Catholic Book Of Prayers: Popular Catholic Prayers Arranged For Everyday Use

Maurus Fitzgerald - 1982
    Today's most popular general prayer book, the Catholic Book of Prayers offers prayers for every day, as well as many special prayers including prayers to the Blessed Trinity, Our Lady, and the Saints. Compiled and edited by Rev. Maurus FitzGerald, O.F.M., this giant type book has a brown vinyl cover with a ribbon for convenient place-keeping and can be carried easily in a purse or pocket. With a helpful summary of our Catholic Faith, this useful prayer book will prove invaluable for making regular prayer easy and meaningful.


Mike Lupica - 1995
    So the New York Knicks summon DiMaggio, a former lawyer and onetime minor league baseball player who specializes in the world of sports--a world where drugs, sex, and violence get even more press than the games.

The G.O.D. Experiments: How Science Is Discovering God in Everything, Including Us

Gary E. Schwartz - 2006
    Schwartz, Ph.D., there is compelling scientific evidence that we no longer have to accept God on faith alone. Through a multidisciplinary approach, Harvard University-educated Dr. Schwartz blends psychology, quantum physics, and mathematics to examine the science of spirit. Faith and science are not mutually exclusive, and a better understanding of their relationship can lead us to recognize how God operates in everything.Trained in the scientific method as an "open-minded skeptic," Dr. Schwartz was taught how to raise questions, turn them into hypotheses, and design experiments to test them. He was not trained to consider the nature of God. And yet, his scientific research led him directly to the discovery of God's existence in intelligent evolution and everyday life.Scientifically rigorous and spiritually reassuring, this eye-opening book is a wake-up call for anyone who wonders about life's true meaning and who longs to believe in the existence of a universal intelligence.

When You Pray: A Practical Guide to an Orthodox Life of Prayer

L. Joseph Letendre - 2017
    Praying consistently seems almost impossible. Too often and too easily, prayer becomes a burden: one more item on an already overcrowded to-do list. Failing to pray becomes a source of guilt and stress as we must once again admit our inconstancy and procrastination to our father confessor. Yet, our Lord said, “Come to me, all of you who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. My burden is easy and my yoke is light” (Matt. 11:30). The purpose of this book, then, is not to add to the burden, but to ease it by distilling the advice and experience of those who pray.

Heroic Living: Discover Your Purpose and Change the World

Chris Lowney - 2009
    Each of us has a special purpose in life—do you know what yours is? In Heroic Living, best-selling author and former investment banker Chris Lowney combines the proven practices of Ignatian spirituality with his business expertise to help each of us discover our mighty purpose in life and develop a personal life strategy to achieve it.By merging Ignatian Spirituality with astute business knowledge, Lowney provides the tools and strategies needed to make practical, long-term life changes that move us away from our fractured, compartmentalized lives and toward the satisfaction and wholeness that each of us desires so deeply.

Underground Church: A Living Example of the Church in Its Most Potent Form

Brian Sanders - 2018
    A new expression of the church has been quietly growing. It's something of an experiment, but over the last ten years the church has been validating its ideas with sustained and growing results. At The Underground, being the church is not focused around a weekly gathering or church programs. It's about empowering individuals to respond to God's call to ministry and mission, especially to the poor and disadvantaged in our midst.While many churches talk about discerning calling and engaging in mission, very few are structured to make this their ministry focus. Underground Church is a new vision for the church rooted in its biblical mission to share the love of God and serve the poor. Sanders explores how to make structural changes, how to think about leadership, how to fund ministries, and how to truly engage people in God's mission. Filled with creative insights, he explains what it means to center the mission of the church around the callings of individuals to outward ministry - whether that involves leading Bible studies in the workplace, feeding the homeless, or working to free women and children from sex trafficking.This book will both tell the inspiring story of a church that is rethinking what church looks like while also outlining and uncovering the principles that transfer for every church and Christian community that hopes for more. It's the true story of a 10-year experiment that unpacks the possibilities of a church structured and streamlined for mission.

Heaven on Earth: What the Bible Teaches about Life to Come

Derek W.H. Thomas - 2018
    Do you know with any certainty where your conscious, thinking, self-aware, communicative self will be? And does it matter, as long as you are in 'heaven'? But the importance of 'heaven' does not consist only in it being the alternative to 'hell'. It is not just an abstract future state into which we will slip, it is a physical reality which can give us joy and hope even now as we look toward it.Derek Thomas examines how the Christian can and should think about heaven:1. We Die ... Then what?2. Are You Ready?3. Falling Asleep4. The Trumpet Shall Sound5. The New Heaven and New Earth6. What Will Heaven be Like?7. Like the Angels

