Warming Emerald: The Red Petticoat Saloon

Maren Smith - 2016
    She does not smile; she does not trust, but she will, for a few extra dollars, put her buckskins on before taking a man to bed. Called Emerald, she has bitten more customers than she has forgiven. It never once occurred to her that anyone would find that treatment enamoring… until the day of the Great Brawl when the eldest Drake brother stormed the Red Petticoat in his vengeful hunt for Gabe and the youngest, Garrett, tackled her to the floor. She’d lived up to her reputation that day, grinding her teeth into the palm of his hand until she tasted blood, and forever won herself the erstwhile affections of a man who refused to understand the concept of ‘get lost’. No one knew how to hide behind a smile like Garrett Drake. Haunted by a past he would never honor with words, he knew the soul-biting pain of incorporeal scars when he saw it. And from the moment he clapped eyes on Emerald—and she clamped her sharp little teeth on him, painting her lips with his blood—Garrett recognized his suffering soul’s long absent mate. She was prickly, temperamental, tense… afraid… what about that could draw him as intensely as it did, he had no idea, but the more she insisted he go away, the more impossible he found it to leave. And then soldiers came to Culpepper Cove with orders to remove Emerald’s very young son to a reservation in which she could not go. After that, leaving ceased to be an option. Armed with an off-kilter joke and a smile, Garrett allied himself to the woman he loved…whether she wanted him to or not. Because she was warming to him, by God, and that right there made everything he was about to do worth it. DISCLAIMER: This book contains the spanking of adult women and sexual scenes. If any of these offend you, please do not purchase this book. About The Red Petticoat series: The Red Petticoat Saloon series is a collection of books written by #1 and USA Today bestselling authors. Each book tells the unique story of a different woman, 'a gem', who comes to the saloon to find a safe haven and discovers they become part of a family. Recurring characters appear in each book to allow readers a continuity as they learn about the women who have learned to bend but have not broken under the harshness that life has to offer. It is a series where strong, loving men find not only entertainment at the saloon but the special women who reside under its roof.

The Whirlwind Rescue

Ginny Sterling - 2020
    She’s fascinated with the idea of being able to live in paradise and the peace it brings to her soul. Sand, sun, flowers, and gentle warm rain – it’s supposed to be the idyllic life. When a hurricane threatens the island, she is rescued by her ex-boyfriend, Gavin Tanner. Gavin knows that when the storm hits, it’s his job to save the lives of the people who’ve been stranded among the chaos that nature delivers abruptly. When he comes face-to-face with the woman who once broke his heart, he realizes that the buildings around him aren’t the only things that were destroyed by a strong female. Hurricane Dottie is nothing compared to the wrath of his beloved Natalie! Will these two strong personalities handle the influx of emotions, as well as the surge of water, that threatens them? Can they set aside their differences and work together in order to survive the onslaught around them? Step into the world of Disaster City Search and Rescue, where officers, firefighters, military, and medics, train and work alongside each other with the dogs they love, to do the most dangerous job of all — help lost and injured victims find their way home.


Krystal M. Anderson - 2018
    But when her outlaw uncle reappears after four years’ absence and threatens to kill her, Clara embarks by stagecoach on her wildest adventure yet… and unexpectedly finds love along the way. Seeking fortune to prove his worth, Hal Horner buys a silver mine in the Owyhee Mountains, feeling the solemn darkness of the underground mine reflects perfectly the emptiness in his own heart. He succeeds in finding treasure, though it’s not the shiny type he intended….

Sand Creek Serenade

Jennifer Uhlarik - 2019
    One brave who will stop at nothing to save his people. Each willing to die for their beliefs and love for one another. Will their sacrifice be enough?As a female medical doctor in 1864, Sadie Hoppner is no stranger to tragedy and loss. While she grapples with the difficulties of practicing medicine at a Colorado outpost, she learns that finding acceptance and respect proves especially difficult at Fort Lyon.Cheyenne brave Five Kills wants peace between his people and the American Army. But a chance encounter with their female doctor ignites memories from his upbringing among the whites … along with a growing fondness for the one person who seems to understand him and his people.As two cultures collide with differing beliefs of right and wrong, of what constitutes justice and savagery, blood spills on the Great Plains. When the inevitable war reaches Fort Lyon, the young couple's fledgling love is put to the test.Written for the General Market (G) (I): This story contains mild violence appropriate to depict battle scenes or other war-themed situations. This story does not contain strong language or explicit sexual content. May also contain some content of an inspirational nature.

