Cost and Management Accounting (Theory, Problems and Solutions)

M.N. Arora - 2009
    Nature and Scope of Cost and Management Accounting 2. Cost Concepts and Classifications 3. Material Cost 4. Labour Cost 5. Overhead 6. Single or Output Costing (Cost Sheet) 7. Job Costing 8. Contract Costing 9. Process Costing 10. Marginal Costing and Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis 11. Budgetary Control 12. Standard Costing and Variance Analysis 13. Analysis of Financial Statements 14. Ratio Analysis 15. Funds Flow Statement 16. Cash Flow Statement 17. Reporting to Management 18. Miscellaneous Topics

Math Geek: From Klein Bottles to Chaos Theory, a Guide to the Nerdiest Math Facts, Theorems, and Equations

Raphael Rosen - 2015
    From manhole covers to bubbles to subway maps, each page gives you a glimpse of the world through renowned mathematicians' eyes and reveals how their theorems and equations can be applied to nearly everything you encounter. Covering dozens of your favorite math topics, you'll find fascinating answers to questions like:How are the waiting times for buses determined?Why is Romanesco Broccoli so mesmerizing?How do you divide a cake evenly?Should you run or walk to avoid rain showers?Filled with compelling mathematical explanations, Math Geek sheds light on the incredible world of numbers hidden deep within your day-to-day life.

The Power of Positive Thinking and the Amazing Results of Positive Thinking Collection

Norman Vincent Peale - 2005
    2 powerfully inspirational classics on positive thinking combined into 1 powerful book.

A Concise Textbook Of Surgery

S. Das

Calculus, Better Explained: A Guide To Developing Lasting Intuition

Kalid Azad - 2015
     Learn the essential concepts using concrete analogies and vivid diagrams, not mechanical definitions. Calculus isn't a set of rules, it's a specific, practical viewpoint we can apply to everyday thinking. Frustrated With Abstract, Mechanical Lessons? I was too. Despite years of classes, I didn't have a strong understanding of calculus concepts. Sure, I could follow mechanical steps, but I had no lasting intuition. The classes I've seen are too long, taught in the wrong order, and without solid visualizations. Here's how this course is different: 1) It gets to the point. A typical class plods along, saving concepts like Integrals until Week 8. I want to see what calculus can offer by Minute 8. Each compact, tightly-written lesson can be read in 15 minutes. 2) Concepts are taught in their natural order. Most classes begin with the theory of limits, a technical concept discovered 150 years after calculus was invented. That's like putting a new driver into a Formula-1 racecar on day 1. We can begin with the easy-to-grasp concepts discovered 2000 years ago. 3) It has vivid analogies and visualizations. Calculus is usually defined as the "study of change"... which sounds like history or geology. Instead of an abstract definition, we'll see calculus a step-by-step viewpoint to explore patterns. 4) It's written by a human, for humans. I'm not a haughty professor or strict schoolmarm. I'm a friend who saw a fun way to internalize some difficult ideas. This course is a chat over coffee, not a keep-your-butt-in-your-seat lecture. The goal is to help you grasp the Aha! moments behind calculus in hours, not a painful semester (or a decade, in my case). Join Thousands Of Happy Readers Here's a few samples of anonymous feedback as people went through the course. The material covers a variety of levels, whether you're looking for intuitive appreciation or the specifics of the rules. "I've done all of this stuff before, and I do understand calculus intuitively, but this was the most fun I've had going through this kind of thing. The informal writing and multitude of great analogies really helps this become an enjoyable read and the rest is simple after that - you make this seem easy, but at the same time, you aren't doing it for us…This is what math education is supposed to be like :)" "I have psychology and medicine background so I relate your ideas to my world. To me the most useful idea was what each circle production feels like. Rings are natural growth…Slices are automatable chunks and automation cheapens production… Boards in the shape on an Arch are psychologically most palatable for work (wind up, hard part, home stretch). Brilliant and kudos, from one INTP to another." "I like how you're introducing both derivatives and integrals at the same time - it's really helps with understanding the relationship between them. Also, I appreciate how you're coming from such a different angle than is traditionally taken - it's always interesting to see where you decide to go next." "That was breathtaking. Seriously, mail my air back please, I've grown used to it. Beautiful work, thank you. Lesson 15 was masterful. I am starting to feel calculus. "d/dx is good" (sorry, couldn't resist!)."

Jindagi Jindagi

Vijaygupt Maurya - 2006
    But some of the passengers on board luckily survived. They survived at chilling for many days in hope for help by eating the flesh from dead bodies of their own friends who died in Crash.

