Pemberley in Peril: A Pride and Prejudice Vagary

Arthel Cake - 2017
     Fitzwilliam Darcy, handsome, wealthy, heir to the vast estate of Pemberley, is unmarried after a six-year quest for the perfect wife. Elizabeth Bennet, lovely, intelligent and independent, is unmarried after a three-year quest for a husband who will appreciate her as an individual. When Darcy’s father George is diagnosed with a fatal illness, he fears that if something happens to his son before another heir is born the Darcy line will end. Mr. Bennet, a highly successful London solicitor, fears his daughter would be destroyed by the life of a spinster. The fathers arrange a marriage between Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth, much to the consternation of the two young people. As the two principals attempt to find common ground for a marriage of convenience, Darcy’s initial physical attraction to Elizabeth grows into admiration and love. Elizabeth, however, must grow past her anger and resentment to understand her own heart. But then, as the courtship progresses, a mysterious letter from a dead man brings the reappearance of Darcy’s reclusive great-aunt, Lady Agatha Quintain, whose motives may not be as benign as they seem. And a series of robberies perpetrated by Darcy’s old nemesis Wickham agitates high society and ends in the attempted murder of a family member, drawing Darcy into the pursuit. Joined by Colonel Fitzwilliam and a stranger with a personal vendetta against Wickham, they discover their quarry’s long-standing grudge against his mentor puts George Darcy in immediate deadly danger. Now as Darcy and Elizabeth begin their lives together, Wickham’s plan for revenge takes a murderous turn, while Lady Agatha follows her own plans to right an ancient wrong, whatever the cost to the Darcys. Thus is set in motion a series of devastating events that will force Darcy and Elizabeth to face a terrible secret from the past, with the power to threaten not only their marriage, but everyone and everything they love. And to ultimately put Pemberley itself in peril.

Imperative: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice, Volume 1

Linda Wells - 2012
    The problem is, he cannot just keep the secrets. They demand attention, and action, and in hopeless times, a good man does not always think things through, even when he is desperately trying to do the right thing for the two most important women in his life.In Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Fitzwilliam Darcy arrived in Ramsgate before his sister could leave with George Wickham. Things are not so easily remedied in this two-volume variation.This story contains scenes of a mature nature between a happily married couple.

There You Were: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Michelle Ray - 2021
    I cannot stop it, I cannot indulge it, so I must put distance between us and hope that time will heal this fever I have.”ABANDONED BY HER MOTHER and ignored by her father, it is hardly any wonder young Elizabeth Bennet’s curiosity soon brings about trouble and marriage to a man she does not love. Colonel Fitzwilliam’s family—save for his cousin Mr Darcy—despises her, and life is not what she dreamed of. As she matures and grows from an impetuous girl into a woman, Elizabeth’s most reliable source of friendship and comfort becomes Mr Darcy. When tragedy strikes leaving her a widow, she is free to find out [discover?] who has been in her heart all along. DARCY HAS ALWAYS BEEN INTRIGUED by the girl his beloved cousin married, and finds himself drawn into helping her after her husband’s death. Over time, admiration turns to love. Admitting his feelings to her – or even himself – could lead to ruin, but denying his passion could shatter him.

A Storm Over Netherfield: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Romance

Rosemary Barton - 2018
    While her sister Jane’s budding romance with Mr Bingley gives her joy, she has had enough of the proud Mr Darcy and Mr Bingley’s catty sisters. While waiting for her father to send the carriage to fetch them home, she decides to go for a walk in the woods around Netherfield Park to escape their company. A storm strikes earlier than expected, catching her unawares. In her rush to return to Netherfield, Elizabeth twists her ankle. Soaked through and in pain, she is mortified when she is found by Mr Darcy, the man she cannot stand. With the roads flooded and Elizabeth unable to walk without aid, the Bennet girls have no choice but to spend another week at Netherfield Park Darcy has been troubled by his attraction for the lively but unsuitable Elizabeth Bennet. After a week in her presence when she has bewitched him beyond his comfort, he is relieved that she is to go home. But when the storm strikes and Elizabeth doesn’t return from her walk, he leaves at once to search for her. Now, he must spend another week under the same roof as this fascinating woman and he is uncertain whether he can continue to resist his powerful feelings for her. As Elizabeth and Darcy spend more time together, they slowly let their guards down as they discover new things to admire about one another. Elizabeth wonders if she has misjudged Darcy while he finds he cares less and less about what the world might think if he was to choose Elizabeth as his bride. But Miss Bingley is determined to have Mr Darcy for her husband. Forced to play hostess to the girl who is winning the heart of the man she desires, her jealousy gets the better of her and she is willing to do all she can to come between them. Confusion and misunderstandings increase with the arrival of another unexpected visitor and Elizabeth and Darcy must decide if their feelings for one another are strong enough to conquer their own pride as well as the interference of others.

