Daniel Silva Complete Series Reading Order

Reader's Friend - 2015
     Daniel Silva is one of the world's most popular writers of thriller and espionage fiction, with numerous novels in various series and collections. As a fan, it can be difficult to keep up! The Reader's Friend reference list for Daniel Silva is a complete list of every Daniel Silva title, and is designed for maximum convenience and functionality. Keeping track of your Silva addiction had never been easier! All of the info you need, and none of the clutter you don't. We're readers just like you, and we know you don't need a lot of junk in your reference list. Our Daniel Silva list is designed to be clean and optimally usable: The info you need, right there where you need it. No flipping back and forth in the table of contents, no scrolling through filler. AND IT'S SO SIMPLE TO USE: Check off the books you've read with a single tap! — Just use your Kindle's built-in highlighter. Instructions are included! Get free updates regardless of how you purchased the list — We update immediately every time a new Daniel Silva title is released, so you'll never be out of the loop! Browse titles BY RELEASE DATE, BY SERIES, or BY OMNIBUS EDITION — Whichever is most convenient for you! For a preview, just click the book cover to the left and "LOOK INSIDE!" EVERY DANIEL SILVA TITLE IS INCLUDED: All titles listed in order of release date Michael Osbourne series in reading order Gabriel Allon series in reading order Stand-Alone novels All Gabriel Allon omnibus editions PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS A TITLE LIST ONLY, compiled for reference purposes to assist readers. No copyrighted material from the titles listed is included. This list is compliant with United States Copyright Office circular 34.

Cookham To Cannes: The South of France - Lobsters & Lunatics

Brent Tyler
    Deciding that taking a leap into the unknown was better than making no decision at all, they borrowed a little money from some good friends, packed up their belongings and headed to a mobile home site just outside Cannes. Whilst there, they would look for work with the hope of settling in the region. What no one bothered to tell France’s newest arrivals was that the people they were about to be interviewed by and eventually work for were all blisteringly, yet deliciously mad. Whilst minding his own business in the garden belonging to one of these certifiable lunatics, Brent gets adopted by a dog with his own obsession, maintaining the author's theory that sanity is an extremely rare commodity in the south of France.

Tragedies of Cañon Blanco: A Story of the Texas Panhandle (1919)

Robert Goldthwaite Carter - 1919
    Carter would participate in a number of expeditions against the Comanche and other tribes in the Texas-area. It was during one of these campaigns that he was brevetted first lieutenant and awarded the Medal of Honor for his "most distinguished gallantry" against the Comanche in Blanco Canyon on a tributary of the Brazos River on October 10, 1871. He became a successful author in his later years writing several books based on his military career, including On the Border with Mackenzie (1935), as well as a series of booklets detailing his years as an Indian fighter on the Texas frontier. Carter writes: "IT IS nearly fifty years since these tragedies occurred. There are few survivors. The writer is, perhaps, the only one. This is written in the vague hope that this chronicle of the events of that period may possibly prove of some lasting and, perhaps, historical value to posterity. "The country all about the scene of these tragical events—the Texas Panhandle—was then wild, unsettled, covered with sage brush, scrub oak and chaparral, and its only inhabitants were Indians, buffalo, lobo wolves, coyotes, jack-rabbits, prairie-dogs and rattlesnakes, with here and there a few scattered herds of antelope. The railroad, that great civilizing agency, the telegraph, the telephone, and the many other marvelous inventions of man, have wrought such a wonderful transformation in our great western country that the American Indian will, if he has not already, become a race of the past, and history alone will record the remarkable deeds and strange career of an almost extinct people. With these miraculous changes has come the total extermination of the buffalo—the Indians' migratory companion and source of living—and pretty much all of the wild game that in almost countless numbers freely roamed those vast prairies. Where now the railroads girdle that country the nomadic redman lived his free and careless life and the bison thrived and roamed undisturbed at that period— where are now the appliances of modern civilization, and prosperous communities, then nothing but desolation reigned for many miles around. "In the expansion and peopling of this vast country, our little Army was most closely identified. In fact, it was the pioneer of civilization. The life was full of danger, hardships, privations, and sacrifices, little known or appreciated by the present generation. "Where populous towns, ranches and well-tilled farms, grain fields, orchards, and oil "gushers" are now located, with railroads either running through or near them, we were making trails, upon which the main roads now run, in search of hostile savages, for the purpose of punishing them or compelling them to go into the Indian reservations, and to permit the settlers, then held back by the murderous acts of these redskins, to advance and spread the civilization of the white man throughout the western tiers of counties in that far-off western panhandle of Texas."