Genie Daddy

Allysa Hart - 2017
    And then, I met Callum. Or should I say I released him? I was a socialite with a strong sense of entitlement and a lot of anger. He was a Dominant genie with a hard body and an even harder hand. It could never work. Could it?


Pam Crooks - 2019
    When his quest for justice fails, he leaves Texas to head north, but he never expects an outlaw's baby along the way. Morgana Goldwater needs to be needed. After she endured a terrible tragedy, she lives in a narrow, protected world. When Trace needs help caring for the baby girl, she is quick to take them both into her heart and into her life. But their troubles return, and Trace and Morgana must face their past to keep loving the little girl--and each other--in their future. Sweet Romance. #kindleunlimited

Lawfully Devoted

Jenna Brandt - 2019
     Zach Turner is a dedicated search and rescue cop. The only wife he needs is his work wife, Aiden O'Connell, and his K-9 partner, Harley. That doesn't mean he's not into the ladies, because he totally is, but he doesn't want anything serious. Casually dating is more his speed, that is until he meets Erica Cruz through Aiden's girlfriend. Something about her intrigues Zach, but she wants nothing to do with him because of his playboy ways and lack of faith. Erica Cruz has a great life. She enjoys spending time with her best friend, Lindsay, serving at church with the junior high kids, and working as a dental assistant. The only thing missing is a good, Christian man in her life. She's tried all the different ways of finding one from the church singles' group to online dating, but she's had nothing but bad luck. The worst of the worst is Zach, who she has avoided since she met him through Aiden, Lindsay's husband. He's done nothing but hit on her since they first met. All she wants to do is stay away from him, but fate has a different idea. Erica never knew her father, so when he dies and leaves everything to her, she's surprised. But when she finds out her inheritance is worth billions, surprise turns into shock as her world turns upside down. To make matters more complicated, she starts receiving threats against her life. As she digs into her father's corrupt past, she realizes that money isn't the only thing she's inherited. She's also gained a massive list of her father's enemies and one of them is willing to kill her to set things right. Erica decides to reach out to her friends on the Clear Mountain Police Department, but the only person able to bodyguard her and go with her to Amsterdam to find out the truth, is Zach. Can they find a way to get along for the sake of Erica's protection? Will they find out who is trying to harm her and why before it's too late? And will they finally give into the attraction that has been secretly simmering just below the surface? *** The Lawkeepers is a multi-author series alternating between historical westerns and contemporary westerns featuring law enforcement heroes that span multiple agencies and generations. Join international bestselling authors Jenna Brandt, Lorana Hoopes and many others as they weave captivating, sweet and inspirational stories of romance and suspense between the lawkeepers -- and the women who love them. The Lawkeepers is a world like no other; a world where lawkeepers and heroes are honored with unforgettable stories, characters, and love. ** Note: Each book in The Lawkeepers series is a standalone book, a mini-series of sorts, and you can read them in any order.

The Wild Mountain Man Won By The Stolen Bride (Reader Gold Collection #1)

