An Accident at Pemberley: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Emily Russell - 2022
    Much as he tries, he cannot get her harsh words out of his mind. As he travels to Pemberley, an encounter with carousing phaeton drivers causes him to be thrown from his horse. When he opens his eyes, he can remember nothing. But the beautiful face of the young woman leaning over him is strangely familiar, even if he does not know her name.Elizabeth Bennet only agreed to visit Pemberley, the home of Mr. Darcy, because she was assured he was away. Walking back to Lambton, she finds an unconscious, injured man on the path. As she rushes to his side, she is horrified to discover it is none other than the man she rejected. Her horror increases when he opens his eyes and has no idea who he or she is.When an illness forces Elizabeth to remain at Pemberley, she fears Darcy will resent her when he recovers his memory. And though Darcy is falling in love with the spirited young woman, he knows there is something about their shared past she is not telling him. But as they spend more time together, they cannot fight their growing feelings. How can Elizabeth know if the kind and caring man she is falling in love with is the real Darcy or a result of his accident? Can she risk that his former coldness and pride will not return with his memory?As they grow closer, there are those who seek to take advantage of Darcy’s situation. And when Elizabeth’s family is embroiled in scandal, Elizabeth loses her last hope that they might ever be together. But when Darcy’s memory loss requires Elizabeth to accompany him in his pursuit of his former friend and her wayward sister, their unexpected journey might be the very thing that unites them.

The Curse of Land's End: A gothic 'Pride and Prejudice' variation

Rose Lorimer - 2019
    Something buried in his past is always trying to emerge. Unable to overcome his pain, he hides from the world. Until a letter reaches him. Bingley, one of his best friends, is inviting him to spend some time at the coast, in the neighbouring area of Penzance, Cornwall, where he is not just dealing with his business, but also enjoying the first months of his new life as a married man. His bride is an angel-like gentlewoman called Jane, whom he met during a visit to Hertfordshire, last Summer. In case Darcy accepts, Bingley has only one request to make: that he may bring with him one of his new sisters, a Miss Elizabeth, as a favour to his dearest wife. After such a painful summer, and considering he had already missed his friend’s wedding, against all the odds, Darcy decides to accept. What he does not know is that this single decision will change his life forever. First, because he will meet the only woman not just handsome enough to tempt him, but also the one who breaks the walls of his prison, opening for him a door to a happiness he never thought possible. And, second, because he will never be the same ever again after this, which will also be the most terrifying experience of his life. “The Curse of Land’s End” is a story about secrets, intrigue and mysteries which challenges rationality and faith, and demands a courage strong enough to transcend every instinct of self-preservation in the name of honour and love. “You will do nothing in this world without courage, for it is the greatest quality of the mind next to honour.” (Aristotle) Rated Mild+ (Contains up to 10 mild swear words; contains kisses, and mild, non-seductive description of intimacy — 'My Book Rating'). FROM THE AUTHOR Suddenly, I felt compelled to write a story which would take me (and JAFF) far from my comfort zone, and try something new. It was watching ‘Crimson Peak’, a biting-nail horror story, that the inspiration finally came to me. How would it be to write a story about ghosts, combining romance and mystery, but with no ghosts? "The Curse" is set in 1815, a year when Romanticism — a movement marked by the exaltation of feelings of loss and guilt related both to nature and men — was the fashion and drama, an essential component of the works of this time. "Songs of Experience", by William Blake (1794), "The Corsair", by Lord Byron (1814), and "Frankenstein", by Mary Shelley (1818), are all good examples of how committed the authors were in exploring human's woes; sometimes the sombre tone and dramatic plots are almost too depressing to endure. I can understand the bad reviews related to this point. But I cannot regret my choice. As another reviewer said, “we are all entitled to our own opinions”; the good reviews show it. I grant — my choice in writing a story using Romantic features was bold, but, for me, the result was very pleasing, especially considering the happy ending — what is not the norm for the Romantics. I should not be saying this, but it doesn't matter how much Literature I study, I always love a good happy ending. Another important choice was the deep POV of ODC. In P&P, we live the story through the eyes of Elizabeth and do not learn about Darcy’s struggles until very close to the end. I intended to show the huge abyss between his aloof appearance and his troubled mind — but here, he another reason for it.

