Book picks similar to
Through the Bible in One Year: A 52-Lesson Introduction to the 66 Books of the Bible by Alan B. Stringfellow
Pauses for Lent: 40 Words for 40 Days
Trevor Hudson - 2015
It gives us the chance to regroup, reflect, and refocus on God.In Pauses for Lent, Trevor Hudson offers a beautifully minimalist book in which he focuses on one word for each day of Lent. You are invited to pause, focus on the word, read a scripture and a brief meditation related to the word, and then offer a prayer.Pausing in this way will help you carve out time for God and refresh your spirit even in the midst of a busy life. You may find yourself sensing God's presence in a new way and discovering that God wants to meet you in the midst of your life as it is, muddles and all.
The Bible Project Coffee Table Book: Illustrated Summaries of Biblical Books
Timothy Mackie - 2017
The Gospel of Matthew
Curtis Mitch - 2010
This volume, like each in the series, relates Scripture to life, is faithfully Catholic, and is supplemented by features designed to help readers understand the Bible more deeply and use it more effectively.Praise for the CCSS: "These commentaries are both exegetically sound and spiritually nourishing. They are indispensable tools for preaching, catechesis, evangelization, and other forms of pastoral ministry."--Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM Cap, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
The Forgotten Way Meditations: The Path of Yeshua for Power and Peace in This Life
Ted Dekker - 2015
Do you ever wonder if we've been missing something? We claim to be saved in the next life, but can we find peace in the storms that rise up against us in this life? The answer is an unequivocal yes. But that yes means looking at ourselves and the world differently, which leads to a new way of being. The Forgotten Way Meditations is a journey of re-discovering the radical love, peace, and identity found in Yeshua so you can see and be differently. Forgotten, because Yeshua's simple path of awakening to love, peace and power in this life is rarely remembered (or understood) by millions of Christians weighed down with life's cares and concerns. Way because it is a pathway we walk, not a checklist of rules to follow. Read The Forgotten Way as a book, or take the journey through 21 short daily meditations and you will never see yourself in the same way. Come all who are weary and find rest. Enter the Way of Yeshua so easily forgotten. Take the journey from hate to love; from fear to faith. The journey from insecurity to complete rest. Here you will find peace in the storms; you will walk on the troubled seas of your life. Love, joy and peace will flow from you as living waters. (Non-Fiction/Spirituality)
The Book of Revelation Unveiled
United Church of God - 2011
They find its strange symbols and images puzzling and mysterious. But you can understand it. The book's very name mean a revealing, a way to gain understanding. Its first verse tells us it was written to reveal "things which must shortly take place."If you are confused by the book of Revelation and would like to know what it all means—and how it's cast of mysterious characters all fit within Bible prophecy—then read the Bible Study Aid ebook The Book of Revelation Unveiled.This study aid will take you through the major themes of the book of Revelation helping you to understand what Jesus Christ revealed to the apostle John and how it all fits together. Discover the major trends and future prophetic events that will shape this world—and your life—in the days ahead.Chapters in this ebook:-- The Book of Revelation: Is It Relevant Today?-- Keys to Understanding Revelation-- The Story Flow of the Book of Revelation-- Chapter Outline of the Book of Revelation-- God's Church in Prophecy-- What Is the Church?-- Duality in Bible Prophecy-- The Book of Revelation's Divine Authority-- The Seals of the Prophetic Scroll-- The Day of the Lord Finally Arrives-- Satan's War Against the People of God-- The Mark and Number of the Beast-- The Two Women of Revelation-- The 'Time of Jacob's Trouble'-- The Destruction of Satan's Kingdom-- Satan: The Great Seducer-- The Everlasting Kingdom of GodInside this Bible Study Aid ebook:"The name of the book, Revelation, is a translation of the title in the original New Testament Greek, Apocalypsis—the origin of the other name by which the book is now known, the Apocalypse. The Greek term denotes an unveiling or uncovering—thus, a revelation.""Here is the key to understanding the book. Jesus alone can unlock the meaning of its symbols, visions and descriptions...Christ reveals its meaning. He unlocks its seals. But how does He do it?""Most of Revelation—about two thirds of its content—is devoted to the seventh seal. The contents of the first six seals are found in chapter 6 alone.""How will the two witnesses and their message be received?""The book of Revelation reveals, from more than one perspective, the emergence of this vast end-time empire governed from a great city God labels “Babylon the great”, the reference here being to Rome.""Jesus Christ will return to establish that Kingdom on earth (the Kingdom of God) at His second coming, at last bringing the peace mankind has always longed for but never achieved."
Red Like Blood: Confrontations with Grace
Joe Coffey - 2011
It is told through the lives of two men a prodigal and a pastor's kid whose broken lives are forever stained the color of grace as they are confronted by the One who meets them in their hopelessness and despair, bringing redemption and healing. Red Like Blood chronicles the power of the gospel in all of its life-changing fullness. It is a story that should challenge, encourage and empower us all.
Authentic Relationships: Discover the Lost Art of "One Anothering"
Wayne Jacobsen - 2003
Readers learn to apply New Testament principles that capture the essence of Jesus' teachings about effectively caring, serving, and loving one another. Beginning with God's simple command to "Love one another," this book shows how to: * develop deep, genuine friendships* model to others a relationship with Jesus* create meaningful interaction with strangers* avoid the pitfalls of judging others* show people love, acceptance, kindness, and respect Complete with discussion questions, this book is appropriate for both individuals and church groups. It is a must for all Christians who wish to practice being the church rather than merely attending one.
