Sinatra: Up and Running

Alan Harris - 2011
    With this concise book, you will quickly gain working knowledge of Sinatra and its minimalist approach to building both standalone and modular web applications. Sinatra serves as a lightweight wrapper around Rack middleware, with syntax that maps closely to functions exposed by HTTP verbs, which makes it ideal for web services and APIs. If you have experience building applications with Ruby, you’ll quickly learn language fundamentals and see under-the-hood techniques, with the help of several practical examples. Then you’ll get hands-on experience with Sinatra by building your own blog engine. Learn Sinatra’s core concepts, and get started by building a simple application Create views, manage sessions, and work with Sinatra route definitions Become familiar with the language’s internals, and take a closer look at Rack Use different subclass methods for building flexible and robust architectures Put Sinatra to work: build a blog that takes advantage of service hooks provided by the GitHub API

Brand Strategy 101: Your Logo Is Irrelevant - The 3 Step Process to Build a Kick-Ass Brand

Michael R. Drew - 2013
    No really, it is. Let me explain.It turns out that drooling dogs and ringing bells are far more important than a logo (thank you Pavlov).Sure, successful businesses have logos--easily recognizable logos. Playboy, McDonald's, Coke. But there's far more to their success than bunny ears, golden arches or a certain shade of red. Stripped of all the marketing lingo, branding is pretty simple: Your brand is all the associations that come to mind when your potential customers see or hear your name.Whether your focus is on personal branding or on branding your company culture--you've got to have more than a fancy logo and edgy color scheme to create brand stickability (you know, a brand your customers can't get out of their heads).Well, there’s a process to capturing attention and getting your foot in the door of your customers’ minds. Here's a taste of some of the personal branding advice you'll find in this book:You must become the first solution your customer thinks of when they have a problem you can solve. How?The first step is to figure out what your audience cares about. What keeps them up at night? What problems can you help them solve? From there, you need to apply these three steps:1) Frequency2) Repetition3) AnchoringIn this e-book, we’ll show you how to figure out what your customers really want. Then we will show you how to apply these three steps to help you become the trusted resource that comes to mind first when your customer’s itch needs to be scratched.Is real and authentic branding going to happen overnight? Probably not. But ask yourself this: Do you want short-term results that lose effectiveness? Or are you willing to invest a bit more time and effort to create long-term results that get better and better?If you're looking for a branding book that promises a quick fix, this isn't the book for you. But if you want to create a brand that sticks like superglue--read this book!Go ahead and let the wimps and whiners have the get-rich quick schemes that fizzle and fall flat like a wet firework. You want to ignite a branding bonfire.

American Sniper

Ian Patterson - 2019
    THEY TAUGHT HIM TO SURVIVE. NOW THE CIA WANTS HIM DEAD!He kills from a distance, a long-range sniper rifle his weapon of choice. He's more surgeon than he is butcher, never more than one shot, one kill. The targets are not Iraqi dead-enders battling U.S. troops in Fallujah or suicide bombers targeting American soldiers in Kabul. They are not foreign despots threatening to nuke the country's west coast. They are innocent civilians in cities and towns across America, unsuspecting women and men of all ages, race, and social standing, victims of an equal opportunity assassin with a kill-count in the double digits.But is he a serial killer, an Islamic extremist, or a domestic terrorist?With the body-count rising, it's a question Deputy Director of the FBI Gloria Resnick must answer and answer quickly. With the killing spree threatening to become public, Resnick turns to long-time friend Dabney Berkshire, Assistant Deputy Director of the Counter-Terrorism Center of the CIA’s National Clandestine Service.In his line of work, Berkshire knows a thing or two about assassins. More importantly, he knows a thing or two about snipers. He also knows a guy who knows a guy who can help. A former Navy SEAL credited with more kills in Iraq and Afghanistan than even the legendary American Sniper, Chris Kyle.But will a broken-down war hero abandon the woman he loves and the war he left behind to pursue a cold-blooded killer determined to challenge even Kyle's own notorious record? To honor his fallen comrades and to atone for his own dark past, this broken-down soldier must.When a series of brazen and sensational public attacks go wrong, the battle between hunter and the hunted turns suddenly personal. And the stakes couldn't be higher. One man willing to kill for the country he serves, the other ready to die for the woman he loves.AMERICAN SNIPER is The Thrill-Read of the Summer! Add it to your reading list today!

