World Order / Caged Animal / Deep Allegiance

David Archer - 2020
    With the intelligence community at a loss to find out who was behind the attack, Noah and Team Camelot are called on to track down the elusive criminal kingpin known only as Spear and bring his powerful murder cartel to an end.The only way to determine who Spear is, however, is to infiltrate his organization, and that requires Noah, Neil, Jenny, Marco and Renée to all go into deep cover. Trouble follows, though, when Renée seems to have fallen under Spear’s sway and turned against the team.With Marco insisting that Renee would never turn traitor, Noah has to decide whether to obey the order to eliminate her or risk everything to bring her back in from the cold. And he’s only got hours left to do so.

Urban Gridlock

Jaime Hernandez - 2021
    They bear witness to the furious beginning of the Zombie Apocalypse. Trapped in the middle of the city, the pair must fight their way back to the only thing that matters… their families.As the two struggle to make their way out of the city, their families must do whatever is necessary to survive. Max’s family is in a race against time to fortify their suburban castle against the coming storm, while Jesse’s family is forced to leave the comfort of their home to find a secure shelter.With danger and horrors surrounding them, they must all find their way back to each other. In the fight to stay alive, who will live and who will die?Follow the terrifying tale of these two families from one of the bestselling, award-winning authors of the Zombie Road Fan Fiction Collection.

The Belial Rebirth

R.D. Brady - 2020
    She’s used her notoriety to start charitable works across the globe.Yet her world remains unsettled.Max’s prophesy for the future lays heavily on her mind. She’s kept that message of a violent showdown from her friends and family, wanting them to enjoy the peace they’ve so painfully earned. For Laney though, each moment of joy is accompanied by a ticking clock counting down.And now the ticking has stopped. An old enemy returns and is trying to turn back the clock to a time when the Fallen had their powers. Laney must jump into the fight again. But after so much time, is she still up to the task?

Stormy Weather: An apocalyptic story.

Pete Thorsen - 2015
    At least that is what our government and the media kept telling the nation’s population. Chip, a construction worker in Nebraska was not too sure about the whole economic recovery thing. He never really saw too much improvement where he was living and working. Then things really started to go down hill with the nation’s economy. It just kept getting worse and worse and soon even the media could no longer hide the truth that this time the fake recovery was turning into the Second Great Depression. Chip still had the old farmstead that had been passed down through several generations in his family. Could he make a go of it on only the small piece of that land that was still left? He knew he would have to use all the old knowledge that his parents had passed to him just to keep his belly full in this new depression with even longer ‘soup lines’ than there was in the first Great Depression. Chip never said he was the brightest bulb but even he knew the nation was in for some stormy weather. This is his story. As always in my stories there is no foul language or explicit sex though there is some violence. My stories are only meant to provide an afternoon or evening of reading enjoyment. If when reading any story you find that an occasional grammatical error spoils your whole experience then you may wish forgo reading this story as I am sure some errors can be found within it despite my best efforts.

Blackout: A Tale Of Survival In A Powerless World- Book 2

Alexandria Clarke - 2017
    Reunited after nine years, the father/daughter duo must put aside their differences from the past to move forward, but old wounds prove hard to close. Both George and her father have their own agenda. Can they learn to compromise in time to save the people that they love?


Bruno Miller - 2019
    But while picking up his son at the Indianapolis airport, the country is thrust into nuclear warfare with the detonation of multiple EMPs. With fires burning out of control and the loss of the electrical grid, the entire country is thrown into chaos. Vince and his son, Cy, are forced to fight for their lives and escape the city as the world they once knew crumbles around them. As they try to return to their hometown of Cloverdale, Indiana, or what’s left of it, they struggle to accept their new environment. Forced to come to terms with the harsh reality of the nuclear attack, they press on through what is quickly becoming a post apocalyptic wasteland. Challenged with the absence of utilities and emergency services, they must save who and what they can before it’s too late.

The Last Tribe

Brad Manuel - 2015
    Not only do you struggle to find food, water, and shelter, you deal with the sadness and loss of everyone you know, and everything you have. Fourteen year old Greg Dixon is living that nightmare. Attending boarding school outside of Boston, he is separated from his family when a pandemic strikes. His classmates and teachers are dead, rotting in a dormitory turned morgue steps from his room. The nights are getting colder, and his food has run out. The last message from his father is get away from the city, and meet at his grandparent’s town in remote New Hampshire. Knowing the impending New England winter could be the final nail in his coffin, he packs what little food he can find, and sets off on his one hundred mile walk north with the unwavering belief that his family is alive and will join him. As the fast moving and deadly disease strips away family and friends, Greg’s father, John, is trapped in South Carolina. Roadblocks, a panic stricken population, and winter make it impossible for him to get to his son. John and his three brothers appear to be immune, but they are scattered across a locked down United States, forced to wait for the end of humanity before travelling to the mountains of New Hampshire. Spring arrives, and the Dixons make their way north to find young Greg. They meet others along the way, and slowly form the last tribe of humanity from the few people still alive in the northeast.

Fury (Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse Book 15)

Shawn Chesser - 2021

Night Zero

Rob Horner - 2019
    The theory is sound, but something goes wrong, and a highly contagious combination of virus and prion is unleashed, a middle-stage organism too dangerous to test. With emergency services overwhelmed, a small community hospital tries to combat the unthinkable--an illness that causes aggression, spreads through violence, and won’t allow the dead to rest.

