
Erin Tate - 2016
     At 457 Preor years old, Jarek sen Claron is a dragon ready for his final flight into the skies. This voyage to Earth as the War Master of the third fleet will be his final assignment. Once he has helped his fellow Preors secure human mates, he will return to Preor before the madness of loneliness overtakes his mind. That all changes when he meets Melissa. Human Melissa with her sparkling eyes, bright smile, and body that would make any hot-blooded male drool. Unfortunately, she never registered as a Preor mate hopeful. No matter, the Knowing stretches between them and there is no way she can resist him. Until she does. Jarek wishes to give her the choice to mate him, while everything inside him screams to take Melissa beneath his wing, now. No choosing necessary. But should he draw her to his side when his enemies are circling? Many males do not believe the son of a Preor mass murderer deserves to have a mate. Can he survive the coming battles? Or will he die without tasting sweet Melissa’s lips? Related to the UJAL series: The Ujal Volume One (Vados, Tave, Rhal) Erun Dashing Through the Stars

Hearts of Ishira

Bethany Aan - 2012
    The Thorsani, humanoid but descended from sentient cats eons ago, are also marooned on this planet they have named 'Ishira'.Hunter and his brother Jace are Commander and lead physician of Ishira colony. When the captured women tumble into their lives, the small Earthlings turn the men's world upside down. The girls bring drama and heartache, laughter and light...not to mention the first opportunity for sex in more than ten years. And though she's the oldest of her group, Hunter and Jace find themselves drawn to the lovely, curvy Arianna.For Ri and her ladies, their tumultuous new life takes a very interesting turn when they discover that the Thorsani way is to marry in teams of men...

Stolen by an Alien

Amanda Milo - 2017
    And they didn’t bid on me out of the goodness of their hearts.FML.Then this nice alien showed up in the nick of time, but he keeps referring to me as “Princess” and I’m starting to worry what he’ll do when he finds out that there’s been a little case of mistaken identity, that I’m not royalty - see, I’m not even whatever alien he mistook me for…I’m just a human.***Note to readers: This was previously titled ABDUCTED, AUCTIONED, & STOLEN BY AN ALIEN.

Hara's Legacy

Bianca D'Arc - 2007
    Now the aliens have come to study the remnants of humanity. Caleb knows the only way to ensure the safety of his young wife, Janie, and his beloved brothers, Justin and Mick, is to keep the family together on their isolated ranch. All three O'Hara brothers love Jane. They grew up next door to the young, empathic beauty and she stole all their hearts at one time or another, though she married Caleb. Caleb foresees the shocking truth of what they have to do in order to survive, and Caleb's visions never lie.They'll have to come to terms with a new world, and an evolving relationship, all while finding a way to protect two newborn babies who are innocent pawns in the aliens' deadly game. Somehow, this one talented family holds the key for humanity's survival on this new, conquered world called Earth. Warning: This book is intended for mature audiences as it contains explicit sex and menage a quatreThe Resonance Mates series consists of: 1. Hara's Legacy 2. Davin's Quest 3. Jaci's Experiment 4. Grady's Awakening 5. Harry's Sacrifice


Trista Ann Michaels - 2009
    Her friends killed. Her freedom taken away. Escape from the man or alien responsible is the only choice she has but deep down, it’s the last thing Mikayla truly wants and she hates herself for it. Falling in love with her captor is not an option, despite how seductive he is. He might get her body, but she refuses to give him what he truly wanted…her soul.How the hell has Sidious been talked into this and more importantly, how the hell is he going to get out of it?The last thing he needs while working as a mole for the rebel forces is another complication, no matter how enticing a package. But the second Mikayla opens her sarcastic mouth, he can’t resist putting her in her place. Seducing her's going be the most fun he’s had in years. Unfortunately, someone is onto his secret and time is running out…for both Sidious and his captive.


Layla Nash - 2016
    When he finally does, Isla's big break turns into chaos and panic as she and all the female crew members are traded to an alien ship in exchange for the Argo's safe passage. The giant Xaravian warriors are intimidating, covered in scales, and... way too attractive. Isla and her friends won't surrender quietly, but it seems like the Xaravians are looking forward to that kind of fight...The moment Vaant sees the beautiful, sassy interpreter, he knows he can't leave her in danger. She thinks he's a pirate and a dangerous rebel - and that he bought her and her friends. Vaant must prove his honourable intentions, even as her flashing eyes and curvy figure drives him mad with desire. He'll even endanger his ship and go to the edge of the universe to keep her safe!When her former captain frames Vaant for destroying an innocent ship and murdering another crew, Isla must face that the Alliance she served so proudly is not what it seems. Starting a new life as a rebel with Vaant sounds more and more appealing, but first they'll have to fight through half the Alliance fleet, escape a crumbling space station, and find love among the stars.


Cara Bristol - 2013
    He intends to impregnate her, produce a son, and hand her off to his anointed beta partner. As Dak and Omra discover a sexual bliss banned by law, he begins to question the traditions and ways of his people, causing him to jeopardize his command and endanger the life of the woman he has come to love.

Ruth's Bonded

V.C. Lancaster - 2015
    At first. But when she's forced to get along with her furry, tailed cellmate (and her clothes get stolen) things slowly start to change between them. After they escape onto an unknown alien planet, they're finally free to explore their feelings and each other, but can they survive with only each other to rely on and no way of communicating? Gron is from a matriarchal society where the males obey their Queens, so when a beautiful but strange female is dropped into his cell, he doesn't know what to think. Is she a victim like him, or is she being used by his captors to control him? Either way, he knows he must control his instincts or he will end up inescapably Bonded to her. The delicate Queen needs his help to survive, and it is his duty to serve her, but can he do it without losing his heart?