A Hasty Decision: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Wynne Mabry - 2019
    Darcy makes a hasty decision. After all, if he cannot have the lady he loves, it little matters whom he marries. Or so he thinks at the time. It is not long before he regrets his choice, but there is no turning back. As a miserable marriage threatens his own happiness and his sister’s, he finds comfort in friendships, including an unexpected one with Elizabeth. When the unthinkable happens, she remains a loyal and valued friend. But what will it take for them to have a second chance at happiness?

Pride Under Good Regulation : A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Eselle Teays - 2020
    Both the grandfather and father of the master, Mr. Thomas Bennet, married blue-stocking wives from the Continent. These circumstances had a profound effect on Mrs. Bennet and her five daughters. Because of this broader worldview, the Bennet family was more aware of, and affected by some historical events of the period far outside the twenty-four families around Meryton than what one would expect of minor gentry in the backwater.Elizabeth Bennet had a superior mind and the self-assurance of a modern young woman; Mr. Darcy, the too proud master of Pemberley, Derbyshire was properly humbled by Mrs. Bennet during their first meeting. How would the courtship between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy go under these different scenarios? How would Mr. Darcy behave when his pride was under good regulation?If you stripped away the changed circumstances, the characters would behave fairly similarly as in canon. If you are looking for extra angst or extra thrills, you will be disappointed. Pride and Prejudice has been classified as a comedy of manners. It is of course a huge challenge for even a seasoned writer to have anywhere close to the genius of Jane Austen to dissect and depict Regency manners with such a sharp insight. The ‘manners’ part of the Regency era was particularly difficult for a twenty-first century first-time fiction writer to emulate. In fact, the reader may detect some modern sensibilities in the Elizabeth in this story: self-assurance, resourcefulness, independence, etc. Hopefully, this story offers some amusing bits to make it a fun read.All verifiable historical characters, buildings and events appearing in this story are borrowed purely as vehicles in a work of fiction, but as much respect as possible is paid to the historical accuracy (as obtained through brief internet searches and well-researched references) in the description of these entities. Chapter notes are provided where appropriate for those who are interested.As of May/June 2021, the whole story has been revised - errors largely corrected, the length slightly shortened to improve the flow of the story, and a few extra chapter notes added.

The Diary: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Kate Speck - 2019
    In this variation, she meets Georgiana first and thinks the worst of her brother but also finds the mysterious gentleman fascinating. Will she be able to overcome her prejudice to find the proud man worthy, when he is keeping several secrets while holding her own? Rated T for mild language and adult situations

Brighton Rescue: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Laraba Kendig - 2021
    Will she find happiness or will her entire family be ruined?Elizabeth Bennet is shocked to discover that her foolish sister Lydia is in love with the rakish George Wickham and has plans to elope with him. To Elizabeth’s surprise and dismay, her uncle enlists the help of Fitzwilliam Darcy to prevent this disaster.Months earlier, Bingley was convinced by his sisters and his friend Darcy to abandon his pursuit of the lovely Jane Bennet. He discovers that they gave him terrible advice and resumes his pursuit, but Jane has met a charming war veteran. Will Bingley be in time to win her hand?Elizabeth and Darcy work together to rescue Lydia from her own recklessness and Wickham’s evil plans. Will Elizabeth and her family be ruined, or can they safeguard their dreams for the future?

Anything Is Possible: A Story of the Darcys and Bennets

Don H. Miller - 2018
    She is on her way to America to retrieve her sister, Lydia, who had eloped to America with George Wickham, but their marriage went sour, he abandoned her, and thus, pregnant and penniless, she wants to return to England. Unknown to Elizabeth, she is sailing on a ship which Darcy had built in honor of his mother, and he, his sister Georgiana, and his cousin Col. Fitzwilliam, are also sailing on the ship. The three of them are on the ship both because they wanted to be on its maiden voyage and because they wanted to visit America for the first time. Part 1 of the story is about the forty-five day voyage to America and the romantic struggles of Darcy and Elizabeth, as well as an unexpected attraction between Col. Fitzwilliam and a woman he meets on board. Part 2 tells of their reception back in England by their respective families and friends and the subsequent romantic adventures of Georgiana and Catherine Bennet, Elizabeth’s next-to-youngest sister.

