Book picks similar to
Unlocking the Old Testament by Ed J. Pinegar
God Wants a Powerful People (talk on Compact Disc)
Sheri Dew - 2004
In her compelling style, Sheri dew outlines five ways - scriptures, the gift of the Holy Ghost, priesthood ordinances, temple covenants, and the atonement of Jesus Christ - in which God makes His power available to us. "When we have the power of God with us, nothing is impossible," she states. God Wants a Powerful People explains how we can seek access to the powers of heaven to help us live up to who we really are.Talk on one compact disc Approx. running time: 60 min, About the Author Sheri Dew is the bestselling author of several books including the biographies of LDS Church Presidents Gordon B. Hinckley and Ezra Taft Benson and No Doubt About It. She served as second counselor in the general presidency of the Relief Society of the LDS Church from 1997 - 2002, and in March 2003 the White House appointed her as a member of the U.S. Delegation to the Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations.
Moment of Truth
Cheri J. Crane - 2005
But while on vacation with her family in Mexico, she meets Ed, a seventeen-year-old Baptist from Illinois who is spending his vacation building houses for the homeless. Laurie returns to Utah determined to make a difference through her actions and weekly editorial in the student newspaper.Unfortunately, she finds her best friend, Roz, has also changed. Their strong-willed personalities collide as they stand on opposite sides of a heated battle involving popularity and Church standards. As Laurie writes impassioned pleas in the student newspaper for how things ought to be, she seems to further alienate herself from her peers, leaving her with only her new-found friend in Illinois. In the end, Laurie discovers how difficult and terrifying--and absolutely worthwhile--it is to truly stand for something.
Three Degrees of Glory
Melvin J. Ballard - 2009
It was published under the direction of the Mount Ogden Stake Genealogical Committee.
Conquering Your Own Goliaths
Steven A. Cramer - 1988
And you can claim it beginning now. The well know Bible story of David and Goliath is the back drop that Steven A. Cramer uses to show how we can enlist the aid of the Lord in overcoming any of our problems. In our day, we do not have to face nine-foot giants physically, but often our Goliaths come in the form of spiritual giants that will not yield to a stone or sword.
Led by Divine Design: Seeking for and Recognizing the Spirit
Ronald A. Rasband - 2018
But what does it mean to always have the Lord's Spirit with us? And how can we recognize the presence and guidance of the Holy Ghost in our lives?Paired with both inspirational and personal photography, this new book brings together some of Elder Ronald A. Rasband's greatest stories and counsel about recognizing the divine hand of the Lord in our lives. Get to know Elder Rasband and his teachings as he draws upon personal experiences from his younger life and his ministry as an Apostle. Through his own experience, he helps us learn first how to seek the Spirit and then how to recognize and respond to divine guidance in our families, with friends and colleagues, in our Church service, and during times of trial.Each of these short quotes, heartfelt stories, and brief messages is an important reminder that the Lord is in the small details of our lives. He is interested in our success and eternal happiness, and He has provided the Holy Ghost to offer divine guidance and lead us back to Him.
His Holy Name
Dallin H. Oaks - 1998
It is invoked daily in prayers, blessings, ordinances, and testimonies of members of the Church throughout the world. Apostles serve as "special witnesses of the name of Christ in all the world." But what does it mean to be a witness not just of Jesus Christ, but also of His name? In His Holy Name, Elder Dallin H. Oaks explores the significance of the scriptural references to the name of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.Using personal insight and excerpts from the standard works, Elder Oaks takes a fascinating look at the meaning of the Savior's holy name in our worship and beliefs. Truly, His holy name is a vital portion of our understanding and faith in the restored gospel. Elder Oaks recounts the words of John: "But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name" (John 20:31). This modern-day Apostle explains, "In this context, 'his name' means His work and His plan of salvation with all of its glorious provisions for the children of God."