Longbourn Inheritance: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Laraba Kendig - 2021
    Mr. Darcy is intrigued, Mr. Collins is baffled and Mr. Wickham is enticed.Matthew Bennet, Lydia's twin brother, has died. Elizabeth finds herself managing the Longbourn estate, while balancing the needs of her family with her own desires for a happy future.Mr. Bingley rents Netherfield, and his friend, Mr. Darcy, comes to visit. When Darcy is injured, it is Elizabeth who comes to his rescue, sparking a friendship that surprises them both.Mr. Collins's foolishness, Mr. Wickham's greed and Lady Catherine's ambition cause the situation to grow far more complicated for our favorite characters. Will Darcy and Elizabeth overcome adversity to find their happily ever after?

Follies and Vices: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Emily Russell - 2019
    In particular, she’d been looking forward to dancing with the charming, amiable George Wickham. But when he fails to appear, Elizabeth blames the proud Mr Darcy and his animosity against Wickham for keeping him away. Disappointed in Wickham’s absence and eager to escape Mr Darcy and the flirtation of her boorish cousin, Mr Collins, she escapes to a quieter part of the house. But she is not alone. Wickham owes money to dangerous criminals and the only way he can pay them back is to allow them into Netherfield Park while everyone is distracted by the ball. To Elizabeth’s horror, Wickham and his accomplices seize her so she cannot expose them. Fitzwilliam Darcy has never been so bewitched by any woman as he is by Elizabeth Bennet. When she agreed to dance with him, he was so overwhelmed with delight, he could hardly speak. But she attracts him more than he likes and she is far too unsuited to be mistress of Pemberley. Wanting to avoid her before he makes her an offer he will regret, Darcy escapes to the garden. While there, he witnesses a strange sight; two men running across the lawn holding the very woman Darcy hoped to avoid. He pursues them but is soon outnumbered. Only the knowledge that Darcy’s wealthy family will pay for his return keeps him safe. Darcy claims Elizabeth as his betrothed to add her to the ransom but when the thieves decide Darcy’s uncle will pay more for a Mrs Darcy than a Miss Bennet, the pair are forced into an illegal marriage ceremony. When they finally escape with help from an unexpected source, they are forced to put their differences aside as they navigate a dangerous countryside littered with rogues and highwaymen. And as their journey brings them closer together and forces them to disregard the rules of proprietary, they discover that their unwanted spouse might just be more perfect for them than they ever imagined.

The Recovery of Fitzwilliam Darcy

Lucy Marin - 2021
    IN 1789 A TERRIBLE CRIME IS COMMITTED, plunging one family into grief as another rejoices in the gift of an unexpected son. Two decades later, a chance meeting leads to the discovery of the lost heir of Pemberley and the man who knew himself as Mr William Lucas is restored to his birthright as Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pemberley. DISCOVERING THE TRUTH ABOUT HIS PAST means leaving behind everyone and everything he has ever known and loved—including his childhood best friend and soon-to-be betrothed, Elizabeth Bennet. Tormented by questions about himself, and his place, Darcy struggles to understand and adapt to his changed identity and his new life. He must contend with a father buried in the shadows of the past and family relationships he does not understand. The truth has come out. Some have gained by it, some have lost by it, and I am in the middle. I cannot possibly make everyone happy. No matter what I do, someone will suffer. No matter what I do, I shall suffer.Somehow, he must find a way to do right by his new and old families, especially if he is to avoid losing Elizabeth forever.

The Ruin of Elizabeth Bennet: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Darcie Rochester - 2018
    It falls upon Elizabeth to navigate their way, a nearly impossible task given their meager funds. When she becomes reacquainted with Mr. Darcy, she hopes she has found her salvation. But it is ruin he offers her. This book contains dark themes and scenes of a sensual nature. Reader discretion is advised.

A Gentleman's Honor: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Melanie Rachel - 2021
    It’s all Fitzwilliam Darcy’s fault.Elizabeth Bennet wants the truth from Mr. Darcy. When she follows him from the ballroom to insist upon it, she becomes an unwilling witness to a scandalous scene. And for once, she cannot blame Mr. Darcy for disdaining his company. Not even when he departs Netherfield in the middle of the ball.When Darcy returns to London, he leaves both Miss Elizabeth Bennet and his growing infatuation for her behind. Or so he believes. For soon, their paths cross again under the most painful of circumstances.Elizabeth suddenly finds herself dependent upon Mr. Darcy. With the gradual unveiling of his character, she is surprised by a burgeoning affection for him. Will her heart survive their inevitable parting?Thrust together out of necessity, Elizabeth and Darcy must discover the culprit responsible for their predicament. But whoever has harmed Elizabeth is still looking for her, and Darcy cannot hide her forever.

