Kestrel Island

A.B. Martin - 2017
     In a sleepy English seaside town, Sophie Watson is enjoying a peaceful holiday in the sunshine. But when she befriends a mysterious and charismatic girl called Sienna, she is drawn into a heart-stopping adventure where the future security of the world may be under threat.To find out the truth, they must go to Kestrel Island. The plot they uncover is more mind-blowing than they could possibly have imagined.Why are armed guards patrolling Kestrel Island? What are they trying to hide? Will Sophie manage to overcome her fears and save the day? Or will the secret the girls uncover put them in mortal danger? If you're looking for an action-packed adventure with surprising twists and a thrilling climax - this is it. Get your copy today. The Sophie Watson Adventure Mystery Series. Book 1. Kestrel Island.Book 2. Under Crook's Wood.Book 3. Raven's Wharf - Due for release in October 2019.

The Body in the Boot

Patrick C. Walsh - 2015
    Now a private detective and, after bereavement and pain, he doubts himself and is no longer sure if he has the will or the energy to make a success of his new career. His first case comes by chance as a mother’s grief sends him into a town’s red light district to find out how her daughter died. Mac soon finds himself working with a team of local police detectives who are hot on the trail of a cold-blooded serial killer. Mac has to dig deep and rediscover all his talents in order to solve the case of The Body in the Boot. ALSO AVAILABLE - THE DEAD SQUIRREL - The second Mac Maguire mystery. THE WEEPING WOMEN - The third Mac Maguire mystery

The Moon, the Stars, and Madame Burova

Ruth Hogan - 2021
    She and her trusty pack of Tarot cards have seen the lovers and the liars, the angels and the devils, the dreamers and the fools. Now, after a lifetime of keeping other people's secrets, Madam Burova is ready to have a little piece of life for herself. But she still has one last thing to do--to fulfill a promise made in the 1970s, when she and her girlfriends were carefree, with their whole lives still before them.In London, it is time for another woman to make a fresh start. Billie has lost her university job, her marriage, and her place in the world when a sudden and unlikely discovery leaves her very identity in question. Determined to find answers, she must follow a trail...which leads to Brighton, the pier, and directly to Madame Burova's door.In a story spanning over fifty years, Ruth Hogan has conjured a magical world of 1970s holiday camps and seaside entertainers, eccentrics, heroes and villains, the lost and the found. Young people will make careless choices which echo down the years....but it's never too late to put things right.

Making Payments: An American Indian, the Vietnam War, Laos, and the Hmong

John Oventile - 2012
    But this wasn’t science fiction; this was a journey of harsh reality, pain, hunger, danger, and death. George Downwind, an American Indian, an Ojibwa, grew up in the isolation of a twentieth-century reservation. But instead of succumbing to the alcoholism and hopelessness around him, his outlook was shaped by the myths and legends of an earlier time. From countless stories told by old men around campfires, he thought he knew what life had been like for his people in the time before the white man. In his imagination he lived this life, passed the tests of manhood and tasted battle. When the end came he experienced the depression of watching his people be defeated and disintegrate as a culture. To the west of the battlefields in Vietnam during the 1960’s and early ‘70’s, across the border in the neutral country of Laos, another war raged. This war was seldom mentioned in the news and when it was, it was referred to as the “Secret War.” Few people heard of it and fewer still knew who was doing the fighting. It was the Hmong, a minority ethnic group who had survived for a thousand years in their mountain sanctuaries through slash and burn agriculture, and a resolute adherence to their culture. They valued freedom, family, and wanted nothing more than to be left alone. They were a primitive people without a written language living in a primitive land. And, just as with the American Indian tribes, each of the Hmong clans had their own approach to survival. Some fought, some forged alliances, and other just tried to say out of the way. Grievously injured in the chaos of battle in Vietnam in the early days of that war, George Downwind, a private in the U.S. Army, was rescued from certain death and nursed back to heath by one of these clans. During his time with them he experienced the full brutality of the life they lived—the same life that had been the fate of his ancestors. When it came time for him to leave Laos and the Hmong, he had a debt to repay. He owed his life to the Hmong and vowed to make the payments.

