Never Letting Go: Heal Grief with Help from the Other Side

Mark Anthony - 2011
    This uplifting book will guide you on your journey through grief and inspire you with evidence of the afterlife. A practicing lawyer for over two decades, Mark Anthony is also a gifted medium who has worked with thousands of clients. He shares incredible true stories of contact with spirits and their enduring messages of forgiveness, gratitude, and acceptance. Even more remarkable, you will be able to recognize and make contact with the spirits of your loved ones. Compelling, comforting, and inspiring for those of all backgrounds and faiths, Never Letting Go offers true healing through messages of hope from the Other Side. Praise:"This deep, emotionally touching book is destined to become a metaphysical classic."—Joyce Keller, author of SEVEN STEPS TO HEAVEN "An enlightening journey through coping with grief and discovering spiritual renewal. I highly recommend this book!"—Jeffrey A. Wands, author of ANOTHER DOOR OPENS

Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul: Your Personal, Portable Support Group with Stories of Healing, Hope, Love and Resilience

Jack Canfield - 2004
    Find inspiration for change and personal growth in each story within its pages as people in this dynamic community share their experiences of transformation, of lives reclaimed, of relationships renewed and futures full of promise.Today, the recovering lifestyle has been embraced and celebrated by millions. The silence which once enveloped dysfunctional families or victims of trauma has been broken, and the shame felt by those suffering with behavioral disorders or depression has turned into a sense of accomplishment and pride. More than 700,000 Americans receive treatment for alcoholism or substance abuse on any given day in over 11,000 addiction treatment programs offering residential, outpatient and hospital inpatient options.Support groups meet daily in every corner of the world and the Internet hums with recovering chat rooms and bulletin boards. The traditional 12 Step model of Alcoholic's Anonymous has been joined by programs offering more secular approaches to recovery, while others support faith-based models. Diversity and inclusion in treatment have become the hallmark of recovery today.Whether you are just embracing a commitment to recovery, or have already experienced deep healing, hope and renewed love in recovery, Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul will be a source of inspiration and renewal every step of the way. Remember, you are not alone.

Thrift Store Graces: Finding God's Gifts in the Midst of the Mess

Jane F. Knuth - 2012
    Similar to the first book, Thrift Store Graces contains personal accounts of Knuth’s experiences serving as a once reluctant, now enthusiastic volunteer at a thrift store in Kalamazoo, Michigan. What sets Thrift Store Graces apart from her first book is that Knuth introduces us to some far more challenging personal situations that emerge as a result of her volunteer work. Additionally, she invites us to join her as she hesitantly embarks on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje in war-ravaged Bosnia. Through it all, her delightful sense of humor keeps her going, along with her conviction that some of God’s greatest gifts come disguised as difficulties.Witty, inspiring, and thought-provoking all at once, the stories in Thrift Store Graces subtly compel us to redefine what it means to volunteer and to rethink why it is that we volunteer in the first place.

Evangelism as Exiles: Life on Mission As Strangers In Our Own Land

Elliot Clark - 2019
    It's time to rethink normal. Suffering and exclusion are normal in a believer's life. At least they should be. This was certainly Jesus's experience. And it's the experience of countless Christians around the world today. No matter your social location or set of experiences, the biblical letter of 1 Peter wants to redefine your expectations and reinvigorate your hope. Drawing on years of ministry in a Muslim-majority nation, Elliot Clark guides us through Peter's letter with striking insights for today. Whether we're in positions of power or weakness, influence or marginalization, all of us are called to live and witness as exiles in a world that's not our home. This is our job description. This is our mission. This is our opportunity. A church in exile doesn't have to be a church in retreat.

The Walk: Five Essential Practices of the Christian Life

Adam Hamilton - 2019
    The apostles taught it in their writings. And the Church has, through the last 2,000 years, sought to pursue this Christian spiritual life. In The Walk, Adam Hamilton focuses on five essential spiritual practices that are rooted in Jesus’ own walk with God and taught throughout the New Testament. Each of these practices is intended as part of our daily walk with Christ while also being an essential part of growing together in the church.In each chapter, Hamilton explores one of these practices, its New Testament foundation, and what it looks like to pursue this practice daily in our personal life and together in the life of the church. Deepen your walk with Christ as we explore the five essential practices of worship, study, serving, giving, and bearing witness to our faith.Additional components for a six-week adult study include a comprehensive Leader Guide and a DVD featuring the engaging teachings of author and pastor Adam Hamilton. Also available are resources for children and youth.

BLESS: 5 Everyday Ways to Love Your Neighbor and Change the World

Dave Ferguson - 2021
    But how do you share it without scaring them away or offending them? For most Christians, “evangelism” is an intimidating word that suggests handing out tracts to strangers or doing other awkward things.             But what if there was a more organic, more authentic way to share your faith with your friends, neighbors, and coworkers?             Dave and Jon Ferguson have found five simple, straightforward practices that will allow any believer to do just that. And by consistently living them out, you can affect not just individual lives but your entire neighborhood and community—one person at a time.

The White Island

Stephen Armstrong - 2004
    Its history reads like a history of pleasure itself. It is also a story of invasions and migrations, of artists and conmen, of drop-outs and love-ins. The Carthaginians established a cult to their goddess of sex there, and named the island after Bez, their god of dance. Roman centurions in need of a bit of down time between campaigns would go to Ibiza to get their kicks. And over the centuries, cultures around the Med have used the island either as a playground or a dump for the kind of people who didn't quite fit in back home, but who you'd probably quite like to meet at a party...This is the history of Ibiza, the fantasy island, framed by one long, golden summer where anything can happen - and it usually does.