Praying the Rosary Step-by-Step
Rita Bogna - 2013
It is undoubtedly the most popular and common Marian devotion due to its simplicity, the ease with which it can be learnt and the profound and sublime character of its prayers and meditations.The Rosary has been variously described as “an epitome of the Old Testament,” “an abridgement of the New Testament,” “a compendium of the Gospel,” “the Breviary of the laity,” “the catechism of youth,” “a beautiful system of popular theology,” “an inexhaustible book of meditation for our greatest theologians” and “a whole badge of Christian piety.””Apart from the Eucharist and other Sacraments of the Church, the Rosary is probably the most powerful means of sanctification. It is a key to the most intimate knowledge of Jesus and Mary, and is an effective way to attain to the perfection of Christian charity.As Blessed Pope John Paul II pointed out in his great Apostolic Letter on the Rosary, Rosarium Virginis Mariae, published at the beginning of the Year of the Rosary in October 2002, “to recite the Rosary is nothing other than to contemplate with Mary the face of Christ.”As the title suggests, this book is a step-by-step guide to praying the Rosary. The layout of a standard Rosary bead set is imitated, so that each section of the Rosary begins on a new page. The active Table of Contents contains hyperlinks to every prayer in the book.The Introduction includes sections on the origins of the Rosary, the Rosary today, Our Lady's 15 promises, the prayers of the Rosary, and how to pray the Rosary. In addition to the complete Rosary, the book contains the Angelus, the Memorare of Saint Bernard, the Magnificat and the Thirty Days Prayer for obtaining graces, an Act of Consecration to Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, the Prayer to Saint Joseph for the October devotions, and the prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel.The Bibliography contains an extensive list of Papal Encyclicals related to the Rosary. Clicking on the title of an encyclical will open a web browser and take the reader directly to the official English text of the Encyclical on the Vatican web site.Interest in the Rosary has been rekindled since Blessed Pope John Paul II proposed the addition of a new decade comprised of the five 'Mysteries of Light' which he described as “a revelation of the Kingdom now present in the very person of Jesus.”In addition to the traditional Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries, the Luminous Mysteries (which have never been officially incorporated into the Rosary) have been included in this book for those who like to recite them.To supply a scriptural foundation and greater depth to the meditations on each mystery, suitable Bible passages are provided before the commencement of each decade.The Biblical texts chosen by the author refer not only to the subject-matter of the particular mystery, but also to the spiritual grace which the mystery is believed to confer. The spiritual grace is specified, as is the day on which the subject-matter of the mystery is commemorated by the Church.To give the user's meditation even further depth, and to help focus his or her attention on the mysteries of the Rosary, the beautiful woodcut engravings of Gustave Doré which were made for the English translation of the Bible of 1866 are included to illustrate the mysteries.As Sister Lucia of Fatima said, "There is no problem ... no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary.
Cameron Meets Madison
Jack Weyland - 2010
After the rally though, when he tries to exit the school, a mysterious force pushes him back inside, and he finds himself, once again, starting the same Monday all over again. With each new Monday, Madison, the only LDS student in school, is waiting at his locker to interview him for the school paper. As much as he wants to, he can't seem to escape her influence for good. But will that be enough to help him see that his arrogance has blinded him to the worth of those around him?
Redefining Joy in the Last Days
Chris Stewart - 2009
Drawing on unforgettable real- life experiences and rich examples from the scriptures, he offers suggestions for reorienting our lives in order to achieve greater joy and happiness even in the most challenging times. Redefining Joy looks at some of life s most difficult questions. But be prepared. The answers may surprise you.
LDS Scriptures - LDS eLibrary with over 350,000 Links, Standard Works, Commentary, Manuals, History, Reference, Music and more (Illustrated, over 100)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 2008
Fully footnoted and indexed with over 350,000 links this collection is perfect for the Kindle reader.REVIEWS: See Orson Scott Card's great review on this Kindle product in Mormon Times online article.Includes 45 Complete Works including:• LDS Standard Works: - Old & New Testaments - Book of Mormon - Doctrine and Covenants - Pearl of Great Price• Scripture Study Aids: - Guide to the Scriptures - Bible Dictionary - Topical Guide - Joseph Smith Translation (exerpts) - Triple Combination Index• Maps & Illustrations - 14 Bible Maps - 32 Photographs of Bible Scriptural Sites - 7 Church History Maps - 18 Photographs of Church History Sites• Essential LDS Classic Works: - Jesus the Christ - Articles of Faith - Gospel Doctrine - Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith• Teaching & Student Manuals: - Gospel Principles Manual - Old Testament Student Manual - Old Testament Teacher's Manual - New Testament Student Manual - New Testament Teacher's Manual - Book of Mormon Student Manual - Book of Mormon Teacher's Manual - Doctrine & Covenants Student Manual - Doctrine & Covenants Teacher's Manual• LDS Music - LDS Hymnbook - Children's Song Book• Parents & Leaders: - A Parents Guide - Family Guidebook - Guidebook for Parents and Leaders of Youth - Improving Gospel Teaching: A Leader's Guide - Marriage and Family Relations Instructor's Manual - Priesthood and Auxiliary Leaders' Guidebook - Teaching Guidebook• Youth: - Duty to God: Deacon - Duty to God: Teacher - Duty to God: Priest - Faith in God for Boys - Faith in God for Girls - Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts - Young Women's Personal Progress - For the Strength of Youth• Other Works: - Addiction Recovery Program - LDS Gems (Quotes from General Authorities) - True to the Faith - The Family: A Proclamation to the World - The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles• Illustrations (64 Images) - Early Beginnings (Joseph Smith, Jr. and The Book of Mormon) - Mormon Prophets - Prominent Members - Mormon Temples (art by David Davis)• A History of the LDS Church (Culture, Beliefs, Practices, Organization, and More)• Key Features: - Over 350,000 Links (Fully Footnoted),IMPORTANT NOTE: What sets our library apart from any other is we have pains-takingly spent hundreds of hours specifically on the feature base to make your experience the most rewarding. Our philosophy is that if it’s going to be in electronic format, it ought to include and utilize all the features that an electronic format should provide. One such feature is cross-reference linking. Many other scripture collections don't have links where there ought to be. When studying in a hardcopy version of the scriptures and coming to footnote references, you must take the time to flip through pages to go to the footnote reference. Sometimes this even requires opening a separate book.