A Life Well Lived: A Study of the Book of Ecclesiastes
Tommy Nelson - 2005
The great king of Israel, Solomon, though the wisest man, was not immune to their song. But at the end of his life, Solomon, in all of his God-given wisdom, stopped to contemplate on all that competed for his attention. He wrote his conclusions in the Book of Ecclesiastes.Tommy Nelson continues his study of Solomon's writings by taking an in-depth look at Ecclesiastes. In a world such as ours, where the search for meaning and purpose propels mankind to try everything under the sun, Solomon's conclusions ring louder than ever for a people who need answers more than ever.
Experiencing God: How to Live the Full Adventure of Knowing and Doing the Will of God
Henry T. Blackaby - 1990
Knowing and Doing the Will of GodA study of the Bible encouraging us to see God at work and join Him as He reveals
The Existence Of God Is Self-Evident
Choa Kok Sui - 2012
Such a straightforward book that has multiple layers of energy and helps develop spirituality just by daily reading. This treasure reveals: The path of knowledge & understanding Union of spirituality and science The I Am Spiritual Findings Spiritual evolution and its cyclical trends
How to Meditate on God’s Word: Fast and Easy Ways to Practice Intentional Bible Meditation and Grow in Faith, Worship and Prayer
Daniel C. Okpara - 2017
Meditation is the way to develop your spirit man. It helps get our minds better prepared for prayer. We are better able to focus and worship God in spirit and in truth. As you meditate on God’s word, you help your spirit, soul, and body become more detached from the influences of the world; you detach your affections from what’s not necessary and re-channel them to the most important things of life. You open yourself up to divine encounters that will establish your destiny. When you “meditate” on God’s words, they become “His sayings.” That is, God begins to talk to you through them. The Holy Spirit amplifies the Words inside of you and gives you details that could have only come from God. You gain direction. This small booklet will show you: =>What is bible meditation? =>10 benefits of meditating on the word of God. =>The 7-step method for effective Bible meditation. =>Biblical meditation techniques. =>How to meditate and talk to God. =>How to meditate on the word of God daily. =>Meditate on God's word day and night scriptures. If you desire to grow in the knowledge of God and enrich your prayer life, then this book will certainly guide you on that path.
The Advent Jesse Tree: Devotions for Children and Adults to Prepare for the Coming of the Christ Child at Christmas
Dean Meador Lambert - 1989
The day Christians celebrate that God's purpose wasfinally revealed in the coming of the savior, Jesus Christ. Eachdevotion traces the heritage of Jesus through the stories and propheciesof the Old Testament. This book enables individuals and families toengage in a more meaningful celebration of the Christmas season. Thesedaily Advent devotions are written in two versions (one for children andone for adults) including a scripture, a story and commentary, questions to ask, a prayer, and a song. Each devotional story is paired with a representative symbol thattraces the heritage of Jesus... Such as a lamb, a dove, a rainbow, aheart, a star, etc. Children and their parents can utilize the symbolicline art printed with each daily devotion to craft meaningful ornaments.These symbols coincide with the prayers, memory verses, questions forchildren, and songs found in the devotions for that day.Finally, on Christmas day, your tree will be filled with reminders of 25 Bible stories that led up to Christ's birth.
Go to Heaven: A Spiritual Road Map to Eternity
Fulton J. Sheen - 1960
Why is it, asks Bishop Fulton Sheen, that one hears so often the expression "Go to hell!" and almost never the expression "Go to heaven!" Here, at his most penetrating, challenging, and illuminating best is Bishop Sheen with his answer, in a book that breathes new meaning into the truths about heaven and hell, and new life into the concepts of faith, tolerance, love, prayer, suffering, and death.Beginning with "The First Faint Summons to Heaven," Sheen shows how unpopular it is today to be a true Christian, and describes the struggle for living our faith amid the disorders of our times. Keenly aware of evil in the myriad forms it takes in today's world, Bishop Sheen writes about the constant battle man faces with the "seven pallbearers of character" - pride, avarice, envy, lust, anger, gluttony and sloth - linking them with the corrosive forces that never cease in their attacks on the Church and those who earnestly desire to be serious Christians.In Go to Heaven, a great spiritual teacher and writer, deeply aware of the human and spiritual conflicts being waged in the world, shows us the way to heaven in a most eloquent book, encouraging the reader to choose heaven now, and to understand the "reality of hell."
The New City Catechism Devotional: God's Truth for Our Hearts and Minds
Collin Hansen - 2017
Today, this communal practice of learning basic beliefs via questions and answers has largely been lost. Seeking to restore this ancient method of teaching to the regular life of the church, The New City Catechism Devotional is a gospel-centered, modern-day resource that not only summarizes important Christian beliefs through 52 questions and answers but also helps readers meditate on and be transformed by those doctrines.Each question features devotional commentary written by leading contemporary and historical figures such as John Piper, Timothy Keller, Kevin DeYoung, D. A. Carson, Alistair Begg, Mark Dever, Augustine, John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, John Owen, Martin Luther, and many others. Each question also includes a relevant Scripture reading and short prayer.Designed for use in a variety of contexts, including with families, churches, and small groups, The New City Catechism Devotional stands as a valuable resource for helping adults and children alike learn the key doctrines that stand at the heart of the Christian faith.
Seeing the Unseen
Joe Beam - 1998
Based on Biblical principles, Seeing the Unseen helps you fight back against the enemy. In today’s world, Satan seems to be everywhere, and he seems to have the advantage. But the enemy is not of this world, and the war is in the spiritual world. Satan is trying to attack you and destroy your faith, and the only way to defeat him is to fight back. In this newly revised and updated bestseller, Joe Beam reveal Satan's powerful weaponry—his lies, deceptions, and manipulations—and unmasks his strategy to destroy your life and those you care for. This book will show you his plans and tactics, and teach you where he is likely to strike next and how to fight him. Based on a dedicated study of God’s word, this book is filled with stories of tragedy and triumph and will give you the tools you need to defeat the enemy.