The House in Audley Street: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

A.K. Madison - 2021
    . .Happily engaged, Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy await the next formality, the preparation and signing of their marriage articles. But on the eve of Darcy's arrival at Longbourn with the contract, Elizabeth disappears on a Sunday walk. It is as though the earth itself had opened and swallowed her up. It takes only a short time for the frantic Darcy to realize that she is caught in a web of evil that extends the length and breadth of England--and that she may not be the only young woman to be trapped. The search in Hertfordshire and London grows more frantic as time grows short.Will Darcy find his beloved Elizabeth before she is caught forever--or found lifeless in the waters of the Thames? The answer lies in a mysterious House on Audley Street.Please note that this book contains allusions to violence and to human trafficking.

By Charm or By CHOICE?

Shana Jefferis-Zimmerman - 2019
    Bennet got rid of her two most deserving daughters. If you are looking for a renewal of the angst and suspense caused by poor first impressions and romantic misunderstanding, this may not be the book for you. But if you’ve ever wanted to know what happiness is found by Elizabeth Bennet as Mrs. Darcy or yearned for a reunion with the beloved cast of Pride and Prejudice that succeeds the original storyline, this book satisfies those cravings!While many of her acquaintance may have concluded that Elizabeth Bennet was leading a charmed life, her choice to adhere to her principles by rejecting the certain security of two marriage proposals in order to marry for affection and esteem should not be ignored. As a happily married woman of means Elizabeth Darcy now lives a more worldly, knowledgeable, fashionable, and public life. She also has many new household, estate, and family responsibilities she must learn to meet. But she still has the choice to be guided by her principles in her thoughts and deeds. Can she help her shy new sister Georgiana Darcy prepare to be introduced into London society? With Longbourn as entailed away as ever, what will happen to Mary and Kitty Bennet? Have they any hope of making good matches in the limited society of Meryton with an indifferent father and an insensible mother? Has Elizabeth’s view of Charlotte’s decision to marry Mr. Collins changed? Can Mrs. Collins remain content or perhaps even find happiness living in Kent? Who shall return from the war on the continent possibly needing assistance? After learning the conniving Miss Bingley is being banished from her brother’s new estate, can Elizabeth help her beloved Jane by seeing Miss Bingley properly settled? Amidst the familiar faces, continued follies, new absurdities, and sometimes harsh realities of all their acquaintance, the Darcys, with the considerable resources at their disposal, must decide when and if to intervene on behalf of those they love. Can Elizabeth help those she left behind? Should she?By Charm or By Choice? is the first of two books that comprise the Pride and Prejudice Continues series. It is a sweet and clean Regency romance and a full length novel of 108,000 words.

Through the Lens of a Letter: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Elizabeth Frerichs - 2021
    Fitzwilliam Darcy to the second daughter in a family of Bennets, she believes it to be nothing more than a practical joke—after all, the letter is peopled with unfamiliar names. Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy’s arrival, however, shifts her perspective drastically, causing her to question herself, her family, and the things she thought she knew about the world.Fitzwilliam Darcy had few expectations of pleasure in accompanying Charles Bingley to survey his new property. However, Hertfordshire would provide more than refuge or companionship. Instead, a certain impoverished gentlewoman opens his eyes to flaws in his relationships, his methods—even his very character.Join our beloved canon characters as they embark on a journey of self-discovery with ripples that affect the lives of their family and friends. Through it all, they find that lasting change, though hard, is the pathway to greater happiness, and that they are stronger together.All because of a piece of the future.

His Folly: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Cassandra B. Leigh - 2021
    When someone claims to have enjoyed Elizabeth’s special favours, he demands to be released from their engagement. He returns to London in a jealous rage and vows to never speak her name again. A woman who surrenders her virtue to another man cannot complain when her folly is exposed.Elizabeth Bennet’s happiness is shattered when someone makes unfounded claims against her. Enraged that Darcy believes she had played him false; she refuses to show any regret for his loss. Now ruined in the eyes of society, can she forgive the follies and vices of others, including Fitzwilliam Darcy?This Pride and Prejudice variation begins three weeks after Elizabeth accepted Darcy’s second proposal.

