Book picks similar to
Winter's Fall by Alex Whitehall


What Devilry is This?: A Paranormal Women's Fiction Novel

Sam Cheever - 2021
    Not what I expected at all. But, I’m having a ton of fun in between the…you know…near death experiences and bladder-testing moments of complete terror.Curse, curse, swear! How did midlife get so out of control? All I wanted was to make my own mark on the world. Start my own business and celebrate the end of an uninspiring marriage. Instead, I have a bat in my belfry. Not a metaphor…a REAL bat. The woods in my back yard is full of something dark from my nightmares. I’ve got a mysterious and sexy neighbor who seems to appear out of nowhere and knows more about my life than he should. And my best friends? Yeah, they’re witches.What the..?My life has become a carnival and I’m sitting at the OhMyGoddessNo! spot on the most heart-stopping roller coaster.Things are getting hairier than my chin. And midlife is definitely not shaping up to be the calm and graceful phase I’d been expecting.But, I’ve got a good grip on my granny panties and I’m taking the ride. What could possibly go wrong?


N.R. Walker - 2012
    That's what he calls me. I am a Dychiiop. We are a race of people who transmogrify into more than one form. I come from a place known as Auhin. We are a peaceful planet and people. An asteroid struck my ship, damage irreparable, mission aborted. Setting off alarms, shutting down sections of the ship along with the backups, I could do nothing but make it to safety and shift into another form and suspend while the ship spiralled out of control. My ship crash-landed on what I thought was a deserted place. I made it out with minor cuts as I made it to safety from the crash. I sat there in shock and watched my ship burn to nothing. All communications to my home planet, lost, gone. Gone was my link to everything I knew. This is the first time that I have ever felt so alone. What a strange place to be lost in. I found shelter from the elements and settled in to rest and recover. Shortly thereafter, I detected someone watching me. So close, so very close….…I was captured and imprisoned by this man [Photo 2]. They call him Von.[Photo 2] He is a sadistic human who continues to conduct cruel experiments on us. I am imprisoned in a place somewhere underground where the light is false. It is cold here, an unnatural cold. The experiments have left me unable to fully shift. It is too painful to be awake most of the time, too painful to sleep for the nightmares. I am in limbo. I am not alone here. I hear others. There are rooms which hold beings that are part human and something else. I do not know. I hear screams, weeping, so much pain.There are four other humans (?) in white coats who get their orders from this Von human. I hear their whispers when he is away. They speak often of TradeCap or Sector 5. A sector where those who have genetically "Completed" end up. When you are sent there, you do not return... I miss my home, my people. I hate it here. Am I to continue to suffer a fate worse than death at the hands of this insane human? I've been on this god-forsaken planet for a few months? Weeks, who knows? How do I get out?[Photo 3] My name is Rhys Denali Delacroix. I was born a lion shifter. I belong to an elite organization that rescues and protect shifters of all kinds. Our undercover missions infiltrate the worst offenders who otherwise have the money and means to slip under the radar and bureaucratic red tape to carry out their experiments. This is the worst I've seen yet. I wear one of the white coats. I oversee Sector 7 where Sin is housed.The first time I laid eyes on Sin a few months ago, there was no doubt in my mind that he is to be with me. Since then I've craved Sin like my next breath. Fuck! I've never met anyone like him before. I can only watch him from afar without blowing my cover. Why now? Shit! Couldn't this happen at any other time? I've kept him in a state of suspension. I cannot bear to hear his screams. But I have to be careful. I have to find a way to keep him safe and bide my time. Von has become suspicious of my movements in the lab. He may be on to me. He's had a possessive eye on Sin from the very first day and it has been full of lust ever since.Photo Description: [Photo 1] Half naked man, wearing only leather pants and matching wrist cuffs, with the top of his ass exposed. His hands are raised above his head, and tied. He can't escape. He has jet black hair with a stripe of white strands at his forehead, almond shaped eyes and a sweet smile. [Photo 2] A well-defined man standing in an expensive suit, with his shirt open, exposing his muscular torso. His stance is dominating, his look is threatening. His eyes are cold and his smile is sinister. He's clearly used to getting what he wants, when he wants it, whatever the cost. [Photo 3] A close-up face-only photo of a dark-skinned man, with full, beautiful lips and sky-blue eyes. His stare is captivating, crystal clear and a true window to his soul. His eyes alone tell us he is strong and honest. His eyes tell us he will defend what is right, what is his.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love is Always Write" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.Read the story here or find it in Love Is Always Write: Volume 9.__________Genre: Sci-Fi; paranormal; other-worldTags: Sci-Fi; scientist; shifters; under-cover agents; abduction; experiments; bondedWarnings: almost dub-con; torture; violenceWord count: 12,233


Zoe Perdita - 2013
    Ben thought they were mates, but the rules of their pack kept them apart.Axel Cross is a fuck-up. The sexy tattooed wolf threw away his chances of ever becoming pack alpha at seventeen, and Ben has no idea why.When Axel’s uncle kicks Ben out of their Pittsburgh pack, it’s the chance the omega has been waiting for. Then Axel demands to accompany the smaller wolf. The only problem is Ben wants to run away for good – away from the pack Axel’s uncle decided the omega should join and away from Axel. But Axel doesn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. He’s determined to go with Ben, even if the omega doesn’t want him around. While desire stirs between Axel and Ben, years of heartache haunt them. Can the alpha and omega let go of their past and the old pack in order to find a bright new future together?