Enlightening Symbols: A Short History of Mathematical Notation and Its Hidden Powers

Joseph Mazur - 2014
    What did mathematicians rely on for their work before then? And how did mathematical notations evolve into what we know today? In Enlightening Symbols, popular math writer Joseph Mazur explains the fascinating history behind the development of our mathematical notation system. He shows how symbols were used initially, how one symbol replaced another over time, and how written math was conveyed before and after symbols became widely adopted.Traversing mathematical history and the foundations of numerals in different cultures, Mazur looks at how historians have disagreed over the origins of the numerical system for the past two centuries. He follows the transfigurations of algebra from a rhetorical style to a symbolic one, demonstrating that most algebra before the sixteenth century was written in prose or in verse employing the written names of numerals. Mazur also investigates the subconscious and psychological effects that mathematical symbols have had on mathematical thought, moods, meaning, communication, and comprehension. He considers how these symbols influence us (through similarity, association, identity, resemblance, and repeated imagery), how they lead to new ideas by subconscious associations, how they make connections between experience and the unknown, and how they contribute to the communication of basic mathematics.From words to abbreviations to symbols, this book shows how math evolved to the familiar forms we use today.

The (Mis)Behavior of Markets

Benoît B. Mandelbrot - 1997
    Mandelbrot, one of the century's most influential mathematicians, is world-famous for making mathematical sense of a fact everybody knows but that geometers from Euclid on down had never assimilated: Clouds are not round, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not smooth. To these classic lines we can now add another example: Markets are not the safe bet your broker may claim. In his first book for a general audience, Mandelbrot, with co-author Richard L. Hudson, shows how the dominant way of thinking about the behavior of markets-a set of mathematical assumptions a century old and still learned by every MBA and financier in the world-simply does not work. As he did for the physical world in his classic The Fractal Geometry of Nature, Mandelbrot here uses fractal geometry to propose a new, more accurate way of describing market behavior. The complex gyrations of IBM's stock price and the dollar-euro exchange rate can now be reduced to straightforward formulae that yield a far better model of how risky they are. With his fractal tools, Mandelbrot has gotten to the bottom of how financial markets really work, and in doing so, he describes the volatile, dangerous (and strangely beautiful) properties that financial experts have never before accounted for. The result is no less than the foundation for a new science of finance.

You Have The Power to Create Love: Take Another Step on the Simple Path to Happiness

Bo Sánchez
    From Bo's heart to yours, he shares common stories with uncommon stories with uncommon wisdom.

Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision

Richard Hartley - 2000
    This book covers relevant geometric principles and how to represent objects algebraically so they can be computed and applied. Recent major developments in the theory and practice of scene reconstruction are described in detail in a unified framework. Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman provide comprehensive background material and explain how to apply the methods and implement the algorithms. First Edition HB (2000): 0-521-62304-9

Archimedes' Revenge: The Joys and Perils of Mathematics

Paul Hoffman - 1988
    An extremely clever account.--The New Yorker.

The Parrot's Theorem

Denis Guedj - 1998
    He turns out to be a bird who discusses maths with anyone who will listen. So when Mr Ruche learns of his friend's mysterious death in the rainforests of Brazil he decides that with the parrot's help he will use these books to teach Max and his twin brother and sister the mysteries and wonders of numbers and shapes.But soon it becomes clear that Mr Ruche has inherited the library for reasons other than pure enlightenment, and before he knows it the household are caught up in a race to prevent the vital theorems falling into the wrong hands.Charming, fresh, with a narrative which races along, the novel takes the reader on a delightful journey through the history of mathematics.

Unbreakable: How To Prepare Yourself For A Strong Relationship

Aiman Azlan - 2019
    For the singles who are searching of love, how do you know if you are ready to commit yourself to a relationship.For those who are in a relationship, is there a method to make the romantic relationship last?Is love a matter of the heart and emotions, or can love be managed in a logical and practical manner?**In Unbreakable, Aiman Azlan encourages us to change our perspective when it comes to love and relationship — that it is not something you fall into but something that you need to prepare and work for.Not only does this book provides practical steps towards managing love, but it also guides readers on how to embrace and navigate the emotional aspect of interhuman relationship."You will never be ready to be in a committed relationship, but you can always be prepared."

One Hundred Twenty-One Days

Michèle Audin - 2014
    The narrative oscillates stylistically from chapter to chapter—at times a novel, fable, historical research, or a diary—locking and unlocking codes, culminating in a captivating, original reading experience.Michèle Audin is the author of several works of mathematical theory and history and also published a work on her anticolonialist father's torture, disappearance, and execution by the French during the Battle of Algiers.

My Brain is Open: The Mathematical Journeys of Paul Erdős

Bruce Schechter - 1998
    Hungarian-born Erdős believed that the meaning of life was to prove and conjecture. His work in the United States and all over the world has earned him the titles of the century's leading number theorist and the most prolific mathematician who ever lived. Erdős's important work has proved pivotal to the development of computer science, and his unique personality makes him an unforgettable character in the world of mathematics. Incapable of the smallest of household tasks and having no permanent home or job, he was sustained by the generosity of colleagues and by his own belief in the beauty of numbers. Witty and filled with the sort of mathematical puzzles that intrigued Erdős and continue to fascinate mathematicians today, My Brain Is Open is the story of this strange genius and a journey in his footsteps through the world of mathematics, where universal truths await discovery like hidden treasures and where brilliant proofs are poetry.