The King of Fire

Brittany White - 2019
    She worked at a rock-climbing studio before quitting her job to go on an adventure in Tokyo. June went to visit her sister, Samantha, hoping Sam would agree to go on the expedition with her, but because it involves a semi-active volcano, Samantha refused to go with June. June decided to go on the trip anyway, much to her sister’s disappointment. Once she got there, an accident proved that Samantha might have been right after all. Mishal, the King of Fire, had been trapped for well over a century with the Royal Guardians. He hoped for their freedom as activity started within the volcano. Just when he was sure they were going to remain inside; a human girl fell through the barrier. Faced with the decision to show himself or let her die, Mishal decided the girl’s life was worth more than his secret and he shifted into his dragon form to save her. As he carried her to the safety of a local hospital, he decided that she was to be his mate no matter how long it took him to woo her. June wants to stay and learn about the man who saved her life. He had a secret. As she spent time with Mishal, she realized she was developing feelings for him, secret or not. He finally told her, and she was in complete shock but still had feelings for him she could not deny. June tried to dismiss her feelings by returning home to the states, but soon found out Sam betrayed her trust and now Mishal and his people are in danger. June must race against the clock to save Mishal and his people. Will June succeed? Will love prevail? Note: Adults Only!

Is This Love?

Martina Reilly - 2014
    Maggie has just returned home after leaving her English boyfriend. She has a secret and no idea where her future lies. All she knows is that she needs to find a job and quick, before her mother starts asking awkward questions. But Maggie soon finds out that there aren't too many jobs going in top restaurants in Dublin city. Pamela has her life sorted. She's married to Dick whose needs are simple - a clean house, quiet children and a wife that does exactly what she's told. Two sisters, once close, are forced to question everything they thought they knew and ask - Is This Love?

GRE: What You Need to Know

Kaplan Test Prep - 2012

An Unlamented Death

William Savage - 2015
    Adam Bascom trips over a body in Gressington churchyard, he never imagines it will change the whole direction of his life. As a recently-qualified physician trying to establish a practice in a small market town in north Norfolk, Adam should be devoting all his energy to his business. But it soon becomes clear that the authorities are intent on making sure the death is accepted as an accident and refuse any deeper investigation. Adam’s curiosity and sense of justice cannot accept this. He knows there are many unanswered questions about the death, but he has no standing that would allow him to become involved formally. Instead, he uses friends, old and new, unexpected contacts and even his own mother to help him get to the truth. Set against the turbulence of late-Georgian England, a country on the brink of war with Revolutionary France, the book reveals a land where spies keep constant watch on everyone the government deems ‘undesirable’, religion is polarised between the established church and a mass of dissenting sects, and the perennial ‘Irish question’ has at last spilled over into outright terrorism. Bad weather, poor harvests and enclosure have driven many people in the countryside into abject poverty. Only the smugglers along the coast offer regular and highly-paid ‘work’ helping to unload contraband. Yet here too, the Revenue’s Riding Officers, backed up by troops of dragoons, are waging an increasingly successful campaign to stamp out the major gangs. Adam must thread his way through all of this, encountering many new demands along the way, from a family torn apart by religious bigotry, and a teenage thief turned informer, to a secret section of The Alien Office, a government department dedicated to keeping a close eye on anyone likely to prove a threat to the realm. As he becomes more and more essential to the government’s efforts to combat internal dissension and prepare for war, Adam finds he must draw on all his medical and personal skills to bring the case to a successful conclusion.

Armed Gunmen, True Facts, and Other Ridiculous Nonsense: A Compiled Compendium of Repetitive Redundancies

Richard Kallan - 2005
    Illustrated with comically apt reproductions by the nineteenth-century artist George Cruikshank, Armed Gunmen, True Facts, and Other Ridiculous Nonsense is an antidote to a growing tendency in contemporary usage - and the perfect book for grammarphobes, word-geeks, and language lovers alike.

Black Bird

Greg Enslen - 2003
    He's a drifter, leaving a trail of fear and death from coast to coast. Although he has always successfully avoided capture, he is haunted by the memory of the Sheriff of Liberty, Virginia. The man died nearly catching Jack--in fact, it was only by dumb luck that Jack had escaped. And that's always bothered him. Now, he's returning to the small town to settle the score. In Liberty, David Beaumont can't wait to leave his small hometown. He's grown so tired of listening to the endless stories about what a great man his father had been, how he had saved their town from a killer, sacrificing his own life to save them. David's got his money together, he's quit his job, and he's leaving town. He's leaving it all behind him.The only problem is the killings have started again...and David's the only one that can stop them. Should he return to the small town he despises? And if he does, will he end up the way his father did--dead?

Making Soap From Scratch: How to Make Handmade Soap - A Beginners Guide and Beyond

Gregory Lee White - 2012
    White takes the reader step by step through the process of making natural soaps for family, friends, and for profit. Easy to understand and master. This second edition includes extended directions for first time soap makers, new recipes, how to make soap in small and large batches and a guide to using essential oils. Includes tips and advice for how to cut and cure soap, how to sell your soaps, packaging and labeling, and how to set up at a craft fair or market. Over 45 soap recipes from luxurious to economical.

Event Horizon

Scott McElhaney - 2011
    Testing this theory however leaves him stranded 1100 years in the future with no hope of return. What he discovers is a frightening world devoid of all life. Now he must sift through the clues to learn what became of the world he once knew. Much to his surprise, he finds that these clues may lead him to another planet nearly 12 light years away. (from

The New Uxbridge English Dictionary

Jon Naismith - 2005
    This crafty revision of English vocabulary posits that Platypus should signify “to give your cat pigtails;” that Flemish should mean “rather like snot;” and that Celtic is in fact a prison for fleas. With nearly 600 new definitions, this side-splitting resource pushes the boundaries of the English language to riotous new limits.