Survive (Live Free or Die #1)

Shawn Underhill - 2017
     Set against the backdrop of the isolated forests north of New Hampshire's White Mountains, while camping on family land, Tom and Lori Thornton (and their dog, Buck) find themselves in a sudden SHTF scenario. No cellular service. Dangerous roads. Limited supplies. And far more questions than answers. After the shocking murder of Tom's uncle by a band of looters, the couple's already faltering marriage reaches the breaking point amid the chaos. Trust and loyalties are challenged, old friendships are put to the test, and while immediate answers and solutions elude them, they must rely on raw instincts in order to survive.

The Dark Times: Part One - The Beginning

Jerry D. Young - 2014
    YOU KNOW THEIR NAMES They are etched deeply in the new history books. things in common. First is the need to take care of themselves and their loved ones. Second is a sense of independence. Third is a willingness to work hard to achieve their objectives. Fourth, and fortunately for the human race, they all possess an understanding of history and the way history relates to possible futures. Last, but certainly not least, is the foresight and wherewithal to prepare for any number of futures, both good and bad. All of the Twelve Groups were rather well respected, if not always well liked, even before the Dark Times began. And each member of each Group became the stuff of legends during those terrible, fateful days that became known as the Dark Times. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jerry D Young was born at home, in Senath, Missouri July 3, 1953. At age 5 the family rented a small farm house on an active farm 40 miles southwest of St. Louis. While the family weren't farmers, they lived something of a homestead type life, raising a milk cow, sometimes two, and calves, a pig or two, chickens, and the occasional goat. Along with the stock, a large garden helped to feed Jerry's three brothers and two sisters for several years. Fishing and hunting contributed to the pantry, as did foraging the wild edibles on the property. At the age of 14, the family, minus a brother and two sisters that were now adults and on their own, moved back to Senath. Having been encouraged from an early age to read, Jerry was a regular patron of the Senath Branch Library. A love of a good story was born within him, and shortly before graduating high school, for a lack of stories that he liked at the library, he began to write short vignettes, and started taking notes for stories that he wanted to tell. Well, a full life interceded, and the writing didn't resume for several years. But while working a job with a much free time, and the then newfangled home computer, Jerry began to write in earnest. With the occasional gap in the process, Jerry continued to research and write, never believing he could ever be published. But when he turned 50, he wanted a change in his life, left the job he was doing and began focusing on his writing. When he became ill, the writing stopped, but not the inspiration. When he started writing again, in 2004, after getting the medical problems under control, he began to read some on-line stories dealing with emergency preparedness, one of his other loves. The die was cast. Now with over a hundred of the vignettes and short stories about how to survive disasters written, along with his other novels, Jerry decided to go for broke, adding one of his previous works every few days to his list of stories now available, Jerry continues to write, both the Prep/PAW stories, as well as action adventure with a little romance type stories that first got him started.

The Fall of the Dragon: An Apocalyptic Survival Series

Steven Kagey - 2017
     The wrath of the dragon has fallen. An electromagnetic pulse has taken down the power grid and a majority of vehicles and electronics with it. The race is on for Brian Stewart to gather his friends and family to their homestead where they have been preparing for this type of event. With enough food and supplies to survive comfortably for the foreseeable future, those preparations are gone in the blink of an eye. Taken by the Federal Government who thinks those supplies should belong to everyone not just to the private citizens that had the foresight to prepare. How many of your constitutional rights remain during a national disaster? Will vengeance get the Stewart homestead killed? What price are they willing to pay for justice to be served?

The Prepper, Part 1: The Collapse

Karl A.D. Brown - 2013
    As the world careens towards nuclear and economic disaster, Alfred, acting on his instincts, awakens and becomes a prepper. After four US cities are destroyed with nuclear weapons, the US economy crumbles and the family struggles to survive in a world where food shortages, looting, rioting, and a deadly breakdown of the social order has become the norm. In a time when there is no government, infrastructure, or friends to count on, the Aimes family realizes that all they have is each other. "The Prepper Part One: The Collapse" is a stand alone novel.

Enduring the Crisis

K.D. Kinney - 2016
    However, timing is everything. When an EMP nuclear event takes out the grid and brings the nation to a complete stop, Tammy and Ben may not have been as prepared as they thought. Tammy is a food storage and emergency preparedness specialist. So she thinks. She and her five daughters will find out how prepared they are when they're put through the ultimate test when the worst happens. Having everything she needs won't bring all her family members home or keep the crazies away. What's worse is she has no way to contact her husband Ben to find out if he survived. Ben is supervising a road-building project in a remote fishing village in Alaska when the state's defense system takes out what could have been a nuclear EMP disaster. The lights are still on where he is, but with all flights grounded, there's no easy way back to Anchorage, much less the lower forty-eight. He might be thousands of miles away from the disaster but he's determined to return home to his family no matter what it takes. As North America is in chaos, Tammy and Ben know the hardships that are in store for them and their family. However, nothing could have prepared them for the real struggles they encounter as they try to protect and reunite with the ones they love. Book One of the Endure Trilogy

Flare: The Journey

Theresa Shaver - 2019
     Lila Duncan is months away from leaving her husband and setting up a new happier home for her kids. Freedom is so close she can almost taste it. While attending a conference almost 400 miles from home to help reach her goal, the unthinkable happens. A massive Solar Flare hits the planet wiping out all modern electronics including all modes of transportation. The world begins to burn as civilization is stopped in its tracks. Frantic with worry for her son and daughter in the care of their indifferent father, she decides to tackle the journey home on foot. Between her and home are the Rocky Mountains that she will have to cross. The Journey will take every ounce of will and determination she has but not even a mountain range can compete against a mother’s love.