Jessie’s Story: Heroism, heartache and happiness in the wartime women’s forces (The Girls Who Went to War, Book 1)

Duncan Barrett - 2015
    Mary and Olive had already been told they were going to an ack-ack training camp in Berkshire, and she crossed her fi ngers, hoping that she would be setting off with them. Finally, the corporal came to her name. ‘Private Ward,’ she called out. ‘Anti-aircraft.’At that moment, Jessie couldn’t have been happier. She was joining the artillery, and would soon be giving the Germans what for.”In the summer of 1940, Britain stood alone against Germany. The British Army stood at just over one and a half million men, while the Germans had three times that many, and a population almost twice the size of ours from which to draw new waves of soldiers. Clearly, in the fight against Hitler, manpower alone wasn’t going to be enough.Eighteen-year-old Jessie Ward defied her mother to join the ATS, leaving her quiet home for the rigours of training, the camaraderie of the young women who worked together so closely and to face a war that would change her life forever.Overall, more than half a million women served in the armed forces during the Second World War. This book tells the story of just one of them. But in her story is reflected the lives of hundreds of thousands of others like them – ordinary girls who went to war, wearing their uniforms with pride.

Ambush in Dealey Plaza: How and Why They Killed President Kennedy

Robert Murdoch - 2014
    Why it's easy to demonstrate, the evidence given to the Warren Commission by members of the Dallas police, was all created. There are 44 photos and illustrations in, 'Ambush in Dealey Plaza'. Many prove Lee Oswald did not kill President Kennedy or Officer Tippit. LookBack Publications

Hands of an Angel, Mind of a Demon, Heart of a Saint: True Stories from a 10 Year Paramedic

David Chase Stone - 2017
    This tell-all story will put you on the front line of the reality of street paramedicine. From gruesome and violent encounters to making split-second decisions which may have cost a life, experience the emotional struggle our responders have to deal with on a daily basis. Through the highs and lows of his career, ten-year Paramedic David Stone doesn't hold back as he tells of the circumstances which haunted him and eventually drove him out of the career... and why it was all worth it in the end. Ride front seat with this thrill-packed memoir encompassing over a decade of true stories from the medic who experienced it.

President Trump And The New World Order: The Ramtha Trump Prophecy

Michael Knight - 2017
     Having been a businessman all his life, making billions in the process, as president he now has to choose to either join the club (the "club" that hides in the shadows at the top of the pyramid, or is embedded as the "Deep State" within government and its departments and agencies) or fulfill his campaign promises and "Make America Great Again"...in more ways than one. In this book, retired veteran investigative journalist Michael Knight brings you a unique perspective on the past, the present, and the future. Taking the lid off the pyramid of power, "President Trump And The New World Order" walks you through the veil behind which families such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers have spent generations, both publicly and behind the scenes, manipulating governments, politicians, and ordinary people alike in order to build their New World Order. At the time of publication (September 2017) President Trump is under siege as outlets like CNN (referred to in this book as the Cabal News Network), continue to insist that he is unfit for the job. What they will never report - but what is revealed here, exclusively - is that President Donald Trump has friends in very high places. Among them is Ramtha the Enlightened One. Ramtha is an enigma to many people, but who he is is well documented in this book - along with his prophecy about President Trump, and UFOs, and why this will lead to some truly radical changes for the entire world. Just as evil can hide within good (an example of which you will see in the associated Ramtha prophecy video) good can also be obscured by chaos - which seems to be the current state of America under the new Trump presidency. Regardless of political persuasion, this book will certainly provide every reader with new and rational insights into the many ways in which deceivers under the appearance of doing good have indeed created a tremendous amount of bad, ranging from assassination of presidents and prime ministers who opposed their agendas, to false flag events that have resulted in major wars and the loss of many lives, to the establishment of central banks that have control of the money supply - control of governments - control of people - right down to the ordinary man in the street. Author Michael Knight and North Star Publishing Inc are licensed to refer to Ramtha's teachings that have been delivered over the past 40 years. For "President Trump And the New World Order" numerous Ramtha quotes are excerpted from the book "Last Waltz of the Tyrants," in which Ramtha outlined the Rothschild dynasty's rise to its current position atop the pyramid - a position which you will find is now in serious jeopardy. "President Trump And The New World Order" is recommended reading for anyone who is concerned about where America (and the world) are headed.

