Reckless, Headstrong Girl: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Grace Gibson - 2021
    Wickham, proving he is no gentleman, does the unthinkable and casts Lydia out of a second-rate coach. Filthy, exhausted, and penniless, Lydia is just facing the beginning of her ordeal! How can a spoiled, uneducated girl of fifteen—used to having her way—survive a night in the wilds of Sussex?As Mr. Bennet and Mr. Gardiner vainly search for her in London, Lydia’s sisters struggle to keep her secret from their Meryton neighbors. Though they fear the worst—that Lydia’s wild life has ended in tragedy—all hope is not lost. Mr. Darcy, in the midst of reigniting his courtship with Elizabeth Bennet, is determined to recover his love’s unfortunate sibling.Will Mr. Darcy succeed in finding Lydia and restoring her to respectability? In what shocking condition will this catastrophe render such a reckless, headstrong girl?

A Will of Iron: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Linda Beutler - 2015
    Their return finds Rosings swathed in mourning. In death, Anne is revealed as having lived a rich life of the mind, and she plotted rather constantly to escape her loathsome mother, Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Anne’s journal—spirited into the hands of Elizabeth and Charlotte Collins—holds her candid observations on life and her family. It also exposes her final, and sadly fatal, means of outwitting her mother. Anne’s Last Will and Testament, with its peculiar bequests, sends Lady Catherine into a tailspin and throws into turmoil every relationship amongst the Bennets, Darcys, Fitzwilliams, Collinses, and even the Bingleys! Was Anne de bourgh a shrewder judge of character than Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy combined?Includes mature content.

Compromised by Mr. Darcy: a Pride and Prejudice variation

Valerie Lennox - 2020
    Fitzwilliam Darcy only knows that his sister grows pale when he asks her what happened. He knows that she seems incapable of putting her ordeal into words.He’s in Hertfordshire for one reason: to find out what befell her. He doesn’t have time to dance at this horrid ball in Meryton, so he claims that none of the women are handsome enough to tempt him.As if fate means to scold him, he immediately sets eyes on Miss Elizabeth Bennet. From then on, he is a man destroyed.Miss Elizabeth Bennet hates Mr. Darcy, and not only because she overheard him saying that she wasn’t handsome, but because he is arrogant and disparaging and altogether wretched. But when Mr. Darcy comes upon her at the Netherfield Ball as she is having an unfortunate mishap with her clothing, they are discovered together, her dress in disarray.The scandal demands a solution, and Mr. Darcy provides it. He asks her to marry him. But when he claims to be swept away by her beauty, she knows he is lying. Indeed, it seems he is lying about a great many things and hiding even more.Trapped in this marriage for the sake of her family’s reputation, she abhors Mr. Darcy’s secrets, even as his kisses awake tumultuous reactions deep within her. She is falling for this man, but how can she ever love him when he will not trust her?By the by, this book isn’t the least bit clean. Be advised.

Married in Haste: A Pride and Prejudice Reimagining

A.K. Madison - 2021
    . .” William CongreveA month after her wedding, Elizabeth Bennet Darcy had taught herself to be silent, watchful, careful. She moved through the house with eyes downcast, avoiding contact, speaking only when spoken to. She walked through the garden in much the same way, her face hidden from the sun—and from the direct gaze of any servant she might encounter—by the deep brims of the fashionable bonnets she wore.Just four short weeks after their marriage, the deep love between Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy is on the verge of collapsing forever. They must join forces to overcome whatever—or whoever—threatens to destroy their home, their love and their very lives.

A Duel in Meryton: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Renata McMann - 2019
    Darcy believes the people there are of so little consequence, Georgiana will know no fear in interacting with them. He soon learns he’s wrong about both his sister and Hertfordshire, but not about Wickham. Even bearing the brunt of Mr. Darcy’s insult doesn’t soften Elizabeth to her husband-hunting cousin, Mr. Collins, and her first reaction is to disdain both men. As the two join forces against Meryton’s newest militia member, the charming Mr. Wickham, Elizabeth comes to see a different side to Mr. Darcy and Mr. Collins. Their presence in Hertfordshire, along with Mr. Darcy’s other companions, will forever alter the lives of Elizabeth and those she cares for most. A Duel in Meryton is a Pride and Prejudice variation of approximately 73,000 words.

