersed in the amazing world Jane Austen created. Whether you’re a fan of Darcy and Elizabeth specifically or of clean Regency Romance in general, you will enjoy both McMann’s ability to imagine variations of this classic love story and Hanford’s skill in turning these variations of Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth Bennet, and their enduring love into entertaining stories.

Infamous Relations: A Pride And Prejudice "What If?" Tale

Catherine Bilson - 2016
    Mr Collins had been even more despicable than in Jane Austen's original tale?Would such an infamous relation destroy Elizabeth and Darcy's chance of happiness forever, or would his actions set in motion an entirely different sequence of events?

Strong Objections to the Lady

Jayne Bamber - 2019
    Darcy’s proposal to Elizabeth Bennet, her wrath sets in motion a series of events at Hunsford Parsonage which embroil Darcy and Elizabeth in a family fracas that grows more complicated daily.The shades of Rosings Park are soon polluted by the shocking transformation of its new mistress and her guests, as well as secrets of the past and schemes for the future.Appearances and alliances shift amidst the chaos wrought by a well-intentioned house party, and Darcy and Elizabeth must finally face their feelings for one another despite mounting obstacles and misunderstandings of every kind.

Any Fair Interference

Nan Harrison - 2022
    Not only is Mr Bennet ill, Longbourn and indeed all of Meryton is struggling through one of England’s worst winters. Elizabeth draws on every strength to care for her family, but faces the alarming prospect of losing both her father and her home. Her lonely struggles lead her to revise her opinion of a certain gentleman, and she finds unexpected solace in dreams of Mr Darcy.FITZWILLIAM DARCY BELIEVES HE CAN ESCAPE his attraction to Elizabeth by leaving Netherfield. He soon finds himself snowbound at Pemberley, where forced isolation compels him to contemplate his duty, and contrast it with dreams of his heart’s desire. No matter how he considers it, though, he feels he cannot have Elizabeth, the one he truly loves.FORTUNATELY DARCY'S FRIENDS and his family–Georgiana, Colonel Fitzwilliam, and the Hursts–feel far differently than he, and soon even the most unlikely allies have come together to help him see that happiness is the highest consideration of all. But will he and Elizabeth find the courage to follow their hearts before it is too late?

The Adventures of Miss Olivia Wickham

Kay Bea - 2020
    But as days pass and her four sisters’ hunger grows, Olivia Wickham takes matters into her own hands and determines that a journey to Derbyshire to seek help from Aunt Darcy is their only hope.The Adventures of Olivia Wickham takes up where Love Unsought leaves off, as the girls make their way south to seek a new life at Pemberley. Although it is a standalone short story, the reading of it will be greatly enhanced for those who have read Love Unsought first.

There You Were: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Michelle Ray - 2021
    I cannot stop it, I cannot indulge it, so I must put distance between us and hope that time will heal this fever I have.”ABANDONED BY HER MOTHER and ignored by her father, it is hardly any wonder young Elizabeth Bennet’s curiosity soon brings about trouble and marriage to a man she does not love. Colonel Fitzwilliam’s family—save for his cousin Mr Darcy—despises her, and life is not what she dreamed of. As she matures and grows from an impetuous girl into a woman, Elizabeth’s most reliable source of friendship and comfort becomes Mr Darcy. When tragedy strikes leaving her a widow, she is free to find out [discover?] who has been in her heart all along. DARCY HAS ALWAYS BEEN INTRIGUED by the girl his beloved cousin married, and finds himself drawn into helping her after her husband’s death. Over time, admiration turns to love. Admitting his feelings to her – or even himself – could lead to ruin, but denying his passion could shatter him.