A Highly Reprehensible Connection: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Kate Beauford - 2022
    She believes he’s the last man in the world she could ever marry.Fitzwilliam Darcy is eager to escape Netherfield Park to avoid Bingley's guest, the bewitching but unsuitable Elizabeth Bennet, who attracts him more than he likes. He seeks refuge in an empty cottage where he can read in peace and soon loses track of time. When a snowstorm arrives sooner than expected, he realizes he has no choice but to spend the night there.Elizabeth Bennet cannot endure living under the same roof as the disagreeable Mr. Darcy. Determined to avoid his cold arrogance, she escapes Netherfield Park to enjoy the fresh air before the anticipated snowstorm arrives. But when the storm is fiercer than expected, she is forced to take shelter in an empty cottage she knows — only to discover it is already occupied by the last man she wants to see.When Darcy and Elizabeth are found together, they have no choice but to marry to save Elizabeth’s reputation. Neither are happy about their forced alliance, but as they agree to make the best of an unwanted situation, they discover a different side to one another. Both are uneasy about the new and growing love they feel— a love they believe is unreturned.But an old friend of Darcy’s has newly arrived in the neighborhood, and he is determined to avenge himself on Darcy for past grievances by destroying what Darcy loves most. And if Darcy and Elizabeth cannot overcome their fears, all that has been growing between them may be lost.

Artifice and Attraction: A Darcy and Elizabeth Pride and Prejudice Variation

Maddie Rowden - 2017
    Darcy is in need of a wife. Business keeps him in London, but Georgiana must go to Pemberley for the sake of her health. He cannot trust her care to the servants. He knows his duty - he must seek a wife. A ball at Almack’s is the place to seek a wife of good breeding and wealth. So Mr. Darcy must force himself to attend. Miss Elizabeth Bennet is pleasing to look at. Miss Elizabeth Bennet is lively, playful and intelligent. Miss Elizabeth Bennet is wearing exquisite, costly gowns. Miss Elizabeth Bennet has a voucher to Almack’s, so she must be from a highly suitable family. Mr. Darcy knows his position in life is such that no lady will refuse his offer of marriage, even when he makes it clear that the arrangement does not include affection. Nothing can possibly go wrong. Artifice and Attraction is a sweet and clean Regency Romance novel of over 89,000 words

Mr. Darcy's Daughter: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Melissa Halcomb - 2021
    For three years, it has hung like a dead weight about his neck, yet his first priority has been and must continue to be his young daughter. He married once for duty, he will only marry again for love. Is there a lady out there who will love him for the man he is underneath his vast wealth and lofty connections and, more importantly, who will love his precious daughter as dearly as he does? Will those with their own agenda to push allow him to follow his heart?A rocky first encounter with the handsome friend of her new neighbour leaves Elizabeth reeling. Meeting his adorable daughter will change her life forever. Loving the sweet little girl is easy, but what about the tall, brooding man she calls Papa? What will Elizabeth do when faced with those who deem her unworthy of the master of Pemberley?Mr. Darcy's Daughter is a sweet full length novel of +82,000 words. This is Melissa's debut novel.

Happy by Accident... or Not?: A Pride and Prejudice variation

Michelle D'Arcy - 2021
    Phillips’ house and the disturbing conversation during which Wickham reveals to Elizabeth his past misfortunes caused by Darcy.On a cold autumn morning, Elizabeth takes a long walk to clear her thoughts and to escape Mr. Collins’s annoying attentions.Her solitary reverie is interrupted by cries for help and she discovers Mr. Bingley, who has fallen from his horse and is lying at the edge of a marsh. While Elizabeth tries to assist him, Darcy appears in search of his friend. With the threat of a storm approaching, Darcy hurries to fetch more help and Elizabeth remains with Bingley — a good opportunity for them to disagree about Darcy’s character.Mr. Bingley’s wounds are not severe, but serious enough to affect his plans for the ball. Also, the disclosure of his argument with Miss Elizabeth will trouble Darcy, contradicting all his previous beliefs about the woman he secretly admires.Therefore, the two gentlemen must decide how they want to proceed with the ladies of their hearts.With several surprise visitors attending the Netherfield Ball, with opinions and feelings changed, with secrets unveiled and the truth finally exposed, our beloved couples will interact, argue, reconcile, bear some misunderstandings and suffer from a little bit of jealousy before they reach their well-deserved ‘Happily Ever After’.