The Girl Who Cheated Death

Alan Baker - 2018
    Ironically, recovering from her emotional and physical scars is not her biggest challenge. She is also haunted by Azrael, the angel of death. On the morning of the accident, Alex watches as Azrael takes the souls of her family. And the visions keep coming. A man with oily black hair in a pinstripe suit appears to Alex in the hospital, outside her high school, and in the woods near her campsite. She worries that she’s crazy, though Azrael appears to be just as threatened by her ability to see him. She confides in her doctor and friends and, while they appear to believe her, they are unable to help Alex banish death. Midway through the book, the narrative takes an unexpected twist and Alex’s recovery is overshadowed by the realization that she could bring her family back to life. But Azrael is determined to stop Alex’s meddling and she must enlist the help of her remaining family and friends if there is any hope for success.The Girl Who Cheated Death placed as a Semi-Finalist in the 2018 Faulkner Wisdom Competition

The Death Wish Game

Jonathan Chateau - 2017
    Perfect for fans of Stephen King, Dean Koontz, and Grady Hendrix. A one-way bus ticket to Florida offers Rodney the chance at a fresh start from his dead-end life in South Carolina. Unfortunately, somewhere along the ten-hour trek to Miami, the passengers are drugged, awakening to find themselves duct-taped to their seats and stranded in the middle of nowhere.Their captor reveals himself, informing them they’re participants in a game of survival. “The rules are simple,” he tells them. “Follow the flares to reach the safe zone. Make it there, and you live. Stay, and they will come tear you apart.”Chaos ensues, and one-by-one the passengers are picked off in their seats. Dying within their restraints. It’s a race against time, and those lucky enough to escape are forced to play the game, uncovering an impossible secret that has brought them together to face an ancient evil unlike anything they have ever known.

False Light

Eric Dezenhall - 2021
    After Fuse is asked to leave his paper pending a disciplinary investigation, he has plenty of time on his hands. So when his oldest friend approaches him for advice after the man’s daughter says she was sexually assaulted by her boss, a prominent media star, Fuse agrees to help. He gives his buddy the only options he feels are available: report the incident to the police and risk a huge “he said/she said” smear campaign against the girl, or plan something even better—revenge. As a journalist, Fuse has a colorful background investigating criminals, politicians, gangsters, drug lords, and all-around shysters—and knows plenty of shady sources—so he’s the perfect person to enact a complex (and ultimately, entertaining) plan to bring the popular media mogul down in the court of public opinion . . . and make him pay.

52 Sleepless Nights

Tobias Wade - 2018
    Then there was that road trip where we saw the same hitchhiker at every stop for the last hundred miles...This is a huge collection of 52 psychological horror and supernatural horror stories, second volume to the horror collection: 51 Sleepless Nights. Inside You'll Find:Angels and DemonsSerial Killers and AssassinsAliens and MonstersUndead and Mad ExperimentsSupernatural and paranormal horrorAn Angry Midget dressing up as a little girl to catch pedophiles. (Why not?)...and so much more!

The Sweeney Sisters

Lian Dolan - 2020
    But their mother’s death from cancer fifteen years ago tarnished their golden-hued memories, and the sisters drifted apart. Their one touchstone is their father, Bill Sweeney, an internationally famous literary lion and college professor universally adored by critics, publishers, and book lovers. When Bill dies unexpectedly one cool June night, his shell-shocked daughters return to their childhood home. They aren’t quite sure what the future holds without their larger-than-life father, but they do know how to throw an Irish wake to honor a man of his stature.But as guests pay their respects and reminisce, one stranger, emboldened by whiskey, has crashed the party. It turns out that she too is a Sweeney sister.When Washington, DC based journalist Serena Tucker had her DNA tested on a whim a few weeks earlier, she learned she had a 50% genetic match with a childhood neighbor—Maggie Sweeney of Southport, Connecticut. It seems Serena’s chilly WASP mother, Birdie, had a history with Bill Sweeney—one that has remained totally secret until now.Once the shock wears off, questions abound. What does this mean for William’s literary legacy? Where is the unfinished memoir he’s stashed away, and what will it reveal? And how will a fourth Sweeney sister—a blond among redheads—fit into their story?By turns revealing, insightful, and uproarious, The Sweeney Sisters is equal parts cautionary tale and celebration—a festive and heartfelt look at what truly makes a family.

Sleep Martyrs

C.A. Wittman - 2019
    But navigating around their controlling stepfather and their aloof new siblings becomes the least of their worries.There is a vague sense of menace in their state of the art lavish smart home with its cutting edge calm technology. And something is not quite right with the bright, cheerful kids at Santomon’s private school where the girls are enrolled. Undergrads from prestigious universities and ivy-league colleges are vying for the coveted internships within Santomon Village. The mega-corporation is the darling of the tech world and a philanthropic superstar when it comes to awarding educational scholarships to low-income families who require rehabilitative services for their teens at Santomon’s troubled youth program called Salinger House.But not everyone is singing Santomon praises. A growing number of parents whose children have returned home from the program are voicing concerns that at first seem vague, while a social activist group called The Disruptors has been investigating a cash-for-kids scandal in South Dakota that involves Santomon. For Tori, she can feel that something ominous, something evil is afoot, and as her mother begins to have doubts about her marriage and there is talk of divorce, Tori yearns to return to Inglewood and the simple life they had. But her sister, Laila ‘s not so sure leaving the village will be easy because what she has discovered is a treacherous web of lies unfathomable in their scope. What Laila wonders is if they can get away from Santomon before it’s too late.