Searching the Scriptures: Bringing Power to Your Personal and Family Study
Gene R. Cook - 1993
But, as Elder Gene R. Cook emphasizes in his book, that blessing doesn't come through casual effort. In Searching the Scriptures, Elder Cook explores how we can effectively ponder, question, and mark the scriptures and understand how they apply to our lives. He also shares his testimony of the power and blessings that come from knowing God's word. And he gives suggestions on how to organize family study and how to use the scriptures as a way to bless each family member. Relating personal experiences to show what has worked and what hasn't, Elder Cook shares ways to motivate everyone in the family to participate and work to invite the Spirit to be present at reading time. Elder Cook's hope is to help Latter-day Saints gain a deeper understanding of what scriptures really are and how they apply to us today, and thereby have a desire to learn more from them.
The Fate of the Persecutors of the Prophet Joseph Smith
N.B. Lundwall - 1952
I Can Do Hard Things with God: Essays of Strength from Mormon Women
Ganel-Lyn Condie - 2015
The Cultural Evolution Inside of Mormonism
Greg Trimble - 2018
The evolution of church culture has been something that has needed to happen for a long time. Culture, traditions, oral laws, and the status quo can be a good thing... but it can also be a bad thing. Do you remember what was happening in Israel around the time that Christ came on to the scene? Israel started to live by their own set of oral laws and traditions, or what we might refer to today as "culture." The "culture" in Israel when Christ showed up was one of the most judgmental and hypocritical cultures the world had ever seen. It was a very isolated and unaccepting culture. But Christ showed up and cast a net over all types of people. The Greeks, the Romans, the Samaritans, and every other nation across the globe. His net covered even the worst of repentant sinners. The only people that were excluded or "damned" were the unrepentant elite, the "scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites" who "strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel" (Matthew 23:23-24). Christ took the existing covenants and commandments and simplified them. He brought an evolution of love, empathy, and compassion. He built a culture that was geared toward the lowly of heart and revolted against those who spent their lives pointing out the flaws in others. "For ye are like unto whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness" (Matthew 23:27). The bulk of Israel was living according to their culture and their superstition instead of their religion. This has been the bane of each and every covenant society, which caused Joseph Smith to say, "What many people call sin is not sin; I do many things to break down superstition, and I will break it down." The doctrine of the LDS church doesn't lose people. It's the culture and superstition that causes unnecessary strife. This book, The Cultural Evolution Inside of Mormonism addresses the changing culture, the unprecedented changes that are taking place in the church, and the historical transparency. The Table of Contents explains where this book will take you: 1. More Extended Hands 2. Fewer Wrecking Balls 3. The Cultural Evolution 4. Not Customizing Christ 5. The Three Types of Mormons 6. A Place Where Doubters Are Welcome 7. The Kindness of Christ 8. Embracing Intellectuals and Scholars 9. Change in The Church Comes Slowly For A Reason 10. The Humble Few 11. Millennial Mormons 12. Making Rash Decisions 13. Giving Volunteers A Break 14. Logical Evidence For The Church Is Mounting 15. From Which All Others Are Derived 16. Temple Workers Galore 17. No Other Religion Provides A Better Hope 18. People Throwing The Book of Mormon Out The Window 19. The Bible That Needed To Be Rescued 20. Looking For Just One Reason To Believe 21. Liberal Conservatives 22. Pageantry In The Church 23. Peeling Back Polygamy 24. Looking At Tithing A Little Differently 25. Not Judging Others Sabbath Day Worship 26. The Place For Gays Inside The Church 27. What I Really Believe 28. Why I Love The Church