Trapped at Rosings: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Emily Russell - 2019
    But as Darcy is on his way through Rosings Woods to propose to Elizabeth Bennet, Lady Catherine's plan goes awry. After being trapped together for the night, Darcy must now marry Elizabeth to save her reputation. But before he can reassure Elizabeth he truly loves her and already wished to marry her, she reveals how much she dislikes him and how little she wants this marriage, mistakenly believing he feels the same. Darcy must keep his true feelings a secret though he dreads the prospect of marrying the woman he loves, knowing how much she despises him. Elizabeth Bennet is conflicted. Even though she dislikes Darcy for his arrogance and pride, and dreads the thought of their marriage, she cannot shake the memory of how bravely he protected her and how gently he comforted her during that terrifying night. And as their marriage approaches and the two grow closer, Elizabeth realises her feelings for him are growing stronger. But how can she love a man who thinks she and her family are beneath him? And can a man who has shown himself to be kinder, gentler and more generous than she ever realised really be responsible for destroying the lives and happiness of so many people? Two acquaintances, in particular, are not happy to learn about the forced marriage. One has set her heart on becoming the future Mrs Darcy, and the other has long wanted to avenge himself on his former friend. Knowing Elizabeth cared for Wickham, and still believes his lies about Darcy's treatment of him, the pair spot a perfect opportunity to tear the couple apart. And when the jealousy and deceit of others threaten to come between them, Elizabeth and Darcy must take a daring risk to decide what they want once and for all.

The Coming of Age of Elizabeth Bennet

Caitlin Williams - 2016
    Mr Bennet has died, leaving his wife and five young daughters bereft. The family estate, Longbourn, is now lost, entailed away and fifteen-year-old Elizabeth Bennet is to go two hundred miles away to live with strangers. George Darcy, repaying a debt of gratitude, has offered to take her to Pemberley, to live under the mantle of his care and be raised alongside his own daughter, Georgiana.But on the day she is to leave Longbourn forever, young Elizabeth, grieving and confused, runs off into the Hertfordshire countryside. Fitzwilliam Darcy gives chase, telling his father he will have her back in an hour or two. Luck and fate, however, are not on his side and capturing Elizabeth Bennet turns out not only to be more difficult than he could ever have imagined, but events will conspire to turn her little adventure into his worst nightmare.The prideful man and the girl prejudiced against him, meet much earlier in this rethinking of Jane Austen’s masterpiece. Elizabeth grows up under the ever-watchful eye of Mr Darcy, from fifteen to twenty one. She errs and falters, there are stumbles and trips, but could this ‘disobedient little hellion’ one day become mistress of Pemberley and the keeper of his heart?

Seasons of Waiting: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Christina Morland - 2018
    Autumn, 1812: Certain his second proposal will be rejected, Darcy does not return to Hertfordshire–or to Elizabeth Bennet.Spring, 1837: When his nephew falls in love with her niece, Darcy and Elizabeth are bound to meet again.How many steps does it take to find a way back to the person you have always loved?Dear Readers: this book contains a few non-graphic references to rape and incest.

Plots, Ploys, and the Art of Matchmaking: A Humorous Pride and Prejudice variation

Sarah Courtney - 2020
    Bennet, nobody can escape their mischief. From locked doors to misdirected carriages, Matlock and Bennet wreak havoc on inhabitants of Longbourn and Netherfield alike.Darcy and Elizabeth fall prey to their relations' schemes more than once, but they firmly resist any matchmaking efforts. Darcy knows his value in the marriage market and has no intention of marrying beneath him. Elizabeth could never marry such a pompous bore. But their pride and prejudice become a lot harder to maintain when they find themselves trapped alone together.Will Matlock and Bennet succeed in making matches for all of Meryton—except the two stubborn fools they know belong together?This sweet comedic variation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is 73,000 words of mischief and matchmaking.

Rebellion at Longbourn: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Victoria Kincaid - 2020
    Collins has taken possession of the Longbourn estate. Although Collins and his wife Charlotte have allowed the Bennet sisters and their mother to continue living at Longbourn, the situation is difficult. Viewing Elizabeth and her sisters as little more than unpaid servants, Collins also mistreats the tenants, spends the estate’s money with abandon, and rejects any suggestions about improving or modernizing Longbourn. After one particularly egregious incident, Elizabeth decides she must organize a covert resistance among her sisters and the tenants, secretly using more modern agricultural methods to help the estate thrive. Her scheme is just getting underway when Mr. Darcy appears in Meryton. Upon returning from a long international voyage, Darcy is forced to admit he cannot forget his love for Elizabeth. When he learns of the Bennet family’s plight, he hurries to Hertfordshire, hoping he can provide assistance. Sinking into poverty, Elizabeth is further out of Darcy’s reach than ever; still, he cannot help falling even more deeply in love. But what will he do when he discovers her covert rebellion against Longbourn’s rightful owner? Falling in love with Mr. Darcy was not part of Elizabeth’s plan, but it cannot be denied. Darcy struggles to separate his love for her from his abhorrence for deception. Will their feelings for each other help or hinder the Rebellion at Longbourn?

