Book picks similar to
Caught In The Middle by Jennifer Luckett


Hated by Many Loved by None 3

Shan - 2013
    But when Rain walks away from the accident and disappears into thin air, she sets off a chain of events that Imran never saw coming. Jahzara finds herself struggling with what do next and ends up fighting for her life. The hate is still real and it's far worse than before. The murder, lies, and deceit continues as these characters are Hated by Many, and Loved by None.

The Ungrateful Bastards

T. Styles - 2015
    Styles (Black & Ugly, A Hustler's Son) with the benefit of her expertise! Funny, Dramatic and most of all highly entertaining!

If Not For Love

Miss Candice - 2014
    High maintenance and all about a come up, Ivy cares about no one but herself. Only messing with ballers and guys willing to do whatever for her, Ivy is a high class gold digger and figures she can pull any guy she wants...until she meets the infamous Hakeem Miller. A New York native with a swag to die for, Hakeem is a hustler to the core who stands firmly by the motto M.O.B. The women love him and the men fear him. But all Ivy wants is a little bit of his time...and income, of course. However, what she gains instead may be more than what she bargained for. Playing with fire, someone is bound to get burned. Will love and loyalty prevail in the end? Or will a set of hidden agendas cause heartache and turmoil?

Ballad Of A Bad Bitch 2

Ms. Bam - 2013
    Mia – All any kid ever wants is for their parents to love them. True... I made mistakes, but how could I not? No one but me knows what it was like growing up in a home with Terri. Yeah she paid the bills, fed and clothed me but she never loved me. The man she moved in got all my mother’s love, time, and affection. So as a kid, when you don't get the love you feel you deserve at home... You'll try and get that feeling from anyone. I was young. I made mistakes, I was also taken advantage of. I just hope I don't have to pay for those mistakes for the rest of my life and lose the only people that really love me in the process.Terri- Kids don't appreciate shit nowadays. I worked my fingers to the bone to give that child of mine everything I could. I gave Mia anything a child could want! It's not like she was some starving child living in the projects. So what I moved a man in! Didn't I deserve to have a life? Yeah, Quinton's a little rough around the edges and he's young, but hell I like a young buck! If I'm not happy... no one is going to be. Least of all my bitch of a daughter Mia, and Quinton; the man who I've given up everything for.Quinton- I almost lost the woman I loved messin' around with Terri's crazy ass, but she came back like I knew she would. Who wouldn't wanna have Quinton Jones as their man? Hell you see I got her mama going crazy! I don't give a damn what anyone says... even Mia. What we share is special. Everyone thinks they know me, “ Quinton ain’t shit,” but they can all go to hell. I was the one there for Mia in her darkest times and now Jeremiah's bitch ass thinks he can just have my woman Mia and my son? Anyone who thinks that is as crazy as Terri! Jeremiah- I fell in love with Mia the day I met her and when she needed me I was there for her. Three years ago I walked away from my own life to create one with her, and I've never regretted it. I know her deepest and darkest secrets; and she trusts me not only with her life, but with her child's life also. Blood does not make a family... Love and and loyalty does. The love, loyalty, and bond that Mia and I share could never be broken. I don’t think.

The Whore Next Door

Hamid - 2014
    She had the perfect life, until she met the whore next door. Tan was never happy with her life, and she lived by the old saying, once a whore always a whore. Her only goal was to destroy all happy relationships she encountered. Join Tan on a journey of jealously, anger and insanity; but at the end of the day, it will lead her straight to hell. The Whore Next Door.

The Real Block Wives Of Atlanta

Sevyn McCray - 2013
    They are stronger, smarter, and wiser than they ever knew. And when it comes to the man that you love, there’s nothing you wouldn’t do to be with him. Meet The Real Blockwives of Atlanta...

The 1st Female King: Snake Eyes

Arabia - 2014
    If you've read The 1st Female King: The Beginning then you know nothing comes easy for Brianna and in this next installment of the The 1st Female King series you see that sometimes even when your not looking for trouble it finds you. Join Brianna, Sin, Just and Cameron as they take you on another roller coaster ride only this time someone may not get off, while others throw salt in the game and start playing for keeps....


Nicole Jackson - 2014
    Little girls want to do big girl things much too early in life. A girl becomes a mother, before she ever discovers what being a woman is all about. This is LaShay’s circumstances. She’s the product of a child having a child, and is forced to find her own way through life. Josh is Shay’s cute next door neighbor, and although his dilemmas aren’t as grim as Shay’s, he deals with his own struggles. Together the two deicide that fighting against the odds with one another increased their chances of survival. But in life nothing goes as planned. Recognizing the potential Shay possesses, a local ghetto super star sets his sights on Shay. Shyne is handsome, fly, and holding. He’s every little ghetto girl’s wet dream, but he wants one girl. Josh’s Shay. Knowing that Josh is young and dumb, Shyne knows that it’s just a matter of time before Shay is his. And if time isn’t on his side, he’s willing to create the perfect circumstances for Shay to see things his way.