Kate Rudolph - 2016
    The curse of his alien species has put a countdown on his life, and he'll be dead before the month is out. Unless he finds his denya, the only woman in the universe who can save him.Down on her luck and lost in space...Lis Jaynx just wants to go home. Kidnapped from Earth by unknown foes, she's dropped on a inhospitable planet with little food and no hope. She'll do anything to find a ship to take her back to Earth, but Polai is hostile to all alien life, and Lis is running out of places to hide.An unexpected chance...From the moment he sees her, Ru knows Lis is his denya. But she's already wounded and distrustful of aliens, even those who claim they want to help.Will the explosive chemistry between them be enough to topple Lis's fears? Or will their bond break before it even forms, leaving Ru a dead alien walking and Lis all alone in the black of space.(Complete story, no cliffhanger!)


Emmy Chandler - 2018
    Then keep your head down and do what you’re told. Time will pass, and we’ll be back for you.” Audra Copeland is among dozens of newly convicted felons dropped off on the prison planet Rhodon, where she discovers that the women of zone four have a long-standing arrangement with the men. If they hand over six of the new arrivals, the men won’t raid. And Audra has just been drafted. She can take her chances on her own, or select a guardian. The deal is simple, if barbaric: sex, in exchange for food and safety from the other two hundred men in zone four. It’s a terrifying proposal. The men are violent, filthy degenerates. Then Audra sees Tyson at the edge of the crowd. A hulking, scarred figure, the other men call him a savage, but his clothes are clean, and he’s holding a freshly caught rabbit. He can clearly protect what’s his. As compassionate as he is powerful, Tyson ignites something fierce in Audra, and their connection is white-hot. The problem? Every thirty days, she’ll have to pick a new guardian. Now that he’s found Audra, Ty has every intention of keeping her for himself. Even if he has to destroy the fragile zone four peace treaty to do it. Guardian is a 70,000+ word novel set on a planet populated by violent criminals, so expect a gritty story about characters who have to fight to protect each other and their relationship.

His Human Nanny

Michele Mills - 2020
    What the actual f@ck? I’m not even good with kids. I’ve never changed a diaper in my life. But the beings at the employment agency won’t listen. “Hew-mans are hot right now. Everyone wants a hew-man nanny.” Great. And since there isn’t another human available… I’m hired on the spot.Yay, me.And on day one of my new job I’m having a panic attack because I finally meet my new boss and he looks like Satan himself. No lie. Black horns, red eyes and glinting silver-tipped claws. He even has a barbed tail, a forked tongue, and he breathes fire. This guy is terrifying, and his children look exactly like him.*heart palpitations* *hyperventilating*And yet, as I’m caring for these strangely adorable infants and gazing longingly at my crazy-rich boss as he cradles his twin babies in his huge, muscular arms… my traitorous heart goes pitter-patter and my body heats up like lava.Oh no. And I begin to wonder — have I sold my soul to the devil?

Alien Warrior

Sadie Carter - 2015
    She never dreamed that relief would come in the form of a seven-foot tall, sexy alien. One who claimed she belonged to him. Delusional.Except, there was something pulling her to him… a deep, hot attraction she couldn’t deny. Dexanon Xa’a always thought his mate would be a sweet, obedient female. Instead, the Gods landed him with a maddening, outspoken, outrageous female who didn’t comprehend the honor that had been bestowed on her.Dex might have a rockin’ body, but his ideas about women needed a total overhaul. And she was just the woman to do it.

The Starlight Rite

Cherise Sinclair - 2010
    Desperate to survive, she picks the wrong target--Dain, the head of planetary security.Dain is amused by the attempted theft, and when Mella is sentenced to serve time indentured as a bedroom slave, he buys her contract. As he introduces the repressed Earther to the pleasures of sex with a dominating warrior, he slowly comes to realize that the little thief has stolen his heart.When the monster arrives on Nexus and has lunch with Dain, Mella is panic-stricken. Her owner must be part of the conspiracy to kill her, and it will only be a matter of time before the monster discovers that she’s still alive. She attempts to escape. She fails. Embittered by her lies and mistrust, Dain returns her to Indenture Hall to be sold again.Now the monster has found her. And she has nowhere left to run...

Alien, Mine

Sandra Harris - 2013
    Haunted by the loss of far too many innocent lives he has vowed to drive the ruthless invaders from Alliance space.The strength and valor of Eugen Mhartak attracts Sandrea as no man ever has, but she struggles to read the enigmatic general’s heart. Determined to help him triumph over the Bluthen she uncovers a diabolical plot against the Alliance.Drawn by the courage and exotic beauty of Sandrea, Mhartak battles to overcome the barriers of cross-cultural differences that separate them and claim her ardent interest. He must conquer his deepest fears to be the man she needs. When his principles are betrayed by his own government and he is faced with the impossible prospect of taking Sandrea’s life in order to save his home planet, Mhartak desperately searches for a way to keep safe both his world and the magnificent woman who has stolen his heart.

Tyger, Tyger, Burning Bryght

Cathryn Cade - 2015
    With good reason--he's one of the elite Tyger navigators trusted to bring ships like Orion through the deadly asteroid belts around his home planet, and he's the best … until he shifts into a feral half-man, half-cat with only one thing on his mind. They'll never make it to safety, unless they bring him the one woman who ran from him.Calla Fellura is a novice interpreter. The young Tyger loves her job on this state-of-the-art space cruise ship, but she's in uncharted territory when it comes to Jag. The virile alpha can have any woman he wants--why would he choose the naïve, shy female who turned their first hookup into a snarling disaster, humiliating him in front of his entire planet? Unless she’s the only one of his kind available.This time, she'll have to stay… and let him take her any way he wants.* This novella, first published in 2008, has been re-written with added material. *