Locked at the Netherfield Ball: A Pride and Prejudice variation

Layla Johnson - 2020
    This novella, however, comes with a surprise regarding the characters who fell victim to a broken doorknob.The Netherfield Ball turned to be more a reason for distress than enjoyment for Elizabeth. Desperate and ashamed, she watched her family making a spectacle of themselves under Mr. Darcy and Bingley sisters' contemptuous gazes, until she could not bear it any more. Struggling for a moment of peace and tranquillity, she hid in the solitude of the library. While leaning on an armchair in a corner of the dark room, two men entered, arguing. Before Elizabeth had time to make her presence known, the confrontation turned more violent in words and tone, revealing deep secrets that should have been kept hidden.When one of the men attempted to leave and end the fight, his temper betrayed him and he pulled the doorknob so hard that it broke it.Suddenly, Elizabeth found herself blocked in the library with Mr. Darcy and Mr. Wickham - only moments after she had discovered that her judgement about the two men had been utterly wrong.With no place to hide and no mean to escape, the three of them had no other choice but to face each other, the truth and their own flaws.How long will their ordeal last and how will that happenstance influence their lives are questions to which the readers will find answers in these clean, romantic, low angst novella of approximately 30 K words.

With My Whole Heart Forever

Wendi Sotis - 2020
    Miss Elizabeth Bennet’s pleasure trip to the Lake District with her aunt and uncle is redirected when they receive an express stating Mrs. Gardiners’ sister and two nephews have fallen ill. The trio proceeds to a farm in Derbyshire to assist the ailing family, on the estate where her aunt grew up, Pemberley. During a walk, Elizabeth happens upon a young lady. A friendship is born, but secrets and heartache surround her new friend. Perhaps Elizabeth will finally meet Ana’s brother, of whom she has heard so much, at Pemberley’s Harvest Ball?Fitzwilliam Darcy is desperate to help his sister recover from the events at Ramsgate but is at a loss as to how to do so. After she begins to ride every day, she also seems to begin healing. In his state of relief, he does not push for answers as to why. When Ana comes to him excitedly requesting that he make the Harvest Ball a masque, he is so grateful for her interest in something, he agrees.

A Splendidly (Un)suitable Match

Jennifer Joy - 2021
    His cousin had his heart broken, his sister’s confidence was recently shattered, one of his closest friends has taken on more responsibility than he can possibly handle, and an overbearing social climber has decided to prove to Darcy that she is his perfect match. When all of them travel together to Netherfield Park, everything goes wrong. Darcy finds himself dancing when he would rather not, cavorting with mules, and laughing with an impertinent young miss who shows him the lighter side of life. Elizabeth Bennet’s sympathies often extend to the disadvantaged and mistreated. So, when she meets Fitzwilliam Darcy under less than flattering circumstances, her heart goes out to the unfortunate gentleman. Extending him her friendship and her humor, she tries to be content with her lot while helping her dearest sister and friend find love with their new neighbors at Netherfield Park. But the more she comes to know Mr. Darcy, the greater his danger to her heart. With the help of a troublesome Maltese puppy and the interference of a tenacious rival whose tactics backfire at every turn, Mr. Darcy discovers that to win Miss Elizabeth’s heart, he must become the gentleman she believes him to be. A Splendidly (Un)suitable Match is a light-hearted, low-angst, Regency Rom-Com inspired by Jane Austen's timeless classic, Pride and Prejudice. It is appropriate for all audiences.

The Re-education of Mr. Darcy: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Alexa Douglas - 2020
    When her grandparents take her and her sisters on a journey abroad, she is not surprised to encounter anti-American prejudice among the members of the English upper class. If only her new friend’s brother was not the most offensive of the lot!Fitzwilliam Darcy is grateful that his sister is coming out of her shell. If only her new friend was not a brash American who gets the better of him at every encounter! And if only he could stop thinking about her…When Elizabeth and her family depart for Italy, she is happy to leave Mr. Darcy and his disdainful cruelty behind. Darcy is not prepared to let her walk out of his life for good, but how is he to win a woman who despises him and challenges everything he was taught to believe?This epic Regency variation of Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice is the debut novel by an author who cherishes the timeless romance of Mr. Darcy and his Elizabeth. Sweet and clean, with just a touch of spice in the final chapter!

Of a Sunday Evening

Amy D'Orazio - 2020
    Driven from his house, eager to escape the tedium and his own thoughts, he encounters Miss Lydia Bennet on the mean streets of London. An elopement is in progress but Darcy soon finds himself called upon to stop it. IN LAMBTON, Elizabeth Bennet is horrified to learn of her sister's escapade, and even more dismayed to learn that somehow, some way Mr Darcy has become involved in it all. Her feelings having already softened towards him, she finds herself returning to London to find a changed man has been her family's hero. ONE SUNDAY EVENING soon gives way to another, and sisters must conspire to give the pair the nudge they need to speak to one another. Sunday evenings prove to be not so disagreeable after all!This Pride & Prejudice short story is a sweet, romantic what-if with an earlier reconciliation of Jane Austen's most famous lovers.