Evernote for your Life: A Practical Guide for the Use of Evernote in Your Everyday Life

Tyler Collins - 2012
    Whether you are... -A student struggling with reams of lecture notes, references, and recordings of talks -A journalist who needs to compile ideas, log interviews, and communicate on the move -A busy individual who wants to keep and share photos, store business cards and notes “Evernote is your new, virtual filing cabinet.” Mastering Evernote will show you how to navigate and enhance your experience of this wonderful tool in just two hours. Start slicing through the multi-layered functions and various possibilities within Evernote. Discover the tool that will change the way you remember things forever. Whether you are an advanced user wanting to push Evernote to its limits or a beginner ready to explore the impact of this free app on your life, Mastering Evernote will evolve your proficiency by stacking up tip after trick till you reach the top. We are committed to providing an up-to-date experience. Buy the book once and get access to unlimited updates as they are released. Keep reading to see how the book has already been improved and expanded since the original release in October 2012. Let us know what you think should be added in future editions! What's included in Mastering Evernote? -Amazing and creative ways to use Evernote to its fullest -Charts, and illustrations for understanding the inner workings of Evernote -How to use both the web, Desktop, and Mobile version of the Evernote application -Evernote vs. OneNote, Google Docs and other systems of organization and why it crushes the competition -How to use Evernote along with other social media including Facebook, Twitter, and blogs -How to use Evernote as file storage facilitator - never use file trees again! -How to dominate the Evernote search feature to find everything in your digital library including office documents or personal pictures -How to set up an "Evernote scanner" to get rid of all the paper in your life -How to set up the perfect Evernote user interface -Tagging best practices -The "Temporary Notebook System" that organizes any project -BONUS: The Evernote Cheat Sheet! A quick look guide for advanced searches Each section of the book takes you deeper into the functionality and inner workings of Evernote, making this book an excellent reference guide. If you’re an advanced Evernote user skip the beginner sections and jump straight to the advanced. If you’re new to Evernote just read the book front to back as each new strategy, technique, and Evernote tip builds on the one before it.

How to Find a Profitable Blog Topic Idea (Better Blog Booklets)

Steve Scott - 2013
    That's what happens to many bloggers. They work hard and create great content, but there's no way their blog will succeed. Why? Because they failed to research their blog topic ahead of time. In "How to Find a Profitable Blog Topic Idea" you'll learn a proven formula for locating a winning idea that merges YOUR personal passion with something that will actually make money. Start Your Blogging Journey... Finding a great niche is one of the first steps you'll take as a blogger. That's why it's important to get it right. Everything you do online depends on locating a topic that actually has profit potential. Fortunately, it's not hard to research a blog niche. Really, it's a simple process that anyone can do - even if you don't have computer experience. Follow the Six-Step Plan for Starting a Blog "How to Find a Profitable Blog Topic Idea" provides a step-by-step strategy that can be applied TODAY. Here's what's covered: Learn the 3 B's of Demonstrating Authority Complete the Four-Step Plan for Identifying Your Passion Use Four Tools to Find a "Hook" for Your Blog Follow the Seven-Step Plan to Determine the Profit Potential of ANY Market Ask Five Simple Questions to Finalize Your Blog Decision Learn How to Make LOTS of Mistakes and Still Succeed as a Blogger It's not hard to find a great blog idea. Just follow this blueprint and you can do it today. Would You Like To Know More? Download now and locate that perfect blog idea.

Adolph Hitler: TIME Person of the Year 1938

Time Inc. - 2016
    He had torn the Treaty of Versailles to shreds. He had rearmed Germany to the teeth— or as close to the teeth as he was able. He had stolen Austria before the eyes of a horrified and apparently impotent world. All these events were shocking to nations which had defeated Germany on the battlefield only 20 years before, but nothing so terrified the world as the ruthless, methodical, Nazi-directed events which during late summer and early autumn threatened a world war over Czechoslovakia. When without loss of blood he reduced Czechoslovakia to a German puppet state, forced a drastic revision of Europe's defensive alliances, and won a free hand for himself in Eastern Europe by getting a "hands-off" promise from powerful Britain (and later France), Adolf Hitler without doubt became 1938's Man of the Year. This story is part of the TIME Person of the Year Collection from Time Inc. This is a reproduction of a story that appeared in the January 2, 1939 issue of TIME magazine. Time Inc. is one of the world’s most influential media companies – home to 90 iconic brands like People, Sports Illustrated, Time, InStyle, Real Simple, Food & Wine, and Fortune. The Spotlight Stories in this collection aim to provide you with a quick read on a single subject, highlighting our readers’ most popular stories and featuring great reporting from our Time Inc. journalists.