The Unknown Mongol 2 "The Sequel"

Scott "Junior" Ereckson - 2018
    If you enjoyed the first book, I'm sure you'll enjoy this one just as much. This journey starts where The Unknown Mongol "the first book" left off. The year is 1998 and Scott "Junior" Ereckson the National President of the Mongols Motorcycle Club has been convicted of assault with a deadly weapon. Because he's an ex-felon and its his 2nd strike, he' been sentenced to 14 years in state prison. Follow Junior as the unforgiving steel doors of freedom slam behind him. Go with him on this wild rollercoaster ride to hell and back. Experience the in's, out's, ups and downs of Los Angeles County Jail (the closest place to hell on earth), then on to California State Prison. Hold on tight as you share the happiness, sadness, and relationships in this unbelievable but true gripping expedition of one man's life.

ARRIVAL OF THE ANUNNAKI: the Gods that ruled us are returning to Earth (Annunaki Book 1)

Gary G. Margrove - 2013
    The Anunnaki came for gold.For over 400,000 years we have been slaves of aliens.They founded our religions,We worshipped them,We built temples for them,They made us go to war,They defiled our women,They fought with nuclear weapons.Now they are coming back to Earth.Their return spells doom for us all in oncoming years we must expectthe Arrival of the Anunnaki.

No More Dodging Bullets: A Memoir about Faith, Love, Lessons, and Growth

Amy Herrig - 2019
    She and her father, Jerry Shults, were thriving as the owners of the Gas Pipe stores in Dallas, Texas, as well as other successful businesses, when a government lawsuit threatened to take everything—their businesses, their money, and their freedom. Accused of crimes she hadn’t committed, Amy spent the next four years fighting to stay out of prison, but that wasn’t all she had to fight along the way. When one life-altering change after another shook up Amy’s world, she gained a new perspective on herself and on what matters most in life. From an exhausting and demoralizing situation came a new outlook of gratitude, but also remorse and humility. Although Amy’s actions in the past had not all been illegal, she had let the allure of money guide her decisions rather than using her moral compass; the shocking turn of events that resulted from those decisions led to profound changes and made a lasting impact on Amy’s life.

Stanley's Coat

Peedie William - 2015
    I lived through and beyond horrific child abuse. This book tells of my brutal beginnings, starting when I was only four years old when my mother went in to hospital to have baby number three. My clothing was stripped off by my father, who hung me upside down naked on a hook on the inside of a cupboard door by the ankles. He beat me with his huge hands, then only took me down once I stopped screaming. He then plunged me into a pre prepared bath full of cold water, where I almost drowned. Even although he was holding me under the water, and I was thrashing about and fighting my young life, I could hear my drunken father laughing at me. My abuse and ridicule follows me through my school years, and has a major impact on my mental health. My family grew until I had six siblings all living with me in a two bedroom cottage. I was never acknowledged as a son by my violent father, I was the outcast, the one who brought shame to the family, and I was the devils child. This is the true story of a childhood lost, and the struggles to overcome the mental anguish afflicted on me throughout my young life. This story will take the reader on a painful journey as I move with my siblings around Scotland, from house to house, and school to school, always just evading the authorities who could have helped me. This story leaves nothing to the readers’ imagination. There are some lighter moments throughout the book which will make the reader laugh, but my story will make you wonder how I survived, and what does happen behind closed doors. Even although I am now over 60 years old, I often sometimes mourn my stolen childhood, it is like a limb has been pulled off, I can feel where it was supposed to be but it is just not there, it is a part of me which I will never get back, it was taken away without my consent and is now lost forever. Sometimes it just hits me out of nowhere, an overwhelming sadness and emptiness rushes over me. I get disheartened and I feel hopeless, sad, and hurt, and once again I feel numb to the world.