Terri Grace - 2016
     Teddy Carson and his Native American friends have made it their responsibility to protect travelers through their land, but one night Teddy is too late to save a family wagon-train. The men have been killed, and the women and children kidnapped – all except one, a little girl named Sandie who had been successfully hidden by her mother, Kendra. Leaving Sandie in the care of Chief Big Foot, Teddy sets out to fulfil his promise to Sandie to bring her mother home. He succeeds and, to the horror of Kendra’s sister-in-law, falls for Kendra, and she for him. Kendra understands Milly’s point of view. Kendra’s first husband wasn’t a Christian and treated her terribly; Teddy isn’t a Christian either – he’s a wild mountain man. But Sandie sees something in Teddy and attaches herself to him. It will take a little child to teach Teddy and Kendra a lesson about forgiveness, redemption, and unconditional love. Interview With The Author What kind of stories do you enjoy writing? My favorites are Clean Romance short stories, especially Mail Order Bride. I love writing historical Western romance novellas and short stories. I also write a cozy mystery or two. They are such fun! Your books often contain an element of faith as well as clean romance and love. Is that important to you as a writer? Yes, my faith is important to me, and as an author clean Christian western romance is my heart passion. I love being able to tell a story, be it an American mail order brides series, a Mail Order bride and babies tale, or a historical western romance novella, and at the same time bring a positive message of hope, faith and love to uplift readers. Are all of your stories Clean reads? Yes, every story I write is clean and wholesome, and I find that language and sex free Mail Order Bride books are just as good as those that include such things. I don't think that offensive elements are necessary to tell a great story, and I always ensure that I write great Christian Western romance free of anything that might compromise my readers in any way. The main thing for me is always the story, and the characters. A great plot is what makes a story worth reading. Where do your brides and their stories come from? Mail Order Brides of the west, east or sometimes even foreign brides jump into my imagination every day, each telling their own special story! I have mail order brides of Texas, New York, even Liverpool, England. So many places, so many tales to tell. I get an idea for a book or a series and when I begin to write the stories often take on a life all of their own. Just like my readers, I am often on the edge of my seat eagerly waiting to find out what will happen next! I even have a few Mail Order Husbands cooking. :) What would you like to say to your readers? Just two short words. Thank you! I think many authors take their readers for granted, but without you there would be no stories. A story only really comes alive in the hand of a reader. My readers are the reason I write, the reason I can tell my tales. Without them, well, there would be no story to tell. Every email I receive, every review that is left - every one of them means so much to me. Why should a new reader pick up one of your books? If you enjoy clean Christian Western romance and mail order bride romance free from smutty themes; if you love great romantic stories full of surpri

Captive Discipline

Taryn Williams - 2017
    Slipping out after curfew, she was attempting to spy on a men's gathering when she was caught and, fearful of causing interplanetary problems, the Ambassador refuses to intervene. Janys is charged with a serious crime, one that could lead to exile on the prison planet of Kollent. Worse, she has no defense – she is a trained sociologist, well familiar with the laws. But she does have some friends on Demeter, and one of them proposes a solution that's likely to save her life: marriage. Once married to a Demetrian man, Janys will be under his control – and correction. Seeing this as her only hope, she agrees. But what has she agreed to? The Demetrian society believes in strict, severe corporal punishment. She quickly finds herself subject not only to her husband, but to her mother-in-law, for that is the custom of the land. Then an opportunity to escape presents itself. Dare she take it? Publisher's Note: This full-length science-fiction romance is intended for adults only. It contains explicit themes and power exchange.

Correct Me if I'm Wrong

Carolyn Faulkner - 2019
    They had been incredibly close – he was her best friend, her lover, and her Dom – and without him, she feels adrift. She finds herself spending more and more time alone, even to the point of cancelling a trip to New Mexico to see her best friend and her brother, who was her husband’s brother from another mother. Her friend is nothing but understanding about Tawny’s cancellation. But her friend’s brother, Cesare, is most certainly not… to the extent that he shows up, unexpected and, frankly, unwanted, on Tawny’s doorstep, determined to take her back home with him. And Chez is more than a force to be reckoned with. But Tawny is determined not to knuckle under to him – although he knows more about her than she thought, and he isn’t at all afraid to use that knowledge to get her to do what he wants her to do. Publisher's Note: This steamy contemporary romance contains elements of power exchange.