Fallin' For a Boss 2

Lucinda John - 2014
    With Lala missing, Stacks bleeds the block of Miami in his search for her. Will he find her and the baby in time? Or will it be too late? Join Stacks on another roller coaster ride as he starts to uncover the truth behind "Friends" and "Family". Old enemies will resurface, new love will be discovered, more blood will shed, and lines will be crossed.

Dirty DNA

BlaQue - 2012
    She is heir to a throne of deceit, lies, and betrayal.Her father, Darnell Clayton, has made money hand over fist by pushing drugs into every junkie and crackhead in the DMV. He wants his legacy of murder and mayhem to live on through his only child.YaYa and her life-long best friend, ShaNiqua “NiQue” Watkins, were bred to run the streets of DC with a ruthless hand. Unfortunately, during their reign of power, family secrets are unearthed. A fierce stream of terror, sex and lies rock the very foundation Darnell has built.


Cachet - 2013
    At the tender age of eight, her mother sold her to men in order to supply her drug habit. After her mother overdosed, Brandy was sent to live with the father she never knew, who promised to give her the world, only to rape her and put her out on the track.While working one night, she meets a gentleman who changes her life and makes her believe that someone finally has her best interest at heart. Soon after falling in love with her savior, she finds out that he’s not the man she thought he was. Fed up with being lied to and used, Brandy vows to never again let another person get close enough to hurt her. Revenge leading to a stacked bank account isn’t enough—she wants more.Coming up with scheme after scheme, Brandy steps on quite a few toes. While doing that, she begins to make enemies along the way; some chalking up their losses, while others want payback in blood. Take this journey filled with drama, sex and lies with Brandy, and see if being Heartless brings her a life of wealth or death.

Street Bitches Don't Need Love

Alicia Howard - 2014
    She has everything a street bitch would want the cars, money, clothing, looks, and to top it off the best plug to the dope game in the world, yet all she really wants is the love her father use to give. Have you ever been in love? No! Hurricane hasn’t either up until her father’s dead. Until she thought she meet the man of her dream. She married him, they work together side by side in the street. Yeah he did normal nigga shit, lie, and cheat, but that’s what men do. Hurricane father schooled her on that when she was younger. He would say if you leave nigga because he cheats you will never have a man. He told her street don’t need love, they need money that was her daddy motto. Hurricane catered to her husband, head every morning, breakfast in bed, clothing laid out, bath water ran daily! So tell me this why would he try to kill her??? You can’t believe it? Me either gone read the book you haven’t heard the half of it.

I Will Always Love You

Goddess Love - 2014
    When Wise is locked up and sentenced to fifteen years, he tells Emery to go on with her life if it’s meant to be they would get back together. Now years later Emery is happy with a career and family of her own, when Wise is released earlier than expected he sets off to do what he said he was going to do, find Emery. Emery’s heart belongs to Wise but it also belongs to her husband. Now she is forced with the hard decision to choose between the man who was there with her from the start through everything and the man who picked her up when she didn’t have anything or anybody. Who will Emery choose? Filled with sex, betrayal and drama

Kaine and Karma: Luvin' A Savage

Sha Jones - 2016
     The physical and mental abuse along with the lack of love that she receives from her evil mother at home sends her stumbling into the troubled street life. When she's not being her mother's own personal punching bag, she's laying on her back or sliding down the pole for a few dollars. To hide the embarrassment and pain of the abuse she subconsciously finds comfort in the men that only want to get between her legs, hit it raw then leave her feeling lonely, but that soon changes when she runs into a real man, a true boss. Kaine is sexy, savvy and rich. His aura is so strong that when he walks into a room, time stops. The men cheer his name and the women lust over him, but the only one that he has eyes for is Karma. Karma has been mistreated by so many men she can't help but to think that all of them are the same but is unexpectedly swept off her feet by Kaine, who shows her that there's so much more to life than being bullied by her mother and spreading her legs for chump change Kaine turns on his charm, reminds Karma that she's a queen and shows her what a real man is like. He comes into her life, digs deep inside of her soul and pulls out all of the pain that she buried deep within herself since she was a child. Karma's heart suddenly goes from cold to warm, and she now has a burning love for Kaine that she just can't put out. But now, there's a problem... While Kaine is helping Karma through her struggles, he has a few of his own. With the strength that Kaine has instilled inside of Karma, will she use it to be Kaine's backbone and help him overcome his own problems? Will she be woman enough to hold her man down the same way he's been holding her down? Will they be able to stick together and fight off the demons that are trying to pull them apart? In this latest steamy romance, Karma's new found strength will be put to the test in ways that she could never imagine.

Ghetto Girl Games

torica tymes - 2013
    She didn't give a fuck about men and she only cared about their money. She swore that the way that she lived was the only way, and often attempted to convince her close friend Samantha to give up on having a traditional love, and join in on her Ghetto Girl Games that she plays. Shockingly engaging, and filled with jaw dropping scenes that will leave you speechless. The lustful infatuation for money, and the unbelievable thirst for the shiny life will keep you shaking your head at these women. And in case you were wondering...if you sell your food stamps so that you can go to the club; then you are also playing Ghetto Girl Games. But that's just the game for beginners, so check out these pros and how they navigate through life in the projects.