A Most Alarming Report: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Novella

Atlee Rose - 2019
    Darcy's failed proposal at Hunsford, he delivers a letter to Elizabeth Bennet to explain himself. Except, she gets a papercut on the letter and faints at the sight of blood. Then, the brush catches fire, lightning strikes, and the local dam breaks. Darcy and Elizabeth must stick together to save themselves while further odd incidences – wild animals, jewel thieves, and rioters among them – thrust the couple into a most improbable adventure. As the pair navigate through the events of their unlucky day, it is up to them to settle their differences – and perhaps find themselves lucky in love in the end. In this humorous, action-packed variation on Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice, the fates conspire against Darcy and Elizabeth at every moment. Fans of all ages will appreciate this sweet, exciting adaptation of a beloved classic. This novella is 20,000 words in length and perfect for fast and fun journey into the world of Pride & Prejudice.

A Consuming Love

Kelly Miller - 2021
    What can solve his dilemma?When circumstances compel Darcy’s return to Hertfordshire in assistance of his friend Mr. Bingley, he must confront his unfathomable attraction to Miss Elizabeth.In this "Pride & Prejudice" Regency novella, one afternoon spent in company with Miss Elizabeth Bennet is enough to make an indelible and life-altering impression upon Darcy, setting him on a rocky course towards the fulfillment of his desires. Will Darcy attain happiness, or will his ingrained pride be his downfall?

The Goodness of Men

Anngela Schroeder - 2017
    “You never will be able to make both of them good…Take your choice, but you must be satisfied with only one. There is but such a quantity of merit between them; just enough to make one good sort of man…” -Pride and Prejudice  From her youngest days, Elizabeth Bennet’s ability to accurately judge the character of others has been recognized and noted by those around her in such a consistent manner as to lead her to believe it herself. The misfortune of meeting Mr. Darcy, a wealthy landowner from the north, only solidifies this belief. The memory of his disapproval of her family, proves his character is lacking and sadly unlike his childhood friend’s, the charming and affable Mr. Wickham, who is esteemed by all he meets. Although her opinion once lost is not lost forever, the effort to regain her favor is great. With Elizabeth’s youngest sister fortunate to be in company with Mr. Wickham in Brighton since the spring, and her own travels to Kent cancelled, she must await the pleasures of a summer holiday to the North with her aunt and uncle Gardiner. However, it is there that she is once again thrust into Mr. Darcy’s presence and must determine if he is truly the architect of the many wrongs she has laid at his door. Fitzwilliam Darcy cannot exorcise Elizabeth Bennet from his thoughts. A chance meeting at the estate of his friend reignites all the flames he has attempted to suppress since their last meeting. Believing in her partiality, he is stunned to overhear her true estimation of him and is determined to change her opinion. Battling with memories and secrets from his past, Darcy must fight against his natural reserve to win the heart of the woman he loves. Will the unexpected appearance of a stranger encourage Elizabeth’s change of heart? Might an episode from Mr. Darcy's past force Elizabeth to see the man within? Can one man have all the goodness and the other only the appearance of it?  Join us for another sweet "Pride and Prejudice" reimagining, suitable for ages teen and up.

Confined with Mr. Darcy

L.L. Diamond - 2020
    Just because she’d be closer to her sister Jane, who’s isolated in the gamekeeper’s cottage with her husband wasn’t a legitimate excuse either. He’d invited Elizabeth—the only woman he’d ever really fancied—Elizabeth, who’d refused him without reservation at the Rosings Book Festival. Now, he spends part of every day in Elizabeth’s company while struggling to keep his feelings hidden from not only her but also his nosy sister and motherly housekeeper. What a bloody nightmare! When William Darcy showed up on her doorstep, the last thing Elizabeth Bennet expected was an invitation to Pemberley, yet she now lives in the poshest of rooms and can walk the extensive gardens and the forests without limits. Even Tilney, her timid Maine Coon cat, is willing to brave strangers to explore his new surroundings, but Elizabeth has no idea how to behave around Darcy. If no one can say when lockdown will end, she could be living at Pemberley indefinitely. How do you live with a man you’re attracted to, but who tries your every last nerve? How is she supposed to stay confined with Mr. Darcy?