Balter: A Retelling of Pride and Prejudice

Newton Priors - 2020
    They stop to see Pemberley and Elizabeth encounters Mr. Darcy, a man she has never met before. She expects never to see him again, but her expectations prove mistaken. Repeatedly.

The Kidnapping of Elizabeth Bennet: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jennifer Kay - 2021
    Elizabeth has disappeared, and all signs point towards kidnapping. Determined to save the woman he loves, Darcy convinces her father to let him assist in the search. But finding Elizabeth does not guarantee that the danger has passed – and Darcy may still be the last man on earth she could ever be prevailed upon to marry. Will Elizabeth be able to reclaim her future? And if so, is there a place for Darcy by her side?

In Search of Happiness: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Nicky Roth - 2019
    In this slow-paced feel-good variation of Pride and Prejudice, Fitzwilliam Darcy, disillusioned and tired of London society, decides that it is time to take a break and do something both drastic and unexpected to at long last find himself again and quite unexpectedly also happiness and love.

Don't flatter yourself: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sydney Salier - 2019
     What if Mr Bennet married a second time and his new wife is a lady with impeccable manners, who is down-playing the fact that she really is a Lady. Will the improved manners of all the ladies make a difference to Mr Darcy? Or is the Bennets' perceived social standing and lack of wealth still an issue for him? Will Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet have a happily ever after?

The Secrets of Darcy and Elizabeth: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Victoria Kincaid - 2014
    Paris is teeming with English visitors during a brief moment of peace in the Napoleonic Wars, but Darcy’s spirits don’t lift until he attends a ball and unexpectedly encounters…Elizabeth Bennet! Darcy seizes the opportunity to correct misunderstandings and initiate a courtship.Their moment of peace is interrupted by the news that England has again declared war on France, and hundreds of English travelers must flee Paris immediately. Circumstances force Darcy and Elizabeth to escape on their own, despite the risk to her reputation. Even as they face dangers from street gangs and French soldiers, romantic feelings blossom during their flight to the coast. But then Elizabeth falls ill, and the French are arresting all the English men they can find….When Elizabeth and Darcy finally return to England, their relationship has changed, and they face new crises. However, they have secrets they must conceal—even from their own families.

Into Hertfordshire

Stanley Michael Hurd - 2013
    Bingley, has acquired a new manor. Darcy accompanies his friend into the wilds of Hertfordshire, where each of them encounters the lady who will change his life. Follow the beginnings of a story that will take Darcy from the heights of wealth and status, to the depths of pain and self-condemnation, and, ultimately, to the safe haven of the love and respect of his heart’s mistress. This lovingly crafted companion to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice will give her fans a feeling of homecoming, and a chance to see this beloved story from a new perspective, all the while immersed in the endearing world of Regency England Austen so masterfully created. Darcy’s Tale was written first for the readers who were enchanted by the original and wanted the chance to return, to learn more about one of the most popular characters in English literature. But it is also for those new to the Pride & Prejudice saga: Darcy was a wealthy, well-intentioned, intelligent, and educated man; how on Earth did he become so thoroughly tangled by his acquaintance with Miss Elizabeth Bennet? She, too, is among that rarefied firmament of favourite English characters: her pert manners, quick wit, and quiet beauty made her a strong, independent figure of a woman who was over a hundred years ahead of her time. The clash of their personalities and the nearly constant misunderstanding between them, founded on an unfortunate first impression, has delighted readers for two hundred years. This, then, is a new view of their first year as seen through Darcy’s eyes, and written by a man who insisted both that Darcy should be true to Austen’s vision of him, and that he should be a man throughout: wrong, perhaps at times, but always prepared to stand up and do what he saw as necessary and right, especially when he found himself to be in the wrong. Darcy’s Tale is written in the richly textured style of Regency English, and even the most demanding Austen fan will find little here to cavil with—but they will certainly find many new thoughts, perceptions, and interpretations to revel in. Volume 1 takes Darcy to Hertfordshire and the beginnings of his relationship with Elizabeth. In Volume 2: Into Kent, the two meet again at Rosings, the estate of Darcy’s Aunt Catherine. In Volume 3: Back Home, Darcy’s many trials and labours are concluded, and he finds his true place in life, at last.