The Bug Hunter

Ken Davenport - 2019
    And only one man can stop it. The year is 2026 and up and down the Eastern seaboard of the United States a virulent toxin is killing people. What was initially believed to be food poisoning turns out to be a terrorist attack using genetically modified insects to poison the American food supply. For Gabriel Marx, news of the poisoning is eerily familiar. A Marine Corps veteran and trained viticulturist, Gabriel is now working as a vintner at Landmark Estates Winery in California, but was once part of a secret CIA effort to use insect vectors to destroy the Afghan Taliban’s poppy industry. He’s long feared that genetically synthesized toxins delivered by insects could be used as a terror weapon. One day a stream of black SUVs carrying the Secretary of Homeland Security shows up at the vineyard, and Gabriel is recruited to help the government respond to the attack. He is drawn into a complex web of rogue scientists with links to ISIS and Chechen terrorists, and discovers that an even more devastating attack is imminent. Merging cutting-edge synthetic biology with global politics and international terrorism, The Bug Hunter is both thriller and cautionary tale of how advances in technology can be used to turn nature itself into a devastating weapon.

Unstolen: You can steal, but you can't hide

Tony Batton - 2018
 He returns stolen items to their rightful owners.
 For a price.

 A man has to make a living, and Jake more than most. Because he's still paying for mistakes made a long time ago. And they weren't even his.

Bad Robot

John Benedict - 2018
    Luckily, he discovered the med error quickly and was able to save the patient. Mortified, Brandt decided not to mention his mistake to his coworkers, and to his surprise, he was hailed as a hero for his diagnostic skill. Afterward, he began to consider not just the implications, but the potential. Could this advance his career? Could it impress a certain female coworker? OR scrub nurse Kaycee Blair is gorgeous and knows it. Her tastes run to the finer things in life, and she is not above using her beauty to advance her goals. Though she’s currently dating Brandt, the brilliant ICU nurse whose career is on the upswing, Kaycee finds herself drawn to Dr. Salazar, the hospital’s new robotic heart surgeon. Dr. Dominic Salazar is a man blessed with Mediterranean good looks, supreme confidence, and obvious wealth. He is also a virtuoso with the Michelangelo robotic surgical system. However, due to a prior indiscretion, he was forced to give up his prestigious chairmanship of robotic surgery at Mass General and relocate to Swatara Regional Hospital. Dom is determined to rehabilitate his reputation, repair his marriage, and return to a more suitable academic center. But when he meets Kaycee—someone he knows should be off limits—all bets are off. Anesthesiologist Luke Daulton is back after his harrowing brush with death at the hands of Dr. Katz. A series of unexplainable—and deadly—post-surgical complications eventually entangle Luke in the tumultuous love triangle between Brandt, Kaycee, and Salazar; a triangle rife with sex, jealousy, anger, and revenge—where murder is just a matter of time.

Jalapeno Cupcake Wench

Carol Kilgore - 2017
    Law enforcement consultant Gracie Hofner is assigned to a trendy San Antonio bakery to watch for a delivery. In addition to the intoxicating aromas of sugar and chocolate, she also has to fight her own attraction to the man working beside her, Donovan Beck. He's a hunk and a half and perfect for a spring fling. If she had more time, Donovan would rank higher on her to-do list. But the number one spot is occupied by her search for a missing little girl, the target of a killer. Gracie needs to find her pronto, and the odd super-instinct quirk that's started plaguing her may help. If not, she can always listen if it says to buy a lottery ticket. Jalapeno Cupcake Wench is the first book in The Amazing Gracie Trilogy, a story so big, it takes three books to tell it.

A Will to Murder

Kathryn De Winter - 2017
    An expensive heirloom locket... And murder... When Molly Wright, a humble school teacher, agreed to help a stranger recover a very special locket she had no idea what she was getting herself into. Lies and deception become commonplace in her life as she gets deeper into the mystery surrounding the stranger. And then she discovers a murder! What has happened to Molly's quiet village life? Not only that but there is someone following her. Is he planning to murder her too? Mystery + Murder = Trouble. Molly Wright... Accidental Super Sleuth! If you love cozy mysteries then you will love this new series too. Get your copy today!