The Man Who Defeated His Death

Mr. Vastav - 2020

Kids Don't Get Cancer: The Remarkably Inspiring Story of Michael Crossland

Michael Crossland - 2015
    This passion stems from his own story … Before Michael was even one year old, he was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer of the central nervous system – a tumour had taken over half of his tiny body. The chance of Michael surviving was virtually non-existent. He started chemotherapy at 1 year old and by his second birthday, doctors had basically given up all hope. His only hope was taking part in a drug trial program – a program of which Michael was the only participant to survive the treatment. Although he survived, he was left with some permanent scars – only one lung, a damaged heart and a sensitive immune system. Michael Crossland sets an example for all of us. He's a man who has faced (and still faces) extreme challenges in life, but he never gives up. And despite his own obstacles, he always puts others before himself and gives so much to people in need. A true inspiration. A true hero. About the Author: As one of Australia’s most sought after inspirational speakers Michael has defied the odds of a life threatening cancer to build his life of exceptional achievements. He is a regular inspirational speaker for corporations, schools, professional sporting organisations and universities throughout the world. In the last 12 months Michael has presented in front of over 250,000 people around the globe. His journey has been shared on many TV programs including Fox Sports, ABC, ChannelSeven & Nine networks, Full Potential TV, The Get Inspired Project, Inspire Me Today program and countless radio shows throughout America, Fiji and Australia. Along with his award winning program about his life on Australian Stories, Michael has also recently featured in a humanitarian documentary about the countless lives saved through his orphanage and school in Haiti that he is involved with. Diagnosed before his first birthday and spending over ¼ of his life in hospital, doctors told him school and sport were not options. Infection and fatigue were too great a risk, reaching his teenage years would be a miracle. His only wish was to lead a normal life and be able to do all the things that other kids took for granted every day. But he had a dream and the undying determination to achieve the impossible… No matter the size of the obstacles that lay ahead. Now, an accomplished businessman, National Ambassador for Camp Quality, Australian of the Year finalist, Australia Day Ambassador and international hall of fame inductee, Michael inspires people from all walks of life. It is no doubt he has a heart for giving and a skill to engage people from all walks of life. Within the last five years he has gone from being one of the youngest State Development Managers for one of the largest companies in the world, to running five banks then leaving his finance career to follow his dreams in making a global impact and he certainly has done that! Michael’s story “Field of Dreams” was documented on Australian Story, ABC TV television. Through this documentary, his message touched the hearts of a nation, with his story of how he overcame seemingly insurmountable obstacles to achieve success in both his personal and professional life.

Cross My Heart

Ferne McCann - 2016
    Since exploding onto our screens, Ferne has become one of TOWIE’s standout cast members and is widely regarded for her style and inimitable personality. Renowned for her straight talking attitude and unbridled wit, Ferne is a regular on TV and chat shows. She is currently working on This Morning as a showbiz reporter and her exclusive column in Star Magazine is the longest running celebrity column to date. Before Fern found fame, she was one of London's top hair stylists & colourist, which provided major grounding for her passion and talent for fashion and beauty.

Close Up

Kelly Brook - 2014
    As a child she just wanted to be an actress - she never imagined she'd also become a hugely popular pin up girl or that she'd be romanced by film stars and pursued by paparazzi.Now, in her deeply personal and honest autobiography, Kelly opens up about the men she has loved and the tragic loss and heartache she has overcome. And she reveals how, by refusing to be limited by other people's perceptions of her, she has forged a successful career as an actress, model and business woman. In Close Up we see the real Kelly. The girl behind the gloss. A funny, feisty woman who lives life on her own terms.