The Sticks

J.F. Smith - 2012
    He’s given up and wants to be as far away as possible from the place that has been the source of his troubles all his life. But to his disappointment, he finds himself in the last place he expected. And a chance encounter with a redneck and a stubborn hound dog aren’t helping, either. That is… until they do.Invincibility can be found in the strangest places.This short story by JF Smith imagines that, perhaps, very big things can happen in very small moments.

Frangipani and the Very Shiny Boy

R. Cooper - 2013
    Frangipani is a fairy with a problem; he has a found a human that shines like no other, but he can't seem to get that human to notice him.

A Lot To Be Thankful For

J.L. Langley - 2008
    Short story about Sterling and Rhys

Jaden's Honor

Sassy Lane - 2014
    “Oh, Jade… If only you could be here… I’m so sorry…”I’m fairly open to whatever the author wishes. I see this as a royal birth, potentially on a far-away planet where there is some kind of conflict among houses/planets/enemies; and “Jade” (you can change the name if they speak to you) is out fighting. He could be on the opposite side if that suits you. Maybe they had a fight that morning? Maybe it was a sudden war with neighbors? Maybe it’s twins? Bonus points if you can work the quote in and/or expand upon it. Angst is fine too.Photo Description: A pregnant male falls to the floor in pain. He is completely covered in fine clothing with only his face and fingertips visible. He is clutching a heavy curtain for support, and there is no one around to help him.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love’s Landscapes" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story. This story may contain sexually explicit content and is intended for adult readers. It may contain content that is disagreeable or distressing to some readers. The M/M Romance Group strongly recommends that each reader review the General Information section before each story for story tags as well as for content warnings.

Half Past Forever

A. Morell - 2014
    Yet he tells me something that’s hard for me to believe, he tells me he is immortal. That’s not all though he seems to believe I’m the man he has dreamed about for thousands of years, that I’m his mate. The more I think about it the more I believe, well I believe that he isn’t exactly human I’m not so sure about the mate part. Still I can’t imagine what’s supposed to happen now.Photo Description: Two men huddle naked in shadows, one perched on the edge of a seat and the other kneeling between his spread knees. The seated man is faceless in the dark, but his hands lie tenderly on the back of the kneeling man’s neck and shoulder.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love’s Landscapes" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story. This story may contain sexually explicit content and is intended for adult readers. It may contain content that is disagreeable or distressing to some readers. The M/M Romance Group strongly recommends that each reader review the General Information section before each story for story tags as well as for content warnings.

The Student Prince

FayJay - 2010
    A modern day (BBC) Merlin AU set at the University of St Andrews, featuring teetotal kickboxers, secret wizards, magnificent bodyguards of various genders, irate fairies, imprisoned dragons, crumbling gothic architecture, arrogant princes, adorable engineering students, stolen gold, magical doorways, attempted assassination, drunken students, shaving foam fights, embarrassing mornings after, The Hammer Dance, duty, responsibility, friendship and true love...145,248 Words Complete

Lovers Redeemed

VaneCaos - 2011
    “Lovers Redeemed” is the English translation of VaneCaos's original Spanish fanfic “Amantes Redimidos”, a VishousxButch/ButchxVishous story, based on the Black Dagger Brotherhood novels by JR Ward.Cover design by Daggher.

A Tri Omega Mates Christmas

Stormy Glenn - 2010
    Jake and Lucas are planning a special surprise for Leyland to celebrate their first Christmas together but when Lucas disappears on his way to town to get their gift, can Jake and Leyland survive the wait or will their Christmas be ruined?

The Importance of Turning Around Three Times Before Lying Down

Otter (AO3) - 2013
    He is the most awesome dog ever, and Stiles and his new dog totally have a bond. A deep, unbreakable bond because this dog is his spirit animal, obviously. Now he just has to convince the dog of that.Words: 31661 complete

Saving Connor

Lightning on the Wave - 2005
    Harry's twin Connor is the Boy Who Lived, and Harry is devoted to protecting him by making himself look ordinary. But certain people won't let Harry stay in the shadows...Cover art by kimpertinent (

The Practical Guide to Trying Not to Die

Sam Schooler - 2013
    In the past three hours, he’s been attacked by Lord of the Rings lookalikes, saved by his hot but weird next-door neighbor, threatened with a pair of Manolos, and been told he has to move out of his house.Oh, and he has to leave this dimension, too. So there’s that.His neighbor, Soren Greenfield, is not only a gardening fanatic and an avid swimmer, but a guardian — a member of a fierce, loyal league of warriors who have sworn their lives to protect the keys. Unfortunately for Danny, he’s a key, and he possesses a well of magic that can be tapped and manipulated by sorcerers. Soren’s job is to protect Danny from sorcerers, and now that a particularly powerful one (code name: Doctor Doom) has set his sights on Danny (a geeky geology major with inferiority issues, no combat skills, and a smart mouth), Soren is probably going to regret that oath he took to give his life in exchange for Danny’s.Together with Danny’s black belt best friend Malia Hesse, they escape to Lohrfast, Danny’s birthplace and Soren’s home, in order to ensure Danny’s safety. Arriving at White Oak, one of the League’s training camps, should be the end of their travel, but there are dangers within the League as well, and when Danny, Soren, and Malia are forced to make a desperate journey to the League’s largest stronghold, Soren’s secrets catch up with them.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.

Tiger and the Raven

Mari Evers - 2009
    159,173 so far Warnings! This fiction is YAOI! Turn around now unless you really know what you're getting yourself into. I take no responsibility for offended egos or muddled brains.