Leather and Grace

Maggie Ryan - 2016
     Quentin Doucet loves three things with a passion: working with leather, vintage motorcycles, and women who have chosen a life of submission. His life was perfect until the day Beth disappeared off the face of the earth. Unable to stay in the vibrant city of New Orleans, where the memories are just too painful and his sense of guilt is just too great, he walks away when darkness threatens to consume him. It is only his sense of duty that has him returning when his best friend and business partner Brody is laid up with a broken leg. Despite Quentin's insistence that he isn't going to stay once Brody is back on his feet, fate has other plans. The night he steps into an art gallery, he feels as if his eyes are opening for the first time in two years. The paintings on the walls stir his soul almost as much as the artist herself. The moment Grace meets Quentin at her exhibition and looks into his eyes, she feels an irresistible urge to press her lips against the pulsing vein in his neck. When he later steps into the room as the leader of her first class in submission, she knows she wants to be his. He is an enigma that she longs to solve, but she's well aware that until he is free of the pain of his past, he will never be ready to step into the future. With the help of a detective who refuses to allow a killer to go free, Quentin and Brody attempt to unravel a twisting labyrinth of clues to bring closure to a case long relegated to the cold files. The swamps of Louisiana hide the sins of many, but when Grace disappears, Quentin knows he won't survive if she's not found alive. Will his instincts allow him to find the woman he's come to love in time, or will he lose another to the marsh's embrace? Are the fates that cruel, or will God's grace give him another chance? Find out in Leather and Grace, a tale of BDSM, murder, suspense, love, hope, lust and exploration, from the pen of USA Today bestselling author Maggie Ryan. Publisher's Note: This tale contains adult themes, including spanking and flogging, anal play and explicit sexual scenes between consenting adults. If such material offends you, please do not purchase.

Riding With Warriors : Book One

Lily Harlem - 2020
    Exhausted. Hunted...Found.Alice Bennett's situation couldn't be worse, but that's not going to stop her fighting. She has a plan - a plan to escape the cruel man leading her wagon train and survive alone in the mountain wilderness.She has skills, a few supplies, and a loyal horse. But life is about more than just staying alive, and when a mysterious and handsome local with a proud, passionate glint in his eyes and an affinity with the forest shows up she is as captivated as she is terrified.And then she meets his warrior friends!Tensions soar. Desires flare. Jealousy rears. Can Alice handle the fierce determination of the men promising to protect her? Will her spirit ever truly belong with the people who've welcomed her into their lives? And will the love of three Chochmi warriors be her true salvation? *Reverse Harem, Why Choose, Native American Heroes Romance

Grace's Hope

Cissie Patterson - 2017
    Could becoming a mail order bride be the answer? One ad speaks to her heart and provides hope. Is this the solution to repairing her shattered dreams or the start of a new nightmare? Sheriff Colt Matthews has no desire to marry again. Yet, despite his determination to remain single, he must consider the needs of his young daughter. Would a mother’s touch help her find the healing she needs? Is true love needed if hope exists? Journey to Freedom, Colorado in this new mail-order bride romance series and discover surprises along the way. * Content level - This story contains mild physical intimacy between a married couple.

His Virgin Widow

Melinda Barron - 2018
    My husband died on our wedding day before our wedding night. My year of mourning is over and I’m ready to live my life again. I’m nervous about re-entering society – there is still talk that I may have had something to do with my husband’s death. At my first party, I meet Lord Essex. He’s handsome and makes me nervous as well, but why does he want to spend time with me? George: I’m Lord Essex and I’ve got my eye set on one woman. A woman who needs my protection and help to clear her name. A woman who has just finished her year of mourning. She doesn’t know I’m determined to make her mine. She doesn’t know The Club I belong to, but she will. Her life is about to change, and so will mine. This is book one in The Rakes of Mayfair series. Come join the adventure as we meet the men of The Club. Publisher’s Note: This is a romance intended for adults only. It contains elements of mystery, danger, sensual scenes and the discipline of adult women. If any of these offend you, please do not purchase.


S. Cinders - 2018
    That is where the monsters live, and none who are wise enter there… Tobias and his three brothers fear they are the last wolves of Kencull. They have been searching for their mate – one who will bring peace to the land and fulfill their deepest desires… Publisher’s Note: This steamy reverse harem shifter contains elements of power exchange.