The Search

Chris Stefanick - 2020

Ancient Book of Jubilees

Ken Johnson - 2013
    H. Charles, and was recently found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Book of Jubilees is also called the Little Genesis, Book of Divisions, and the Apocalypse of Moses. It repeats the events of Genesis and Exodus from Creation to the Exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt. It recounts the events in sets of jubilees (sets of 49 years) and gives additional details such as the fall of the angels, and the creation and destruction of the Nephilim. It also mentions the three classes of pre-flood Nephilim. It details the fact that one-tenth of their disembodied spirits would remain on earth as demons to tempt people and nine-tenths would be chained until the Tribulation Period. Learn what secrets this Dead Sea Scroll holds. Compare the mysterious Qumran calendar with that of the Bible to learn more about biblical prophecies. The commentary is written from a fundamentalist Christian perspective. Brought to you by Biblefacts Ministries,

The Fabric of Theology: A Prolegomenon to Evangelical Theology

Richard Lints - 1993
    After showing that today's evangelicals have not fared well in the crucible of modern pluralism, Lints argues that in order to regain spiritual wholeness, evangelicals must relearn how to think and live theologically. This book highlights several cultural and theological impediments to doing theology from an evangelical perspective, interacts with postmodernism as a theological method, and provides a provocative new outline for the construction of a truly "transformative" evangelical theology in the modern age.

How Satan Deceives People (The Patristic Heritage Book 1)

Elder Cleopa - 2018
    Many are his delusions, and, unfortunately, many more people willingly allow themselves to be deceived by his lies, ignoring the divine truth and believing that transgressions are justifiable and good. Satan orders legions of demons to unleash their wrath upon us humans, for he detests the fact that God created us in His Image and Likeness. He envies us and whispers lies into our hearts, but do you know what his greatest trickery is? In the first book of The Patristic Heritage Series entitled How Satan Deceives People , Elder Cleopa exposes the Devil's most wicked and cunning methods used to trick people into sinning, and thus losing their salvation. An eye opener and a must read for people who suffer of spiritual procrastination. The Patristic Heritage Series Book 1 - How Satan Deceives People Book 2 - How God Judges People

The Spirit World

Clarence Larkin - 1920
    The numerous charts illuminate the descriptive matter, and beautiful pictures show the ministry of angels and other heavenly beings. The prayer of the Author is that the Holy Spirit will use the book to free those who are entrapped in the net of 'Spiritism, ' and cause the curious and sorrowing to turn to the 'Word of God' for help, and the answer to their questioning."-From the Foreword.

Freedom For All

Neville Goddard - 2007
    Drawn from the author's own mystical illumination, this book reveals the truth buried within the stories of the old and new testaments alike. Briefly, the book states that consciousness is the one and only reality, that consciousness is the cause and manifestation is the effect. It draws the reader's attention to this fact con�stantly, that the reader may always keep first things first. Having laid the foundation that a change of consciousness is essential to bring about any change of expression, this book explains to the reader a dozen different ways to bring about such a change of consciousness. Freedom for All outlines a realistic and constructive principle that works. The revelation it contains will, if applied correctly, set you free.

Truth Or Territory: A Biblical Approach to Spiritual Warfare

Jim Osman - 2015
    Using Scripture, and Scripture alone, Pastor Jim Osman shows that true spiritual warfare is not a battle over territory, but a battle for the truth. The book is divided into four sections: Establishing Biblical Principles, Exposing Unbiblical Practices, Explaining Biblical Perspectives and Examining a Biblical Passage. A biblical approach to spiritual warfare recognizes the Bible as the sole authority, rejects unbiblical and man-made methods, and rests in Christ and His finished work for victory. Many in the modern spiritual warfare movement teach a methodology of spiritual warfare that is more akin to something you would find in a Harry Potter novel (renouncing curses and using prayer mantras to seize territory) than anything described in Scripture. Many of these practices reflect a theology built on anecdotes, experience, and interviews with demons rather than a sound exegesis of Scripture. Footnoted quotations of authors like Mark Bubeck, Neil T. Anderson, and others are compared against Scripture to show that modern spiritual warfare "experts" have abandoned the authority of Scripture and opted for man-made methods to wage spiritual battle. The chapters include a study of the three enemies that every Christian faces: the world, the flesh, and the devil. Pastor Osman answers from Scripture the questions: Can a Christian be demon-possessed? Is Christ's authority ours? and, What about exorcisms? One chapter includes a helpful discussion of the link between spiritual warfare and a believer's sanctification. The foreword is written by international conference speaker Justin Peters ( This book is being published as an e-book as a fundraiser to finish the new church building of Kootenai Community Church ( of which Jim is one of the pastors. All the proceeds go the building fund for the completion of that project. You can see regular updates at .

A Reformed Baptist Manifesto

Samuel E. Waldron - 2004