Bill W.: A Biography of Alcoholics Anonymous Cofounder Bill Wilson

Francis Hartigan - 2000
    Bob Smith, founded Alcoholics Anonymous in 1935, his hope was that AA would become a safe haven for those who suffered from this disease. Thirty years after his death, AA continues to help millions of alcoholics recover from what had been commonly regarded as a hopeless addiction. Still, while Wilson was a visionary for millions, he was no saint. After cofounding Alcoholics Anonymous, he stayed sober for over thirty-five years, helping countless thousands rebuild their lives. But at the same time, Wilson suffered form debilitating bouts of clinical depression, was a womanizer, and experimented with LSD.Francis Hartigan, the former secretary and confidant to Wilson's wife, Lois, has exhaustively researched his subject, writing with a complete insider's knowledge. Drawing on extensive interviews with Lois Wilson and scores of early members of AA, he fully explores Wilson's organizational genius, his devotion to the cause, and almost martyr-like selflessness. That Wilson, like all of us, had to struggle with his own personal demons makes this biography all the more moving and inspirational. Hartigan reveals the story of Wilson's life to be as humorous, horrific, and powerful as any of the AA vignettes told daily around the world.

Finding God in the Questions: A Personal Journey

Timothy Johnson - 2004
    Timothy Johnson, medical editor for ABC News. He believes that's where God meets you--in the midst of honest grappling with heartfelt issues. In this remarkable book, Dr. Johnson discloses his deeply personal journey of faith. With the same keen mind accustomed to medical and scientific examination, he investigates the plausibility of God's existence and explores the significance of the person of Jesus. Despite all the difficulties of faith, he explains what he believes and why. He writes, "As a physician, I have committed my professional life to healing and wellness. But my public work is only a small part of who I really am--or rather, who I want to be. This book is, in a sense, 'the rest of the story.' "For many people, religion provides answers to the big questions of life. For others, the absolute claims of religion raise more questions than they answer. I have lived on both sides--and in some senses, I still do. My path of faith has wandered through both doubt and belief, often at the same time. "Doubt doesn't have to tear down belief, however; it can purify it. When it does, the beliefs on the other side become more certain. This is why I would like to affirm that it is possible to find God even while you are still asking the big questions." Come join a fellow pilgrim on the journey. Ask your questions--and perhaps find God behind them. This new paperback edition includes a new afterword and a study guide with questions for personal reflection or group discussion.

The Faith of Leap: Embracing a Theology of Risk, Adventure & Courage

Michael Frost - 2011
    It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."To Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch, so much of how we have learned to experience and understand the faith has been divorced from the overarching adventure inherent in our God and in our calling. This book is a corrective to the dull, adventureless, risk-free phenomenon that describes so much of contemporary Christianity. It explores the nature of adventure, risk, and courage and the implications for church, discipleship, spirituality, and leadership.

Peace Child: An Unforgettable Story of Primitive Jungle Teaching in the 20th Century

Don Richardson - 1974
    Peace Child tells their unforgettable story of living among these headhunters and cannibals.

Beyond Rain of Gold

Victor Villaseñor - 2011
    In the process of ensuring that his family’s saga would be published as the authentic, true account it was, Villaseñor forged a sacred bond with his father and his indigenous ancestors, who were guiding him from the Other Side. The book eventually became a national bestseller and an enduring favorite of millions of readers. Yet the story doesn’t end there. Villaseñor’s connection with the Spirit World continued to deepen, awakening him to the ongoing miracles inherent in everyday living. He discovered that his life had suddenly taken on a magical quality, with events occurring that transcended the boundaries of what is normally considered “reality.” A series of mystical encounters with Spirit convinced Villaseñor that not only is there no firm line between life and death—but that the time has come in our collective “human-story” to usher in a new era of abundance, peace, and harmony on our beloved Mother Earth and among all of humanity!     Similar to Carlos Castaneda’s body of work, this exciting, raw, and honest book courageously delves into altered states of consciousness that exist alongside ordinary reality . . . ultimately revealing the Spiritual Wisdom that is available to each and every one of us.   Beyond Rain of Gold will truly transform the way you see the world— on both a personal and planetary level!

The Discerning of Spirits

Frank Hammond - 2014
    God has called all of us into spiritual warfare and spiritual battle. His Church will be a militant Church, and the “gates of hell shall not prevail against her.” The weapons God supplies us with are not carnal or fleshly weapons, but spiritual ones, they are “mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds.” We are equipped by God for spiritual warfare through the gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12. God has said that these are the channels through which His power will flow, the avenues through which His Holy Spirit will operate. Chief among these gifts for the ministry of deliverance is the gift of discerning of spirits. We must rely upon the Holy Spirit for the ministry of deliverance and nothing else, not the arm of the flesh or the voice of demons. Frank Hammond explains the application of this gift to the believer, and provides examples of how it has worked in his own ministry. He concludes with a prayer of impartation for the reader to receive this gift and the gifts of knowledge, wisdom and faith.

The Heart That Grew Three Sizes: Finding Faith in the Story of the Grinch

Matt Rawle - 2021
    We just know he did. In this new Advent study, Matt Rawle explores the faith themes in the Christmas classic, How the Grinch Stole Christmas! including, how did the Grinch’s heart grow three sizes come Christmas morning? How did Christmas save the Grinch? Could it be that the very thing we think we hate is the one thing that changes our lives? This Advent and Christmas season, look at a familiar classic through the lens of faith and see how Christ speaks to us through our culture.

Untamable God: Encountering the One Who Is Bigger, Better, and More Dangerous Than You Could Possibly Imagine

Stephen Altrogge - 2013
    In his personal, intimate, engaging, humorous style, Altrogge takes us on a journey through God's word, bringing us into close contact with the God of sharp edges and brilliant light. Altrogge introduces afresh to the untamable God of the Bible.